Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 257 The tiger garden is dilapidated, the animals are a little depressed

Chapter 257 The tiger garden is dilapidated, the animals are a little depressed

"Too strong, too strong, master is really too strong."

"Yeah, that fist like a car is really powerful."

After Zi Shi and Chou Shi saw it, they couldn't help but said with admiration, their eyes were full of admiration, and they almost wrote it on their faces.

The way the master taught them is indeed true. If you want to become stronger, you must exercise more.

It was the first time they saw someone punching, which could create such a big vacuum.And this power is still so terrifying, it is simply unheard of, unseen.

"How is it? Xiaoju. Is Grandpa's fist strong?" After seeing his achievements, the principal asked Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (It looks very powerful, but I don't know if it is really powerful.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing the words, looking at the smashed big spider, his poor little ball. , that's it.

He still wants to play a few more times. Grandpa, the principal, must have been too ruthless.

"What's going on here? Why did it become like this?" Sister Hong'er looked around and rubbed her eyes lightly, as if she couldn't believe it. He never expected to become like this.

Obviously their front door is very beautiful, how could it become like this?
"Talk about this, Xiaohong. It's all made by those nasty guys." Hearing this, the director pointed to the distance and said, where the figures of those guys could still be vaguely seen.

"Uh, did those guys make it? But it doesn't look like it." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er tapped carefully and said.

The worms there seem to have been beaten quite badly. Do they have the ability to make this place look like this?
"It's that they are not wrong, we can testify."

"Yes, yes, they are very bad, you must not be fooled by them." Zi Shi and Chou Shi added when they heard this.

"Okay, then I'll trust you." Sister Hong'er nodded, looked at Cheng Hao who was squatting and said, "Little rascal, what are you doing over there? Come here quickly."

"Aww~ (Eh, what am I doing here?)" Cheng Hao asked with some doubts when he heard this.

"Of course I went to lose weight, you little rascal, don't you just stay here in a daze, you even forgot what you were going to do." Sister Hong'er said helplessly, beckoning to Cheng Hao.

When Cheng Hao heard this, he immediately looked at the principal.The meaning is very obvious, I hope the other party will help him open the mouth, he doesn't want to lose weight anymore.

"You little villain, don't hurry up, don't let Xiao Hong wait for a long time to find out?" The director of the garden urged him after seeing this scene, and winked at Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his grandfather to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

"You little scoundrel, what are you still doing there?" Hong'er sister who found Cheng Hao still hadn't moved shouted, and Cheng Hao ran over with small steps.

"That's right, go run with my sister, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er smiled, and left with Cheng Hao.

After seeing the No. [-] robot on the side, he thought about it for a while.Just as he was about to follow along with his steps, the director's voice came from here: "Robot No. [-], where do you want to go? Hurry up and help clean up the mess."

"Uh, I think I've gained some weight recently, so I want to lose weight, is it possible?" Robot No. [-] said weakly after hearing this.

He's the most advanced robot in the department, so he doesn't have time to pick up junk here.Isn't this a loss of his worth?

"If you really feel that you are a little heavy, I can ask Xiao Xing'er to come and disassemble some parts for you." The principal said in a bad mood when he heard this.After the No. [-] robot destroyed this place so badly, it actually wanted to leave?Where is such an easy thing?
"OK then……"

Robot No. [-] heard the words and said helplessly.I can only reluctantly help with cleaning.

"You little villain, don't frown and look unhappy. You have to know that my sister helped you this time."

"Otherwise, you little rascal, you will have to move bricks and tiles over there now. By then, you will get all dirty, as if you rolled in the mud."

Sister Hong'er, who was walking in front, saw Cheng Hao following behind with a listless look and said.

This little villain doesn't have to do chores, and he still looks sullen. Does he know how cheap he is?
"Aww~ (Actually, there's nothing wrong with doing some work. Isn't this building a tiger park?)" Cheng Hao raised his head and said after hearing this, working can catch fish, but losing weight can't catch fish.

Calculated in this way, he is still more willing to fish there.

"There are so many people here, and you don't need a little villain to build, so you just don't even think about losing weight." Sister Hong'er said, and started trotting.Seeing this, Cheng Hao had no choice but to keep up.

"The three of you just get rid of the front. I'm going to the back to supervise the hydropower station." The director said after watching them work.

There are three of them here to deal with the rubble and bricks on the ground, and he can deal with the hydropower.

"Yes, Master." Hearing this, Zi Shi and Chou Shi replied without any objection.

Only robot No. [-] was cleaning, and his eyes were a little empty while cleaning.

If I had known that he would be the last to clean up, he would never have left this place like this.

"Yeah." Hearing their promise, the principal left in peace.

The three of them are left here to move stones, and those who clean up clean up.

"Ah, my head hurts so much. It seems that I still can't drink too much, and I won't drink with the little villain Xiaopangju next time."

"That's right, I hope the director doesn't know about his drinking, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"That's right, as expected, being big has its advantages." After the security guards in the security room got up, they continued to speak one after another.

Fortunately, the director didn't come to check on them during the longest time, otherwise they would be finished. I don't know what happened in the tiger garden during the time they fell asleep. Logically speaking, nothing major happened. .

Just as they were thinking this way, their eyes suddenly looked outside, and everyone was stunned. They saw a ruin outside, as if they had been trampled by a thousand wild boars.

Immediately, the mouths of all the security guards opened wide, and their eyes became hollow, as if the sky had fallen:

"This...what's going on here?"

"I don't know, you ask me, who am I asking?"

"Oh my god, who the hell did it? Will the director scold us to death after he finds out?"

They got drunk and caused such a big disaster. If the director knew that he didn't kill them, he would be doing them a favor.

Thinking about the fate they faced, everyone trembled.

"I said, are you awake? If you wake up, please help me." At this time, Zi Shi knocked on the door of the security room and said.

After a while of operation, they found that it was fun to fight, but it was really troublesome to put away the broken stall.

They have been cleaning up for so long, but they still feel that they can't finish cleaning up.

It wasn't until they saw the security room that they had an idea. Since they couldn't finish cleaning up, they could only shake people.And the security guards are the best helpers.

"How can I help? What happened here? Please tell us clearly first."

"Yeah, tell us what's going on first?" The people here said, their eyes full of doubts.

I just want to know what happened here, who the hell did it?Also, the head of the garden is not angry, is it possible to keep their jobs?

"What are you talking about? There are intruders here to make trouble. We fought with them for three hundred rounds, so this place has become like this." Seeing them drunk and just waking up, Zi Shi said, "You guys are here. How much wine did you drink? Why didn't you even hear such a big movement. "

"Yeah, there was a lot of movement here just now." Chou Shi also leaned his head over and said.

"Do we really smell of alcohol?"

"Yes, yes, is it that heavy?"

The security guards who heard this asked after smelling their own scent.

"Isn't it? We can all smell it. Think about it yourself."

"Yeah, don't talk so much, come out and help."

Zishi and Choushi urged, if no one helps, they will have to work until tomorrow.

"Okay, but you can't tell the director about this matter, otherwise we won't help you."

"Yes, we are helping you, and you have to help us guard this matter."

After hearing this, the security guards immediately said, at present, the director of the garden doesn't know that they also drank alcohol, so they must not let the director know.

And the two people in front of them had to help them keep their secrets.

"Don't worry, brother, as long as you help, we will rot this matter in our stomachs."

"Yes, we won't tell anyone who asks us."

Zi Shi and Chou Shi replied when they heard this.

"That's fine, brothers get up and work sober up." The security guards said, and opened the door of the security room to help.

Seeing this scene, Zi Shi and Chou Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, with their help, the task can definitely be completed quickly.

"Report to the commander, the mutant lizard that appeared in the city has been resolved."

In Hongtashan City, the team members stood beside the fallen lizard and reported.

"Very well, take that big lizard's body away, don't let it stay in the city, and take a look around to see if there are any traces of the enemy."

Within the department, the commander spoke.

It was such a coincidence that this mutated lizard came here, which has to be doubted.

After all, so many large lizards appeared at the same time that Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park encountered intruders.

"Yes, Commander, we will start the investigation right away." The team members replied, and quickly launched an operation.

"Report to Commander, we have found out where this big lizard came from. It didn't come from our forest. He ran over from the border." Just after the Commander hung up the call, Chen Min came over with the report .

"Really? It seems that our old neighbors are starting to feel uneasy again." The commander who heard this said with a sneer.

These guys have become a mess in their own country, so they can't see the safety of other countries, right?

"Well, this matter needs to be reported? Commander." Chen Min asked after hearing the words.

"Of course, after all, this matter is not just about our city, but also about two countries." The commander nodded.

"But isn't there a lot of turmoil recently? If we do this, we won't be used by someone for surgery, right?" Chen Min worried.

It's time to change managers again, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.Don't tell me that after this matter was handed over, they were used to make fun of it.

"Then let's see if they have the guts. Our evolutionary department is not vegetarian."

"And now there are a large number of our people in the army and in various places. If they want to tear their faces, then we don't mind changing people."

The commander couldn't help sneering when he heard the words, at this point, these people are still fighting over this damn thing, don't they know one thing?

Now is not the past, the lethality of guns is not so great.

Moreover, guys like them who can only play tricks on paper will not be able to get on the stage after all.

"Like this? That's really great. I've long since disliked those guys above." Chen Min said happily after hearing this.

The group of guys above want to control everything, want to get involved in everything, they obviously don't understand anything, they can't even control the people under their own hands, and they always want to control their affairs.

This is an annoyance to their work and mood.

But if it is replaced by their headquarters, then everything will be different.

"Well, let's not talk about this matter for now. After all, these guys are nothing to worry about. It is very easy to deal with them. What we should care about now is the safety of the entire city. We must not let those big companies come in again. "The commander said looking at the map, their Hongtashan City is not small.

And it is next to the border line, although there are endless mountains blocking it.

But when the intruders are all mutants or evolutionaries, it is still too easy to come in.You have to find a way to stop it.

"Aww~ (Didn't you mean to run? Why do you run in here?)" Cheng Hao asked with black lines on his head while running in the large hamster running wheel. My sister regarded it as an eternal machine Yes or no?Is there any way to deal with little tigers like this?

Let him directly act as a large power bank to generate electricity for the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park?
Fortunately, he thought his sister was real just now, so he kindly asked him to come for a run and not have to clean up the mess.

"Where is running, isn't it running? Besides, you are not the only tiger here to generate electricity, so what are you complaining about?" Sister Hong'er who was sitting on the side looked at the tigers, bears and wolves running in the densely packed rolling cage. Said.

These little guys go to bed after eating every day, and after sleeping, they eat one by one, which is no lighter than Xiaoju. It happened that the tiger park had a power outage, so I asked them to run a few more times to generate electricity for the tiger park.

This can lose weight and save electricity bills.

"Wow~ (Then why do we step on it too?)" asked the crows in the small cage on the side.

(End of this chapter)

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