Chapter 252 It's Scary
"Shusha~ (The two of us are worms living in the old campus, and usually sleep on top of the classroom.)"

"Shusha~ (Yeah, yeah, so I learned a little bit of human culture.)"

The big centipede and the cricket replied that the roofs of the old campus are all made of wood, and they don't know how comfortable they are inside now. If the old campus hadn't been demolished recently, they would still be living there.

"Aww~ (It turns out to be like this, no wonder you two are a little educated.)" Cheng Hao suddenly realized that this light of evolution is really powerful, and even insects become wise after they evolve.

I can use idioms when speaking, and now I really "sit before the exam".

"Then you two little guys don't stay in the cave right now, how can you go outside?" Sister Hong'er, who was sitting on Cheng Hao's back, asked curiously, these two little guys like shaded places, why so Going outside on a hot day?
"Shusha~ (It's time for the two of us to change shifts. We are going to replace the brothers who are standing guard at the door.)"

"Shusha~ (Yes, yes, otherwise we wouldn't have come out.)" The big centipede and the cricket replied.

"Are you even going to stand guard? It seems that the order here is quite strict." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

It was the first time she saw insects needing to come out to stand guard. It seemed that the animals gathering underground really set a lot of rules.

"Aww~ (If this is the case, then you guys should hurry up and change shifts.)" Cheng Hao said, what are the two guys talking about?Don't let them go in.

"Shusha~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)"

After hearing this, the centipede and cricket replied, and left in a hurry.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he carried Sister Hong'er on his back and continued walking forward.

"I said, how deep is the hole you dug, you little villain? How come you haven't reached the end after walking for a while?" Sister Hong'er looked at the cold passageway and asked curiously. It's here, but it's only around the corner.Didn't reach the cave at all.

How big is this underground cave?How could the passage be so long?

"Aww~ (Sister, don't worry, we'll be there soon.)" Said with small steps, it's right to grow here, if it doesn't grow, how can it be so cool?

Moreover, when he dug it, he planned to design it as a shelter that could withstand nuclear explosions.

Therefore, it is very normal to dig a little more.

"Okay, I hope what you little bastard said is true, you're not lying to my sister again." Hearing what Sister Hong'er said, she continued to sit and look around.

Soon, she heard chattering and snoring in front of her.

"Moomoo~ (Everyone lie in the place of your own group, don't cross the border and run to the place of other groups, you know?)"

"Moomoo~ (That's right, there are other animals sleeping, the animals that are awake don't disturb them, pay attention to their cubs.)"

"Oh~ (Also, carnivorous animals don't look at other animals drooling. Fighting is not allowed in this underground area. No matter what your situation is outside, you must abide by the rules here, otherwise, you can only get out. )”

"Aww~ (This is the order of the great king, and all the friends and animals must obey it.)"

Inside the huge cavern, representatives of each species lay on the raised rocks of the surrounding walls and shouted.Maintain the daily order in the cave.

"It's such a big cave, can the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Garden be accommodated here, right?" Sister Hong'er sat on Cheng Hao's back, taking advantage of the light of fireflies dancing in the cave.

After seeing the situation inside clearly, he couldn't help but said with surprise on his face.

It's really too big here, and it's a bit beyond her expectation. No wonder she said how could there be such a cold wind blowing in this passage?
It turns out that these winds have passed through such an open underground.

"咩咩咩~(The king is here, the great king has returned, everyone praises the great king together with me.)"

"Moomoo~ (Yes, let us welcome the king back.)" After hearing the movement here, the animals became excited immediately after smelling the familiar smell.

It is the king, the great king is back.

"Aww~ (Quiet and quiet, the voice should be quieter, don't be so messy, let alone so noisy, I brought my sister back to see you today.)" Hearing the piercing cheers, Cheng Hao stretched out his paws quickly Shouted: "Aww~ (Now this king says that you just pay attention and listen, do you know that you don't need to answer?)"

Although he is indeed very powerful, his subordinates should not shout like this, this strange and miscellaneous voice is making his head hurt.

"Ho Ho~ (Yes yes.)"

After the animals heard it, they nodded their heads and turned back.His eyes were fixed on Cheng Hao's side.

Seeing this, Cheng Hao nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Aww~ (Very good, everyone, listen to what I said. My sister is the best sister in our territory. When you see her in the future, it is equivalent to seeing my king, you know? You must respect your sister, and even more so, what she says is What the king said, what she wants to do is what the king wants you to do.)”

"Aww~ (There are those who don't obey my sister's orders, just don't obey my king's orders. Do you know that such animals need to be educated?)"

"Ho Ho~ (Understood, what my sister said is what the king means.)" The animals nodded their heads, sniffing and sniffing, trying to remember the smell of Sister Hong'er.

In case my sister doesn't recognize her when she comes to see her.

"Aww~ (very good, I'll ask my sister to say a few words for everyone next.)" Cheng Hao said, and slowly let go of the tail curling around Hong'er.

When Sister Hong'er found out, she took out a booklet with one hand, turned on the light of the phone with the other, and shouted, "My sister doesn't have any gifts for everyone, so let's read something for everyone, I hope everyone likes it, everyone said is it good?"

"Ah?" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was dumbfounded.

He brought his sister over to play, but she didn't cheat him like this.

"Hoho~ (what my sister said is what the king said, if my sister said she likes it, we will definitely like it.)"

"Hoho~ (That's right, sister, please tell me.)" Dafang, the animals who heard this said one after another, they didn't know what their animals would face?
"Aww~ (A group of idiots still want to hear this stuff?)" Cheng Hao said with black lines all over his head, and he was about to shrink back.

He didn't want to listen to his sister singing Hude education here, so he planned to run away.

"You little villain, as a king, are you scared because of such a trivial matter? Hurry up and do it for your sister to know? As the head of the animals, you have to set an example." Always pay attention to the red here. After the sister saw it, she immediately opened her mouth and said.

This little villain brought her here without discussing it with her, and now he still wants to run away. Is there such a simple thing?
"Aww~ (I'm the king of beasts, how could I be afraid? I'll go around this time to check if my subordinates are working hard? Sister, don't worry about me.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao explained .

Although it was said that he was preparing to escape, he definitely couldn't say that on the surface, after all, all his subordinates were still watching from below.

"No matter what you can do? You are my sister's favorite tiger." Sister Hong'er said, she came to Cheng Hao's side, and sat down with his big head in her arms: "Listen up now, all animals, I want Let me tell you about the building of civilized animals, unite and love, and help everyone prick up their ears."

"Hoho~ (You have already pricked up your ears, sister, you can just say it.)"

"Ho Ho~ (Yeah yeah.)"

The animals below said excitedly, with curious looks in their eyes.

At the same time, I wondered what is the name of civilized animals?

"A bunch of idiots." Cheng Hao, who was hugging his big head, yelled in his heart, his two small ears immediately drooped down to block the ear canal, and the whole tiger also quickly blocked the sense of touch all over his body.

Otherwise, once Sister Hong'er starts singing.As the closest one, he would really have to finish foaming at the mouth.

"Commander, this is the skeleton of a strange creature unearthed from the construction site. Take a look at what it looks like?" Chen Min handed a photo to the commander in the evolution department and said.

"Is this a dragon?" The commander who took the photo and looked at it was surprised. There was a creature that looked like a crocodile skeleton in this photo.

It can be clearly seen that its skeleton is longer and slender than that of the crocodile, and most importantly, it has a pair of horns on its head, which looks just like the legendary dragon.

"Yes, after research by experts, the commander found that it is very likely to be the legendary dragon." Chen Min nodded.

After the skeleton was excavated, experts immediately launched research and investigation, and concluded that the skeleton was probably the legendary dragon.

"It seems that there were creatures like dragons in the distant ancient times. Have the experts found anything else?" The commander who put down the photo continued to ask.

"And this." Chen Min continued to take out a photo and handed it to the commander: "This is something drawn on the stele unearthed along with the skeleton. It depicts not only creatures like dragons. There are many other strange things. biology."

"Including tigers with wings, snakes with wings, and giant three-eyed giants and other creatures."

"According to the research of archaeological experts, this stone tablet has a history of at least 4000 years. If the construction site hadn't been digging an underground shelter this time, if it had been dug to a depth of 400 meters underground? It would not have been found."

"Then what did the experts in biogenetics and the history of biological evolution find?" asked the commander who put down the photo.

"According to what they said, they believed that these creatures evolved under the influence of various environments. Just like us today, the environment at that time was also irradiated by the light of evolution, so many animals have evolved, derived Some strange creatures appeared, just like the Shan Hai Jing." Chen Min replied.

The ancient planets must have also been irradiated by the light of evolution, resulting in the emergence of very strange creatures.

For example, when they see trees that can walk now, in ancient times people often couldn't explain this phenomenon, so they thought they had become spirits.

Those evolutionary animals with strange looks and different from other animals were regarded as mythical beasts or fierce beasts by them, and were recorded in the books of history.

After generations of descriptions, it became that mythical story.

And this is also the most accurate guess about the description of the myth after the Light of Evolution event.

"Well, it still needs to be based on speculation. And judging from the current situation, our planet may explode again, with the same creatures as the animals described in the Shanghai Scriptures." The commander nodded, looking at the scorching sun outside Open the mouth: "How is the work of catching the cicadas going?"

"It's the end of the process. All the places where there are cicadas have been dealt with. Now it's time to deal with those cicadas that haven't come out of the ground yet." Chen Minhui reported.

She really didn't expect that one day these cicadas would be so powerful that they would need all their manpower and material resources to catch them.

And this seems to be just the beginning. Since these animals were irradiated by the light of evolution, they have already attacked artificial buildings, and they want to make themselves stronger through this stimulating method.

"Really? Then we need to step up the arrangement, and how is the situation in the new material research department? Is there a way to completely isolate the straws of these cicadas?" the commander asked, based on the research of the captured cicadas.

It was found that the straws of these bugs are so powerful that they can directly pierce the wires and absorb the current in the wires.

In order to keep the electricity of the whole city unaffected, new materials must be developed.

"The research department of new materials has already developed it quickly, but they said that even if it is developed, the cost and manpower will be huge."

"I'm afraid the city won't be able to bear such a serious burden by then." Chen Min said after thinking about the situation after the report.

New materials and such strong materials will definitely require a huge expense.

Moreover, it also requires a lot of labor to replace these wires, which means that it will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If action is really taken, I am afraid that the entire city will have to shut down the electricity for at least a week.

"No matter how heavy the burden is, it has to be done. Otherwise, who can stand the power outage every day?" The commander said after thinking about it. There is no air conditioner in such a hot day. Can not do without electricity.

The most important thing is that without electronic products, many people with the power of evolution will have nothing to do, and it is easy to come out and destroy them.

Therefore, whether it is for economic development or social stability, electricity must be resolved.

"That's true, then I'll go talk to the new materials department." Chen Min said.

"Well, let them go into mass production as soon as possible, and try to replace all the wires in the city within a week." The commander said, then picked up the photo and looked at it again.

What an amazing discovery, which shows that the light of evolution has existed since ancient times.

"Moo~ (Don't read it, sister, don't read it, sister, we know unity and friendship, and we know that we need to say hello when we see our companions.)"

"Meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, we all memorized, sister, don't read it anymore, read it again.)"

In the huge underground cave, no matter whether they were standing or lying animals, they were all trembling at this moment, wishing to bury their heads in the ground.

On this day, they finally knew how powerful their sister was, and why their king's ears drooped, and the whole tiger seemed to have lost its soul.

Because their sister has this powerful secret weapon, once used, all animals will submit.

"But my sister has only read half of it, and the other half has not been read." Seeing the appearance of these animals, sister Hong'er couldn't help showing a embarrassed look.

The headmaster's strategic terror weapon is indeed powerful. How long has it been since this group of animals can't take it anymore?
"Aww~ (As suggested, read it next time, for those disobedient animals.)" Cheng Hao, who was on standby, suddenly came back to his senses and said.

"Ho Ho~ (Yes, yes.)" The animals who heard this quickly echoed.

It just so happens that they don't have the means to punish the animals, so let's leave the second half to those animals who have made mistakes.

"That's alright, you guys have to be obedient, be obedient, and don't make mistakes, you know? Otherwise, sister will teach him a small class alone." Sister Hong'er closed the booklet and said.

The pamphlet written by the director is really a good way to educate disobedient animals.

Especially for these evolved animals, it is one-on-one.

These evolved animals are flexible and clever, and they can understand this completely.

(End of this chapter)

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