Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 311 You got the wrong tiger, my name is Daju

Chapter 311 You got the wrong tiger, my name is Daju
"I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, I'm really exhausted. Singing is just too tiring." Cheng Hao said after singing the last line and continued to drink soda.

This singing was too taxing on his voice, so he had to rest for a while.

"Are you such a big tiger that you are so tired after singing a few songs? This is not possible." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"I'm not suitable for singing in the first place, okay? Sister, don't be too outrageous. If you have the ability, come and sing. Do you really think singing is easy?" Listening to Sister Hong'er's words, standing without pain in the back, Cheng Hao got angry. said.

"Sister, I'd like to, but there's nothing I can do about it. Sister doesn't have the ability, otherwise I'd definitely sing by myself." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Then sister, please stop saying a few words. I need to rest for a while." Cheng Hao rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, okay, you can rest. Sister, I won't disturb you anymore." Sister Hong'er replied, turning on the camera on her phone to avoid being seen by Cheng Hao.

This little villain has been telling him to keep quiet. If the leader knew that the scene just now was spread, wouldn't this little villain be angry to death?
"Playing with monsters and devils, you can use the golden cudgel to make things right..."

Just when our sister Hong'er was thinking this, music came from behind again.

Cheng Hao, who was on all fours, sang happily, looking very comfortable.

"Little rascal, didn't you mean to rest? What song are you singing?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously after hearing this.

"Of course it's a song that makes me happy." Cheng Hao paused and continued singing: "Playing with monsters and devils..."

"Are you singing Sun Wukong's song? You little rascal." Sister Hong'er asked with a smile, scanning the live broadcast room.

I found that everyone was also curious and discussing the song sung by the little villain.

"There is nothing wrong with the golden cudgel. Besides that man, who else would hold the golden cudgel?"

"That's right. I didn't expect that the little fat chicken could even sing this kind of song. We really underestimated him."

"Who says it's not the case? Our little Fat Orange knows everything and can do anything." Fans said happily.

"No, I'm singing the Monkey King." Cheng Hao, who was singing, said, "What if I'm singing Wukong? That's also a song that takes a lot of effort on my throat."

"Oh? Does that mean you do have Sun Wukong's song?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously, she just asked.I didn’t expect this little rascal to have a song.

"Of course, I still have many local songs." Cheng Hao said proudly: "It's just that I'm too lazy to sing them."

"Why are you too lazy to sing? Singing should be very happy for you. Didn't you sing a lot of songs for your sister this time?" Sister Hong'er asked aloud.

"Because I'm bored today and I have a special personality, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sing normally." Cheng Hao said, rubbing his seat and continuing to speak: "Let me think about what songs to sing next? There are some songs. There are too many, so I just picked something simple to sing, so I can’t cause trouble for myself.”

"By the way, sing that song." Cheng Hao, who was muttering, suddenly had his eyes lit up and said: "As I walked through the west wing, my nose smelled of fragrance, and the lady next door was still in the middle of the flowers..."

"Um? Little Fat Orange's singing style has changed. How many songs has Little Fat Orange hidden behind our backs?"

"Yeah, I originally thought I could see Xiaopangju clearly, but now it seems that it's a little too superficial, and I didn't see it clearly at all."

Everyone who was listening to the song was stunned and said, why doesn't Little Fat Orange sing according to common sense?Other singers always have a fixed style no matter how they sing, but this little bad guy is actually good, his style is never fixed, sometimes this style, sometimes that style.

"When I pass through the west wing again, 12 years later, the talent will be eight buckets high, and the flowers will still be empty after people leave. Those flowers will bloom and it will be difficult for people to keep them." Cheng Hao looked towards the outside from time to time: "Sister, what do you think about this? How about the song? Is it good? Have you not listened to it all day?"

"It sounds nice, but it's definitely not your full strength, right? Do you have any better songs for sister to sing?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Ouch~ (Better song? Sister, have you ever heard of Yijian Mei?)" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

"No, sister can only listen to it after you sing it." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Sister, you have to listen carefully, I'm going to sing. Remember to buy me sausages later." Cheng Hao said.

"No problem, just sing. Sister Grilled Sausage will buy it for you later," Sister Hong'er said.

"That's good." Cheng Hao said, wrapping his tail around the pillow and started singing: "True love is like a vast grassland, and layers of wind and rain cannot stop it..."

"This song is nice, this song has so much flavor."

"Yeah, yeah. It's so charming."

As the song sounded, the fans in the live broadcast room said happily.

They haven't been this happy in a long time, and this song is amazing.

"Commander, you are shaking your head." The team members in the Evolver Department reminded.

"I know that good music has this kind of magic power. Just get used to it and you'll be fine." Hearing this, the commander said nonchalantly: "Where is little Fat Orange now?"

"They just entered our territory and are now heading towards Hongtashan City." The team members who heard this reported.

"Then go and give him some chicken drumsticks. Don't let him get hungry." The commander said.

"Uh, Commander, are you serious? Let's go deliver food to Little Fatty Orange." The team members said in disbelief after hearing this.

"Nonsense! I've already said that, can it still be false? Little Fatty Orange is a key target of our department's protection."

"What's wrong with giving him food? Is there any problem?" the commander said angrily.

"No... no problem, then I'll let someone do it." Hearing this, the team member said with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Well, remember to ask Fatty to sign it when the time comes? Of course, this is definitely not because I want it. I need his signature to be reimbursed." The commander emphasized.

"Yes." The team members nodded when they heard this, muttering to themselves, didn't the boss just want Xiao Pangju's autograph?Why are you still covering your ears?

But the boss, a man in his 40s, actually started chasing stars, which he didn't expect.

"Sister, there is a service area ahead. Remember to buy me happy water and chicken legs. Don't forget it." Looking at the sign outside, Cheng Hao reminded.

"Didn't you just drink happy water? Why do you want more?" Sister Hong'er heard this and said. "Because I'm thirsty. Sister, if you don't want to listen to the song? You don't have to buy it. I won't force it anyway." Cheng Hao changed his posture and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you, you little rascal." Sister Hong'er said as she looked at the live broadcast room where everyone said "Buy it for him, buy it for him."

"That's right." Cheng Hao said happily, looking at the scenery outside the window and singing: "I walked and stopped along the way, following the traces of the young man's drifting. The moment before I stepped out of the station, I hesitated..."

"Ahhh~ Little Fatty Orange, my God, sing, sing hard."

"Come on, Little Fat Orange, just sing like this, don't stop." Fans in the live broadcast room said excitedly, Little Fat Orange is really awesome.

He actually sang so many songs in a row. Is this Xiaopangju’s live concert?How wonderful.

"Hey! Are there actually team members waiting for us here? Are they here to deliver Coke again?" After the car entered the service area, Cheng Hao saw the waiting team members at a glance.

"I'm not sure about this sister, but you can get out of the car and ask." Sister Hong'er said after stopping the car.

By the way, he stuffed his phone into his pocket to avoid being discovered that he was still live broadcasting.

"Then I'm not polite. I hope they won't be scared." After hearing this, Cheng Hao opened the car door, jumped out and walked towards the team members.

"Hello, little Fat Orange! The commander arranged for me to give you the Coke you want to drink and the big chicken drumsticks you want to eat." After the team members saw Cheng Hao coming over, they didn't wait for Cheng Hao to speak.He said excitedly: "Little Fat Orange, I am your fan. I really like your songs. Can you sign it for me?"

"Of course there's no problem. It's just a signature. It's trivial." Cheng Hao said nonchalantly after hearing this. The department is serious about its work. It even knew that he wanted to rest in this place and prepared food for him. .

Not bad, he was very satisfied with the service attitude.

"That's great, please, little Fatty Orange." Hearing the team members here say happily, they took out a stack of paper.

"Uh? Why are there so many words? Do you need so many signatures?" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao was stunned and said, the other party must be waiting for him to come over to sign, otherwise what would happen in the car? Will there be so much paper?

"Of course I don't need so many autographs, but there are relatives and friends in the department who are all fans of you, Little Fatty Orange, so I specifically asked me to get one for them after I see you." The team members were a little agitated after hearing this. Said sheepishly.

"Okay, okay, there's no problem with signing autographs for you, but you can't sell these autographs. I signed them for you because you like me. If you sell them, you'll lose them. It makes sense." After hearing this, Cheng Hao said.

Although there are a lot of these papers, who makes him a star with beloved fans?
"Of course, we will never sell it. Unless the day comes when we can't even afford food." The team member said with a smile, watching the pieces of paper flying like butterflies, and sticking to the big screen held by Cheng Hao. The paws left red paw prints.


"It's Little Fat Orange, it's Little Fat Orange, the big star. Yeah, ah, ah, he's alive."

Cheng Hao was signing his name when a scream came from the other side.

After a car drove in, the crowd began to come here.

"What's going on? Why are there so many cars coming? It shouldn't be. How come so many people know my whereabouts?" Cheng Hao was stunned when he saw this scene and said, he has many fans, he Not surprising, nor the fanaticism.

But why are so many cars parked here and running towards him?There seems to be no parking space in this parking lot.

"Um, what if my sister told you that it was my sister who leaked it? You shouldn't be angry." Sister Hong'er on the side saw it and said weakly.

It seemed that it would be better for her to take the initiative to explain now than to wait for Xiaoju to find out from the fans later. But why are so many fans on the highway watching the live broadcast?This was something she didn't expect.

"Ah? Sister, you are tricking me." Cheng Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this.

"There is no way. Who told you, a little rascal, to be lazy? And the fans over there are complaining that my sister can only do a live broadcast to comfort you." Sister Hong'er spread her hands and said.

"Ah? Just now along the way, sister, did you start the live broadcast?" Cheng Haoru said as if he was struck by lightning, what is this?You don't want to trick him like this.

"Yes, congratulations to you, Xiaoju. Fans have expressed their intention to send you blades." Sister Hong'er nodded and said while holding up her mobile phone.

"Ah?" Cheng Hao was stunned with his mouth wide open, but he regained his composure after a few seconds and said righteously: "Actually, everyone has mistaken the tiger. I am not some fat and orange person. I am his." The twin brother is Fat Orange."

"As for my brother? I don't know where he went. You can ask my sister."

"Nonsense, you are just Little Fat Orange. Don't think we can't recognize you. We are not three-year-olds, so we are not that easy to deceive."

"Even you, you have to find a better excuse to lie to us, okay? The hateful little fat orange actually thinks of us as fools."

Hearing the fans here cursing, the hateful little chubby orange actually started to deny it and started to use another identity.

Don't think that just changing his name will help. Their eyes are not in the crotch.

"You can say whatever you want, but it has nothing to do with me, Da Ju. I, Da Ju, am just an ordinary tiger who can speak a little human language." Cheng Hao said, his main character is a stubborn one who refuses to admit his fault.

They are scolding Little Fat Orange here, what does it have to do with him?He has a name, his name is Cheng Hao Xiaoju.

"We believe you, you little bastard, not a single word you say is true."

"That's right, you bad guy."

Fans in the live broadcast room cursed and said, damn little fat orange, you still want to quibble?It was useless, the other party turned into ashes, and they all recognized each other.

"Believe it or not, believe it or not, this tiger is called Big Orange or Little Fat Orange. You really got the tiger wrong." Cheng Hao said and ignored the live broadcast room.Started chewing chicken legs and drinking happy water.

The whole thing left the ground and drifted toward the car.

What if we don't run away again?Then don't even think about leaving later.

"What do you want to do, little rascal?" Sister Hong'er asked, who suddenly floated up.

"Of course I'll let you drive, sister," Cheng Hao said, opening the car door and pushing Sister Hong'er in.

Then the car also started to start, not giving the fans who came over a chance to kiss each other.

(End of this chapter)

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