Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 269 Well, Tigers Miscalculate Sometimes

Chapter 269 Well, Tigers Miscalculate Sometimes

"Aww~ (Is there something wrong with you two?)" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was completely dumbfounded. Facing the two people who had stepped over the plastic fence, he jumped up and avoided their hands. Arrived in front of Sister Hong'er.

"I'll go. This little guy runs pretty fast. I didn't even catch him." Seeing the black shadow running past in front of him, Xu Lele said in surprise.

"Yeah, it's not like a little tiger reaching out at all." Mao Shi, who also missed, agreed, she couldn't catch the little fat orange, and even the little tiger couldn't catch it, it was simply outrageous.

"Aww~ (Sister, help me stop the two of them.)" After running to Sister Hong'er, Cheng Hao immediately pulled his trouser legs and climbed up.

"Got it, got it. You little rascal." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and picked up Cheng Hao.

This little guy is really heavy as always.

"Sister, can you give me a hug for this little guy? I'll just give it a hug." Xu Lele, who turned around and saw this scene, asked.

Sure enough, it was still the same, these little guys were hiding from her to death, so they threw themselves into their arms and hugged Sister Hong'er.

"Yes, yes. I promise to give you a hug." Ushi agreed.

"No, it's not that I don't agree, it's that the little guys won't give you hugs. If you force it, what if you scare him into peeing?" Sister Hong'er shook her head and refused after hearing the words.She turned sideways and said, "Be good. Be good, baby. Don't be afraid. My sister is here. Be good, baby..."

"This..." When Mao heard this, he could only look at Xu Lele.

"Don't look at me, I can't help it." Xu Lele could only helplessly shake his head in response to Mao Shi's gaze.

What can the little tiger do if he doesn't want to?Can they still come to be strong?

"The two of us don't need to stand here, we can do whatever we want. If you two stand here, it will scare the little ones." Seeing the two of them still standing here Not going away, Miss Hong'er said.

It's okay to hug this little guy a little bit, but if she keeps hugging her, she won't be able to bear it.

"Like this? Well then, let's go to Xiaopangju?" Xu Lele said after thinking about it.

"Yeah. Let's go find Xiaopangju." Mao Shi nodded, and the two left here.

"Okay, you little villain can go back and lie on your stomach, don't pretend to be sleeping with my sister." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene, looked into her arms, and found the little girl in her arms The orange pig has dozed off.

"This little rascal..."

Sister Hong'er was very helpless when she saw this, so she could only put him on the chair.

"No, it's empty, I don't even see a hair, where did this little villain go?" The house where Cheng Hao lived was empty, Xu Lele searched up and down, but found nothing.The whole person muttered.

"Did he run out to play?" Mao Shi asked beside him.Since he is not in the Tiger Garden, then this little villain probably ran out, otherwise?It is impossible to find it after searching for so long.

"Impossible, this little guy is a precious tiger. Sister Hong'er didn't go out, so it's impossible for him to run out by himself. He must still be in the tiger garden." Xu Lele concluded after hearing this, and then turned to He ran to the library of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain.

The little rascal liked to sleep there for a while, and maybe he does now.

"Like this?" Mao Shi, who followed, muttered, and then followed Xu Lele.

But as they ran round and round in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, they still couldn't find even a tiger hair, and both of them started to mutter.

"Have you encountered any difficulties? Why are you moaning and sighing here? Young people can't be like this, they should be more energetic." The head of the garden walked towards him, and after discovering the situation of the two of them, he smiled. Said.

"The difficulty we have encountered is serious. Mr. Consultant, can you help us solve it?" Xu Lele said, looking up at the principal.

"Yeah, both of us are exhausted, but we still haven't found it." Mao Shi followed up.

"It depends on what the two of you are talking about. If it's too troublesome, I can't help it." If not, then the two of them will be disappointed, and he has no money to borrow.

"Dean, you can definitely help me with this matter." Xu Lele said, looking at the principal after hearing this.

"Oh? Surely it can help? What are you talking about?" the director asked curiously.

"We want to ask the director of the garden to help find Xiaopangju. We have been looking for him for a long time, but we can't find him." Mao Shi said, not wanting to go around in circles anymore.

"Yes, Mr. Consultant. I don't know where Xiaopangju has gone. No matter what, I can't find him." Xu Lele nodded.

"That shouldn't be possible. There are only a few places this little villain goes to get married, either the cafeteria or the library, or the library or next to Xiaohong."

"Can he go somewhere else?" The director said with a smile.

"But the problem is that we have searched all these places, and we also saw the shadow of Xiaopangju." Mao Shi said.

At first, she thought that Lele was bragging, but now it seems that Chubby Ju really likes to go to these places, but if he likes to go, why didn't they find it?
"That's right, I almost turned the floor over to look for it." Xu Lele nodded.

"Well, there's something really wrong with it. Logically speaking, it's impossible for this to happen." The director said, and then he took out his phone: "Hello! Is it the monitoring room? I'm the director, check it out for me." Check Xiaoju, where is this little villain now?"

"What? That little villain Xiaoju has been staying in the kindergarten and hasn't come out? Are you sure?"

"Okay, then I'll trust you once, go and see for yourself."

"What's the matter? Mr. Director." Mao Shi asked curiously when he saw the director hung up the phone. Judging from what the director meant, he should have found Xiaopangju.

"That's right, is there any news about Chubby Ju?" Xu Lele asked curiously as well.

"I asked the monitoring room, and they said that the little villain hasn't come out since he went to Xiaohong's work place." The director said after putting away the phone.

"Ah? This is impossible. Could it be that the people in the monitoring room misread it?"

"Yeah, I have been there several times, but I haven't even seen the shadow of Xiaopangju." The two were shocked when they heard this.

If you want to say that Pangju grows somewhere else, the two of them can’t find them and they have nothing to say, but if you say that Pangju is hidden in the place where Second Sister Hong works, then the two of them are 1 million I don't believe it.

To know that place, they have been there several times.

"I also think it's very strange, so I checked it out, and the security guards over there said that it is indeed the case." The principal said, putting away his phone and walking towards the kindergarten.

Whether the matter is like this, the parents and children will know after going to see it.

"The little villain slept really soundly, and they have all returned to their original form. If they come here at this time, you little villain will have something to play with." Looking at the figure of the collapsed recliner, Hong'er sister was very helpless.

After this little guy was hit in the first round, he couldn't hold it anymore.The pressed recliner made rattling noises several times, and she was worried that the recliner would go bad.

Fortunately, the director has long considered the problem of dishonesty of some little guys.The rigid structure of the reclining chair was specially added, otherwise, there would be a lot of scrapped furniture in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Garden.



Just when Miss Hong'er was thinking this way, the sound of footsteps coming from a distance quickly attracted her attention, and she raised her head to look outside.I saw the three people coming this way, and after looking at Cheng Hao who was sleeping soundly, I couldn't help but smile wryly:
"It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, little villain, you can ask for blessings, sister can't help you now."

"This little villain is actually here, but we didn't see him at all just now."

"Yeah, how did this little villain do it? He's so big but he doesn't show a single trace." Xu Lele and Mao Shi, who arrived, saw the situation on the recliner, and they were both stunned.

This is very outrageous, this little villain is really there, but neither of them saw it
"If he doesn't want you to see him, even if he's lying in front of you two, you two don't even want to see him." The director on the side said with a smile: "This little villain has already used his abilities perfectly. He absorbs light and becomes transparent."

"Unless you bring special equipment, it is basically impossible to detect him."

"Does this little villain still have this kind of ability?" Mao Shi was shocked when he heard this, but he didn't expect to use his ability to absorb light to achieve the method of making himself transparent.

"Yes, he's not as cute as he looks. This little villain is really smart." Hearing about Xu Lele who sneaked into the department at the beginning, I really know that this little villain in front of me really has this ability.

This can explain why they couldn't find them after they came.

But these are not important right now, the important thing is to finally find this little villain, and then it's their time.

Thinking of this, Xu Lele became happy. She pinched the tiger skin cake that she hadn't touched for a long time with both hands, and gave her long-lost auntie smile:

"Hey hey, the little fat orange is still as soft as ever, and there is no change in the original texture. There is no such thing as the bigger the body, the harder the hair."

"Yes, I don't know what conditioner he usually uses, how can he make his hair so smooth?" Mao Shi, who was also rubbing against each other, agreed, rubbing his face against Cheng Hao's big belly.

"The two of you had better not get so close. This little villain is sleeping right now. If he gets tickled, he will give you a paw." Sister Hong'er reminded after seeing this scene.

The two of them do whatever they want even though Xiaoju is asleep, lawless.You must know that tigers are also ticklish.

"Oh, let's take it easy." The two people who heard this replied, they touched it with their hands up and down.

"Aww~ (Don't make trouble, don't make trouble.)"

Cheng Hao, who was being touched by the two of them all the time, still twisted his body like a caterpillar, and there was a muttering sound in his mouth.It looked like he might wake up at any moment.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lele's eyes lit up immediately, and he pulled Mao Shi to the side, then picked up the steamed meat on the table and placed it in front of his big face.

Then a miraculous scene appeared, I saw Xu Lele slowly raised the steamed meat.

Cheng Hao also raised his head, and then the whole tiger floated up, moving back and forth with Xu Lele's hands, like a dragon lantern dancing in the New Year.

When Mao Shi saw this scene, he kicked Cheng Hao with his foot in disbelief, and found that there was no such thing as air steps below.

So what is the little fat orange in front of me, how can it be the same as the Tom cat in the anime?
"It's fun, it's fun, this little villain is getting more and more fun." Xu Lele, who was holding the steamed meat, was so happy that his eyes lit up when Cheng Hao floated up.

Originally, he wanted to wake up the little villain, but he didn't expect this scene to appear.

"Okay, don't tease him anymore, he will be angry if he can't eat any more." The headmaster said after seeing that it was almost the same.

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Xu Lele immediately put the steamed meat on the table.

Cheng Hao immediately wriggled his light body and came to the steamed meat, poked his head out and started eating.

The two people who saw this scene immediately showed a look of surprise:

"This little villain can't see that eating is quite refined."

"Yeah, it's really gentle."

"Aww~ (Why am I here?)" Just as the two of them were muttering, Cheng Hao, who was about to eat the bowl, finally turned around.

"Because of greed." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said, "Hurry up and put down the bowl, do you really want to eat the bowl together?"

"Aww~ (Of course not, I'm not stupid. How could I eat a bowl?)" Cheng Hao replied after spitting out the bowl, then turned his head and saw Xu Lele and Maoshi, and was immediately taken aback : "Aww~ (Why are you two guys here?)"

"Because you have returned to your original form, you little villain." Sister Hong'er poked him and said, this little guy still said why?I don't care how old I am now.

"Aww~ (How could it be like this? It shouldn't be right.)" Seeing the figure directly appearing on the glass, Cheng Hao couldn't help muttering.

He should still look like a little tiger, how could he return to his original form?
"It's very simple, because after you, the little villain, went to sleep, you immediately lost your ability." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and knocked Cheng Hao's head.

What else is this little guy asking?Now I know why.

"Aww~ (So it's like this?)" Cheng Hao suddenly realized, if he said that.Everything is explained.

(End of this chapter)

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