Chapter 304
"Selling flowers, selling flowers. Authentic and signed flowers by Little Fat Orange. Don't pass by if you pass by."

"Yes, yes, not nine hundred and ninety-eight, not one thousand one thousand and ninety-eight, but only four hundred and eighty you can take home the out-of-print autograph."

The quiet hotel was interrupted by shouts. The security guard on guard was a little stunned when he saw this scene. As far as he knew, these people seemed to be members of the evolution department. Why did one or two start selling flowers? Come on, it’s really confusing. Isn’t it said that the rewards from the Evolver Department are very high? Why do they still make extra money here?

Could it be that the Evolver Department is actually an empty sub-department with a lot of money, and the real situation is that it can’t even afford to eat?If that's the case, these people are really pitiful.

"What the hell are you doing? The hotel invited you here to watch the show. If someone makes such a noise in front of the company, won't you do something?" Just as the security guard was thinking this, a voice came to his ears. Suddenly there was a familiar voice.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the manager of the hotel coming over aggressively.

"Um, manager, are you sure you want me to drive you away? If I do this, we will be in trouble." The security guard who heard this said weakly, the manager is really powerful, he will drive people away when he comes up.

"Why are you so unlucky? You are obviously lazy and you are still making excuses for me." Hearing this, the manager cursed angrily: "I want to see how unlucky it will be if I drive them away."

What a waste, asking him to do work, he can't handle such a trivial matter well, and he has to do it himself. Did their hotel spend so much money to invite him to come and watch the show?

"Then I wish you good luck, manager!" The security guard couldn't help laughing when he heard this. This manager doesn't know anything about what's going on in the office every day, and now he goes out to chase people away, so he has to keep an eye on him here. It’s a show.

The people in the hotel did what he did, but other public departments would not pay attention to him.

"You, you, and the rest of you, do you know where this place is? You didn't see the sign here, did you? It's clearly written on it. No stalls are allowed. No stalls are allowed." The manager walked over. After looking around and finding no customers, he pointed at a few people angrily and said:

"Get out of here quickly and don't stay here. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude and ask the security guards to chase you away later."

"Uh? Is it written here that stalls are not allowed?"

"It seems, no."

"Yeah, I didn't even see a word." After hearing this, everyone looked around and said.

The walls are bare, and stalls are not allowed anywhere. Does the other party think they are fools?
"It's not there now. It will be posted later. Don't be so nagging and hurry up and leave. Stop shouting here."

"Otherwise, I will directly ask the city management to arrest you." The manager waved his hands impatiently upon hearing this, as if swatting flies.

"Really? It's so majestic. You are really great as a manager." The captain was immediately happy when he heard this.

What does it mean to be contemptuous of others? They have seen it this time. Their ability to talk nonsense is really amazing.

"Whether you are powerful or not has nothing to do with you. Did you hear what I said? Get out of here." The manager frowned, his face full of displeasure.

"We're not going to leave now, but you have to come with us."

"Yes, we suspect you are a dangerous person. Please come with us first and explain the matter clearly."

The team member took out his ID from his pocket and said, originally he didn't want to have anything to do with this guy.But what if the other party wants to be aggressive?I'm sorry, they asked each other to go away.

"Misunderstandings and misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I don't know how many of them are from the department. I don't know the truth. Please don't be as knowledgeable as me." When he saw the ID the other party took out, the manager said quickly.

"Originally I didn't plan to meet you, but you disturbed our disguise plan, and now I have to meet you."

"Yes, I hope you will come with us and cooperate to see if you are a lawbreaker?"

"That's right, you must be an enemy spy disguised in the hotel."

The team member said, hugging the manager and left directly. This guy is arrogant, right?Then they take each other to be arrogant.

If you treat them like this, how should you treat other children?

If you don't teach the other party a lesson today, the other party will definitely do this again in the future.

"No, no, I'm not, sirs, I really am not." The manager who was being carried away said, who knows these people will use this method to disguise themselves here.

And he is just fulfilling his management obligations, okay?
"I've told you that you're going to be in trouble, but you're still so arrogant. It seems that our hotel is going to change its manager now." The security guard who saw this scene shrugged his shoulders. He had already reminded the other party and he was still like this. Then Who can you blame?
"Okay, now we have work to do, and we have to help them sell their flowers."

"Yes, who asked this fool to come up and disturb us?"

The remaining team members shrugged and continued to shout and sell flowers.



In the presidential suite, Cheng Hao was lying on the sofa.The gnawed walnuts made a crunching sound.

When Sister Hong'er saw it, she said, "When you eat walnuts, put the walnut shells in the trash can. Don't throw them everywhere, okay? You little bad guy."

"Aww~ (Don't worry, sister, nothing will happen. I can take care of them no matter what, and there won't be the kind of thing you are worried about, sister.)" Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, My sister doesn’t have to worry about walnut shells getting everywhere.

With just a slight use of power, these walnuts and shells will gather into a ball and run obediently into the trash can.

"Then don't throw it away. If someone comes over and sits down, won't it be torn apart and make a hole?" Sister Hong'er said.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Throw away banana peels? My old waist is almost broken."

"Ouch~ (Uh...)" Cheng Hao heard this and couldn't help but said in a daze: "Ouch~ (Sister, did you eat a banana next to the elevator?)"

"Do you think it's possible? You little fool. Does my sister look like the kind of person who would take it away after eating it?" Sister Hong'er heard this and rolled her eyes.

The little scoundrel even asked about her. Why didn't she ask the other party what was going on?
"Ouch~ (That's weird, it wasn't me, sister, you ate it. Who ate it?)" Cheng Hao said doubtfully.

"If it's not what you eat or what I eat, it must be what the people in the other rooms eat. Don't think we are the only ones here." Sister Hong'er pointed outside and opened her mouth.

Besides them, there are others on this level.

"Aaaaa~ (That makes sense.)" Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this, and walked outside: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ?)”

"He fell to his waist, do you think there is anything wrong with him?" Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes.

"AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa another another, I guess something is wrong. What a poor guy." After hearing this, Cheng Hao sighed and stretched out his paws to call the fat supervisor over.

"Don't... don't be like this. I'm a little fat little chubby boy who's afraid of heights. If we have something to say, can you please stop doing this?" The fat manager who suddenly floated up looked at the scene outside the window and was trembling with fear. road.

"Don't be afraid. You said you fell down on your waist. I am here to help you understand? People who fell down on their waist should not move around." When Cheng Hao heard this, a line of words appeared in the air. "Little Fat Orange, you are going to help me. Thank you so much. But I came here this time to inform you to prepare, because we are going to start a meeting in the afternoon." The fat manager said after seeing this scene.

"Okay, we get it. How do you feel now? Can you still stand up?" Sister Hong'er asked.

"It's no problem." The fat manager touched his numb butt and said.

"That's fine. You should be careful when you walk in the future and don't be so irritable. After all, not everyone is as civilized as we are." Cheng Hao wrote as he put down the fat supervisor.

"Yes." After the fat manager saw it, he got up from the ground: "Then I will go and prepare first. When the time comes, I will tell you about it."

"Well, go ahead." Cheng Hao waved his paws, and white writing appeared in the void.

The fat manager limped toward the elevator.

"Little villain, do you know what you look like now?" Sister Hong'er asked with a smile after seeing it.

"Ouch~ (What does it look like?)" Cheng Hao asked curiously.

"It's like a scene in a comic book, with words written on the head." Sister Hong'er said with a smile. Every time the little villain spoke, a line of white cloud words would appear. Isn't this a scene from the comics?
"Ouch~ (It is indeed a bit similar, but there are still many differences.)" Cheng Hao said, does he look like a 2D character so much?He is obviously a super handsome guy.

"Indeed, after all, the tigers in the comics are not as greedy as you." Sister Hong'er nodded.

"This is not gluttony. I am saving energy to survive the winter. It will snow soon. How can I not eat more?" Cheng Haoyi said righteously, and rolled up a crispy persimmon with his tail to eat.

He has no other entertainment activities. Apart from eating and drinking, isn't it just eating and drinking all day long?
"You, I said that last year, and I still say that this year. Look, your back is wrinkled again." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's back and said.

She heard this reason last year, and this little villain used it again this year.

"Ouch~ (Really? Maybe I remembered it wrong.)" Cheng Hao muttered, then turned his belly: "Ouch~ (Sister, do you have time now?)"

"Yes, what's wrong? Have you come up with any bad ideas again, you little rascal?" Sister Hong'er asked after hearing this.

"Ouch~ (What is a bad idea? I just asked my sister if you have any plans to pet the cat. This is something that no one else dares to think about.)" Cheng Hao said, holding Sister Hong'er's hand with his tail.

"Come on, if you want me to comb your hair, just say so. As for beating around the bush?" Sister Hong'er said angrily, reaching out to pat the big tail on her hand.

"Ouch~ (Sister, please hurry up.)" Cheng Hao shrank into a big fur ball.

"I got it, you naughty kid. I didn't see you looking for your sister for the good things, and you didn't miss the bad things every time." Sister Hong'er scolded, reaching out to rub Cheng Hao's big belly.

"Ouch~ (Nonsense, is it not a good thing to masturbate the cat? Sister, do you think I missed you that time?)" Cheng Hao said.

"Come on, sister would rather not have it." Sister Hong'er muttered.

"Fans, please enter the venue in an orderly manner and do not park your vehicle at the intersection. Fans who come in should sit down in an orderly manner according to the tickets they reserved online."

"The anchors will enter the venue in half an hour. Fans who want posters of the anchors can ask the staff at the door."

A few hundred meters away from the hotel, in front of the stadium, the staff of the live broadcast company started working.

"Hello, handsome boy. Do you have any posters of Little Fat Orange? Can you give us a few? We are the most solid fan group of Little Fat Orange."

"Yes, yes, I am Xiaochuangju's aunts."

While everyone was maintaining order, fans had already surrounded the poster area.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, the posters are still on the way." The staff who were surrounded expressed panic and said while looking at the fans wearing tiger ear hairpins and hats.

"Why are you still on the road? Didn't you say that anyone who wants a poster can come and get it?"

"Yeah, are you still waiting?" fans asked after hearing this.

"Isn't there too many little orange fans here? They have already taken all the more than 3 posters, so they have to be transferred from the warehouse." The staff explained that they had not arranged so many posters at all. Ah, there are a lot of posters from other anchors, but not many have been distributed so far.

It was obviously an offline fan meeting, but who would have thought that all the fans who came now were Xiaopangju's. He felt that the entire offline event was compromised by Xiaopangju's fans.

"Huh? Thirty thousand little orange fans are here? It's strange, how come it's so fast?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be. We are Xiaopangju's most insistent aunts." Everyone who heard this murmured.

Obviously not many people in the group have said they want to come, so how come it’s so late.Will there be so many people?

"Don't you know yet? This offline meeting is no ordinary meeting. Everyone regards this offline meeting as a concert, so all the tickets were snatched up by the little orange fans."

At this moment, the figure approaching said: "Tickets for concerts are maliciously hyped by scalpers, but offline meetings on this live broadcast platform are not, so there are many people snatching them up."

"Nearly all the people who come here, nine out of ten, come here because they can sing this time."

"Huh? They think this is a concert?"

"Yeah, no wonder so many people came to the meeting."

The girls who heard this were shocked and said, what if this is the case?Then explain clearly why there are piles of posters of other anchors, but not a single poster of Xiaopangju.

After all, this is only 99 tickets.

If you treat him as a ticket to a concert, it will be worth your while.

"Yes, there are little orange fans inside handing out homemade posters. You can go in and get them."

"In addition, someone has made many banners. You should be able to see them when you go in. They will ask you if you want them," the young man said.

"Of course I want it. How can our little Fat Orange not have noodles?"

"Yes, sisters, go ahead and get posters and banners to let everyone see how awesome Little Orange is. Let Little Fatty know that we are always supporting him."


After hearing this, everyone said, and they swarmed towards the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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