Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 254 Hey, I caught Xiaopangju

Chapter 254 Hey, I caught Xiaopangju
"Aww~ (It's okay, I'll find a place to sleep first. After waking up, my sister won't be able to see me. How could something happen?)" Cheng Hao said, looking around .Looking for a place to lie down.

After eating and drinking enough, of course I have to find a good place to sleep.

"You little scoundrel, you are so naive. Xiaohong will definitely look for you if she doesn't see you." The director said very speechlessly, walked up to Cheng Hao and hugged him: "You bad guy, It's really difficult to steal alcohol for nothing, now you have to find a place to wash your body, and wash off the smell of alcohol on your body."

If Xiaohong saw this little villain like this, wouldn't she be blown up?

You have to take a bath for this guy, brush your teeth and fill his mouth with more milk.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, where are you taking me?)" Cheng Hao who was being carried away shook his head and asked.

He's going to sleep now, why is grandpa hugging him?
"Send you to take a bath, let you wake up, you little villain, don't move around." The director said angrily, and raised Cheng Hao's head like a piglet.

"Aww~ (Can you help me take a bath? Grandpa, please help me brush my back. Recently, I feel a little itchy on my back. It may be because I haven't bathed for a long time.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately No more struggling.Lie directly on the principal's back and said.He looks like an old man.

"You little rascal, you don't even bother to take a shower by yourself, why are you so lazy?" the principal said, patting Cheng Hao's big back.

He washed a lot of tigers, and it was the first time he bathed a pig. Look at this chubby pig.It is estimated that it will take a long time to wash again.

"Aww~ (This is not laziness, this is called enjoyment.)" Cheng Hao said lazily, his voice became smaller and smaller, and it disappeared in the next second.

The headmaster who heard the voice was very helpless, and could only continue walking towards Zao Dang with his nostalgic Zhuzhu in his arms.

The greedy ghost also said that he was not drunk, and he couldn't even open his eyes, so he was still quibbling here.

It really gave him a headache, I hope Xiaohong is not around.

"Huh? Where did that little villain go?"

In the security room, a sleepy head looked around with a confused look in his eyes.

"I don't know, maybe I left after eating and drinking enough."

"Yeah, doesn't that little rascal do it all the time?"

Other people who were squirming on the ground also said, this little villain always leaves when he is full, without saying hello at all, how could he be found?
"Then we have to get up quickly, and we can't let the director see it. We will be in trouble if we look like this." The security guard who tried to support himself said, if this matter gets out, they will be ashamed.

Five or six adult strong men were drunk by a little tiger, and it was still a tiger drinking for the first time.

The key is that the tigers have nothing to do after drinking, after they drink.They couldn't get up one by one.

"Yes, yes, let's get up quickly."

The security guards who heard this nodded and wriggled on the ground one by one with difficulty.

But at this moment, a hummingbird flapping its wings suddenly appeared outside.

Seeing it flapping its wings lightly, it spit lightly into the security room.

The security guards who were struggling to get up fell down again, snoring like babies.

After they fell down, several figures slowly walked into the gate of the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.

"I thought it would be difficult to deal with here, but I didn't expect it to be so." The wrinkled figure with skin like old tree spots couldn't help but smile and said while looking at the situation in the security room.

"Yeah, it seems that the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park is not as strict as the rumors. It's really unexpected that these security guards drink alcohol during work." The woman covered her mouth and nose with disgust on her face and nodded.

Those guys who failed one by one in the missions also said that this is a place that ordinary people can't reach, but it turns out that there is no danger at all here.

The professionalism of the security guards here is ridiculously poor. I really don't understand how they missed.

"Don't talk about these useless topics. We came here this time with a mission, not here to chat." The leading figure said, looking at the quiet Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

The eight claws like steel spears on the back shone with terrifying light.

"Yes, boss." Several people who heard this replied,

"Wow~ (Not good, there is an enemy coming. I must inform my sister immediately.)"

The black crow, who was dozing on the telegraph pole, immediately flapped its wings and left after seeing this scene.

This group of people looks so strange and terrifying, they are not good people at first sight, they must go and inform my sister immediately.

"Is what you said true? A group of weird-looking guys ran into the Siberian Tiger Park in Huhongta Mountain." Sister Hong'er, who was in the tiger house, suddenly became serious when she heard this.

"Wow~ (Yes, sister. They have entered the complex now. I will report to you as soon as I see it.)" Black Crow nodded and replied.

"It seems that the mutant organization is here again. No, I have to notify the director and all the animals immediately." After thinking for a while, Hong'er sister immediately started to act.

"Cuckoo~" There was a series of sound of bubbles in the somewhat dim bathhouse.Then a big head popped out.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, are you trying to drown me? You didn't pick me up and let me drink the bath water.)"

Cheng Hao, who poked his head out, said angrily, he had clearly agreed to take a bath for him, but in the end he was made to drink the bath water here, grandpa is really too bad.

"It's none of Grandpa's business, it's because you, little rascal, are too heavy." The principal sitting on the chair said with a smile.

This bath water is still very useful, just take a few sips and wake up.

"Aww~ (Nonsense, grandpa, you were able to hug me just now, why can't you now?)" Cheng Hao said with his eyes rounded, and found that the principal was looking at his phone with a solemn expression.

He just wanted to get up and asked what happened?Then I heard the director say: "Okay, if the little rascal is almost sober? Let's go out and have a good time."

"The uninvited guys are here again in our Tiger Park, you go and get rid of them."

"Aww~ (Grandpa, do you want to be alive, dead or half-dead?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately jumped out.

The water droplets on the body dry quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You can kill them if you want, and you can keep them if you want. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter."

"My lord has to take care of the little animals now, so that they won't be accidentally injured. Do you know how to get rid of them quickly?" the headmaster said.

As long as the enemies who are not notified need to be resolved, there is no need for redundant explanations in the face of this kind of guy. There is only one thing they do, and that is to solve them.

"Aww~ (I get it, I'll be dispatched now.)" Cheng Hao replied, and immediately ran towards the door.It quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Guys who came uninvited, since you like to play, let Xiaoju accompany you well, I hope you can have a good time." Seeing this, the director couldn't help but said with a smile.Then he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Strange, how come there is no one in such a big tiger park except the security at the gate?"

"Yeah, what the hell is going on here? I feel weird everywhere in this ghost place."

Strolling back and forth in Huya, a group of people looked at the empty office, the empty dark living room, and the empty rest area.

There was a puzzled look on his face, there was no one in this huge Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park except for a few security guards at the gate, right?How can it be empty like this?

"Don't rush and take your time. We still have a lot of time. The Tiger Park without electricity is just blind. We will find someone sooner or later." Looking at the men around him, he said.

Originally, I wanted to find someone to ask where Xiaopangju was, but after I walked around, I found that there was no one here.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have confused the security guards at the door, at least I would have kept them and let them lead the way.

"What the captain said makes sense, let's take our time."

"Well, it's like playing a game of cat and mouse."

After hearing this, the others couldn't help laughing.

"Your tone is really arrogant. You dare to say that you are playing a game of cat and mouse in front of us. I don't know who gave you the confidence."

"That's right, it's too arrogant to dare to speak so boldly when we see our two brothers being arrested without a fight."

After Zishi and Choushi kicked the broken glass, they appeared in front of them with a shining light.

"Are you two guys Zi Shi and Chou Shi of Xuan Kingdom Twelve Hours?" The expressions of the few people who saw this scene couldn't help but change.

"That's right, congratulations for getting the answer right, and as a reward, I'll send you to the sky to play."

Hearing this, Zi Shi said with a smile. There was a trembling sound immediately under the tiles, and then the dazzling fire filled the entire complex, and several figures flew out with the violent explosion.

"You idiot, when did you buy the bomb? If the master finds out about this, we'll be done for." Chou Shi looked at the explosion below, and he was stunned. He wanted to know what was going on, this guy When was the bomb planted?
"Don't be afraid, isn't it just blowing up the complex? I believe the master will understand." Zi Shi said with a smile, looking at the few people who fell down with a sinister smile in his eyes again: "These guys are too naive , they don't think I only planted the bomb in one place, do they?"

Now is not the backward ancient times, you need to rely on bows and arrows to fight, let alone the era of cold weapons.

Now is the great 21st century, so it is natural to use smart tools to fight.

Let's feel this group of intruders, this devastating bomb.

"What!" Choushi Wenyan once again showed a horrified look, and the next second, there was another explosion in the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"How many bombs have you planted? Have you told the master?" Chou Shi opened his eyes and asked.

"Not much, just more than 1000 arranged." Zishi said with a smile, reaching out and taking out a button from his pocket.

Then on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, things that looked like tennis throwing machines pointed at the rolling figures on the ground: "Intruders, let's feel the power of technology, launch!"

"What?" Seeing this scene, the skills that were rolling couldn't help showing a look of panic in their eyes, and hurriedly scattered and fled to both sides.

"Aww~ (Are these two guys planning to demolish the entire Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Garden?)" Cheng Hao, who was hiding in the shadows, couldn't help complaining when he saw this scene.

Their way of attacking the enemy is too much to hurt the enemy by [-], and they have lost a thousand to themselves. The enemy has not died yet, and the buildings on their side have been damaged to varying degrees.

He wouldn't believe that these two idiots didn't shit on the principal's grandpa later.

"dong dong"

Just as Cheng Hao was thinking this way, a figure suddenly flew over.

He took a closer look and found that the person in front of him was a worm. Looking at the big horn on the other person's head, if nothing else happened, it should be some kind of unicorn.

No wonder they haven't been killed by the bombing. It turns out that these guys are insect mutants, which makes sense. The exoskeleton of insects is quite hard.

"Ahem, the people of Xuan Kingdom who don't talk about martial arts are really despicable." The one-horned fairy who climbed up from the ground said cursingly, and out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of the standing chubby figure.

Immediately, the angry face turned into joy: "Little Fat Orange, it's Little Fat Orange."

"Captain, I found Xiaopangju, and he's here with me."

It's really great, I didn't expect these bastards to despicably smear them in the future.

Instead of killing them, he was sent to Xiaopangju instead.

Now Xiaopangju is in his pocket, and he will be able to take the other party away soon.

"Really? Get it under control as soon as possible, our goal is Xiaopangju, don't love to fight."

Holding the spider silk shield in his hand, Captain Spider said in surprise.

"Okay, Captain." The Unicorn Fairy replied, and walked towards Cheng Hao with a smile.Like a big bad wolf walking towards the lamb: "Little Fat Orange, stand obediently and don't resist, you know? Otherwise, I will give you a little bit of trouble. As long as you are obedient and obedient, I won't hurt you."

"What the hell? Tell me to be obedient and not hurt me. Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?" Cheng Hao showed an idiot-like expression upon hearing this.

The unicorn won't be knocked out by the explosion, will it?How dare you say such a thing in front of him, do you know how to write the word dead?

"Stop it, stop it, don't fire anymore, these idiots who don't know how to live or die are running towards Little Fat Ju." Seeing that Zi Shi was still firing rockets, Chou Shi hurriedly said.

Still playing?If you fight again, there will be no good land.

Moreover, now is a good time to watch a drama, the other party should not mess with everything.

"Really? That's fun, let me see how they died?" Hearing this, Zi immediately put away the remote control.

"Captain, they seem to have ceased fire." Scarab poked his head and said, the round back clips were like a pair of big shields, blocking the flying cement stones.

"I see, Unicorn, hurry up and bring the little fat orange, we're going to retreat immediately." said the spider firmly planted in the ground with eight hairy legs behind it.

The enemy this time is really insidious and despicable, and they can still use this weapon in the event of a power outage. It seems that they have to remove the solar panels on their roof next time.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Just after his voice fell, a spear-like head rolled and fell to the ground.

It was the one-horned fairy who had just walked towards Cheng Hao, in front of Cheng Hao who raised his paw and swung.

The black body of the humanoid beetle still kept reaching out.

"What?" Captain Spider's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

Among them, the Unicorn Immortal known as the "Black Tank", had his head blown off by a tiger?Do you want to be so scary?You must know that even the shells hit the opponent without the slightest trace.

"Aww~ (I thought I had a lot of ability, but I dared to speak wild words. It turned out that it was just a big tone and a little ability.)" Cheng Hao just blew lightly, and the corpse in front of him fell down directly.

"I found Xiaopangju after I was full and had nothing to do. Now it's all right, the head is separated from the body."

"That's right, isn't it good to mess with someone? Really."

Seeing this scene, Zi Shi and Chou Shi couldn't help shaking their heads.

Reaching out to a tiger, and a powerful tiger at that.This is not seeking death, what is this doing?
(End of this chapter)

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