Chapter 314 Big Event

"No, no, little fat orange, don't broadcast it."

"Yes, yes, let's play it for a while longer."

Looking at the darkened screen, everyone in the live broadcast room shouted.But the only person who responded to them was that the anchor had left.

"You little rascal, you're back, how are you? Are you doing well over there?" In the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the director looked at Cheng Hao who came back and asked.

"Okay, that's great. I have food, clothing, and people to serve me. Grandpa, when do you want me to get these benefits?" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

He had never been anywhere more comfortable than there.

"Um, can you talk, you little rascal?" The principal heard this and couldn't help but said in a daze.

"Yes, grandpa, what's the problem? It's just talking. What's the fuss about?" Cheng Hao nodded and said.

"It's true that there's nothing surprising about what you say, but what you say is a bit scary. You'd better keep your mouth shut and don't say anything, so as not to scare the people in the Tiger Garden." The director said, and this little villain always came back. You need to give him a little scare, and this time is no exception.He actually spoke directly to people.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Everyone knows what I said. Grandpa, it's impossible for you not to let me speak." Cheng Hao shrugged his arms helplessly after hearing this.

He also wanted to pretend to be mute and avoid trouble.But this is obviously impossible.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem? Why can't it be done?" the principal asked in confusion after hearing this.

"Because when I just came back, my sister had already started a live broadcast and exposed my ability to talk. Grandpa, how can this be allowed?" Cheng Hao shrugged.So many people knew about it, how could they hide it?

"Well, is it like this? Well, you'd better speak. It's like this, and there really is nothing we can do." The principal said helplessly after hearing this.

"Yes, grandpa." Cheng Hao nodded and said, "I won't say so much. Grandpa, when I come back, have you prepared anything delicious for me?"

"I sat in the car for a long time without eating a piece of meat or drinking a drop of water."

"No way, is our big star living in such a bad life? He didn't eat a grain of rice or drink a drop of water in the car. Who is abusing our big star?" the principal said in disbelief after hearing this. , and looked at Sister Hong'er aside.

Sister Hong'er, who was looking at the other party, immediately pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said:
"You can tell the director again that you haven't eaten or drank. Do you want me to call up the live broadcast and let the director take a look at it? Which pig is drinking Coke and eating chicken legs?"

This hateful little villain actually went to the director of the park to stir up trouble. He didn't drink a drop of water or eat a piece of meat. What kind of big orange pig was sitting in the car drinking Coke and eating chicken legs?
"That's definitely not me. After all, I'm just a tiger. How could it be a pig?" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

Now it sounds like it’s not him, okay?Because he is not a pig at all.

"Then do you admit that you have eaten?" Sister Hong'er asked, putting more strength on her hands.

"Admit it, sister, please stop pinching me. If you pinch my face again, it will break my face." Cheng Hao replied, isn't he just admitting it?Isn’t it okay for him to admit it?
"That's pretty much it. You know what's going on." Sister Hong'er said angrily after seeing it.

She thought this little guy would have a tough mouth, but it didn't look like that.

"I've admitted it, can we go have dinner now?" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

Wrong, he has already admitted it, so he should eat as usual, right?
"Are you so hungry? Sister didn't eat anything and didn't even say she was hungry. You little rascal ate, but you started shouting hungry so quickly." Sister Hong'er scolded angrily after hearing this.

"People's physiques are different. Just like me and you, sister. Your weight is one-sixth of mine. How can you be the same as me?" Cheng Hao muttered, they don't want it. Just take it literally.It has to be based on reality.

"Okay, you little guy, don't talk here. Grandpa has a headache. Isn't it just the food he wants to eat? Don't be so long-winded."

"Come here with grandpa, grandpa will take you to dinner." The principal standing aside waved his hand and said, hearing the two of them continue to argue, his ears were about to get calloused, so he had better settle the matter as soon as possible. I don't want to waste time here.

"Okay, Grandpa, couldn't you have said it earlier? It would have saved me the trouble of wasting so much time here." Cheng Hao said, and quickly followed.

"Little rascal, remember to eat a little less for dinner and don't eat too much." After seeing this, Sister Hong'er reminded her.

"Don't worry, sister, I know it well. I won't eat a lot. Just eat until you are seven to eight cents full." Cheng Hao replied after hearing this, and staggered away.

"Isn't seventy-eight percent full enough? This little rascal." Sister Hong'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard this.

But she had to go back and put things away now, and she had no choice but to go back first and talk about it later.

"Commander, the heavy rain suddenly disappeared, and we don't know what happened?"

In the Evolver Department on the other side, the team members who went out for rescue returned.Report to commander.

They were in the middle of disaster relief. After the clouds in the sky suddenly disappeared, the water on the ground disappeared. They didn't even understand what was going on?Everything happened quietly like this.

"Are you talking about those rain clouds? Those rain clouds were blown away by Little Fat Orange." The commander said, turned around the phone and said, "Take a good look at it for yourselves. You still need to work harder."

"Um, is Little Fat Orange so powerful?" Looking at this scene, everyone couldn't help but said in a daze.

Little Fatty Orange is a little too powerful, right? How could he have such a loud tone?I really can't understand it.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" the commander said angrily: "Usually you don't listen to me asking you to practice hard, but now you are being outdone by Little Fat Orange."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Little Fatty Orange was born to eat a bowl of rice. He has evolved into an animal since he was born. There is no way we can compare with him. This innate condition is insufficient."

"Yes, Commander, please don't think too highly of us." The team members who heard this said one after another. If the little fat orange is an innate evolved animal, then they are at most acquired. How can this be compared to ah?

"None of you work hard, you only make excuses." The commander scolded angrily after hearing this: "Look more for your own reasons, see if you have practiced well, and how long has this light of evolution been present? , none of them are working hard." "Yes, yes." The team members who heard this nodded and did not dare to refute.

I can only nod my head and agree, why is Little Fat Orange so awesome?Doesn't this trick them?

"Are you kidding me? Are you saying that the flood in your country was caused by our country's little fat tangerine? Why don't you say that the earthquake in your country was caused by our fart?" On the other side is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. , a diplomat responsible for communicating with foreign countries.He was yelling and cursing.

Don't be so outrageous, okay? The other party can tell such ridiculous things.

"Although you don't believe it, Mr. Zhao, the facts are like this. We watched the live broadcast of your domestic little fat orange and found that the direction he was blowing was our country." The diplomat from the country on the other end of the phone said, he was not unreasonable. He has evidence for his nonsense, and the screen recording in the live broadcast room is the best evidence.

"I said, do you want to listen to what you are saying? Hongtashan City is six to seven hundred kilometers away from your country, and it is still on the border."

"You want to tell me that Little Fat Orange can blow rain clouds and water six to seven hundred miles away with one breath? Do you think it is possible when you touch your head?" Diplomat Zhao said speechlessly, how can these people You have a pig brain, how can you say such ridiculous things?

"But that's how it is. I hope your country can give us an explanation." After hearing this, the diplomat from the country of Fu said.

"I'll give you a lollipop explanation. Don't tease me with such ridiculous things. Otherwise, the international community will laugh. If you are full and okay? You can go play in the mud." Zhao Diplomacy The official scolded angrily, these shameless guys can do anything. Why are they so thick-skinned?Leather shoes should not be made of cowhide, but their face.

"Mr. Zhao, please be civilized and don't be so rude." After hearing this, the diplomat from Fu State said.

I didn't expect that what the other party said would be so offensive. The other party represented the image of a country.

"For countries that have the brains to be polite, I will naturally be more civilized. But for those stupid guys, there is no need." Diplomat Zhao said: "You should solve this matter yourself, spend money properly, and repair it." Repair sewers and get more money to improve people’s livelihood.”

"Don't always think about touching other countries for such outrageous reasons? I really doubt the mental state of your country's leaders, and how you have read the books for so many years."

"Besides, please don't call us again. Our time is too precious to waste on your unreasonable things."

After saying that, Diplomat Zhao hung up the phone directly. What is this?
"Damn people from the Xuan Kingdom, they really bully others too much." Listening to the sound of hanging up the phone, the diplomat from the Kingdom of Fu could not help but curse.

The facts are right in front of us, and these guys still want to quibble.

No, we need to continue to mobilize the power of public opinion to make them bow their heads.They must be made to pay for their actions.

"Greedy, is the steamed pork with rice flour delicious?" Chef Chen asked in the cafeteria of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, looking at Cheng Hao who was feasting.

"It's delicious, but uncle chef, could you please stop fooling me by using potatoes instead of lotus roots?" Cheng Hao said while eating steamed pork. He knew potatoes were cheaper, but he didn't want to fool him like this. Yes.

"Isn't there no way around it? Money is tight?" Chef Chen explained with a smile: "But isn't the steamed pork made with potatoes also delicious? Don't be so picky."

"I can't be picky. I still need to tell you if there are mistakes." Cheng Hao said while eating: "Logically speaking, authentic steamed pork should be made with kudzu. Uncle Chen, you just skipped it right away. I skipped the first one and skipped the second one, but it would be better for you to use sweet potatoes instead of potatoes."

Although as a tiger he couldn't cook, it didn't stop him from tasting it.

Uncle Chen is too outrageous. Why did he skip these better ingredients and choose the worst ones?

"Yes, yes, everything you said is fine. Will Uncle Chen make it for you with lotus roots next time?" Uncle Chen said, taking out his mobile phone: "Xiaoju, can you record a video for me? My daughter will be there this year After turning 20, he wants your blessing."

"Ah? Uncle Chen is definitely your daughter, isn't she the customer you are looking for?" Cheng Hao, who was eating steamed rice noodles, said in shock: "You just use my signature to sell it every day, why are you picking up this kind of thing now? Are you alive?"

Normally the other party would sell his signed posters, so he would just turn a blind eye. After all, he could improve the food, and he was happy with it.

But why did the other party pick it up now? Is this kind of business coming?

He is a big star after all, why would he go out of his way to congratulate people? How would others look at him if word spread?

Are you saying that he wants money and is shameless, or are you saying that he is a money-grubbing tiger?
"Xiaoju, forgive me for swearing to God, I really didn't take the job, although I did sell your signed posters before."

"But we all share 20-[-]. Your money will be used to buy you roast chicken, roast duck and goose." After hearing this, Chef Chen said: "Uncle, I really won't lie to you. Uncle really has it." My daughter is over [-] years old."

"Uh, Uncle Chen, do you really have a daughter?" Cheng Hao asked with some suspicion.If the other party is not taking over the job, does he really want to celebrate his daughter’s birthday?

"Of course, what should I do if I have nothing to do?" Chef Chen nodded.

"Then what is your daughter's name? On what day was she born? What is her zodiac sign? When was she born? Uncle Chen, answer me immediately." Cheng Hao heard this and said, since she is the other party's daughter, then the other party must have thought about these questions. You can answer it without thinking.

"Chen Jing, November [-]th, is a tiger, and the birth time is [-]:[-] in the morning." Chef Chen said without thinking.

"Huh? It seems that Uncle Chen, you do have a daughter, but why haven't I heard you talk about it before, and I didn't see her coming during the Chinese New Year last year?" Cheng Hao asked curiously after hearing this.

The other party didn't go home for the Chinese New Year last year, and I didn't see the other party's daughter come here.

"Isn't it uneasy last year? So I asked her not to come over." Chef Chen said with a smile: "But this year she celebrates her 20th birthday, and I have to rush back to my hometown to celebrate her birthday. So in a few days, you may You won’t be able to eat the food I cooked.”

"Isn't that right? How long will it take for you to go back, Uncle Chen? Who will take over your shift? Do I know him or not? Is his cooking delicious?" Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately asked with concern.

"I'm not sure about this. I heard from the principal that he was a chef hired from the canteen outside." Uncle Chen wiped his hands and said, "From now on, he will work with me, so he should be more reliable. As for whether the food is delicious? You have to ask the director."

"Okay, Grandpa, it's true. You didn't notify me of such a big thing. You really don't take my big star seriously." Cheng Hao muttered. It's outrageous that he didn't notify him of such an important matter as recruiting a cook. Outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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