Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 256 The Pretending to Be You

Chapter 256 The Pretending to Be You

"No, if this continues, I will definitely not be able to survive. I must use my trump card." Looking at the curious tiger with chubby eyes, Captain Spider secretly made up his mind.

Then Captain Spider roared crazily. His body, which was originally only slightly stronger, swelled up like a balloon.The eight broken hairy feet also returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they were still expanding at the speed of spring bamboo shoots, moving towards the direction of animalization, and it seemed that they were going to become a real giant spider. up.

"Aww~ (Are you planning to be a human being, little spider? Why did you go crazy all of a sudden?)" Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering when he saw this scene.

I still don’t see this picture, it’s so strange to fight him in the way of Spider-Man, why don’t you stop being a human all of a sudden?This psychological quality is also a bit too poor, and it will not work after only a few hits.

"I'm super! This guy is going berserk. Be careful, little fat orange." Seeing the ugly here, he hurriedly shouted.

Good guy, aren't the mutants dispatched this time weak?To have this kind of ability, fortunately, the other party fought with Xiaopangju.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome for him to deal with such a difficult guy.

"Aww~ (Do I still need to be careful when dealing with him? Who do you think he is? Can a little spider turn upside down?)" Looking at the spider that looked like a tank, he stared at the spider with big scarlet eyes. Own.

Cheng Hao held up the claws of the table and shook it from side to side, only to find that the big spider was also looking back and forth.

Immediately came the interest, began to step back and forth.

"Um, Xiaoju, what are you doing? Are you jumping side to side repeatedly?" When she saw this scene, she couldn't help being stunned.

When is this, the little fat orange is still jumping around leisurely, which is a bit too arrogant, the other party is a super big spider after all, okay?
"Damn it, you little tiger actually looks down on me so much?" Captain Spider, who had turned into a big spider, couldn't help gritting his teeth and cursing after seeing the behavior of the little tiger in front of him.

I have seen arrogant ones, but I have never seen such arrogant ones.He has transformed, and he still looks lazy and doesn't pay attention to it.Is he so unthreatening?
"Aww~ (I've never looked down on you at all, how do you want me to explain this?)" Cheng Hao turned upside down, using one big paw to support the ground, bouncing back.

When did this little guy feel that he had put him in his eyes? To put it bluntly, the opponent's strength really doesn't make him a formal capital.

"Damn it, I'm so pissed off, you damn little tiger, go to hell with me." Seeing Cheng Hao who started juggling, the big spider became even more angry.

Opening his mouth, he spit out sticky spider silk, rushing towards Cheng Hao's face.

"Aww~ (Not bad, the web spit out is quite big. It would be even better if it can stick to planes, cannons, and aircraft carriers.)" Cheng Hao, who jumped and dodged, said with a smile, and the spider webs shot were firmly attached. It hit the floor firmly and stuck to the ground.

"Damn it, where do you want to hide?" Seeing that his attack failed, the big spider couldn't help cursing.

The eight big feet rushed towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao's eyes rolled involuntarily.The sharp nail popped out and swiped hard, and he cut off the spider silk sticking to the ground, and then the tail curled up the spider thread, and hit the big spider like a big spinning top.

The little spider wants to play with him, right?Then have fun, let him see if the other party can afford it.


Before the big spider, which was stuck by the spider silk, could walk in, its whole body swung like a spinning top.

There was a hysterical roar, which looked so crazy.

"Aww~ (You want to be so angry, so angry, it's not good to be so angry, let me take you to play with the top, okay? I guarantee you will have a good time.)" Cheng Hao smiled when he saw this scene, The tail flicked the spider silk vigorously, and the sticky spider immediately moved greatly.

The whole spider was a little uncontrollable and flew towards the sky.

"Damn little fat orange, stop, stop." The big spider, which was up and down, cursed, but its whole body was jumping up and down like a yo-yo.

"Aww~ (Don't be so excited, just look at the bouncing up and down, it's so fun, I'm not in a hurry if you play for a while, why are you in such a hurry?)" Cheng Hao smiled, wagging his big tail Hey, it's his first time playing with such a big yo-yo, the other party shouldn't be so excited, let him play it well, and then think about how to deal with his affairs after he finishes playing.

"Um, this guy seems to be a little pitiful." Seeing this scene, Chou said, he has never seen a mutant who has entered a runaway state, so unlucky that he was played by Xiaoju as a yo-yo, and he still couldn't get away at all kind of.

"Yes, who made him become a spider when he was full and had nothing to do? Isn't this more conspicuous? You see that Xiaopangju is having so much fun, I'm afraid he won't be willing to let him leave so easily. "Zi Shi stepped on the longhorn and said, the tiger is very playful.This guy turned into a spider to beat Xiaopangju, isn't he just making himself uncomfortable?
If he had turned into something else, he would have escaped long ago.

"Yeah, he's just looking for trouble." Chou Shi agreed, pinching the beetle's head and saying, "Do you think I should just crush you to death with one hand, or just crush you to death with one hand?"

He thought how powerful this guy was. It turned out that he had no other abilities except the hard armor. It was really a waste of such a strong armor.

If he had such a strong body, he would definitely study physical skills well.

"Kill if you want, kill if you want, where do you talk so much nonsense?" Scarecrow scolded, they were unlucky today.

They admit it, but the other party should not be too happy too early, this matter is far from over so early.

"It's really a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, and it's not ashamed to speak up when it's about to die." Chou Shi couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words, and took out a ball from his pocket and slapped the scarab.

Thin ropes popped out from the four sides of the ball, wrapping the beetle into a big bastard.

"Aww~ (Interesting, really interesting, you guys are so much fun.)" Cheng Hao, who kept spinning the big spider ball under his paws, said happily. The weight of this big spider was just enough for him to play with as a ball.

It's a pity to kill them like this. They should be raised for a longer period of time to have fun.

I knew that such a suitable ball could not be found in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park.

"Damn it, I'm so pissed off, you little tiger is capable of killing me, don't torture me anymore." The big spider whose tail kept spinning roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

He never thought that one day he would be entangled in such a state by his own spider silk, and he would not want to die, if he knew that there would be such a day?He might as well have died in the remodeling room.
"Aww~ (It's better to live than to die, and you are quite interesting, why are you so overwhelmed with nothing? Wouldn't it be better to play with me for a while? Why are you in such a hurry to seek death like this?)" Cheng Hao muttered, The tail flexibly spins the hard-won spider silk ball.That is a joy.

"Aren't you guys in the same group as them? My yard is my yard." At this moment, the director who moved all the animals and came back to see the situation on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a sound like killing a pig.

His beautiful front yard was destroyed like this, and all the leaves of the Podocarpus pine he raised fell off. It looked like it had suffered a great disaster.

"Master, your old man has finally come. My disciple was unfilial and failed to keep the yard you entrusted to the nursery. Disciple is really doomed." Hearing this, Zishi rushed to the head of the garden and knelt down. down.

Soon, Chou Shi was a little stunned when he got to the side, that's not what the other party said just now, why did he kneel so fast all of a sudden, can we still have a good communication?
But he was dumbfounded, and he followed quickly.Kneel down together.

"Um, it's not your fault, there will inevitably be accidents in the battle." Seeing the two kneeling so neatly, the angry director immediately froze.

"Aww~ (I testify that this matter has nothing to do with the two of them, it was done by that stupid robot. I saw him shooting everywhere with a machine gun.)" Cheng Hao, who was on the side, saw it, his tail twirling the big spider ball towards The headmaster ran over.

Since both of them knelt, then he didn't have to kneel.

"Huh? Robot No. [-]?" After hearing this, the director's eyes suddenly became dangerous, and he looked at No. [-] beside him.

If you look carefully, these marks on the ground are indeed not made by manpower, but there are tiny bullet holes and traces of explosions.

"Uh, Mr. Consultant, I admit that I had an operation, but it's none of my business that this place has become like this. You should know that I don't have such great firepower." The alarm was sounding frantically, and it quickly pointed to the rocket launcher on the roof.

If it's true, the director might tear it down.

"Oh?" Hearing this, the director looked at the two kneeling on the ground again, with an uncertain look on his face.

Zi Shi and Chou Shi, who were kneeling, were beating heartbeats, and Cheng Hao, who was playing ball beside Zi Shi, winked.

Xiaopangju sees that they have become sneaky to bring him snacks, so he has to do a favor, so he can't just sit by and do nothing.

"Aww~ (Grandpa's thousands of mistakes are all their faults. I suggest you clean them up to vent your anger. As for these few, don't worry about them for now.)"

"Aww~ (After all, if they don't run out indiscriminately, why would Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Park do this? They are also to protect the tiger park.)"

After Cheng Hao received the wink, he raised his paw and pointed at the guys at the end and said.

"That's true, what Xiaoju said is reasonable, you all get up, let these guys go, I'll give them a chance to escape." Hearing this, the director took a deep breath and said, his stooped body rapidly swelled up.

"Yes, master."

Seeing the kneeling Zi Shi and Chou Shi trembled, they quickly got up.Go and let go of the two guys who are tied up.

"How dare you let us go like this?" Tian Niu said in disbelief. This group of people knew his speed?How dare you let him go like this.

"I think it's better to run slowly if you wait later, lest you die incompletely later and live for nothing." Hearing this, Zishi looked at the director who had grown taller.I couldn't help but respect him, am I finally going to show off his terrifying strength?It was so exciting.

"Aww~ (Grandpa, are you going to start pretending? Then should I put this little spider down for you?)" Cheng Hao asked after seeing it.

Now that the two little bugs have been let go, should the big spider be let go too?

"Let him go, I'll give him a chance to escape." The head of the garden said, knocking Cheng Hao on the head when he heard the words. He didn't know the ways of the world at such a young age. It's enough to know this kind of thing in his heart. Why did he still say it? ?

"Aww~ (I get it, I get it, I'll let it go now, don't disturb Grandpa, you pretend.)" Cheng Hao replied, waving his claws lightly, and the spider silk that tied the big spider was broken layer by layer Cracked.

"Little Spider, I'll give you a chance to escape. As long as you can escape, then I won't chase you anymore." The director said after seeing this scene.

"Really?" The big spider said in surprise when he heard this place, and glanced at the somewhat robust director in front of him, with a look of confidence in his eyes.

It has been confirmed that the person in the eyes is much weaker than the little tiger, and this time there are three targets, the chance of him escaping is very high.

"Of course, I've always nailed everything I said, so you can go now." The director waved his hand and said, with a look of disdain in his eyes, the little spider didn't know what to do.


Hearing this, the big spider waved its eight spear legs, scratched the ground and fled frantically.

Seeing this, Chang couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly. Cheng Hao who was on the side saw it, and dodged to the side of the statue very wittily.

In order not to eat a mouthful of ashes later, eat ashes directly to be full.

"Let's run separately and don't gather together. He is only one person, and he can't catch up with the three of us." Said the big spider's companions while running.

Hearing this, the beetle and the scarab fled frantically, one to the left and the other to the right.


At this moment, the director punched, and he punched three times in the direction where the three of them were fleeing.

In an instant, the air was stirred and a sonic boom erupted.

A huge fist-shaped vacuum area was formed, rushing towards the three figures.

In an instant, the sky changed color, the wind howled, and the smoke and dust covered the entire ground.

"Good... strong"

Covering Zi Shi and Chou Shi, who were blowing sand from their eyes, with their hands, they let out their inner voice.

Immediately afterwards, the scarab flying in the sky fell down like a kite with a broken string, and the running spider also collapsed at the same time.

The last beetle shattered into slag in the distance, and merged with the smoke and dust forever.

"Aww~ (This is so good at pretending, it makes me want to shoot.)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering, Grandpa really knows how to pretend.

(End of this chapter)

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