Chapter 251
"Huh! Sister Hong'er still has Xiaopangju?" The intern breeder who was reading about Hude Education, after hearing the movement here, turned his head and saw Sister Hong'er and Cheng Hao.

"Yes, you can continue to read, don't worry about us, just let Xiaoju listen to it along the way, so that I don't have to read." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and sat down on the steps beside her.By the way, he beckoned to Cheng Hao: "Little villain, don't stand there, come and sit down."

"Aww~ (Can I take a step first? I feel uncomfortable staying here.)" Cheng Hao said weakly.

"Of course not, you little scoundrel, you have eaten the watermelon my sister prepared, so you should listen to what my sister says." Sister Hong'er got up and walked towards Cheng Hao upon hearing this.She just sat on his back, holding his big head and preparing to walk up the steps.

But at this moment, Cheng Hao's tail suddenly wrapped around Sister Hong'er's waist.He turned his head and ran towards the door: "Aww~ (Sister, I think it's better for us not to disturb them, let's go play somewhere else.)"

"You little villain and self-assertive, quickly put sister down." Sitting on Cheng Hao's back shouted.

This little villain just carried her away while she wasn't paying attention, regardless of whether she wanted to or not.

"Aww~ (No, no, sister, sit still. I'm going to jump up.)" Cheng Hao said, and jumped over the six-meter-high fence.

Now Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park definitely can't stay here, they have to go outside.

Because of encountering outside words?With Sister Hong'er's character, she must be embarrassed to miss Hude's education.

After all, sister Hong'er is not a social cow.

"Sister Hong'er and Xiaopangju are really interesting as always." Seeing this scene, the trainee breeder couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, then walked to the little pumpkin buried in his head: "Little pumpkin, bear with me!" Ah, let's finish reading right away, and then you will have something to eat."

"Ooooh~ (If you had known delicious food earlier, if it was so difficult to get it, I shouldn't have agreed.)" Little Pumpkin said aggrievedly after hearing this.

Now he is not listening, and he has been listening for so long.I can't bear to listen.It's really a headache, but I can only endure it for the sake of delicious food.

Otherwise, all the sufferings suffered before would have been in vain, not to mention the delicious food.

"You little villain, where are you going to take my sister?" Hong'er sister, who felt her body was weightless, asked.

This little villain was getting more and more spirited, and this time he took her away while she was not paying attention.I don't know where this little villain is going to go after jumping out of the fence?
"Aww~ (Of course I went to the back mountain to escape the summer heat, and let my sister meet my subordinates by the way)" Cheng Hao said, and ran towards the back mountain with all his strength.

Not long after, they crossed the spacious river and entered the forest.

"It seems that this mountain forest has not been affected by the high temperature." Sister Hong'er, who was sitting on Cheng Hao's back, looked around and thought.

The forest is lush and lush, and it doesn't look like it lacks water at all.It is a little strange that the whole mountain forest is so quiet at this moment.

"Aww~ (sister, bear with me, we're going to the place soon, and we'll cool down when we get there.)" said Cheng Hao, who was walking on the animal path in the forest.

This mountain forest is close to the river, so it is obviously more sultry, but after leaving this section and entering the underground cave, everything will be fine.

"Whether it's cool or not, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's a bit quiet in the forest." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this, looking around.

You can be sure that the surrounding area is really terrifyingly quiet, not even a bird chirping.

This quiet environment makes people feel a little uncomfortable, especially for a person like her who often hears the discussions of animals in her ears.

"Aww~ (Sister, what are you talking about? Isn't this a normal thing? It's too hot in the forest, and all the animals have gone to the underground caves to enjoy the cool.)" Cheng Hao, who was trotting, replied.

He thought his sister was talking about something, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter.

Isn't it normal that there are no traces of animals in this hot mountain forest like a big steamer?Only stupid animals would stroll in the woods at this point in time.

The slightly normal animals have already gone to the underground caves to escape the heat.How cool is it underground?And it's comfortable.

"Is that so? Then how deep did you drill this hole?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously when she heard this.

He heard the sound of "rustling" coming from the front, and looked in the direction of the sound.

The situation in front of her made her stunned.

I saw the leaves drooping in front of the trees and moving the thick rhizomes.They are lined up in front of a pothole, putting their rhizomes into the pool inside the pit.

After the rhizomes are full of water, their drooping leaves stand upright and crisp, as if they are fully charged again.

"Shusha~ (I have seen the king, I have seen the king.)" After hearing the movement behind, the trees in the line hurriedly hung their crowns to say hello.

"Aww~ (Yeah, drink water slowly, don't worry about me, I'm going to take a look in the cave ahead.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao nodded slightly.

"Shusha~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)" The trees replied, and continued to line up to drink water.

The weather is really too hot, and the surface is far away from the underground water source. If they want to survive, they can only come to the nearby pool and drink enough water before going back.

"Are those trees also your subordinates?" Sister Hong'er, who was carried away by Cheng Hao, came back to her senses.

She didn't expect that these trees were also owned by this little villain.

"Aww~ (Of course, this place is my territory, what kind of creatures don't belong to me?)" Cheng Hao said proudly, sister now knows how powerful he is, and understands how much he accommodates her Bar?

That is to say, the other party's face is great, otherwise she will take a look, who would dare to let him, the king of beasts, become a vegetarian.

"Then our little orange is really amazing. Elder sister is really proud of little orange." Sister Hong'er stroked Cheng Hao's head and said, seeing that the big cat that she raised herself can achieve such achievements, she also agrees. There is quite a kind of achievement of an old mother seeing her child's future.

"Aww~ (Sister, don't be too proud too early, the more powerful ones are yet to come. After a while, it's not too late to be proud of me.)" Cheng Hao said, and continued to run towards the cave.

Wherever he went, my sister started to praise him, so after entering the underground cave later, can't she praise him endlessly?

"Really? Then sister should take a good look at it." Sister Hong'er smiled and couldn't help cheering up.

I thought that there was nothing in the back mountain, and it was as ordinary as before. I didn't expect this little villain to manage the back mountain like this, and I don't know what the underground cave is like?

"Aww~ (Sister, are you ready? If so, we're going to go down the hole to blow up the air conditioner.)" Looking at the big hole in front of him, Cheng Hao said.

The hole is very deep, and once you enter it, you will lose your vision immediately.My sister has to be mentally prepared.

"Well, my sister is ready, and I can go down to the cave at any time." Sister Hong'er said, and Cheng Hao entered the cave.

"Aww~ (Hey! Isn't this passage completely dark? It seems that these guys have made a good improvement.)" Seeing the light shining in the hole, Cheng Hao couldn't help being surprised.

I thought it would be so dark inside that I couldn't see my fingers, but I didn't expect there to be light inside.

And looking at the light, it is not powered by electricity, but lit by bio-light fireflies.

I don't know how these guys persuaded these fireflies to act as street lights in the passage?
"Indeed, it looks like the animals are very smart." After hearing this, Hong'er sister looked at the passage like a starry sky.He nodded with a smile.

I haven't seen fireflies for many years.Didn't expect to see so many of them.

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa service"

"Moomoo~(Yeah yeah.)"

Just when one person and one tiger were surprised, the sound of sheep and cattle came from the passage.

As security guards in the passage, they have to check the situation of the passage at any time to prevent landslides or enemy invasion.

Now seeing Cheng Hao approaching, a bull and a sheep ran over quickly.

"Aww~ (I can go down by myself, you guys should work hard here.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, the whole cave was made by him, so why do we need these little guys to lead the way? ?

For here, he is much more familiar than them.

"Baa baa~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)"

"Moomoo~(Okay, my lord.)"

Hearing the reply from the cattle and the sheep here, they looked at Sister Hong'er on Cheng Hao's back.Suddenly there was a curious look in his eyes.

"How are you, little cows and lambs, do you rarely see humans?" Sister Hong'er, who noticed their gazes, asked.

The cow and the sheep don't look very big. It seems that they haven't been out of this forest, otherwise they wouldn't be looking at her like this.

"Baa baa~ (Yeah, yeah, this is the second time we've seen humans.)"

"Moomoo~ (Yes, yes, who are you as a human being? You look very familiar?)" said the cow and the sheep who heard this, obviously they had never met each other, but felt that the other party was so familiar, It was so quiet that they all wondered if they had forgotten something?
"Aww~ (you two impolite guys, what is a human being? Do you want my sister to understand?)" Cheng Hao reprimanded angrily after hearing this.

Are humans also what these two little guys can call?Put some respect in his tone, this is his breeder.

"Moomoo~(Yes, my lord.)"

"Baa baa~ (Hello sister, hello sister.)"

Niu Yang was frightened and said quickly, so this is the elder sister.No wonder it made them feel so close.

"Okay, Xiaoju. The two of them are still young, don't be so loud, you will scare them." Sister Hong'er said when she saw this.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, since you've said that, sister, then I won't say anything, let's go down first.)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"En." Hong'er sister touched Cheng Hao's big head, and Cheng Hao continued to walk down.

"Moomoo~ (Sister, see you later.)"

"Baa baa~ (Yes, sister.)"

Niu Niu Yangyang said after seeing it, staring at Sister Hong'er with a pair of big eyes.

"Well, see you later, little ones." Sister Hong'er smiled and followed Cheng Hao into the underground of the cave.



On the way, there were other voices in the cave.

Cheng Hao looked up and saw a centipede the size of a baseball bat and a cricket the size of a pistol walking inside the hole.

It seems that there are far more than just mammals staying in this cave?

As long as the animals are afraid of the sun and heat, they will gather here.

"Xiaoju, you really have all kinds of animals here." Sister Hong'er looked at the two crickets with long tentacles and said with a smile.

If such a big cricket is taken out, those who like to fight crickets will probably go crazy.

"Aww~ (Of course, I'm the king of beasts, so it's normal that I have a lot of subordinates.)" Cheng Hao, who was about to say big centipede, immediately changed his words when he heard this.

At the same time, he released the coercion on his body, so that these little bugs didn't have eyes and couldn't tell who they were?Interrupt yourself to pretend in front of your sister.

After all, if my sister asked him to call this big centipede over, what would he do if the big centipede didn't know me and couldn't come over?Isn't that very embarrassing?
So he didn't bother with these things anymore, he just gave these little bugs a blow and let them know who is the boss in this place?

"Shusha~ (So scary, so scary.)"

The big centipede and the cricket, who were walking leisurely, suddenly fell to the ground trembling all over.

They could feel the terrifying aura in front of them, rolling over their heads like a mountain, as long as they took a few steps forward, their lives would be gone immediately.

Only surrender can survive, otherwise?Only the fate of being smashed to pieces.

"What did you little villain do? It's okay, don't bully the two of them." Sister Hong'er, who was looking at the big centipede and cricket, said after seeing it.

Xiaoju is quiet, probably acting like a demon.

The two worms were moving well, but they suddenly changed into this state. If it was said that there was no trouble caused by Xiaoju, she would not believe it.

"Aww~ (I didn't bully the two of them, but they are too weak. They can't bear the aura emanating from me.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao shrank his pressure and said, These two carefree little bugs now know how powerful he is and understand what to do next, right?
Seeing him coming and daring to walk so leisurely, it really doesn't take him seriously.

This is just a small punishment for them, not a heavy hand yet.

"Then you little rascal, quickly take back your breath and let them move. The two of them are curled up there. It won't be good if they are stepped on by other animals." Sister Hong'er urged.

"Aww~ (Got it, got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, looking at the cricket and the big centipede lying on the ground.

After the two worms saw it, they immediately ran over, rolling and crawling: "Shusha~ (I have seen the king, I have seen the king, we are new here, I have offended you, and I hope the king will forgive me.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, my lord. The two of us have eyes but don't know Taishan. Your lord, please don't care about us.)"

They asked why there was such a terrifying aura. It turned out that the person in front of them was the king of their place. It was just like what the other companions said, it was really terrifying.

"Aww~ (Are you two local bugs? Why do you talk in the same way?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao looked at the cricket and the centipede and asked curiously. The two guys spoke in a somewhat polite manner.

It's not like local bugs, he knows local bugs.I don't have much knowledge, and I can't even speak idioms.

(End of this chapter)

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