Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 255 Both people and tigers are showing off, why am I the only one being beaten?

Chapter 255 Both people and tigers are showing off, why am I the only one being beaten?

"Haha, it's great that an enemy has appeared. It's time for the great robot No. [-] to deal with you."

While the two were discussing, the voice of robot No. [-] came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, violent artillery fire covered the ground, causing the calm ground to explode again.

"Are the damn robots so fierce? Damn it, why are there so many monsters here?" The beetles who were still in a daze just now couldn't be dazed anymore after seeing the bullets fired.Hastily dodged.

"Die, die, hateful intruders, remember that it was the great No. [-] robot who defeated you." Seeing them fleeing in panic, No. [-] robot.While firing artillery fire, he gave out a happy smile.

"Is this stupid robot crazy? Why does it feel that he is not normal." Zi Shi said.

"Did you find out too? I thought I was the only one who noticed that he was abnormal." Chou Shi followed up.

"Aww~ (You look at someone, don't take me as someone who needs to be cleaned up, okay?)" Seeing the bullets shot down, Cheng Hao jumped aside speechlessly.

Although this thing won't hurt when hit on the body, but it can't help but it's hot.

"No, this lunatic robot's firepower is much stronger than those guys just now, so we must find a way to interrupt it." The spider-man holding the spider web shield said with an ugly face.

Those guys just fired bombs at fixed positions, and it was not easy to hit them, but this guy used strafing, chasing them and strafing directly.

If you don't get rid of the other party?Then they could be in big trouble.

"Understood, we will find a way to solve him."

The other insect mutants who heard this said, they pointed their guns at the No. [-] robot flying in the sky, and started shooting.

"A group of little bugs still want to cook? Submit obediently, only death is your destiny."

"I am the great robot No. [-], and the earth will sink and float under my feet."

In the air, the robot No. [-] laughed and said.The machine guns in both hands fired again, and the insects that came up were once again slammed into it.

"Damn guy." Captain Spider, whose shield was hit with a "boom-boom", cursed, and the eight long legs on his back began to dig the ground.

The current situation is very clear, and it is not so easy to catch Xiaopangju.Either they retreat, or they can only wait for the other party to run out of bullets.

And during this process, I don't know if other people will come, so we must prepare the escape channel in advance.

Among their scattered terrain, only his side is the most suitable for hole punching.

"I said stupid robot, don't shoot less, okay? If you shoot any more? They're going to run away."

"That's right, can you spread your legs and feet occasionally?" said Zi Shi and Chou Shi who were standing on the roof. This guy has gone crazy, not to mention that the current intruders have to shrink their heads, even if they are I didn't dare to stand up.

He has completely become a shit-stirring stick, and the whole battlefield is turned upside down.

"Shut up, both of you, since you are incapable of dealing with the enemy, then let me do it."

"The great No. [-] robot will crush all the intruders, and you just need to watch." The No. [-] robot said, ignoring the two people's words, and continued to attack the earth. bombing.

"This idiot ignored us, what should we do?" Chou asked when he saw this scene.

This No. [-] robot is completely self-centered and ignores them at all.

"What can we do? We can only wait until this idiot finishes shooting all the bullets." Zi Shi said helplessly, leaning against the wall and waiting.

I don't know if this guy has been stimulated recently?It's crazy like this.Let's hope he runs out of ammo sooner.

"Aww~ (This guy is really hard to deal with, so I want to shoot him, what should I do? Grandpa should understand.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering in his heart when he saw this scene.

This guy looks like he really wants to clean up. Do you want to clean up directly?



Just as he was thinking this way, the voice in the sky suddenly became quieter, and there was a sound of something stuck.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the No. [-] robot trembling in the air, as if in a state of epilepsy.

"Good opportunity, it looks like this stupid robot can't hold it anymore, it's time for us to go up." Chou Shi said excitedly, and jumped down.

"Don't rush in such a hurry, be careful of being accidentally injured." Seeing this scene, Zi Shi shouted.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. My body is very strong." Chou Shi replied, stepping on the carapace of the beetle lying on the ground like a turtle.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

After the beetle lying on the ground sensed the dangerous aura, it immediately rolled and avoided Chou Shi's big feet.

When he saw it, he came down and rushed towards the longhorn who was holding the slate as a shield.

"Come down for me, you damn robot." After seeing it, the lying ant mutant spat out a long stream of saliva, and shot straight at robot [-].

The corroded No. [-] robot immediately emitted smoke, and could no longer stand firmly in the air, and fell straight down.

Seeing this scene, the ants rushed up immediately and attacked the No. [-] robot.

"Okay! Get rid of them all at once." The spider crawled out of the hole satisfied, and just about to join the battlefield with its eight big legs, a figure landed in front of him, directly blocking his way.

"Aww~ (You little spider who likes to dig holes, where are you going to go? How about staying with me?)"

"Aww~ (You just happen to have no opponent, you can play with me.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, his eyes fixed on the eight big feet behind him.

These eight big claws look very good, like eight big spears.It is very suitable to be used as an adult weapon, which is a good thing that was dreamed of when I was a child.

"Little Fat Orange, are you going to fight me?" Seeing this scene, the big spider-man couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then turned calm again.

Didn't he forget how the unicorn was slaughtered just now?What if he smiled and looked at the harmless little tiger in front of him?Then he will immediately step into the other party's footsteps.

"Aww~ (You guessed right, as a reward, I'll give you a tail first.)" Cheng Hao nodded with a smile, and swung his tail violently.


The spider-man who was standing one second, was embedded directly into the wall the next second.

"Ahem, what the hell is that?"

Half of the Spiderman's body was embedded in the wall, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, and his eyes were a little disbelieving.

He didn't do anything, he just said a word, was he just blown away by the little fat orange?What kind of terrifying speed is this?
"Aww~ (Do you still dare to be in a daze when fighting with me? It seems that you look down on me.)"

At this moment, Cheng Hao's voice came again.

In Spider-Man's eyes, he saw a furry paw getting bigger and bigger, and quickly retreated in fright.


The big furry paws directly shattered the two-meter-thick wall, revealing a big round face.

And behind the smoke and dust, the spider-man was trembling while clutching a big tree, confirming that his eyes were an untouchable creature.

Damn it, didn't the information say that the strength of Xiaopangju is not good, and it is very easy to deal with it?It was never mentioned that he would be so dangerous.

This kind of speed and reaction alone has reached the S level. How can an A-level mutant like them have a chance to survive?

"Aww~ (You're pretty good at it, much better than the guys I've seen, it looks like you can have a good time with me.)" Looking at the spider-man standing on the tree, Cheng Hao was very satisfied.

As expected of the guy who dared to run in from the main entrance, his strength was much stronger than the guys he had encountered before.

"The confident look in his eyes is worthy of being the king of beasts, and he is indeed worthy of the title in terms of strength. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to escape from this guy. You have to find a way."

By now, he already understood his situation very well.

If they wanted to catch Xiaopangju and bring them back with twice as many people, they might not be able to succeed.

At present, it is difficult to go back safely, let alone such wishful thinking.

Right now, it's better to save my life first, and then think about such unrealistic things.



Looking at the surrounding environment, Spider-Man didn't hesitate, opened his mouth and spit out spider silk, and laid a large web between the surrounding walls and trees.

When his strength is weak, he can only increase his chances of escaping by borrowing some means. If he cannot face the most terrifying land creatures in the world, he has no chance of winning.

"Aww~ (Are you playing this hide-and-seek game with me again? Then you have to be careful not to be caught by me, or you will lose your life.)" Cheng Hao rolled his eyes when he saw this scene Slipped, and disappeared in place in the next second.

"What?" The spider-man who was arranging the venue opened his mouth in shock when he saw this scene.

You must know that his eight eyes are staring at the surroundings, but even in this situation, he still didn't catch any movement.

How fast does this little chubby orange move?

"Where? Where exactly? Where would he come from?" The spider-man standing on the web looked around, his eyes full of horror.

Now his eyes and even his sense of smell are useless, and the only thing that can be used is the spider silk.

I hope that the spider silk he arranged can give him an early warning, otherwise what if the other party rushes down?He was about to die.

"Little spider, little spider. What are you looking at?" Cheng Hao put half of his big face next to the spider, showing a humane smile.

"Ah..." Feeling the breath beside him, Spider-Man jumped up in fright.

But there was a big fluffy tail that was faster than him, and when he jumped up, it directly wrapped around his leg.

"Aww~ (Since you're here, don't leave in such a hurry, stay and play with me for a while, I like making friends very much.)" Cheng Hao flicked his big tail like he was waving a big hammer laughed.

Does the little spider want to leave without saying hello when he comes to Tiger's house?This is too much to put him in the eyes of the bar.

"Damn it, it's so powerful that it can't stop it at all. Damn it, have they dealt with it?" The spider-man who was thrown around like a hammer waved his eight big feet to fight back.

But the huge force made him fall to the ground again before he could move.

To let him understand that he is not an opponent at all, if he wants to be free, he must have other people to help him.

And his only helpers now are the team members who are fighting, and now he only hopes that they can end the battle quickly.



"Golden tortoise, right? Put a green onion in your nose to pretend to be me? See if I don't kneel down and fight back? If I don't hit you today, you see eight generations of ancestors. I don't think you know how powerful I am."

Chou Shi turned into a little giant, waved his big tire-like fist, and punched the Scarab's carapace.


After the metal-shining back armor fist fell, a woman's terrified voice came from under the back armor:

"What's going on with this guy? I've never heard of him being so strong."

Zishi and Choushi should be the weaker ones among the twelve hours. Why does the other party have such terrifying power?
"Ah? Isn't this guy only good at drilling holes? What's the matter with his strength?"

After the beetle on the other side was blown away with a punch, his eyes were also full of disbelief. What's going on?Didn't it mean that this big mouse can only make holes?Why is it so powerful?

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

"Damn stinky machine, I will let you be arrogant. If you have the ability, try to be arrogant again." Ant-Man punched the No. [-] robot, making the No. [-] robot make a sound.

When this stupid robot shot him in the sky just now, didn't he have a lot of fun shooting him?Now he wants to see if the other party can still be so happy.

If you dare to beat him, you have to be prepared to be beaten.

"This is not right, why am I the only one being beaten?" Robot No. [-] who was hammered on the ground thought with question marks all over his head.

Why are all the other guys beating people, only he became the one being beaten, this is too abnormal.

"Boom!" Just as the No. [-] robot was thinking this way, there was a sudden burst of wind in the distance, and then the Ant-Man who was beating up by the robot slammed into the wall beside him.

Under the dusk, the sharp long hairs of the cyan juice directly penetrated the ant's body, firmly fixing him to the wall.

Outside the dilapidated wall, Spider-man was holding half of his arm full of despair.

He never thought that his Shifang Killing Fist would hit a wall today.

The little tiger in front of him didn't even have any claws. He just flicked his tail, and his eight big claws were instantly broken.

If it weren't for the quick retraction of his last hand, he wouldn't even have a movable upper body now.

"Aww~ (What a strong hand, since you haven't broken it after eating my tail whip, it looks like you are very strong.)" Cheng Hao said happily with his tail in a throwing shape. It can be regarded as meeting a slightly stronger hand. guy.

(End of this chapter)

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