Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 315: What does it mean to never tire of deceit?

Chapter 315: What does it mean to never tire of deceit?

"Isn't this because you are not here? So it is normal not to notify you." Chef Chen said with a smile, took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording: "Okay, Xiaoju, please help me record a birthday blessing video."

"I got it, Uncle Chen, don't worry." Cheng Hao wiped his mouth with a towel and said, looking at the phone: "Hello, lovely little Chen Jing! I am here to wish you a happy birthday and your academic progress. , be safe and sound.”

"How is it? Is it okay?"

After speaking, Cheng Hao asked Chef Chen.

"Help sing a song, Xiaoju. Don't just shout this, sing a little song to listen to it." Chef Chen said, holding up his mobile phone. This blessing was only a few seconds, so Xiaoju helped sing. Song.

"Okay." Cheng Hao nodded his head and said: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,..."

"Is this okay?" Cheng Hao asked after finishing singing. He had never sung a birthday song to anyone before, and this was the first time the other party asked him to sing.

"Okay, okay, please Xiaoju." Chef Chen put away his phone and said with a smile, with this video blessing.Xiaojing will definitely be very happy.

"No trouble, no trouble. Uncle Chen, please bring me the next dish." Cheng Hao heard this.He waved his paws and spoke.

Didn't he say that eight large bowls were prepared for him to eat?He is only eating his third bowl now.

"That's right, I'm going to get you the Tremella Fungus and Lotus Seed Soup." Chef Chen said with a smile, and immediately went to get it.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he sat aside and waited with satisfaction.

It’s great to have a chef running a small kitchen. I hope the new chef can be more knowledgeable.

"You little rascal, are you eating here? Why do you eat so well? I don't even have such good food in the department." Just as Cheng Hao was thinking about it, Xu Lele's voice came over.

"What are you talking about? What does eating a mat mean? Do you think we have mats here?" Cheng Hao said, curling up the white fungus and lotus seed soup on the table with his tail.

"Why is Beauty Lele so free to come here today? Are you here to help feed the little tigers?" Chef Chen said with a smile.

"Of course not. I came here to see this little villain. After all, I heard that he can speak human language." Xu Lele said.

"Since you came to see me, aren't you going to give me something?" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this. They had already come to see him, so why don't you come here empty-handed?
"You have everything to eat and drink here, what should I prepare for you?" Xu Lele said angrily.

"It's a big cake. We can't make cakes here. You should definitely bring the cake over." Cheng Hao said after hearing this and looked at Xu Lele looking up and down.He seemed to be looking for a place to hide something on the other person's body.

But after walking around, I couldn't find anything hidden on the other party's body.

There was a look of disappointment in his eyes. The other party really came here empty-handed. He was really disappointed. It’s okay not to accept this kind of person.

"What do you mean, you little scoundrel?" Xu Lele said speechlessly after seeing it.

What does this little villain mean by looking at her like this?
"It's nothing, I just don't want to talk to you. If you have nothing to do, you can leave." Cheng Hao waved his paw and said, then walked to the other side to eat.

It's okay if the other party doesn't bring any gifts. Don't take advantage of him.

"Are you so cold? Do you look down on me? Although I didn't bring you a gift, I brought you real money." Xu Lele scolded after hearing this.

"Uh, is it real gold and silver? Where is it?" Cheng Hao looked around after hearing this.

"Of course it's here. This is given by the commander to commend you for your bravery." Xu Lele took out a small goldfish from his pocket and said.

"I like this. Okay, you can go." Cheng Hao, who had a little goldfish wrapped in his tail, replied.

Now that the things have been delivered, the other party should not stay here and can leave.

"I came here specially to bring you gold. You didn't let me have a meal. Then you lay down and exposed your big belly for me to masturbate hard. You actually drove me away. Do you entertain guests like this?" Xu Lele heard this. , asked with hands on hips.

"I didn't ask you to send it here. What if you are not happy? I can tell the commander and let other team members send it here in the future." Cheng Hao muttered, looking at Chef Chen beside him and said: "Uncle Chen. One dish is ready to be served, I have almost finished this dish."

"Okay, uncle, I'll get it for you right now, you greedy guy." Chef Chen said, and went to get the food from the incubator.

After Xu Lele saw it, he said angrily:
"You little scoundrel is really living like a fairy, and you are still telling Uncle Chen what to do. It seems that you have not been educated by Sister Hong'er recently. I will ask my sister to reward you with two chestnuts later."

"Come on, sister won't give me chestnuts these days. I just put all the people in dire straits, and sister praised me." Cheng Hao said disdainfully. He had just done such a great good thing. In the short term, Gui will definitely not get beaten, and the other party won't even think about it.

"Then I'll tell Sister Hong'er that you, a little scoundrel, bullied me." Xu Lele said immediately after hearing this.

"Come on, anyone with a discerning eye can see that what you told is a lie." Cheng Hao said, then rolled up his tail and scooped up the eight-treasure rice.

"Who said that? You little scoundrel likes to bully people the most. I'll let my sister spank you later." Xu Lele muttered, "If you know better, just lie down obediently and let me touch your belly. Maybe if I’m happy, I won’t do this.”

"Really? Then I have to tell you that if you don't give me a load of food, I will go and tell the commander that you threatened me." Cheng Hao put down the big spoon with his tail and rolled up his folder. The cell phone around his neck said: "I have recorded everything you just said, threatening and intimidating the department's key protection targets. Let me think about this situation, how should the commander punish you?"

"Ah?" Xu Lele, who was full of expectations, couldn't help opening his mouth in shock when he heard this: "When? When did you get the mobile phone?"

"This has nothing to do with you. You hurry up and buy me delicious food. Otherwise, I will send the recording directly to the commander." Cheng Hao said proudly.

This kid actually dares to fight with him. Do you know who he is?

"Bye bye, little Fatty Orange, let's talk carefully if we have something to say." Upon hearing this, Xu Lele quickly opened his mouth to discuss.

If the commander found out about this, she would have a lot of fun.

"It's okay to say it nicely, but you have to be sincere." Cheng Hao played with his phone and said, "It's time for you to show your sincerity. Go buy me a big cake quickly."

"Okay, I understand. Then you must not send it to the commander." Xu Lele gritted his teeth and said, never expecting that he would be fooled.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Cheng Hao waved his paws and said, and Xu Lele went to buy cakes. "Okay, Xiaoju. You can actually play with Lele in the palm of your hand." Chef Chen asked after seeing this scene.

"Of course. If I don't give him some clues, will he really think I'm fooling him?" Cheng Hao said, handing the phone to Chef Chen: "Here! Uncle Chen, give you your phone."

"Ah? When did you little scoundrel take my cell phone?" Uncle Chen was shocked when he heard this. He touched his pocket and found that his cell phone was missing.

"Of course it was when you weren't paying attention. What if it was when you were paying attention, wouldn't you know?" Cheng Hao said, continuing to scoop up the rice with his spoon.

"It does sound reasonable, but you little scoundrel, don't take anything from someone else next time, or you will be regarded as a thief." Chef Chen reminded.

"That's for humans. For us, it's not stealing. We're just looking for food." Cheng Hao said confidently. The tiger had any bad intentions. It just wanted to touch this and that.

"There's no one with a cell phone." Chef Chen scolded with a smile.

"That's true, but it doesn't matter much." Cheng Hao said, then raised his head and looked outside: "It's strange. Didn't this guy go buy me a cake? Why is he hanging out with my sister?"

"Is there a possibility that she told Xiaohong about this matter? I think you need to be more careful." Chef Chen reminded.

"What should I be careful about?" Cheng Hao muttered, standing up straight.What's there to be afraid of?

"Then I don't know." Chef Chen said.

"Sister, didn't you give this little villain a phone number?" Xu Lele confirmed again and again after hearing this.

"Of course not. Doesn't anyone know better than me whether he has a phone?" Sister Hong'er nodded. How could Xiao Ju have a phone?And even if there is one, how can he use it?

"Then this little scoundrel is lying to me." Xu Lele said angrily, turning around and walking towards the cafeteria: "The damn little scoundrel actually dares to lie to me, let's see if I don't show off his ass."

"Why did he lie to you again? Why are you two acting like children?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously, what happened again?

"This little scoundrel said he recorded a voice on his mobile phone and asked me to buy him a cake." Xu Lele said, stamping her feet angrily: "If you hadn't told me what happened, Sister Hong'er? I would have actually gone and bought it."

"So why did you get fooled by this? Have you ever wondered how his paw could have played with the phone?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Didn't I react? But now that I know, I won't let him go." Xu Lele clenched his fist and said with a bang.

"Then I have to remind you, it's better for you to be careful." Sister Hong'er said happily after seeing it.

"No need to be careful, I want this little villain to accept justice and let him know the consequences of cheating on me?" Xu Lele said, and walked in aggressively.

"Why did you come back so soon? Have you bought the things I asked you to buy? Don't think that after I get Sister Hong'er, I will forgive you for not bringing back the cake." Cheng Hao, who was lying on the recliner, looked at those who came back. Xu Lele shook his paws leisurely and said.

"I need you to forgive me, you little scoundrel, for deceiving me. I'm going to beat your ass into more than 800 pieces." Xu Lele said fiercely after hearing this.

"Then you must have this strength. How can you just talk? Who wouldn't do it?" Cheng Hao said nonchalantly, and shouted to Sister Hong'er: "Sister, someone is bullying me here." Where is your treasure, how can you take care of her?"

"Sister Hong'er can only watch and deal with her. After all, she hasn't taken action yet? She is at the stage of talking nonsense at most." Sister Hong'er, who followed in, heard this and waved her hand with a smile.

"You see, you little scoundrel, my sister is not willing to protect you. It's better that you admit your mistake obediently. Otherwise, I will make you feel the most terrible fear." Xu Lele heard this and said with tricks.

"The most terrible fear? How terrible is it?" Cheng Hao blinked and asked.

"Of course it will make your life worse than death." Xu Lele said, clenching his fists.

"Very good! Very good." Cheng Hao rolled up his mobile phone and said, "Commander, did you hear that? Lele is threatening national-level protected wild animals, and he is still talking nonsense, and he wants to make the animals under special protection of the department worse than death. .”

"Yes, I heard it. Don't worry, Xiaoju, I will criticize her properly." The commander on the other end of the phone from the Evolver Department said.

What is this girl Lele doing?Ask her to go over and give the gold to take a good look at Little Fatty Orange, but what show will she play for him?

"Ah? Have you been on the phone all the time?" After Xu Lele saw it, he couldn't help but open his eyes and looked at Sister Hong'er beside him.

As if to say, sister, didn’t you say that this little rascal doesn’t have a mobile phone?

"It's true that he doesn't have a mobile phone. Lele, you see, I'm useless." Sister Hong'er shrugged as she looked at him.

"That phone actually belongs to me. Xiaoju took it from me." Chef Chen on the side heard this and raised his hand.

"Then...how did he know the commander's phone number?" Xu Lele stammered after hearing this. This phone really does not belong to this little villain, so where did he get the phone number?

"Isn't this a very simple thing? The department's phone number is now [-]. I just need to tell the team member in charge of the connection to answer the commander's call."

"You don't really think I'm a fool, do you? I've just given you a chance, but you didn't listen and dared to threaten me." Cheng Hao held up his mobile phone.He said triumphantly: "You really think I'm easy to bully, I tell you it's impossible."

"Here, Uncle Chen, thank you for lending me your phone. I'll treat you to cake later."

"Forget it. This cake may not be delicious. I'm afraid it's poisoned and will kill me." Uncle Chen said after taking the phone.

Lele, this kid has been fooled by everyone, but he still eats cake?Can this cake be eaten?
"Don't worry, it's okay. She doesn't dare to do anything." Cheng Hao shook his paws and said, "Otherwise, she will be scolded again when she goes back."

"Damn little fat orange, just wait for me." Xu Lele said angrily as she listened. She was actually tricked by a tiger, and it was tricked so thoroughly.

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting. I've been waiting here. Remember to bring me a cake after you've been scolded." Cheng Hao said with his big head, lest the other party forget.

"Okay, you really want to make her cry. That's it, you are so mean-spirited." Seeing this, Sister Hong'er said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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