Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 283 Xiaopangju is really amazing

Chapter 283 Xiaopangju is really amazing

"I'm so sorry! Little Fatty Orange. I always forgot to give you the leg of lamb."

The staff member who brought the leg of lamb said in embarrassment.

"Aww~ (Just forget, it's not enough not to give it.)" Cheng Hao slammed his mouth when he heard this, but he didn't care about it.

"It's no wonder Xiaopangju grows so fat, you see he ran to eat again."

"Yeah, but the chubby orange is still very cute."

"That's right, apart from the fact that people look ugly when they get fat, other animals are still cute no matter how fat they are."

The audience who noticed the situation here said, their eyes full of envy.

It's good to be an animal, no matter how fat you are, it's not like they will become unattractive once they get fat.

"Thank you for the songs brought to us by the handsome guys and beautiful women. Now we enter the next session. The interactive session between the guests and the audience."

"In this session, the audience can sing one-on-one with the guests. It's like you sing one line and I sing the next line."

While the audience was discussing, the two people in the center of the stage had finished singing, and at this time the center of the show gathered on the host again.

The host slowly said the next program, and the whole scene suddenly boiled up.

The audience stood up one by two, shouting:

"Really? That's great. I like this defense part the most. Hurry up and choose me. I want to sing with Xiaopangju."

"Choose me, choose me. I can sing all the songs of Xiaopangju. There is nothing wrong with choosing me."

"It can be seen that everyone is very excited, but with so many audience friends at the scene, it is impossible for everyone to be selected. Let the camera make the choice for us. We will count to ten and then pause. Let's take a look. Which lucky viewer."

After the host heard this, he spoke.

The camera is aimed at each seated audience member, scanning their faces quickly.

"That must be me. When I went out today, it was written in the almanac that I am suitable to go out today." Seeing his face appear on the screen, someone immediately said.

"Nonsense, I think you are feudal superstition."

"That's right, I must be the one chosen."

The others immediately retorted after hearing this.His hands kept waving towards the camera.

But this camera scanned one by one, and it was not them who were selected, but an older woman.

Everyone who saw this scene suddenly showed disappointment on their faces, never expecting this to happen.

But following the host's next words, they immediately burst into smiles.

"Congratulations to this sister for becoming the interactive audience of our No. [-] guest on the blue team. Next, let's pick out the No. [-] contestant." The host said.

"What? The audience who are picking the No. [-] contestant are not picking for Xiaopangju? It's really great."

"Yeah, it really scared me to death, but luckily it's not like this."

Hearing the people here, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Why is it like this? Isn't it picking Xiaopangju's assistant?" The woman who was very happy one second, her face turned black the next second, she is not playing with her like this.

She was so excited that she couldn't speak, but she ended up telling him, didn't she?

"Sorry, sorry! I think I may not have made it clear. This interactive session has misunderstood everyone."

"Let me explain to you again. For this interaction, each guest must have a chorus audience. And the order we selected is also based on the number of the guests who are doing it, not randomly arranged." The host laughed. He said and explained it to everyone.

"Then can I not go up? I want to sing with Xiaopangju." The woman who heard this asked.

"I'm afraid it won't work, we have to follow the rules." The host said with a smile.

"Is it like this? Then it's okay if I don't go up?" The woman heard this and said again. If this is the case, then it's okay for her not to go up, right?

It's uncertain if this is the case, she will have a chance to be selected to be with Xiaopangju later.

"If this sister doesn't want to come up, the program team will allow it. But when I'm selecting later, I won't choose you to come up again." Hearing this, the host said, and the other party's heart was slapped, Can't she see it?When the other party said the first sentence, he knew what the other party was thinking.

"Ah?" When the woman heard this, an embarrassed look appeared on her face.But the words had been spoken and I could no longer regret it, so I could only sit down silently.

The one with her ugly face was the No. [-] guest standing on the stage, because he found that he was looked down upon by others as a great singer. Everyone wanted to sing with a tiger, but they didn't want to sing with him.

"Since this sister is unwilling, let's choose other audiences."

The host who saw this scene did not change at all, but said with a smile.

Soon, the screen turned again.After a while, a human face appeared on it.

With the help of red and blue number one, the audience was selected and came to number two.

Immediately, the hearts of the audience were all aroused.

"I was chosen, that's great." A young man wearing glasses among the audience said happily when he saw his face appear on the screen.

"Damn it, why didn't it be my turn, it just swept across my face just now."

"That is, if it was one second earlier, I would be on stage." The audience who saw this scene gritted their teeth.

"Now the selected audiences are invited to come on stage, and then we will let the big screen continue to select the remaining audiences." The host said, and the selected youths ran up.

What is the Chosen Son?What does it mean to attract attention? Now he is the chosen one, attracting all attention.

"Aww~ (so fast?)" Cheng Hao, who was still gnawing on the leg of lamb, asked Sister Hong'er beside him, "Aww~ (Sister, how long are we going to stay here? I remember this The show doesn't seem to have much time.)"

"Sister, take a look." Sister Hong'er said after hearing this, and tapped the time: "We have passed half an hour now, when this interaction is over, there should be another hour before it ends gone."

"Aww~ (Like this? That's okay.)" Cheng Hao nodded and continued to lie down and gnaw on the leg of lamb.

"Hi, little fat orange. I've been following you. I finally saw you with my own eyes today. Can you give me an autograph?" The young man who walked up to the stage excitedly walked up to Cheng Hao and asked.

"Aww~ (Signature? It seems that I can't sign it. I have oil stains on my hands, and I didn't bring any ink pad today.)" Cheng Hao heard this, looked at his shiny long flesh, and then at Sister Hong. Then he opened his mouth and said, "Aww~ (Well, let me take a photo with you, no matter what, you didn't come here in vain.)"

"Okay, okay." The young man who heard the translation said happily. He thought it would be great to get the autograph, but he didn't expect to be able to take a photo together.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa welcome a noha for me. Sister, please get his phone ready." Cheng Hao licked the meat around his mouth and waved his paws at the young man.

The young man ran over quickly, and then Cheng Hao lowered one of his paws on the opponent's arm and raised the other paw to perform the classic Lucky Cat move.

After the young man saw it, his breathing quickened with joy.

Just ask how many people have intimate photos with the big star Xiaopangju?From now on, in the fan group, he will be the prettiest boy.

"I'm so envious. I'm so envious. You can take such an intimate photo with Xiaopangju. Damn it."

"Yeah, I can't help it anymore. I'm so jealous." The audience who saw this scene gritted their teeth with envy.

"One, two, three. Eggplant!"

"Okay, it's done."

Sister Hong'er held up her mobile phone and said with a smile, sure enough, Xiaoju has gained a lot of weight.

Look at this 1.8-meter person's paws are bigger than other people's faces.

"Thank you little fat orange, thank you sister breeder." The young man who heard this said happily.He hurriedly ran to Sister Hong'er, took the phone and looked at it.

After seeing the photo of himself and Xiaopangju, the whole person was too excited to speak.

"Please invite Red Party One and her to help the audience." At this moment, the host's voice came from the stage, indicating that the interaction had officially begun.

Hearing this, the cameraman took the camera away from Cheng Hao.Turning to the center of the stage, the two were ready to sing.

"Hi handsome guy, may this be the microphone that we need later. Please take it first."

The staff walked up to the young man and said.So as not to appear in the camera later.There have also been occasions where a microphone has to be handed over.

"Okay, thank you." The young man who took the microphone said happily, and then stood aside and waited.

From time to time, he took pictures of Cheng Hao and himself with his mobile phone, and posted photos on various social media in Moments.

He could already imagine that after his photos were sent out, it would create a sensation. There must be many guys envious of him, and he was already sour with envy.

And that's exactly what he wanted to achieve.If no one is sour, then why did he get up early to participate in the show?
"I invite Xiaopangju and the audience to come on stage. I don't know which song Xiaopangju and his audience are going to choose?"

Just as he was thinking this, the host's voice came to mind.Only then did he realize that time had passed so quickly, and the two people in front had already finished singing.

Looking at the camera facing him, the young man hastily said:

"I can do it. I know every song of Pangju, and I have also pre-ordered Pangju's latest album, so you can just play it at ease, host."

"It seems that our little handsome guy is very confident, so let's ask Little Pang Ju." After hearing this, the host took the microphone and walked up to Cheng Hao.

"Aww~ (Since he's already said that, it's better to sing blue and white porcelain, and he doesn't need me to sing a sentence.)"

"Aww~ (Let's change the way, I sing the tiger voice, he sings the human voice, this way everyone's perception will be better.)"

Seeing this, Cheng Hao said, how annoying are you to say to me?He hates this way of singing the most?
"It's okay like this, but I don't know if the music is played by Xiaopangju yourself, or let us sing it live?" The host asked with a smile, and the staff at the side brought a big iron basin.

"Aww~ (You brought them all, should I choose?)" Hearing this, Cheng Hao said helplessly, and the other party asked for a hammer.The iron basin was brought in front of him, does this seem to be asking him?

"Okay then, please enjoy Xiaopangju quietly and help the audience, stop all the music of Qinghuaci brought to you, and let Xiaopangju come." After hearing sister Hong'er's translation, the host said, A tricky smile appeared.

"Xiaoju, you can perform by yourself. My sister will stand aside this time and be in charge of watching the show. Remember to be strong and don't knock the pot flat." Seeing the light change, Sister Hong'er said.

"Aww~ (Don't worry, it's okay, I'll be more careful.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, then sat on the ground, put his two paws on the big round basin turned upside down, and gently tapped it with his nails Knock.

In an instant, sweet music came from the iron basin:

"Ding ding ding~ ding~ ding ding"

The young man on the side was a little excited when he heard it, and then slowly calmed down after breathing sideways. He was so excited. He never thought that he would be able to get the accompaniment of Xiaopangju one day. If he said this, those who said he came just Guys who waste money must be envious.

"Wow, Little Pang Ju is about to start performing again, and this time he's playing the accompaniment by himself. I'll see who dares to say that our little Pang Ju is lip-syncing."

"That's right, our chubby orange is a great lyricist and great musician. With just an iron basin, we can perform the effect of a band."

The audience sitting there were whispering and looking at the stage with joy.

"Ooooh~ (The blue and white strokes outlined by the plain embryo turn thick and light, and the peonies depicted on the bottle are just like your first makeup.)" Cheng Hao poked his neck and sang with ease.The voice of the young man also came from the side.

Everyone who heard the song nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, Pangju's tiger voice is the soul of this song. No matter how other people sing, if there is no Pangju's tiger voice, the soul will be lost. Become worthless.

"Although I'm a little jealous, I have to say that he is indeed very talented." Huang Yanyan said after seeing him.

"Yes, it's just a tiger." The guests on the side also nodded.

"Aww~(You have a smile in your eyes.)" As the voice slowly stopped, the scene was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until Cheng Hao walked to Sister Hong'er's side in small steps that the sitting audience woke up like a dream.Hastily shouted: "Xiao Pangju has one more song, one more song."

"Yes, yes, don't run away so fast."

"Ouch~ (Why are you like this again?)" Cheng Hao said helplessly after hearing this. These people are too greedy. After listening to one song, they actually want to listen to another one.

"Everyone likes Xiaopangju's kindness. I believe Xiaopangju has already received it, but the next part is the show, please be quiet." Seeing that the audience was about to rush up, the host quickly said.

This prevented the audience from going on stage to sabotage things from happening.If you knew this earlier?He should have hired more security guards.

Take a look at the security guards who set off, as if they couldn't stop the enthusiastic audience.

"Aww~ (Sister, I think we should discuss how to get out later, otherwise I feel a little difficult with so many people.)" Unlike the host's thinking, Cheng Hao, who was lying down, was already thinking It's a matter of running away.

(End of this chapter)

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