Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 291 I knew I wasn’t the worst one

Chapter 291 I knew I wasn’t the worst one
"Yes, what do you want to eat, you glutton?" the principal asked.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (Just bring ten or eight roasted whole lambs. I am not picky at all.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this. He smelled the smell of mutton in this city.

There must be a lot of sheep in this city. The relationship is so good that they will eat roasted whole sheep today.

"It's true that they were just robbed without any choice at all. Let's go and see which restaurant is cooking roasted whole lamb? You can go and eat it yourself." The director rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Ouch~ (This is not good, I am a good tiger and cannot do such a thing. My sister has taught me not to steal or rob.)" Cheng Hao heard this and said.

He has been working for two days, and grandpa is not even willing to buy some food. He is really stingy.

"Then how did you get your food these two days?" the principal asked after hearing this.

"Ouch~ (Of course I picked it up, after all, I am a good tiger.)" Cheng Hao said without thinking. Look, there is no one in the quiet night. Didn't he pick it up or how did he get it? Woolen cloth?

"Won't you, a glutton, blush when you say this?" the principal asked.

This little villain is really thick-skinned than the city wall. He actually said that he picked up the food. Can he be more outrageous?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ? How can it be called robbery?)"

To steal or rob, you have to go into someone else's store. If you haven't entered his store, how can you call it stealing and robbing?
"Well, you gluttonous ghost has quite a lot of fallacies." Hearing this, the head of the garden said angrily: "Then go ahead and pick up roasted whole lambs to eat."

"Ouch~ (Okay, grandpa, do you know which store sells delicious roasted whole lamb? It's so convenient for me to pick it up.)" Cheng Hao asked.

"How does this grandpa know that grandpa is not familiar with this place? You can find out if you try a few more shops yourself. There must be a delicious one." The principal said.

"Ouch~ (That makes sense.)" Cheng Hao nodded his big head and flew towards the ground.

Let him come and take a look at which family here has the best roasted whole lamb, right?
"What on earth is going on? Why was Mr. President attacked? How did you stay here? Where is the murderer?" The security guards looked at the fallen president and asked the secretary-general on the side.

The other person is the only one in this room.Isn't the other party going to give them some explanation for what happened?

"I don't know. I don't know anything. I only heard a noise, and then something happened to Mr. President." The secretary-general said with numb eyes. She hadn't recovered from what had just happened, and she hadn't even figured it out yet. Something happened and it became like this.

"Then did you hear any noise? Did you see anyone suspicious?"

"Yeah, no matter what, you have to give us some clues."

The security guards who saw this scene were very troubled and said that there were no clues. How could they start investigating?

"I only heard a "swish" sound, and then Mr. Zhengtong fell down. As for other things, I really don't know anything." The secretary-general replied, with a numb look in his eyes.

"The weapon that hurt Mr. President came from a distance. It is initially judged that it is at least an armor-piercing projectile. Look at how flat it is here." At this moment, the voice of an exploration expert came from the side, and everyone who heard this immediately jumped up. Come over.

I saw a parallel hole coming directly from the building opposite, and everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but look serious.

It's really scary that such dangerous weapons have entered the city and they don't know anything about it.

I don’t know who did it.

"What are you doing here? Have you found the murder weapon that killed Mr. President?"

The chairman of the council walked in and asked, "What are these guys doing sitting huddled together?"Are they investigating a case?
"Report to the president that we are investigating." Everyone who heard this quickly stood up and reported.

"Then what have you found out through your investigation now?" the president asked.

"Mr. Chairman, after investigation, we found that the murder weapon of Mr. Shashi President must be an armor-piercing bullet. You can see that the bullet holes in the bulletproof glass are long and thin. At first glance, it is specifically used against tanks."

The expert pointed at the hole in the glass and said.

"Then can you explain to me what kind of armor-piercing bullets are so small?" After hearing this, the president looked at the hole and asked.

This hole is so small that it has no edges. Is it an armor-piercing bullet?Don't let him get it wrong.

"The report chairman will definitely not be wrong based on my more than 30 years of experience in the industry," the expert said confidently.

He is a professional in this area, and the president should not challenge him on his strengths.

"Really? Then you can find the bullet now and then talk about it." The president said without knowing whether it was OK or not, and he took a step and sat on a chair nearby: "You have to be fast and catch the murderer as soon as possible so that I can explain it to the people of the country. .”

"Yes! Mr. President, let's go now, don't worry."

Everyone who heard this said that they were about to run outside.They found that someone pushed the door open before them.

"Hello, sirs, we found something below, which may be related to this incident, so we brought it up immediately." The police officer who opened the door said, and took out a chopstick.

"You came here with chopsticks, do you want to joke with us? We don't have time to fool around here now."

"Yes, if you want to play, you can go elsewhere. We are very busy right now."

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes and said, "What time has it been?" Someone came to them with a chopstick.

"Sirs, you have misunderstood. This chopstick is not an ordinary chopstick. It is very likely to be the murder weapon that attacked Mr. President this time." The police officer who heard this explained: "When we just found this chopstick, it was just Injured a citizen. I followed the direction he came from, and we found that this is where he came from."

"That's why I brought him here, hoping to provide clues to the superiors."

"But the problem is that these chopsticks look like ordinary disposable chopsticks. Are you telling me that someone used this chopstick to kill Mr. President? Stop joking."

"Yes, no matter how hard these chopsticks are, they can't be so powerful." Everyone shook their heads after hearing this.

"If you don't believe it, why don't you just test this chopstick with the bullet hole? Then it will be clear, right?"

"As for the discussion here for so long?" The president said a little irritably when he heard the commotion here.

A group of idiots are discussing something for a long time. Can they move faster?

"Yes, President."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately followed the instructions, and soon the chopsticks that they thought were impossible were filled with bullet holes.Fitted together perfectly.Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"It's exactly as I imagined. This chopstick really flew in from here." The police officer who saw this said happily.

"It seems that you guys are not very capable. Let's see, from now on, you will not get involved in this case. You will be responsible for the case of the little police officer over there."

The president opened the mouth and said, these idiots have been arguing for a long time, but they can't understand anything, so what should they do?
It’s better to leave professional matters to professionals.

"Yes, President." The police officer said happily after hearing this. He didn't expect such a big job to come up.

"Well, from now on, you can mobilize everyone, and everyone will go all out to help you."

"What needs to be done is to arrest the murderer as soon as possible, understand?" the president said. He didn't care what method the other party used, all he wanted to see was the result.

And catching the murderer would be the best result.

"President, please rest assured that we will do our best to assist him." After hearing this, everyone replied.

"Well, let's do it all. I'm waiting for your good news." The president nodded and said,

Everyone left the office to handle the case.

"Ouch~ (Grandpa, if we don't stay in a luxurious villa at night, why would we go to a place like this?)" Walking in the dark mine, Cheng Hao didn't quite understand.

What if you live in this mine?Let them be as black as big briquettes.

"Of course it's to bring warmth to this city, you little scoundrel, have you forgotten what we came here for this time?" the director said after hearing this.

"Ouch~ (Of course I haven't forgotten it, but what does it matter if we come here?)" Cheng Hao asked, stepping on the gravel.

"Of course it does matter. Grandpa has seen this place. There is an extinct volcano here. You glutton uses your power to suck up the thick slurry underneath and turn it into an active volcano. Then we don't have to Running around." The principal explained while looking at his phone.

Although this volcano has not erupted for a long time, according to satellite monitoring results.

There is a large amount of lava underneath this volcano, and it only needs a detonation point, and then this volcano will come back to life.

And once this volcano erupts?Then there is no need to worry about the entire Ming Kingdom, they are busy.

"Ouch~ (Grandpa, you still call me bad, but I think you are much worse than me.)" Cheng Hao couldn't help but say after hearing this.

He just did something casually, but Grandpa was fine, thinking that the entire peninsula here had sunk.

"This is not called bad, this is called cleaning up the garbage from the source, do you understand? It's just like burning weeds. Only when the weeds are burned, new grass will grow." The director explained, taking steps Go forward.

According to the map, the crater of this dormant volcano is under this mine.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that that volcanic eruption won't affect us there?" Cheng Hao followed closely and asked with some worry. After all, the thick smoke produced by the volcanic eruption is harmful gas. What if it drifts to them? manage?It won't be a big problem.

"Don't worry, if it doesn't float to our side, it will drift to other places. Our side is blocked by high mountains and the wind is blowing from the west." The director said, if the smoke from the volcanic eruption would blow to their country Go, he would not do this. It was precisely because the wind was relatively stable at this time that he dared to do this.

"Ouch~ (That's good.)" Cheng Hao nodded his head upon hearing this.Following the director, I walked around the abandoned mine.

"That's right, the strongest heat source is right here. Little villain, use all your abilities to suck out the molten metal." The director looked at his phone, then at his position, and said to Cheng Hao who was standing aside. .

"Aww~ (Okay! But let me remind you, grandpa, you'd better go out first, I won't be hurt by the lava, but grandpa can't say for sure.)" Cheng Hao who received the order looked After looking at the big pothole, he spoke.

This pit looks quite deep. If grandpa hadn't said this side was a volcano, he would have thought it was some kind of lumpy ditch.

"I got it. Grandpa, go up now. You glutton, remember to work harder." After hearing this, the director said and hurriedly ran outside. He was not made of iron and could not withstand the high temperature of the lava. , and even I have never heard that iron is not afraid of molten metal.

"Ouch~ (I know, I know, I'll do the work. Grandpa, just rest assured, there won't be any problem.)" Cheng Hao said and started to work.

In an instant, the entire underground was boiling.

I don't know how deep into the ground the silent molten lava began to surge, rushing straight towards the ground.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Under the galloping magma, the earth soon heard a loud noise.

"It seems that this glutton is really not sloppy in his work. I just don't know how big the lava can be?" The director standing on the ground couldn't help but said after realizing it.

"What do you think this sound is? Does any of you know?"

"I don't know. Who knows what this sound is about?"

"Yes, this sound seems to be coming from underground."

The citizens who were walking in the city had doubts in their eyes after hearing the sound that echoed through the sky, but the shock that followed instantly brought them back to their senses.

"No, it's an earthquake. Everyone, run, run."

I don't know who shouted, and then the whole crowd panicked.

"It's not good, President. The Earthquake Bureau has detected a strong earthquake source approaching underground."

In the administrative building, political officials reported to the president.

"What? Hurry up and get people to evacuate the people. Also find out what's going on?" After hearing this, the president who was holding the ball couldn't help but change his expression.

"Yes, President." The political officer replied after hearing this and immediately went to do it.

"Aww~ (Come out, hot thick lava, let me see how powerful you are? Can you flood this land?)" Cheng Hao stood in the crater, looking at the hot lava below and said happily .

(End of this chapter)

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