Chapter 277 Kindness
"Um, Mr. Consultant, are you bringing me souvenirs? But I don't seem to eat them, or you should take them back to the Tiger Garden."

Inside the Evolutionary department, the commander looked at the large lizard that was tied into a roast suckling pig and said weakly. The pink skin and black and white patterns made this large lizard look very dangerous.

He felt that if he ate the meat of this thing, he might foam at the mouth within 3 minutes, and went to the ICU to buy a ticket to heaven.

"Commander, what are you talking about? The old man didn't bring it here for you to eat. I brought it here to let you see what kind of species this guy is. It suddenly ran into my tiger park today. Come inside. He also ran into Xiaoju’s room to rest.” Hearing this, the head of the garden said with black lines, although the way the lizard was tied up was indeed a bit outrageous.

But what he wanted to say was that he really had no intention of giving this little guy to the other party to eat.

Moreover, this species of unknown origin could easily die if eaten, and he didn't want to be charged with murder.

"It turned out to be like this? I said, Mr. Advisor, you like animals so much, how could you give me animals to eat?" The commander said with a smile after hearing this, and randomly looked at the trapped large lizard: "Come on, send me this big lizard to the Institute of Biology to see what he is. Remember to wear protective clothing. It will be bad if this guy has some bacteria on his body."

"Yes, Commander." After hearing the curious team members at the door, they immediately grabbed the big lizard and dragged it outside.

"Hiss~ (Let me go, let me go, you monkeys, let me go quickly.)" The lizard being dragged shouted, but it still couldn't break free.Can only be dragged away powerlessly.

Seeing this scene, the director nodded in satisfaction and said:
"Since this little guy has been brought here, I will leave first. There are still a lot of things to deal with in the tiger garden, and I can't leave."

"Don't, don't. Mr. Consultant, please take a look at this first." The commander who heard this quickly stopped him, and the other party should not run away.He has something to tell the other party.

"Huh? What's the matter?" The director couldn't help but said in a daze when he heard this.

"Yes, and it's a big deal." The commander nodded.

"Aww~ (What happened to your little sapling? How did it become a parasitic seed?)"

"Aww~ (And this place is a place of human beings, you have to be careful when you appear.)" Cheng Hao yawned lazily in the Siberian Tiger Garden in Hongta Mountain.Looking at the man in front of him, he asked aloud.

Although the guy in front of him looks like a normal person from the outside, but in his eyes, there is nowhere to hide the image of the other party. He can clearly see the tree whiskers under the other party's skin, and even the other party's real body disguised with human skin.

But the other party dared to show up openly, is this looking for death?
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. I came here this time to discuss the occupation of the city." The man looked at Cheng Hao and said with a smile. The tiger in front of him is indeed the King of Hongtashan City.

The aura emanating from his body was so terrifying that he didn't even know how to describe it. No wonder the trees completely ignored him when they heard him coming.

It turned out that there was such a big backer as the background.

"Aww~ (Are you discussing the occupation of the city? What's the use of occupying the city? What do you want to do?)" Cheng Hao moved slightly when he heard this, and spoke.

It's another little tree that doesn't know how to live or die, but it still wants to occupy the city. He doesn't know how much he weighs, does he?
"Of course it is to create a beautiful coexistence of animals and trees, and restore the entire planet to the scene tens of thousands of years ago. You must know that the land is our world, and humans are just a group of monkeys that have not yet evolved." The man held tightly Clenched his fists and said, his face was full of excitement, as if the planet in front of him had really returned to the original time.

"Aww~(The dream is very big, but it's a pity that your strength can't support your wish, and you have to know that human beings have a lot of destructive weapons. Fighting with them is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.)" Cheng Hao beat He yawned and said, "Aww~ (Slowly integrate into them, slowly infiltrate into them, and then take the opportunity to seize power and let them serve us, is the most safe and bloodless method. Your method is too radical.)"

"Aww~ (It can be seen from your downcast appearance that you are not doing very well. Do you have any idea of ​​working under me? I can give you a hill for you to stand on.)"

"This..." The frenzied look on the man's face immediately turned cold when he heard this, and there was a little embarrassment in his eyes, he didn't expect the other party to say that.

I didn't expect the other party to actually have such a plan. Compared with his method, this is too gentle and more useful.

"Aww~ (Don't be embarrassed, my lord attaches great importance to talents. It is rare for my lord to see a tree with good strength like you, so you stay here. How can you manage the small saplings in this area for me? Right.)" Cheng Hao said with a smile, got up from the ground and walked towards the man.

Seeing this, the man's green hair dried up instantly.

His whole body was trembling, as if he was under tremendous pressure.

"Many... Thank you, Your Majesty, but I don't have such an idea now. If I do in the future, I will definitely notify Your Majesty in advance." The trembling man said, and ran away without looking back.

"Aww~ (As for this look? I haven't planned to do anything yet, why am I so scared, and I really want to recruit my subordinates, okay?)" Looking at the back of the other party, who was slid faster than light , Cheng Hao was speechless.

He just walked a few steps, as for being so scared, he didn't plan to make a move, okay?
"Why are you so scared, Huaishu? Didn't you say to go to that tiger king to discuss the plan to occupy the city?"

On the bank of the river behind the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, a woman in a big red leather coat saw the man who had come and said.

The other party was still very confident when he left, why didn't he disappear for a while, and he was so scared that even his body was exposed?

"Go, go, don't be naughty, or you will be finished if you are caught up by that tiger king." The man who heard this had only time to say a word, and his whole body skimmed across the water and rushed towards the mountains and forests.

"Huh? You're too scared." The woman murmured after hearing the words, and hurriedly chased after her.

It wasn't until several big hills were crossed that the man in front slowly stopped.

But at this moment, his whole body suddenly swelled up, opening up the human fur coat and turning into a huge locust tree.

The woman who saw this scene looked at the clothes falling down one after another and said:

"Are you frightened crazy? Why did you give up your whole body of skin? You must know that this skin is hard-won."

"If I don't give up this skin, my life will be gone when that tiger king smells me." Said the trembling pagoda tree.

"So what on earth did you see that can scare you like this, I wonder how powerful a tiger can be?" the woman asked aloud, with contempt in her eyes.

"I don't know if you have seen the sacred trees? But if you have? I think you should understand how powerful this tiger king is?" Huai Shu said, with layers of bark on his body Peeling off: "You must have never been in contact with such a big person before you can say such a thing. Just for a moment, I felt that my vitality was about to be absorbed."

"If I hadn't run fast, I wouldn't have seen you."

"I don't quite understand what you said, but since you know he is so dangerous? It seems that the plan to occupy Hongtashan City will have to be shelved for a while."

"That is necessary. With him in this place, we should never think about coming here." The locust tree, whose body was covered with bark again, said, its huge body gradually shrunk and returned to its human form.

"Little villain, what did that intruder say to you just now?" Sister Hong'er, who came to Hulan on the other side, asked. After receiving the news from the security room, he immediately ran over to check, but Unexpectedly, that guy had already taken a step ahead.

"Aww~ (It's nothing, that little sapling just wants to join me in occupying the whole city.)" Cheng Hao said, shaking his big paws. He had expected that the other party would run over, so he waited here in advance.

"Little sapling? Why do you call him a little sapling when he is obviously a person?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er asked suspiciously.

"Aww~ (Sister, if you judge by appearance alone, you are very wrong, that guy is not an ordinary evolutionary creature.)" Cheng Hao moved his body while clawing, and found a comfortable place for himself. Posture said:
"Aww~ (That guy is a person with a parasitic tree, if necessary, he will immediately emerge from his body.)"

"Aww~ (So I suggest my sister, you'd better remind the department and ask them to set up a CT machine or something, otherwise it will be bad for these guys to mix in the crowd.)"

"People are parasitized by plants?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help showing a look of astonishment when she heard this.

I can't figure out how such a big plant can parasitize the human body. This sounds very outrageous.

"Aww~ (Yes, sister.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and looked into the distance, and said, "Aww~ (This guy slipped too fast, I originally wanted to pull him down to sit down and have a good chat. In the end, I don’t know why he went crazy, so he just ran away?)”

"Maybe she ran so fast because she knew what she had exposed." Sister Hong'er guessed after hearing the words.

"Aww~ (It shouldn't be that that guy is much more powerful than the tree king, he's not that easy to be afraid of, maybe it's for other reasons.)" Cheng Hao shook his head, curled up with half of his body: "Aww~ (Sister, you still have Anything else? If not, I'm going to sleep.)"

"Are you sleeping again?" Sister Hong'er said helplessly after hearing this: "You slept till late in the morning, right? Why are you still sleeping? Get up and exercise, don't sleep all the time, be careful to sleep like a big pig .”

"Aww~ (There's no such possibility, I'm a tiger.)" Cheng Hao said with his big belly turned over, his paws pawing at the porcelain plate on the ground with a "click" sound: "Aww~ (Okay, okay, no I told my sister that I just finished eating dessert and I want to take a break.)”

"Okay, you little villain, take your time to rest, remember not to sleep too much." Sister Hong'er said, and walked away.

Horrible plants that can be among the animals, he has to report to the commander quickly.

"What? A very powerful plant has appeared?" The commander covered his face with his hands, looked at the big lizard that was kicked as a ball over there, and hurried to the side and said on the phone: "My side is very noisy now, what you said Some can't hear clearly, what's the matter, let's talk about it after I go back, I really don't have time now."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.ran again.

Is it so easy for Mr. Consultant to beat this big lizard?Do you want to be so exaggerated, this is too outrageous.

Such a big heart was hung in the sky by the other party, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem too dreamy.

"Commander, run, the big lizard has been beaten again." Just as he was thinking this way, a reminder from the team members came from the side.

"Really?" Hearing the commander here say, he ran again.

"What a big commotion, what happened?" the running woman asked.

"I'm not sure, but if you want to take a look, I'd like to accompany you." Huai Shu, who had changed back into a human form, said, looking in the direction of the sound source.

"Then let's go and have a look." The woman who heard this said, and ran forward, and soon she saw a scene that she would never forget.

In his line of sight, a strong figure was rubbing against the ground with a height of more than ten meters and a length of more than 50 meters. The most terrifying thing was the aura emanating from the opponent, which made her legs weak in fright.

"This human being..." After seeing Huaishu who followed him, although he was not so shocked, he was also frightened by the other person's appearance.

He never knew there was such a scary guy among human beings.

It is actually possible to beat such a terrifying creature like this.

While the two of them were communicating, the headmaster who was pressing the big lizard hammer seemed to have noticed something?He raised his eyes and looked towards this side.

Immediately, the two of them got into the ground in fright.

"Huh? Nobody?"

"It's strange, I just found out that someone was looking at me, what's going on?" The headmaster who saw this scene muttered, without thinking too much.Pressing the big lizard, he said, "Little guy, be honest with me, or be careful and I'll take you back piece by piece."

"You have to know that such a rare big guy like you is very rare. As long as you cooperate a little, I can guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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