Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 258 Eat My Seed Machine Gun

Chapter 258 Eat My Seed Machine Gun
"Because you are too fat, you won't be able to fly if you continue like this, so my sister asked you to step on the wheel to lose weight. As long as you lose weight for a long time, can you stop doing this?" Sister Hong'er said, walking in front of the small roller.

"Wow~ (But if we go on like this, I feel like we won't have to fly, and we can develop a whole body of thick leg muscles.)"

"Wow~ (Yeah, yeah, it's better if we are birds or practice flying.)"

The crows who heard this said, if they continue to run like this, their thighs will be stronger than their wings, and they will be able to run like ostriches by then.

"Isn't this better? How happy is it to have a new life-saving skill?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and continued to sit on the chair. These little guys wanted to let her give up just by talking. But it's not that easy.

They'd better work hard to lose weight.

"Wow~ (It's not good at all, we're really tired.)" Black Crow said listlessly.

"Wow~ (Yes, yes, sister, please let us go, let us have a good rest, okay?" The other crows followed suit.

"Of course not. How can you give up halfway?" Sister Hong'er shrugged her shoulders, and heard a rustling sound from the sky. When she looked up, she saw that half of the sky was dark, and swarms of big mosquitoes took over. up the sky.

"Aww~ (There are so many mosquitoes, sister, do you want to eat mosquito cakes?)" Cheng Hao, who also saw this scene, asked, this evolutionary era is different, even the mosquito is so big.

If this one is shot down?I'm afraid it's enough to stir-fry dishes, right?

"You little villain, are you still making sarcastic remarks here? Why don't you hurry up and drive these mosquitoes away." Sister Hong'er said with black lines when she heard this.

This little villain is still in the mood to joke here?Hurry up and drive these mosquitoes away, or when they land, they will have to suck them dry.

"Got it, got it." Cheng Hao said, jumped out of the cage, took a deep breath, and then suddenly vomited towards the sky.

Immediately, a strong wind blew up on the ground, and half of the sky, which was still dark just now, suddenly became clear.

"Aww~ (Sister, look, the sky is clear now, I have already blown away all these nasty guys, and I guarantee that they will never come back.)" Looking at the clear sky, Cheng Hao was proud Said.

The little mosquito dared to be arrogant in front of him, so now he doesn't even have a shadow of it?

"The sky has cleared up, but where have you blown them up, you little rascal?" Looking at the clear sky, Sister Hong'er muttered.

She felt that Xiaoju was blowing a little too hard, and hoped there would be no accidents.

The swarm of mosquitoes who are just about to fly down from the sky to feast on their food, haven't figured out what's going on yet?The entire group has been blown away.

When they came back to their senses again, they had already arrived in the steel building.

"Mom, what do you think that is? It's so big."

In the apartment where the electricity was cut off, after seeing the situation in the sky, a child immediately patted his mother beside him and said.

"Is it such a big thing?" The woman with the fan muttered, then raised her head, and then she saw the situation in the sky, and she trembled in fright: "Mosquito...mosquito, it's so big!" Mosquitoes, help, help."

With the scream of the woman, everyone in the apartment was startled.They looked at the dark sky and trembled with fear.

"What? Has a huge mosquito swarm appeared in the city? We'll deal with it right away. Don't worry, just find a place to hide yourself." In the evolutionary department, the faces of the team members who received the citizen's report couldn't help but change slightly.

On such a hot day, have these mosquitoes come out to make trouble again?This is not good news.

"Are there so many mosquitoes? Immediately dispatch to get rid of them. These mosquitoes must not be allowed to do whatever they want in the city." Hearing this, the commander said, it was really a house leak and it rained all night, so the power was cut off Having encountered this kind of thing again, it seems that today will not be so peaceful.

"Yes, Commander."

The team members who heard this said that they immediately launched the armed helicopters to carry out urban mosquito control operations.

"Good evening, citizens, please stay in your respective rooms and don't come out."

"Now there are a large number of mosquitoes in the city. Each of them is the size of a fist and has a sharp tone. Once they stare at them, the consequences will be disastrous."

In the TV station of Hongtashan City, reporters are reporting the news outside.

Although there is a large-scale power outage in the entire city, this does not affect their news work.

Especially at such a dangerous time, they are even more needed to come out.

"Little rascal, let me tell you that your tone of voice just now was a bit far away. Take a look at what bad things you have done?" Sister Hong'er, who was watching the news, knocked Cheng Hao on the side and said.

Can't this little villain be pushed elsewhere?How did you blow all the mosquitoes into the city? Isn't this a trap?

"Who said this is a bad thing? Isn't this a good thing? If I blow them into the forest, they are so big, if they stare at other animals, they will suffer Yeah.)"

"Aww~ (But what if he blows him into the city? That's different, the human beings in the city must have a way to destroy them.)" Cheng Hao, who was squatting, said that he had a problem blowing into the city ?No problem, he just wanted to push them into the city.

If you don't push them into the group, how can anyone deal with them?

"It's not wrong to say that, but you can't do this for other animals, what if other people are injured because of your actions?" Sister Hong'er said in a bad mood after hearing this.

This little villain is very skilled in using a knife to kill people with a borrowed knife. He actually used this method to kill mosquitoes.

But it was a bit wicked for him to do so. People in the city didn't know anything, so they ran into so many mosquitoes for no reason.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, nothing will happen, it's such a big night. And the electricity is out? How can anyone run around outside? And they must have screened windows, sister, don't worry so much.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently.

The city without electricity is so dark, everyone must be staying in their own houses honestly, how could they come out to play everywhere?My sister doesn't need it.

"You little villain, I'm afraid you don't understand the situation very well, the more people will come out at this time." Sister Hong'er said helplessly.

Because of the power outage, the house is too boring, so many people go to the park or other places to enjoy the cool.

Now that so many mosquitoes have gone to the city, they will suffer.

"Aww~ (then there is no other way, I hope they have a thicker skin and can bear the bite a little more.)" Cheng Hao shrugged his shoulders.

If this is really the case, he can only say sorry, who told them not to go back to sleep at night, and run around when they are full?

"It's useless for such a big mosquito, no matter how thick their skin is, why don't you let them hold on? You can really talk, you little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard this.

This little villain really doesn't know how big those mosquitoes are, does he?Are they as big as fists?The breath in the mouth is longer than the syringe of the injection.

With such a long syringe, an elephant may not be able to withstand it.

"Aww~ (Then I hope that the relevant departments will dispatch quickly, this will do.)" Cheng Hao said again after hearing this.

Since these mosquitoes are so terrible, I believe all units in the city have already taken action.

"It's not enough for them to take action, you little villain also has to go." Sister Hong'er said unhappily when she heard the words.

I don't want to solve the bad things this little villain did, right?He put his hopes on others.

"Aww~ (There's nothing I can do if I go, can I guarantee that they won't be stung?)" Cheng Hao complained, it's such a hot day.When he ran to the city, he was probably out of his mind.

And if you want to get into the city with your toes, there must not even be a store open now.

"Of course it's impossible, but if you little rascal go together? You can definitely get rid of most of the mosquitoes." Sister Hong'er said, and jumped on Cheng Hao's back: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go quickly, little Scoundrel. There are many people waiting for us to save."

"Aww~ (Since there are so many people waiting for us to rescue, why can't we drive there?)" Cheng Hao asked weakly with Sister Hong'er on his back.

Since the situation is so urgent, why should he carry it behind his back?

"Because you can run faster, little rascal, and if you are allowed to go, it will also help you exercise." Sister Hong'er explained, patting Cheng Hao's buttocks and urging her.

"Aww~ (My life is really more miserable than Huanglian, which little tiger is as miserable as mine?)" Cheng Hao said sadly when he heard this, and ran away waving his limbs.



Inside the residential building under the night, there was a loud metal knocking sound.

In the rooms without electricity, the residents turned into pan or washbasin heroes one by one.They waved the weapons in their hands, and gave the mosquitoes flying on the head a hard blow.

These hit mosquitoes land on the ground and walls.He flapped his wings again and flew towards the residents, like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed.

"What the hell kind of mosquito is this? Why is it so hard? I was hit by the bottom of the pot, but there was no reaction at all?" The residents who played this scene were a little shocked, and never thought that these mosquitoes would be so powerful.

"end to end"

"end to end"

While they were thinking, there was another series of noises outside the window, and the mosquitoes outside the window were constantly knocking on the window, knocking on the window, as if it would break the window in the next second. Enter the same.

"Damn it, why are there so many mosquitoes? Why do they stay around here? Is there no other place to go?" The residents who saw this scene couldn't help cursing, not understanding why these mosquitoes Still gathering around them?In such a big city, are they the only ones here?

"Aww~ (A lot of mosquitoes, it's so dark, my God, are these mosquitoes dispatched in groups?)"

Outside the urban area, Cheng Hao, who was walking while eating a watermelon, looked at the sky and said.

A large circle formed by watermelons twirled around the tail, and these watermelons were thrown up into the sky by him, fell down and then thrown up into the sky by him again, just like performing acrobatics.

"Don't eat you little villain, be careful to burst your little belly, and quickly find a way to eliminate these guys." Sister Hong'er said helplessly when she heard the words, using the stun gun she carried with her, Give the surrounding mosquitoes a fatal blow.

Speaking of which, these mosquitoes were also very strange. Although they passed by them, they would not bite her.I don't know if Xiaoju was intimidated?
"Aww~ (I'm so anxious, wait until I finish this bite, I'll deal with them immediately after I finish eating.)" Cheng Hao, who was chewing the watermelon, said, how could he vomit if he didn't eat all the melon meat? Watermelon seeds?My sister should not rush him.

Let him eat the watermelon in peace, and let these little mosquitoes take a look at the wonderful world again.

"Then hurry up, don't procrastinate." Sister Hong'er urged.

Is this still urgent?If you don't rush, the fire will burn to the eyebrows. Has this little villain seen how many mosquitoes are in the sky?
"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao replied, taking a deep breath with his bulging mouth.Then he vomited hard.

Suddenly, a huge sound of breaking wind resounded through the street.

The black glow shot out from Cheng Hao's mouth with a terrifying momentum.Fly towards the densely packed mosquitoes in the sky.

I saw the place where the black light rose into the sky, and the mosquitoes flapped their wings, falling from the sky like raindrops, paving the ground with a thick layer.

"It's amazing, little villain. Your seed machine gun seems to have something." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er said in surprise, she thought this little villain was talking nonsense.

Unexpectedly, eating watermelon would have the same effect as a machine gun, shooting down all the mosquitoes in the sky.

"Aww~(Of course, I have said that this trick will work. Sister, you thought I wanted to eat watermelon, you really underestimated me.)" Cheng came back to gnaw a melon with his tail flicking Hao said.They all said that he didn't eat watermelon for the sake of eating watermelon, he ate watermelon for the sake of these melon seeds.My sister now believes that he didn't lie, right?

"Well, then you little villain, hurry up, the mosquitoes you have dealt with are not even one percent in the city." Looking at the dark sky, Sister Hong'er said.

Even after shooting so many mosquitoes, the sky is still foggy, which means that Xiaoju's speed is still not good.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, isn't the sky spraying mosquitoicide? It will definitely wipe out all these mosquitoes.)" Cheng Hao, who was walking slowly, said indifferently, if he really had to spit out watermelon seeds with his mouth to kill mosquitoes ?Then I don't know when I will spit it out, or I still have to rely on helicopters to spray insecticides and mosquitoes.

"That's true, I hope these mosquitoes will be killed quickly." Sister Hong'er nodded after thinking about it, and then walked slowly with Cheng Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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