Chapter 284 Resourceful
"Get out?" After hearing this, Miss Hong'er thought for a while and said, "Why don't we just find an excuse later and let's go out from the back so we won't be blocked."

"Aww~ (That's a good idea.)" Cheng Hao nodded and said, then continued to look at the center of the stage.

"Commander, the investigation is clear. The sea is in turmoil now. This is a photo from the satellite cloud image." Inside the evolutionary department, Chen Min handed the photo to the commander.

After the commander saw it, he wiped his eyes subconsciously, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he said, "Is there a monster in our sea? How can there be such a big guy? This orchid crab is probably a whole field." Can you pinch the car more?"

"And what's going on with this starfish? How did it become like this?"

Although it is said that the animals and plants in the sea are all evolving, this situation is too outrageous.

"Report to the commander, according to the recent research of the Ocean Bureau, they found the components of the mutant agent in the sea water."

"These animals that have become like this are not evolved animals, they are all mutated." Chen Min explained after hearing this.

"How did this happen? Is this out of mind? Is he planning to open a planet 0l?" The commander said with a headache.

The seawater poison can detect the ingredients of the mutated potion. It is conceivable how many mutated potions someone has poured into the sea water. This time, they plan to mutate all human beings and creatures on the entire planet, right?
"Not sure, but the higher ups are already investigating." Chen Min said.

"It's too late to investigate, what's the point of investigating?" The commander rubbed his head with some headaches and said, "Notice to test the water sources of the whole city. Once you find any water sources with mutated pharmaceutical ingredients, you must be very careful."

"But the problem is that the atmosphere circulates. Even if the commander does this, the effect may not be very great." Chen Min said after hearing the words.

It's useless to stare at the water source, the air has humidity and moisture, as long as these medicines enter the atmospheric circulation, they will follow into the human body, it's just a matter of time.

"That's better than waiting here to die, at least it can delay the time?" The commander stood up and said, "I'll go talk to the Institute of Biology and see if they can invent any vaccines or other There is an effective solution, this time I don’t want to see a monster with three hands, a human upper body and a dog lower body on the road.”

The biggest problem with mutation is that you never know what it will become and what harm it will bring, otherwise it is not called mutation or evolution.

The scariest thing is precisely because mutation is uncontrollable. As an evolver, you are at least evolving in a good direction, while mutation is unstable and multi-directional.

"Okay, Commander." Chen Min nodded.I went to do it immediately.

And after she left, the news that Hai Hai was poured into the mutation potion quickly spread throughout the entire department, causing the entire department to curse:

"No, no, what kind of wicked ghost would do such a wicked thing, pour it into the sea, and they are really abominable mutant potions."

"Yeah, when all the monsters come out, we will be busy."

"Who says it's not? I've never seen such a guy who wants to drag everyone to die with him."

"Yeah, I'm really convinced."

Of course, there are also some happy ones among them, such as the sub-department of the evolutionary department, the mutant department.

"Have you heard? Someone heard the mutation potion in the sea." The man with six scaly arms said to his companions: "In less than a year, our kind will probably rise Hundreds of times, we might be the one with the most people by then."

"I feel quite happy to hear your tone. Do you know what will happen then?"

"It's just that you think that most people will be able to maintain their rationality after becoming mutants? There will be enough troubles by then."

"That's right, you're still gloating, we'll be busy then."

The other mutants rolled their eyes and said, has this idiot really forgotten how he became a mutant?I'm still so happy here.

You must know that becoming a mutant is not such a simple matter, and it requires a strong willpower. Once one is missing, the consequences will be tragic.It will become a monster like a beast.

It's not a joke that they will exterminate these guys at that time.

"Then pretend I didn't say it, that damned guy is really hateful." Hearing this, the six-armed mutant said.

It would be great if he could watch the show, but what if he played in person?He will greet each other's eight generations of ancestors.

You must know that they are living a comfortable life now. Not only can they get paid, but their superiors are also helping them change everyone's view of them.

Yes, if there are more mutants.If there are too many destructive guys, it will not be a good thing for them.

"Even if you are still clear-headed, there is one thing that is very beneficial to us. There are many mutant potions in the atmospheric circulation, which means that we can become stronger without doing anything."

The three-headed lizardman spoke.

"Then let's take care of our relationship quietly." The six-armed mutant said, sucking in the air as if he could inhale a lot of mutant medicine.

"Strange, didn't Xiaopangju say to go to the bathroom? Why haven't I seen the tiger for so long? Where did he go?"

"Yes, yes, did you fall into the toilet? It shouldn't be, how could someone as big as Xiaopangju fall into it?"

In the villa on the other side, the people standing at the door waiting to sign their names stared at the inside with puzzled expressions.

It's been 10 minutes since the show ended, why hasn't Xiaopangju come out yet?This is too strange, can anyone tell them what's going on?


Just as they were thinking this, someone from the villa pushed a cart past them. Everyone who saw this scene immediately stopped the other person and asked, "Have you seen Little Fat Orange? He?" I said I went to the toilet, but I didn’t come back after being there for a long time.”

"Yes, how many toilets are there in your villa?"

"Um, are you talking about Chubby Ju? He left early." The waiter who was stopped was stunned when he heard this.

"What? When did he leave?" Everyone asked in surprise when they heard the words.

"Just ten minutes ago, Little Pang Ju left in a cold chain car. Didn't you see it?" the waiter said.

"Ah? Isn't that the delivery truck of your villa?" Everyone said, they did see a car passing by, but they didn't care much after seeing that the other party was a cold chain truck. Tell them about that truck now. Is the car a chubby orange?
"No, the back kitchen said that Xiaopangju is the one who drove the cart." The waiter said, and then pushed the cart away, leaving the rest of the people here in a daze.

"How about the little villain sister, just say that there is nothing wrong with driving this car. Look, no one is stopping us now, and I don't know that we have already walked away." Cold chain car on the way to the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain Inside, Miss Hong'er said proudly.

This little villain is still disgusted with taking cold chain cars, now he knows the benefits of taking cold chain cars.

"Aww~ (My sister is really smart and clever, and I am really convinced this time.)" When I heard this, I was very satisfied, nodded my head, and then raised my paw and said: "Aww~ (If Sister, if you don’t brake, we may run into the toad walking on three legs in front.)”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Where did the three-legged toad come from? Besides, toads use jumping, not walking." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and the car made a loud noise, and then it was bigger than a human. The frog appeared on the windshield, and sister Hong'er was so frightened that she stepped on the brakes.

"Ouch~ (Sister, look at what I said. I told you to drive slower. You don't think it's nice. Now it's better. This poor big frog was crippled. He may not be able to find a wife in the future.)" Looking at the big frog that was twitching constantly after being hit, he said with regret.

"You little villain, are you still talking sarcasticly here? My sister is almost scared to death, why don't you come down to see how the big frog is hurt?" Sister Hong'er cursed upon hearing this.

This little villain, don't you know that she is very nervous now?I'm still joking here, but this big frog doesn't obey the traffic rules too much, why did it suddenly come out of the grass?She didn't even see it.

"Aww~ (Don't be afraid, sister, this big toad isn't dead yet, it just passed out after being knocked out. By the way, sister, let's go back with this big frog. Do you think grandpa and his old man will be very happy?)" Cheng Hao, who jumped out of the car, said.

"Why are you happy? Are you happy that we bumped into a toad?" Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes and said.

"Ouch~ (No, I'm glad we brought back a three-legged toad. Others said that three-legged toads are hard to find. Four-legged toads are everywhere, but now we have found a three-legged toad. )" Cheng Hao, whose tail was wrapped around the toad's legs, said with a smile, "It's good now. The biodiversity of their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park has increased again, and tourists can come and see this three-legged toad in the future."

"Eh..." Hearing this, Hong'er sister couldn't help but have black lines all over her head.

She just wanted to know what was going on in Miss's head, how could she come up with such a clever idea?

Their Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park really picked up a ghost.

"Aww~ (Sister, our glass is fine. The front is just a little recessed sheet metal, you can go back to the Tiger Park.)" Cheng Hao, who looked at the front hood a little, said, this is a specially treated car It's just different. Sister Hong'er turned the corner at a speed of more than 80 yards without even breaking the glass.

"Okay, then listen to you, let's take him back." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this, if he hits someone, he can be sent directly to the hospital, but if he hits a three-legged toad, he can only be sent to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger I went to the forest garden. After all, they don't have many other things in the tiger garden, and there are quite a lot of veterinarians.

"Aww~ (Okay!)" Cheng Hao replied, and the big toad with three legs got into the car.

Sister Hong'er saw it, and quickly got into the cab and started the car.

"So this is the special product you brought me on the road?" In the office of the director of the Siberian Tiger Park in Hongta Mountain, the director looked at the big toad on the table with black lines all over his head and said.

Every time this little villain said good things, he always brought him strange things, this time he even brought back a big three-legged toad, where did he pick it up?He wanted to ask?

"Aww~ (Yeah, yeah, Grandpa, don't you think there is a lack of three-legged toads in our tiger garden?)" Cheng Hao nodded his head and said, "Aww~ (So when I first saw him , we know that we can have another special animal in our tiger park.)”

"Xiaoju, I don't think it's the time to say that now. I need to let the director see how the toad is doing." Sister Hong'er, who came over with a medical kit, said, and accidentally bumped into the big toad. Toad, in fact, she also felt a little guilty.

After everything happened, they could only do their best to save the big frog.

"Aww~ (It's okay, this big frog's skin is thick. If you sleep for a while, you will definitely wake up.)" Cheng Hao said indifferently. He just looked at it, and the big frog's internal organs He was slightly injured, but other parts were intact. As for why he hadn't woken up yet, he probably wanted to sleep a little longer.

"If you put him in this room, even if he sleeps for another ten years, he might not be able to wake up." The head gardener beside him said with black lines.

"Aww~ (That's why the big frog doesn't seem to have hurt its head.)" Cheng Hao said, doesn't this big frog have a heartbeat?Why do you want to sleep for another ten years?

"Nonsense, have you ever seen a frog put in a cold chain car and then stuffed into an air-conditioned room? Look at him, his body is so cold that there are ice bumps on his body, and he will be called hell if he wakes up." There was a "thumping sound" on the toad's back, and the director who had dug out a layer of ice bumps said.

These two little guys don't know that frogs will hibernate when the temperature is low, right?
"Um, it seems like this for a while." Sister Hong'er, who was taking out her stethoscope, was taken aback for a moment. He was so busy thinking about the frog, how could he forget about the three-legged matter.

"Ouch~ (That makes sense, then I'll throw it outside and let the sun melt the ice on it.)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said, and he was about to wrap up the toad by its tail and walk out.

"Wait, you just throw him outside. It's going to be hot and cold for a while. Do you think he didn't die fast enough? Put him in a cool place and let the ice on his body melt first." The director said nothing. Good air, what is this little guy so impatient for?
I brought this toad back, maybe because I wanted to eat the toad meat, so I did it.

"Aww~(Makes sense.)" Cheng Hao nodded upon hearing this, and then walked towards the corridor.

There was no air conditioner in that place and it was cloudy enough for that big toad to thaw there.

(End of this chapter)

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