Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 305: Nonsense, you didn’t sing at all

Chapter 305: Nonsense, you didn’t sing at all

"Ouch~ (Did we come too early? Why is it so quiet here?)" Cheng Hao, who was walking outside the stadium with small steps, asked curiously, "Why is it so quiet here?"Did they come too early, or did they not come this time?

"You ask sister? Does sister know so well? Aren't you a very capable little scoundrel? Just take a look for yourself." Sister Hong'er who was asked said, she doesn't have that much ability?How do you know what's going on? Doesn't this little villain always say that he is awesome?Then he should take a look.

"Ouch~ (Then let me take a look?)" Cheng Hao said after hearing this. He opened his eyes and looked around, and found that the gymnasium was as densely packed as sardines in a can, and in their hands The banner photo he was holding seemed to be his own.

"How are you, little rascal, have you seen clearly? What's going on inside?" Sister Hong'er asked. This little rascal's eyes are really as big as an egg. He must have seen something, right?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anotherha a a lot of people inside, but it's a little bit weird that they're all holding my posters. Sister, can you ask them if this is really an offline meeting? Why can't I see photos of other anchors" Huh? They couldn't have tricked me into coming to the concert, right?)" Cheng Hao asked with his eyes piercing through the stadium, this is too outrageous.

He glanced over and found no other guys' posters, they were all his.

This posture didn't look like an offline meeting, but more like a concert. He was very suspicious that this unscrupulous live broadcast company directly organized a concert for him without notifying him in advance, just for the sake of being single-minded. Make money.

"Is that so? You really should ask clearly." Sister Hong'er nodded after hearing this and dialed the fat manager's number.

"Hey! Is this the breeder lady? Where are you now? Please come in quickly, the fans in the gym are waiting for you." The fat supervisor who was in the gym said, why haven't Little Fat Orange and the others come over yet? Yeah, the audience here is almost noisy.

"We have arrived at the door, but what is going on inside? We don't seem to see the fans of other anchors. They are all fans of Xiaoju." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said: "I remember This doesn’t seem to be Xiaoju’s concert, how could it become like this?”

"What are you talking about? There's a little trouble here." Hearing this, the fat manager immediately understood what Sister Hong'er meant, and quickly explained: "Because the price was set too low, Xiao Jufen immediately rushed to buy it. We thought it was a concert for the tickets, and we didn’t know this was the case until we got here.”

"The company definitely does not operate behind the scenes, otherwise it would not be possible to offer such a low price of 99."

"Okay, I understand. It's okay if it's not like this. I'll take Xiaoju in right now." Sister Hong'er nodded after hearing this. If she still had doubts about what the other party said just now?The price the other party mentioned in the end completely reassured her.

"Yeah." The fat manager nodded when he heard this, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved, otherwise it would have been troublesome.

Immediately, he looked at the lively auditorium.He took the microphone from the host on the side and said: "Everyone, please be patient. Little Fat Orange is coming in soon, and everyone will see him soon."

"Really? That's awesome."

"Yes, I want to hear Little Fat Orange sing."

"Of course we have to sing, we all came here for Little Fatty Orange's singing." The fans who heard this said excitedly, and the cheers spread throughout the stadium.

"By the way, are we here to participate in the event or to serve as a foil for Little Fatty Orange? Why haven't I seen a single fan?" Looking at this scene, the trendy singer with a slicked back hair asked weakly.

Didn’t his fans come to support him offline?Then why did he only see the posters of Little Fat Orange, but not any posters about himself?

"Yeah, I didn't see any of my fans either. I don't know if it's because Xiaopangju has too many fans, or if I have too few fans?"

The other party's words immediately aroused the echo of other anchors.

Their fans also said they were coming, but they didn't see them either.

"Actually, your fans are here. The staff just secretly told me that after someone took your posters, they found that the posters of Little Fat Orange fans were better, so they hid your posters and replaced them all with Little Fat Orange ones. ." At this moment, Xia Bingyu on the side said.

When she was chatting with the staff just now, the staff secretly told her the news.

"What?" Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this. No wonder they didn't see their fans. It turned out that they all defected to Little Fat Orange.

If they didn't play with them like this, they were still counting on this live broadcast to show everyone their fan base, but ended up playing Infernal Affairs instead, right?

"Don't be surprised. I just heard from the staff that 90.00% of the fans at the scene are Orange fans."

"It would be great if our fans can reach [-]%." Xia Bingyu said, it would have been this time last year.Xiancha Live is still a small live broadcast platform.

What if I hadn't signed Little Fat Orange?Where can it become one of the largest live broadcast platforms in the country now?
They should be grateful to Xiao Pangju's fan base for coming to this offline event, otherwise there would be only a handful of people in the [-] to [-] people in the stadium.

"Isn't it? Little Orange fans are so scary?" I heard the anchors here say weakly. I originally thought that no matter how powerful Little Fat Orange is, the fan base is only [-]% at most.

"Don't you know that our live streaming platform is losing money? The money we have to pay our salary now is all due to Xiaopangju's album." Xia Bingyu whispered, she had inside information, because the platform's pace I've stepped too far and hit my waistband, so now the platform's live streaming revenue is actually at a loss.

"Okay, no problem then."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but spread their hands.

The emotional little Fat Orange is still a God of Wealth?That's okay.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Just after they stood up again, a 46-gun salute came from outside, and then a chubby figure appeared on the red carpet.

It was Cheng Hao who was walking forward, and behind him was Sister Hong'er who was walking slowly.

To be honest, she was still a little uncomfortable with so many stares.

"Yes...it's Little Fat Orange, it's a living Little Fat Orange."

"Really, he is so fat and cute. My dear."

"Little fat orange, little fat orange."

In the audience, fans cheered enthusiastically.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagsssionss I was speechless at the moment I spoke.

"Stop being so arrogant, who told you that you are indeed a little fat?" Sister Hong'er heard this and said, isn't the little villain's character all along just a chubby tiger?There is nothing wrong with what others are shouting.

"Ouch~ (It hurts my heart, it hurts my heart.)" When Cheng Hao heard this, the whole tiger howled.He almost rolled around on the ground.Why is my sister's elbow still turned outward?Is he the other party's pet peeve?

"Huh? Little Fatty Orange is really Mummy's tiger. Such a big tiger still needs my sister to accompany him."

"Yeah, it's so cute, hurry up and kiss her." Fans who saw this scene said with a smile, and the whole stadium was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Don't worry, hurry up and get on stage. Everyone is waiting for you." Sister Hong'er walked over helplessly and took out a braised chicken leg from her bag: "Sister, please apologize to you. This is a gift to apologize to you, can you come over quickly?"

"Ouch~ (That's pretty much it.)" After hearing this, Cheng Hao wrapped his chicken legs around his tail and jumped towards the stage.

Facts have proved that as long as you are more rude than the other party, the other party will have no choice but to take advantage of you.

"Have you been planning to trick your sister into eating chicken legs for a long time, you little scoundrel?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but twitching at the corner of her eyes when she saw this scene.

"Aww~ (Hello everyone, hello everyone.)" Cheng Hao said while jumping up and down, and handwriting as big as a car appeared in the void.

The audience sitting in the auditorium saw it at a glance.I became excited instantly:
"Hello, little Fat Orange, hurry up and sing a song for us. Singing a song is more effective than anything else."

"Yes, yes, little Fat Orange, sing, sing."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (Do you want to listen to a song? Then you have to be obedient first.)" Cheng Hao raised his paw, and a huge cloud floated in the sky, and words dropped down: "Friends in the west, you can see ? Let me hear your cheers, and let me see your sincerity by shaking the glow sticks in the hands of my friends from the east."

"Friends from the north, I want to hear three words: big star."

"And my friends down south, shout my name loudly."

"Little Fat Orange, Little Fat Orange." The audience immediately became excited after hearing this.

"No, no, you should call me King Orange." Cheng Hao waved his paws, and another line of words appeared in the air: "You shout again, what should you call me?"

"King Orange, King Orange." Everyone cheered.

"Very good, I am very happy. I will play a new song "Daoxiang" for everyone next." Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction and continued to wave his paw:

"Now, please invite my sister to come on stage. Let me listen to your cheers and see if you are enthusiastic or not? Do you want to listen to music?"

"Sister Hong'er, Sister Hong'er."

When everyone heard this, they immediately shouted excitedly. It was a new song they had never heard before. What's going on with Little Fat Orange recently?Did he suddenly change his temper?
If this were the case, they would be extremely happy.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone, please don't be so polite." Hearing the deafening sound, Sister Hong'er walked up to Cheng Hao with great difficulty and gave him a big chestnut: "You little bad guy, can you do it every time before singing a new song?" Would you like to discuss this with your sister? My sister doesn’t even know what the song you are talking about is, how can you ask her to sing it?”

"Ouch~ (It's okay, it's okay, sister, just follow the intestines.)" Cheng Hao waved his paws carelessly, and the sound of "Uh huh~ huh" came out of his nose.

This made the audience a little surprised that this song does not require instruments?Little Fat Orange can hum directly.

"Sister, get ready, remember to read the lyrics." Cheng Hao reminded, shaking his head. Sister Hong'er quickly looked into the air, and saw a line of words popping up in the air:

"You have too many complaints about this world..."


Listening to Sister Hong'er singing, Cheng Hao touched the fish happily.

Why hadn't he thought of such a good method before?This way, it will save you more worry and effort?
"This song reminds me of the time when I was a kid, chasing fireflies." The anchors behind Cheng Hao whispered:
"It reminds me of the time when I was chased and bitten by a dog."

"Really? I remembered the days when I went to Internet cafes."

"Then you guys are doing pretty well. It reminds me of the days when I was a kid collecting sheep eggs."

"Um, did you all have such a good childhood?" Xia Bingyu said weakly after hearing this. How can you understand what picking up sheep's eggs is when you are chased by a dog and go to an Internet cafe?

"Yes." Many anchors nodded and continued to listen to songs.

The songs sung by Little Fat Orange are so beautiful. No wonder so many people came.

"Country songs will always depend on you. Go home and return to the original beauty."

"Okay, the song is over. The rest of the time will be handed over to other anchors. Don't ask me to change songs anymore. I have already sung it."

As the song slowly ended, another line of words appeared in the sky.

"You don't act like a rogue like this. It's all the keeper lady who is singing. Little Fatty Orange, you haven't even opened your mouth."

"That's right! What do you mean you have already sung it? Don't open your eyes and tell lies, okay? Sing a few more songs for us quickly."

"That's right, little Fatty Orange."

Everyone who saw this line shouted loudly, "Little Fat Orange didn't sing at all, okay?"He didn't sing this song after all, so why don't you ask him to sing again?

"If you don't want to listen, you bastard chants sutras. If you have sung it, you have sung it. You can find other anchors to perform their talents." Cheng Hao shook his head and trotted up behind Xia Bingyu. At the same time, he did not forget to write the words in the sky: "It's your turn, don't stand here stupidly, go up and perform your talents."

"Uh, little Fatty Orange. This kind of thing is arranged by the host, not you. You should leave all control of the field to the host." Xia Bingyu said weakly after being pushed out, The host hasn't asked them to perform yet, why is Little Fat Orange so impatient?He didn't want to involve them.

Obviously these fans didn't ask for it at all.

"He didn't speak. Then it's my turn?" Cheng Hao felt confident and pushed Xia Bingyu for a few more steps.

(End of this chapter)

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