Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 276 Do you want doves to occupy the tiger's den?get lost

Chapter 276 Do you want doves to occupy the tiger's den?get lost
"You little villain is having a good time, do you know how busy I am outside?" Just as Cheng Hao watched the double skin milk being filled out, Xu Lele's voice came from the door.

"Aww~ (What does your busyness have to do with me? I didn't let you work, you did the job yourself.)" Cheng Hao, who heard this, looked at the two people who came in angrily Said.

Don't make them do all the work, will he let them do it well?The reason why they do these jobs is not because they like to do it?

"You can't say that, at least they are not going to do this job today." Sister Hong'er who was at the side heard that and patted Cheng Hao's head and said.

"Aww~ (Isn't this the same? There is no difference.)" Cheng Hao muttered.

They didn't go to help the crew today, as if they didn't have to do other things, wouldn't they be busy in the end?
So it has nothing to do with me being so tired, okay?If they really want to thank them, they should ask the crew to thank them, not him.

"That's the truth, but they still helped us." Sister Hong'er educated.

"Do you two beauties want to drink double skin milk?" Chef Xu said with a smile, and put the iron basin in front of Cheng Hao.

"Of course, this nasty little villain has made us busy all day, how can we not get some benefits from him?"

"That's right, you nasty little bastard, you don't know how to come over and thank us. Let's see if we don't drink up all your Shuangpi Nai."

After hearing this, Xu Lele and the two said.

"Aww~ (Drink, drink. You two still drink if you are fat. Two little piggies.)" Cheng Hao complained after hearing this.

He is not afraid of getting fat after drinking it, but it is hard to say for the two of them, when the time comes, they will be as fat as Little Piggy, and they will not be able to walk.

"Bah bah, you little villain, can't you say a good word out of your mouth? What do you mean being fat like a little piggy?"

"That's right, how do you talk, you little rascal?"

The two people who heard this cursed and pinched Cheng Hao's big round face with their hands: "You little bastard told you to curse us, see if I don't pinch your face and swell it."

"That's right, you little bastard is really disgusting, you must be educated severely."

"Aww~ (A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, you two, don't go too far. Hey.)" said Cheng Hao, who had his big round face squeezed.

The two of them are a bit too much, how can they pinch their faces when they come up?
"I'm very sorry, you little rascal, we two are women and not gentlemen, so your method is useless to us."

"That's right, even if it's useful, we won't abide by it, so you should give up on it."

The two said while pinching and shaking their hands.

"Aww~ (Sure enough, women are the most unreasonable.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, biting the iron basin and running away.

If you stay with these guys, your face will be ripped apart by them.

"Don't run away, you little bastard. Did you make a mistake? Come back to us quickly."

"That's right, come back quickly, you little villain." The two who saw this scene shouted, and saw that the orange figure had already run away.

"Stop shouting, this little rascal won't come back, you two should give up." Sister Hong'er said with a smile after seeing it.He sat down at the table, picked up the bowl containing Shuangpi Nai and ate.

"Sister, this little scoundrel has been disobedient recently. It can be seen that he lacks education. Do you think this is good? Send this little scoundrel to us, and we will discipline him for you." Xu Lele rolled her eyes when she saw it. slipped and said.

She can't catch this little villain, but someone can.

"Yes, sister. I'll help you teach him to be a good cat, what do you think?" Mao Shi followed up.

"Forget it, the two of you may not be able to educate him well." Sister Hong'er shook her head and said after hearing this.Pushing Shuangpi Nai in front of the two of them: "Eat dessert to relieve the fire, don't think about it so much. You two are also very tired today, go back and rest early."

"Okay." The two people who heard this sighed, feeling that the dessert in their mouths had no taste at all
"Commander, someone came to our vegetable field again to steal vegetables. This time they went too far, and even used snakeskin bags to pack them."

In the evolutionary department, the team members brought several elderly people to the commander's office and said.

"This..." Hearing these words, the commander couldn't help but get angry. It wasn't the first time something like this happened, it was already the tenth time this month.

These people seem to be unable to understand their own words. They all said that the vegetables in their department are nothing special, and they will not become evolutionaries after eating them. But these old people don’t listen at all and always steal from them vegetable.

It used to be that he could bear to pull out one or two small green vegetables, pick an eggplant tomato, etc., but now he actually took out the snakeskin bag, then he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sir, sir, we won't do it next time. Just because we are old people, let us go."

"Yes, yes, sir, we promise not next time."

His old man didn't get any money, but said with a smile, as if he was sure that the other party had nothing to do with their old man.

"There is no next time, contact their families and ask them to compensate ten times the market price."

"In addition, publicize their deeds throughout the city, and ask citizens to be more careful and close their doors and windows."

"Finally, notify the local sheriff to house them."

After thinking for a while, the commander spoke.

Those old people are shameless, so don't blame him, they forced him to do this, otherwise he wouldn't have done it.

I don't believe it, the children of these old people can bear it, if they can bear it?Then pretend he didn't say it.

"Ah? We are old people. You can't do this, sir. How can you treat an old man like this?"

"That's right, we just stole a few vegetables, it's not like this, how can we do that?"

"Yes, yes, bullying people, bullying the elderly."

The old people with hippie smiles were dumbfounded when they heard this, and then they shouted one by one.

Trying to use this method to avoid punishment, but it is obvious that their wishful thinking is somewhat wrong.

The commander, who had had enough, didn't want to hear their babbling at all, so he just asked them to go: "Come on, get away from these old people, remember to send them back as I just said, and tell their neighbors about it." Tell them to keep an eye on them."

"Yes, Commander." The team members who heard this replied.He reached out and grabbed the old man.

At this moment, the old people suddenly fell to the ground one by one, and began to howl:

"No, no. I'm having a heart attack."

"I have high blood pressure. If you don't revoke the punishment for us, sir, we won't be able to recover."

"Yes, sir, we are all vulnerable elderly people, you can't do this."

"Okay, old man, don't act. It's useless. You make troubles in other places, and you are afraid in other places, but it's useless to make troubles on my side." Facing their tricks, the commander waved his hand and said. : "Record all their performances. If they still do this, they will be played in loops on major TV stations and squares."

"Okay!" Some team members who had already exhausted their patience heard this.

Immediately carried the old people out, the commander is really very wise, this is the right way to deal with these guys who rely on the old to sell the old.

"Put me down, let me down."

"Ah, I don't want to be on TV, I don't want to be on TV."

The old people who were carried away shouted at the top of their voices that although they love to take advantage of small things, they can still sell their old ones if they are caught on the spot. , After all, what can no one do with them?

But if it goes on TV, notifies the people in the jurisdiction, and then the neighbors around know about it, then they will be pointed at for the rest of their lives.

It's not the most important thing, if the most important thing is known by the children, then they will be finished.

"Hey! What a bunch of disrespectful guys." Hearing the voice outside, the commander said with a headache.

Then I continued to look at the reports of the team members. During this time, the whole country was very quiet.

The mutant organization seems to have disappeared suddenly. On the surface, this seems to be a good thing, but it is not clear how it is.

I hope these guys don't mess around, after all, it looks peaceful now.

"Drip drip"

"Drip drip"

At this moment, an alarm sounded in the department.The voice of the Communication Department came from the loudspeaker: "All team members, please pay attention to a large lizard appearing in the east of Hongta Mountain, and the mech troops will be dispatched immediately."

"Big lizard?" The commander who heard this couldn't help but raised his head, and there were dense footsteps outside: "The commander is not good, a super big lizard appeared in the east of Lingdong, he is about ten tall A meter is 50 meters long."

"It looks like it has been specially modified, plus a mutated species. Then find out where he came from?" The commander asked.

"It seems to come from the mountain." The team member who heard this thought for a while and said.

"Will there be such a big lizard in the mountain? Are you kidding me? Send someone to check the place where he appeared." After closing the report, the commander said: "Also, let the computer simulate its direction and send someone to Go and evacuate the residents along the way."

"Okay, Commander." The team member replied, and immediately went to do it.

"You really can't live in peace for a moment. Sure enough, something will pop up when you are free." The commander sighed.

"Aww~ (little lizard, did you go to the wrong place? We don't seem to have any animals like you in the Tiger Park, and what are you doing staring at my double-skinned milk? It's mine.)" Inside the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park , Cheng Hao looked at the lizard as big as a golden retriever in front of him and asked.

He went back to his warm little den to think about the air conditioner and delicious food alone, but a strange guy appeared in the den, and he took over his den.

But he didn't recognize the lizard in front of him at all, and he didn't know if it was newly acquired by the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain when he was out?

"Hiss~ (I came from the sea, what are you eating? It smells delicious, can you give me a taste?)" the lizard asked with its long tongue sticking out. Then he saw the furry guy in front of him stretch out his claws, and then he flew out.

"Aww~ (I'm asking you, not me, and you, a guy in the sea, dare to stare at my food, do you know whose territory this is?)" Cheng Hao raised his paw and cursed angrily , Where did the idiot come from, dare to stare at his food.Do you know the rules of calling people into the house?

"Hiss~ (It hurts, it hurts.)" After being slapped, the big lizard fell to the ground and screamed in pain. He didn't expect that the claws of the ugly guy in front of him would hurt so much.

"Aww~ (If you don't get out, I'll take off your arm and eat your meat later, the foreign guy dares to be so arrogant.)" Cheng Hao said, taking a deep breath and licking at the painful and trembling lizard. blow.

The big lizard flew up and fell to the road outside the fence.

"Mr. Director, this is the big lizard." At this moment, the security guard who came over with tools in a sightseeing car said to the director.

They saw the big lizard running into the tiger park in the surveillance, and immediately reported it to the director.

When the director arrived, he specially came with them and prepared to catch the lizard.

"I saw it, be careful, this little guy is not an ordinary lizard." The director said to several people, then jumped out of the car and said to the big lizard: "Little guy, I don't want to hurt you, but only if you Only if you are willing to cooperate. Otherwise? I’m afraid you will have to suffer a little.”

"Hiss~ (What are you talking about? I'm the newest overlord of the ocean.)" The big lizard opened its mouth and made a threatening voice when it heard this.It seems that he does not intend to be caught without a fight.

"Well, it looks like you, a little guy, haven't been beaten by society yet." Seeing this scene, the principal sighed and rolled up his sleeves helplessly.

As the director of the zoo, he doesn't want to hurt other animals.

But if these animals are unwilling to cooperate, then there is no way.

"Hiss~ (What are you talking about, old man?)" the big lizard prostrated itself hissed, and rushed towards the director.


Then?Then he saw nothing, and the whole world suddenly went dark.

"Okay, come here and pack up this little guy. I'm going to send him to the evolutionary department to see what species he is?" said the director, mentioning the fainted lizard.

He had never seen this kind of lizard in his life. Its skin was so smooth, it looked a bit like a salamander, but it didn't have the long tail of a salamander.

And the sticky skin should feel like it lives in the water, but there should be no such similar animals in the water.

"Yes, Director." Upon hearing this, the security guards immediately took out the garbage bags, tied up the lizard's hands and feet, then took a few mops, removed the mop head, and fixed it firmly stand up.

It's like the kind of roast suckling pig that is about to be roasted on the fire.

"Well, not bad. The packing method is very professional. It seems that the barbecue restaurant you opened before was not in vain." The head of the garden nodded in satisfaction after seeing this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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