Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 250 The Horror Booklet

Chapter 250 The Horror Booklet

"Since it's so hot, why don't you go with me to the department to turn on the air conditioner? The air conditioner in the department is on 24 hours a day."

"And unlike other places, the department has its own power plant, so there is no need to worry about being hacked by these insects from the outside." Li Xing'er said with a smile after hearing sister Hong'er's translation.

Xiaopangju is so hot, so go back with him, she will take good care of Xiaopangju in the department.

"Aww~ (Forget it, I don't want to go to the department, if it's really too hot? I'll go take a bath by myself.)" Cheng Hao shook his head and said when he heard this.

It's too noisy to go inside the department, and every guy wants to take the opportunity to touch him.

He still prefers to stay in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, at least on such a hot day, there are not many tourists in the Tiger Park to disturb his rest.

And where there are mountains and water, you can go wherever you want to escape the heat.

"It's so boring to take a bath, it's better to blow on the air conditioner and eat ice cream." Li Xing'er heard this, and immediately said seductively: "There are a lot of delicious ice cream in the department, as long as you follow me obediently, I promise you You can eat a lot of delicious food.”

"Aww~ (I'm interested in what you said, but you have to ask your sister if you agree, I think it's a bit difficult.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao's ears immediately perked up At the same time as he got up, he looked at Sister Hong'er with unkind eyes, and quickly shrank back.

"What are you talking about, you little villain? Sister." Li Xing'er asked curiously upon hearing this.

"He's saying you're looking for a beating." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and gave Li Xing'er a chestnut on the forehead.

"Ah? Sis, you're full, why don't you hit me?" Li Xing'er screamed, holding her head. She was just asking a question, so why hit her so nicely?
"I managed to make this little villain lose a few pounds recently, and you still took him to eat ice cream. Do you want my hard work during this period to be in vain?" Sister Hong'er rolled up her sleeves and said angrily.

Well, the biggest enemy is actually the teammates around her, this is something she never expected.

"Ah? Isn't the chubby orange very healthy? Why lose weight?" Li Xing'er, who was holding her head, asked doubtfully.

Little Pangju looks so plump and round, why do you want to lose weight?This weight loss will not have the original feeling.

"Aww~ (I think so too, but my sister doesn't think it's good.)" Cheng Hao sighed after hearing this.

He also thinks there is no problem with his body shape, but what can he do if someone thinks there is a problem?

"Look at his belly is dragging to the ground, isn't there a problem? It's a big problem, so recently I have made a series of weight loss plans according to his physical condition." Sister Hong'er said, pointing Cheng Hao's big belly.

Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately took a deep breath to keep his stomach up a little, but the effect was not obvious after doing so.His big belly was still very close to the ground.

"Stop sucking your stomach, you little rascal, your stomach is solid, no matter how much you suck it, you won't be able to get it in." Sister Hong'er couldn't help scolding with a smile when she saw it.

Do you still want to hide your belly in this way?That was a bit of a self-deception.

No matter how much he sucked, he couldn't hold his stomach.

"Aww~ (I'm puffing out my chest and raising my head, not sucking my stomach. Sister, you read it wrong.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but defend himself when he saw his little trick was discovered.

"Is it really like this?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

This little villain is still saving face now, and was caught by her with all the stolen goods.I'm still here to deny it.

"Aww~ (Of course.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and replied.

Although the fact is such a thing, as long as he does not admit it.That's never the case.

"Okay, my sister will treat you as if you held your head high. But you don't know if you don't go to the department? You have to stay honestly with my sister in the Tiger Garden." Sister Hong'er said, then turned to Li Xing'er who was beside her. : "And you, the commander told you to go back, you should go back quickly, don't stay here any longer."

"Understood, sister. I just want to take Xiaopangju to play. As for being so strict?" Li Xing'er touched her aching head and said, and then directly combined the armor.

If I had known that she should have put on the armor just now, then my sister would not be able to hurt her.

"Who made you want to destroy Xiaoju's weight loss results?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

If this girl hadn't said that she wanted Xiaoju to eat ice cream, she wouldn't have beat her up. Generally speaking, the other party asked for it.

"Who knew that even the little tiger would lose weight these days?" Li Xing'er muttered, "Little Pangju told you to follow me. If you followed me, why would you need to lose weight? Eat as much as you want. Drink as much as you want, and sleep as much as you want."

"Look at how uncomfortable you are going through now, how can you not regret it later?"

"Aww~ (My lord will not regret it, you can go back to the department quickly. Stop rambling here, the department still has business waiting for you.)" Cheng Hao urged.

It's easy to say, but in the end, even sister Hong'er can't carry a big chestnut. What's the use of following this kind of guy?Still have to live a hard life.

"Okay, you little villain doesn't appreciate it anymore. I'll come to you next time." Hearing this, Li Xing'er stared round and said, before flying towards the sky.

"Aww~ (Sister, are you quiet? I'm fine. I'm your comfortable little padded jacket. She tempted me like this, but I didn't go with her. Should I be rewarded with an ice cream?)" Looking at Li Xing'er who was flying into the sky, Cheng Hao approached Sister Hong'er who was looking at the sky and asked.

It's almost too hot in summer, and there is no air conditioner.My sister must give him an ice cream to cool down his body temperature.

"Don't worry, sister has already prepared a big ice cream for you, just wait for a while." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Aww~ (Don't wait a moment, let's get it now.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately urged.

Sister, is it time to have sex today?Or rather, I'm so happy that I actually let him eat ice cream.

"That's fine, you little rascal, come here with my sister." After looking at the scorching sun outside, Sister Hong'er walked outside.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao immediately followed up.Take small steps and make "da da da".

"Aww~ (Aren't we going to eat ice cream? Why did we come here?)" Looking at the cold storage in front of him, Cheng Hao couldn't help but muttered.

Didn't you say go eat ice cream?Why did the cold storage come? He didn't remember that Huyuan's ice cream was kept here.This is where the meat from the tiger park is put.

"Because my sister gave you a big watermelon ice cream, do you understand now?" Sister Hong'er came out with thick gloves and hugged a frozen, crunchy watermelon.

In order to cool down this little villain, she put a few watermelons in the freezer in advance.The purpose is to deal with this little glutton when he is hungry.

"Aww~ (So the ice cream you mentioned, sister, is this frozen watermelon?)" Cheng Hao said disappointedly after seeing this scene.

"Otherwise, you little rascal think that my sister will buy ice cream for you, right? First of all, you have to think about how old you are? Even those few ice creams are not enough to fit your teeth." Sister Hong'er closed the freezer and laughed. , turned around and pinched Cheng Hao's muttering big round face and said, "Come on, let's eat watermelon sorbet, don't be unhappy, wait for my sister to freeze the big milk cake for you tomorrow, okay?"

"Aww~ (Okay, who made me just a poor little tiger?)" Cheng Hao nodded his head as he saw the frost on the skin of the melon.

Things can only be done in this way now, it is better to have something to eat than nothing to eat.

"Are you still pitiful? Look at you fat head and small ears. How many cubs in the tiger garden are fatter than you?" Sister Hong'er scolded angrily after hearing this.

Poor little tiger, look, he is even more pitiful than a round watermelon?The poor ones are obviously other little tigers, okay?
"Aww~ (Sister, can we talk about my fat? Can we talk about other things?)" Cheng Hao asked weakly when he heard it.

I have complained countless times, whether I am strong or fat, why my sister has been unwilling to believe it?I'm really worried about him.

"Okay, how about we take an ideological education class?" Sister Hong'er said, and took out a booklet from her pocket.

And on this booklet, there are a few large characters "Guidelines for Animal Thoughts in Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park".

"Aww~ (Ah? Why did the principal's grandfather publish his thoughts into a book?)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Grandpa's mouth could have turned the dead into the living, and the living into the dead, but now he published it in a book, isn't it terrible?

"Because Aid Tibet feels that some animals are dishonest recently, and they need to be educated ideologically, lest they have no tiger virtue." Sister Hong'er said, and turned to the first page directly.He has the posture of the head of the garden.

Cheng Hao couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he saw it, and said quickly: "Aww~ (Sister, am I still your cute little padded jacket? If so? Let's stop reading this stuff, okay? I'll take you to the back mountain to blow the air conditioner go.)"

Can this thing be read?When you read it, it is one head, two big ones.

"Oh, is there an air conditioner in the back mountain? Why don't I know." Sister Hong'er, who was sitting on Cheng Hao's back holding a booklet, said with curiosity in her eyes.

"Aww~ (Didn't we dig a big deep hole in the back mountain? Because the hole inside is too big, it becomes cold after the outside wind blows in.)"

"Aww~ (A large natural air conditioner has also been formed. Now that the weather is so hot, we can just go inside and blow it.)" Cheng Hao explained with a smile, and his tail curled into a hook.He directly snatched the booklet from Miss Hong'er's hand.

Now that there is no booklet, my sister should not be able to practice. His ears can finally be quiet. He is really a super smart ghost.

"I thought you were talking about a good place, so it's there, my sister doesn't bother to go there." Sister Hong'er said, not in a hurry when her brochure was snatched away.

He reached out his hand and took out another book from his pocket, and continued to open it.

"Aww~ (Sister, how many booklets did you prepare?)" Cheng Hao, who saw this scene, said that the whole tiger was dumbfounded. Why did he grab one and have another?Is my sister's pocket the Doraemon's four-dimensional bag?Why are there so many brochures?
"It's not much, it's just seven or eight books that I carry with me. The director has expected that you little guys will be dishonest, so he sent us some more just in case."

"You little guy, do you want this book? Yes? My sister can give it to you. Anyway, there are still a lot of them in the Tiger Garden." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, knowing that she is afraid?It is right to know that you are afraid.

This is where the director's thinking is terrifying, just taking it out makes these tigers without tigers tremble.

"Aww~ (Don't, let's talk if we have something to say, don't play this game.)" Cheng Hao's head grew even bigger when he heard that there was plenty.

Let him be afraid, let him be afraid, okay?

"You know you're scared. You know you're scared. Go to a cool place obediently. Don't make little moves for my sister. Otherwise, next time, my sister will bring you a recording speaker for 24 hours a day." Sister Hong'er was very happy when she saw this. Said with satisfaction.

With the booklet in hand, it is no less than a terrifying deterrent weapon.Not to mention how useful it is to deal with these dishonest tigers.

"Aww~ (Don't do it, can't I just do it?)"

Cheng Hao said, carrying sister Hong'er on his back, and walked towards the shade.

"As an excellent Siberian tiger, you must have the morality of a tiger, you know? It is impolite to roar and intimidate people at will. As a tiger in the new era, you must know how to be polite and create a new style, especially Do you have to be self-disciplined in terms of life style?"

Just as Cheng Hao came to a shady corridor with Miss Hong'er on his back, he saw an intern breeder talking about Hu De to a tiger whose head was almost buried in the ground facing a chair.

And this tiger he knew, it was the little pumpkin in the tiger garden.

It's just that the small pumpkin in the past has grown into a big pumpkin now, but it remains the same.

"Aww~ (Don't say it, don't say it, I get it, I get it, don't say it anymore, okay?)" Little Pumpkin hugged his head, and the whole tiger was almost dumbfounded.

If it weren't for the fact that it was too cool here, and the other party promised that there would be delicious food after listening to it, he wouldn't have endured anything.

"Little pumpkin, bear with it, it will be over soon. This is a task assigned to me by the director, and you don't want to see me being scolded by the director, do you?" The little pumpkins were subjected to such torture, but there was no other way. This was a task assigned by the director of the garden. The intern breeders were asked to find a little tiger to give them an ideological education class, and they had to videotape the whole process to hand in their homework.

"Aww~ (Sister, why don't we go somewhere else, she seems to be busy. It's not good for us to disturb them.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao got goosebumps.

I didn't expect that after a thousand times of hiding, I bumped my head into the side where I was talking.

"Why do you want to go to other places, this place is very good." Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes and walked towards the little pumpkin.

Someone is reading it, so she can save it.What a wonderful thing.

"Ah?" Cheng Hao couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this. Didn't my sister say that Hude education should be done?
Don't cheat and bully the little tiger like this.

(End of this chapter)

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