Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 270 Huhu is so cute, how can he hit him.change!quickly change

Chapter 270 Huhu is so cute, how can he hit him.change!quickly change
"Sister, what are you whispering about?" Xu Lele moved her head curiously after seeing it.Ready to listen, what is this person and tiger talking about?
But before her head approached, her big furry paws pressed down on her face: "Aww~ (If you have nothing to do, you can go and drink some water, don't always ask other people if you have nothing to do. private matter.)”

"Aww~ (This is very annoying, you know?)"

"Wow, I haven't seen you for so long, and you are still as enthusiastic as ever. Do you miss my sister?" Xu Lele said happily after her face was pressed by her paws. "Pangju is so enthusiastic. I must miss you during this time." She's thinking about it badly, you can greet her with paws when you look up.

"Uh, I don't think it's a matter of his enthusiasm. I think he probably doesn't want you to come close." Mao Shi, who was standing beside him, said, she couldn't see how enthusiastic the other party was just because of Xiaopangju's action. .

How disgusted is the other party?She did see it.

"Nonsense! Little Fat Ju likes me." Xu Lele said, holding his big paws with both hands, and began to pinch the pads on Cheng Hao's paws.

Little Fat Ju ran tens of kilometers to chase her, how could he not like her?

"Aww~ (Sister, can I throw her away with one paw?)" Cheng Hao asked Sister Hong'er helplessly, feeling Xu Lele's paws like brown candy.

"Of course not." Sister Hong'er said, walked to Xu Lele's side and grabbed her by the collar: "It's alright, alright, don't hug anymore. Where did his claws dig shit today? You still hug?"

"Ah?" Xu Lele was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly let go: "You little villain, why do you still do this kind of thing every day? Don't use your pretty little paws to dig shit, Do you know that my sister will be very sad like this?"

"Aww~ (When did I dig shit? Can you stop spitting blood? You haven't seen you with your own eyes, so why are you talking nonsense.)" Cheng Hao cursed after hearing this.

That is a clean tiger, how could it use its paws to dig shit?This is simply something out of nothing.

"Okay, okay, you little rascal, stop arguing." Sister Hong'er pulled Cheng Hao's head and said, "Go ahead and do whatever you want, don't stay here and disturb my sister's work, you know?" ?”

After speaking, she gave Cheng Hao a wink and told him to leave quickly.

"Aww~ (I got it, I got it.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head, turned around and jumped out.In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of everyone.

"Wait a minute, Xiaopangju, don't run away." Mao Shi was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Did Xiaopangju, who was finally found, just run away now?
"Aww~ (Who doesn't run away? Who is a fool.)" Cheng Hao, who ran out, muttered and disappeared.

"By the way, Lele, why are you free to come here today? Is it another holiday? Or is it for other reasons." Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

"My, my training is over, so I'm back." Xu Lele said with a smile, hugged Hong'er's arm and said, "From today onwards, I can accompany my sister in the Tiger Garden again. How about my sister? ? Are you happy?"

"Yeah, I happen to need help recently, it would be great if you could come over." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think so too." Xu Lele nodded, then looked at the little tigers who raised their heads to look at them.

In an instant, the curious little tigers shrank their heads in fright and ran away to hide.

"What's the matter with you little guys? Why are you like this? Am I so scary?" Xu Lele muttered.

"Aww~ (Sister, she is so scary.)"

The little tigers who heard this replied, one by one scurrying around in fright.

"Okay, don't look at these little guys, they are very timid." Sister Hong'er saw this, pulled Xu Lele and said.

"I can see that they are not as courageous as Xiaopang." Xu Lele nodded, looked at the little tigers and said, "Little guys, let's see each other slowly in the future."

"Aww~ (I don't want to see you.)" The little tigers frowned and ran towards the cabin.

"Hey! Wait a minute, why is that little guy with a round head and a brain that looks like a chubby orange missing?"

At this moment, Mao Shi, who was watching from the side, suddenly noticed that the little tiger they had seen for the first time was gone.Immediately, a puzzled look appeared.

"It's true that I didn't see that little guy. Where did that little guy go? Sister." Xu Lele replied after hearing this, but found that she really didn't see it.

"You said Big Orange, Big Orange ran out to play." Sister Hong'er replied with a smile, but she didn't expect their memory to be so good.I still remember that the little orange has become a big orange.

"Really? When will that little villain come back?" Xu Lele asked curiously.

"I don't know about that, maybe he will come back when he's hungry." Sister Hong'er said.

"Like this?" Xu Lele thought for a while, and always felt that something was wrong, but what exactly was wrong?She couldn't speak again.

"Yes, come quickly and help me move things." Sister Hong'er nodded and walked aside while pulling Xu Lele.

I'm really afraid that the other party will really go out to look for it, if that's the case?Everything is about to be revealed.

"Okay, okay." Xu Lele nodded back and came over to help.

When Mao Shi saw it, he also ran up.

"Is there a little tiger that looks like Xiaoju? Is there such a tiger in the tiger park?" Looking at the three people who were moving things, the director couldn't help muttering in his heart, why didn't he know that there were still tigers in the tiger park who looked like Xiaoju's guy?

It seems that it is necessary to check carefully, to see if there is another tiger with potential in the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain?

"Good morning, little fat orange, how are you feeling today?" Wang Wu greeted the yawning tiger in front of him in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain where the sun was high in the sky.

"Aww~ (I'm not in a good mood today, what's the matter with you?)" Cheng Hao, who was yawning, replied.

The other party came to him early in the morning, but he was taken aback. He thought it was those two guys who came to make trouble again.

"Mr. Wang Wu is here to inform you that he is about to prepare for filming." Sister Hong'er explained with a smile after hearing this.

"Aww~ (Are you going to be filming so soon?)" Cheng Hao got up from the ground lazily after hearing this.

"Yes, you should get ready, let's go filming." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"Aww~ (Okay, okay, I see.)" Cheng Hao replied, and walked out from inside stretching.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wu ran up quickly, and greeted Cheng Hao with a smile: "I will ask Xiaoju to take care of you today."

"Aww~ (It's easy to say, easy to say. It's a trivial matter.)" Cheng Hao replied indifferently, looked around and found that the two annoying figures were not there, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, as long as those two guys are not here.

"Thank you very much." Wang Wu said happily after hearing Sister Hong'er's translation, and walked ahead to lead the way for one person and one tiger.

"Wait a while, director, they will tell you what to do? You little villain, just be obedient and obedient, you know? Don't do unnecessary things." Sister Hong'er walked beside Cheng Hao and urged.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister, I don't do thankless things. I'll do what you say. I won't do unnecessary things.)" Cheng Hao replied as he walked, how much does it cost? How much work does he do, how could he be willing to spend a few dollars for a job worth tens of dollars?
"That's good." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said with satisfaction, and one person and one tiger came to the side of the waiting bus.

"Good morning, little fat orange, I haven't seen you for a few days and you are still so round and chubby."

"Yeah, you are so cute, little fat orange." The staff members on the bus greeted each other warmly after seeing them.

"Aww~ (I was cute when I was young, but now I want to hear you say I'm mighty, after all, I'm not a little tiger anymore.)" Cheng Hao, who heard their cheers, said, and stepped into the car.

"Everyone get it done quickly, don't disturb Xiaoju, he's going to be filming later, don't be bothered." Wang Wu saw that everyone came up to sign and take a group photo.Hastily opened his mouth to stop.

If these people annoy Xiaopangju and turn it upside down, he will be unlucky when filming later.

"Yes, yes, everyone, let Xiaoju be quiet for a while. After he finishes filming, everyone will have the autographs you want."

Sister Hong'er said with a smile, only then did the crowd stop the tendency to surround them.

"Aww~ (It's too popular and it's not a good thing, it makes me unable to work with peace of mind.)" Cheng Hao, who had hardened a lipstick mark on his big furry face, said helplessly.

There were so many people who just got together, he didn't even know who took advantage of the chaos to kiss him?Sure enough, being a big star is a lot of pressure.

"Come on, you little rascal, you're a good boy even if you get cheap." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's head and said:
"If you want to sleep, sleep for a while, we are still far from our destination."

"Aww~ (Really? That's great, I just haven't had enough sleep yet.)" Cheng Hao said happily, and lay down on the car and fell asleep.

"Let them move the trees here, if they don't move? I will cut them all down, and the trees here are the same, let them be obedient and don't ask for trouble." Mao Shi Walking among the mountains and forests, looking at the surrounding trees, he said, one or two of these trees are really disobedient.They all grow where they shouldn't grow.

What if it gets in the way?Then they will have good fruit to eat.

"Okay, let's let them leave and don't get in the way." The team members who heard this replied and started working.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone, the big trees pulled up their roots like radishes, and walked to both sides.

"It's amazing, the special department is too strong, and these trees will come and go when they are called."

"Yes, yes." The crew of the onlookers couldn't help being surprised.

"Misters, what do you think of this place? This is a place we carefully selected, and we guarantee that it will not hurt Xiaopanglu. Look at the location here. Xiaopangju will definitely be very happy to lie down on it," the director said. Looking at the people following him, he said with a smile, his eyes full of flattery.

Now the whole country is dominated by the evolutionist department. If they want to live and thrive, they must please each other.

"This grass is not very good, it's a bit rough and has thorns, how can it be? Change it, what if it hurts Xiaopangju?"

"Also, how are you going to let your actors beat Xiaopangju?" Xu Lele asked the currying director beside him after kicking a tree that was in the way.

This TV drama shooter is comfortable as Wu Song, and comfortable as a director, but wants to let Xiaopangju get beaten, how can there be any reason for this?

"Eh..." The director couldn't help sweating profusely when he heard this, and his whole body fell into the most flustered time in his life.

He felt that he had never been so flustered when his wife found out about his private money.

"Sir, it's like this. We plan to let Xiaopangju suppress Wu Song first to show his bravery, and then pass a few small episodes in the middle to let Wu Song regain the disadvantage."

The editor on the side heard the words and said quickly, and the director listened with a look of praise.

"Then how are you going to shoot the next scene where you beat the tiger to death?" Xu Lele continued to ask after hearing this.

But I didn't forget that in the original book, the tiger was killed.

"Of course we can't do this anymore. Now that we are advocating the protection of animals, we should keep pace with the times. We should write that after Wu Song fought the tiger for hundreds of rounds, both sides retreated." The screenwriter looked forward to hearing this. Looking at the broken tree, after thinking for a few seconds, he immediately spoke.

"That's good, that's called keeping pace with the times. You're very good. Remember to ask Wu Song to take it easy. Xiaopangju is still so young, how can he do it as an adult?" said the team member on the side.

"Yeah, the little fat man is a good tiger, he doesn't hurt anyone, don't scare your actor."

"That's right, otherwise you will be in big trouble, and there will be a lot of little orange fans beating you up."

The other female team members also followed suit, although they hadn't joined the department for long.

When they know that the cute little chubby orange cannot be hurt.

"Yes, we know." The director nodded his head when he heard this.

In my heart, I regretted why I signed Xiaopangju in the first place, but now it's over, the plot of Wu Song fighting the tiger has gone a long way.

"Director, don't think so much. Anyway, will we be scolded after the news of the remake spread? It's not so bad at all." The screenwriter on the side seemed to see the director's worry, and immediately added.

(End of this chapter)

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