Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 253 Sweet Grape Juice

Chapter 253 Sweet Grape Juice
"Hoho~ (I understand.)"

After hearing this, the animals quickly nodded their heads and replied, almost hammering a big hole in the ground to show their determination.

"Okay, you guys lie down slowly. Sister and me? I'm going back to the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er said, and sat down on Cheng Hao's back.

"Aww~ (Isn't there a power outage in Tiger Garden? Why are we going back now? It's so hot in there, why don't we stay here?)" After feeling the weight on his back, Cheng Hao said.

Now when I go back, it might be everywhere, the voice of Hude's propaganda and education.

It's better to lie down in the cave, at least it's really comfortable to be comfortable here, and it's really cool to be cool.

"Being your elder sister doesn't have to work like you, a slick guy? My elder sister is paid, so she can't be as lazy as you." Sister Hong'er heard the words, pinched the back of Cheng Hao's neck and said, "Hurry up and numb!" Sneak away and send my sister back, don't talk anymore. Otherwise, my sister will tell the director of the school and let the director take you to receive Hude education."

"Aww~ (Okay, okay.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao's ears immediately perked up.

For the sake of safety, he took his sister back home.

"Hoho~ (Your Majesty has worked so hard.)" Looking at the animals leaving one by one, the tiger couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

For them, the king actually went back with his sister on his back.They were really touched.

"Where did you two little guys go? I didn't see any of you just now."

Ten minutes later, Cheng Hao just stepped into the complex.The headmaster's voice came from next to his ear.

"We just went to the underground cave to escape the summer heat, Director." Sister Hong'er got off Cheng Hao's back and said, looking at the quiet surroundings, she asked, "Has the electricity not been repaired yet?"

They had been away for a while, but it seemed that the central air conditioner in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain wasn't working.

"No, according to the power department, the power outage was too big this time, and it was damaged by bugs. It is not so easy to repair it."

"The electricity will not be restored until the day after tomorrow at the latest, and during this time, we have to find a way." The director said helplessly. Their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park was originally far away from the city.In addition, it is in a sparsely populated suburb, which is the hardest hit area for wires attacked by bugs.

How can it be so fast to restore power, just erecting new wires does not know how long it will take.

Not to mention that they are not the only ones experiencing power outages, so the power company must first deal with places with a lot of people.

"Then principal, have you thought of a way?" Sister Hong'er asked.

"Of course I've thought of a way, a way that costs more money, and a way that takes more effort, let's see which way it is?" the head of the garden said.

"Aww~ (Then it's better for us to choose a more labor-intensive method, after all, we have no money.)" Cheng Hao, who was standing beside him, immediately said that there are so many tigers and so many animals in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the most indispensable thing It's all about strength.

"Since you, a little villain, said so? Then I will leave the job of carrying the cement to you. Let's use the big river behind to generate electricity." After hearing this, the director said with satisfaction.

Xiaoju is actually so active, so I'll leave this important task to him.

"Aww~(Why am I carrying the cement? I'm not too big in the Tiger Park, right? And don't we have elephants and big rhinos in the Tiger Park?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao couldn't help staring His eyes said, is there such a thing as cheating a tiger?Let him carry cement.

After all, he is also the star tiger of the Tiger Park, and the tiger who makes the most money in the entire Hongta Mountain Sierra Tiger Forest Park.

Has he ever been asked to do such rough work as a big star?
"Yes, so they have to move heavier materials. If you want to move a big water truck? You can also change it with them." The director looked at Cheng Hao and said, pointing to Lingling who was welding the water truck outside Robot Nine.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, if you say that, I'd better carry the cement and leave it to them.)" Cheng Hao immediately accepted it when he saw this scene. , he doesn't want to recite it.At that time, the small horse-drawn cart will be his responsibility.

"Isn't that enough? You little rascal, take a break, and we'll start working when the sun cools down."

The director said, turned around and went to check the work progress of No. [-] robot.

As the best robot in the department, robot No. [-] is really capable of both civil and military affairs.Don't mention how powerful the electric welding technology is, it's easy to weld a big water truck.

"Aww~ (By the way, grandpa did this, so don't you need to report it?)" Cheng Hao, who was watching this scene, asked Sister Hong'er beside him.

This is to build a power generation device on the river, so there is no need to report to the relevant departments?At that time, you won't be invited to the little black room.

"Of course it's not necessary. Have you forgotten who our principal is?" Sister Hong'er shrugged her shoulders and said.

With the current status of the director, do I still need to report in person?Just send a text message and you'll be fine.

"Aww~ (That's true, obviously grandpa can go through the back door, so why let us animals work?)" Cheng Hao sighed and said, since grandpa is so strong, just let people come over to build it directly, why do we need them? Work?Isn't this an obvious embarrassment for them?
"Because it takes money to get someone to build it through the back door, and you little guys don't need to pay for the work." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

This little villain has been in the Tiger Garden for so long, why can't he understand the director's plan?The director doesn't invite outsiders to work because he doesn't want to pay.

"Aww~ (So it's no wonder why we are asked to work, and he is not afraid that we will ruin the work.)" Cheng Hao complained when he heard this.

Let a group of animals help build a water conservancy power station, thanks to Grandpa, he can figure it out.

"If you're really afraid, you won't be allowed to participate." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's big buttocks and said, "You better shut up and stop talking, and let the principal hear it later , you will have to ask for more blessings."

"The headmaster doesn't need to read a booklet like his sister. The headmaster comes just by opening his mouth."

This little villain dared to talk here when he saw the principal outside.Is it true that I am not afraid of being arrested by the principal to carry out Hude education.

"Aww~ (It's okay, I'll run away.)" Cheng Hao said, peeking outside, then raised his head high.

"Come on, you little scoundrel, rest here obediently, my sister is going to take care of the little tiger." Sister Hong'er, who watched this scene, said angrily.

It's okay, just looking at it like this, I know I'm scared out of my wits.

"Aww~ (That's just right, I'm the little tiger. Sister, you don't have to leave, just take care of me.)" Cheng Hao said, turning sideways to Sister Hong'er's feet and saying.

Who is not a baby anymore, he is not out of the cub stage yet.

My sister doesn't have to leave, she just happens to be here to take care of him.

"Are you ashamed to say that you are a little tiger? Look at your body shape, and look at your belly. Do you think you are the cub of a titan tiger?" Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes when she heard this, and gave There was a chestnut on Cheng Hao's forehead.

This little villain's ability to open his eyes and tell lies is really getting better and better. He is still a little tiger. Whose little tiger has such a big one?
"Aww~ (It's not impossible, I'm still a child anyway.)" said Cheng Hao, who was pulling Sister Hong'er's shoelace with his claws.

If my sister really thinks so, she can actually say the same.

"Come on, you little rascal, don't disturb my sister's work, and be careful about her education to Nian Hude." Sister Hong'er, who slapped Cheng Hao's paw away, cursed with a smile, and walked away.

"Aww~ (Today is my birthday, how can I go to take care of other little tigers on my birthday?)" Cheng Hao said speechlessly, and finally looked around and found that no one paid attention to him. Just three steps and two steps, ran towards the security room.

When he was taking a walk yesterday, the two security guards said that they had prepared a small gift for him today, so that he could go and pick it up when he had time today. It happened that his sister didn't care about him, so he could go and receive the gift.

It would be even better if it was eaten, and it happened that he was a little nauseous from eating vegetable and meat paste.



Beside the security booth in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

When the security guards lying on the ground heard it, they immediately poked their heads one by one:
"What's going on? Who's knocking on the door?"

"I don't know, or else you go and take a look, I'm almost dying of heat."

"Forget it, we are also very hot, it's like a big oven outside, it's cooler inside the room."

Although it was said that the power had been cut off, the air conditioner left before the power outage was still inside.

But what if the door opens?Well, the original air-conditioning is all gone.

"Aww~ (You guys open the door for me, don't discuss it inside, the day lily will be cold if you discuss it any more.)" After hearing what they said, Cheng Hao outside said very speechlessly, and put his big round face on go up.

The security guards who saw this scene couldn't help laughing, stood up one by one, opened the locked door and let Cheng Hao in:
"Oh, so it's Xiaoju, who am I talking about?"

"That's right, Xiaoju, have you celebrated your birthday with Miss Hong'er?"

"Aww~ (Of course it's over, don't say so much, what about the gift you are talking about, take out the gift first.)" Cheng Hao said when he heard the words, looked at his head and sniffed, and then quickly fixed his eyes on the corner inside the foam box.

He could smell the unusual stuff in the foam box, it must be delicious.

"You have a good nose, you can smell it all."

"Yes, Xiaoju. This is a gift for you." Seeing Cheng Hao's eyes fixed on him, the security guards said with a smile.

I opened the foam box, revealing the cakes, braised pig's trotters, braised pork, and roasted leg of lamb inside.

"Aww~ (I knew you guys understood me best.)" Cheng Hao said happily, and couldn't wait to sit down at the table.Wait for them to bring things up.

"Okay, okay, let's serve the food right now, don't be in such a hurry, little guy."

"Yeah, the weather is so hot now. No one will disturb our meal, so don't worry about it."

Looking at Cheng Hao, who was bleeding profusely, the security guards said with a smile.

While taking out the food in the foam box, he arranged the appetizers in the refrigerator.

"Come on! Xiaoju. I know you really want Coke. Let's have a drink first, let's eat slowly."

After the dishes were put on the table, the security guard poured Cheng Hao a glass of Coke with a smile.

"Aww~ (Okay, but although I love to drink Coke, you can't just give it to me. You should give me a big cake first.)" After Cheng Hao drank the Coke in his paw, he pointed at it with his paw. Pointing to the cake.

"Don't be so anxious, you little glutton. They are all prepared for you. There must be something for you to eat."

"That's right, let's clink glasses first."

As the security guards spoke, they patted Cheng Hao's neck.This celebration cake must be eaten at the end, why not eat it as soon as it arrives?

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, let's drink first.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and drank from the cup with his paws.

And at this moment, the big plastic jug upside down by the security guards immediately attracted his interest.

"Aww~ (What are you guys drinking? Why don't you pour me a glass.)" Cheng Hao poked his head, looked at the purple-red liquid and opened his mouth.

The rich grape aroma, a touch of sweetness and the taste of wine can be determined. This is a sweet wine alcoholic drink.

The security guards who saw this scene quickly pushed his head and said:
"You little guy, go drink Coca-Cola. This is wine. Although it smells good and you drink it, you will fall down after drinking it."

"Yeah, you little villain, don't even think about drinking it. If the director finds out, we're going to be doomed. Hurry up and drink your Coke."

"Aww~ (Don't look down on the tiger, okay? Just all of you and you want to drink and get down on me, you're just dreaming here.)" Cheng Hao said unhappily, and the big tail snatched the plastic pot and gave it to himself fell up.

It's just a little wine, how can I get him?Didn't you see his tonnage displayed here?
"Ah? You really drink, you little rascal, so drink less."

"Yes, otherwise we will be punished."

The security guards couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this scene. It was the first time they had seen a tiger drink alcohol. Xiao Ju must not get himself drunk.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, it's fine.)" Cheng Hao waved his paw indifferently, and poured wine for them too.

Soon the security room was filled with laughter and the sound of wine glasses colliding.



"Report to Mr. Consultant, I have already welded the big water tanker, and it is ready to be assembled at any time."

Robot No. [-] opened the mouth after welding the last seam.

"Very good, it just so happens that the weather is cooling down now, and we can just get ready to work." Hearing this, the director nodded, and was just about to notify the animals to come and carry them, when he saw a furry figure staggering He came here staggeringly, looking like he was drunk.

"Aww~ (Hiccup! The taste is really good, I didn't expect that the gift they were talking about was this. It's very wonderful.)" Cheng Hao muttered and shook his head.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment. You little guy reeks of alcohol, where did you steal the drink?" The director immediately came up to him and asked.

How did this little villain get so drunk? How much alcohol did he drink?
"Aww~ (Grandpa, you said this, this is not wine, this is grape juice, I just drank it in the security room.)" Cheng Hao said, belching, what kind of wine?Obviously grape juice.

There is no smell of alcohol at all, he has drunk more than ten or twenty liters, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Grape juice is a melon rind, why are you a little rascal drinking things everywhere?" Hearing this, the head of the garden was speechless: "You drink like this now, if Xiao Hong sees it, you're finished, you know?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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