Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 316 If you eat the fish, the fish will eat you.

Chapter 316 If you eat the fish, the fish will eat you.
"Thank you for your praise. Sister, have you eaten? Do you want to sit down and eat something with me?" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

"Isn't this nonsense? You are eating in the dormitory as my sister, so hurry up and give the food to your sister." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"Okay, okay, sister, don't be anxious, sit down and eat slowly." Cheng Hao said, waving his paw.The chopsticks hanging on the wall next to her flew to Sister Hong'er.

Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er took the chopsticks and picked up the vegetables and said, "By the way, the director asked you to go to the river behind when you are free."

"Why do you want me to go into the river? Even if you don't want me to take a bath in the tiger garden to save water bills, you won't let me go into the river, right? Wouldn't it be enough to let other animals waste less? I am a big man after all. Are stars good?" Cheng Hao said when he heard that he was going to take a wild bath. Did I let him, a big star, take a bath outside?Isn't this a trap?

Aren't you afraid that the riverside will be full of paparazzi?Impact on his image?

"What are you thinking? How could your big head think that you went to the river to save water bills?" Sister Hong'er heard this and said speechlessly, who taught this little villain?Why do you think like this?
"Isn't it? Isn't it normal to do this with Grandpa's stingy personality?" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"Although it is normal for the principal to say this, the principal did not ask you to take a bath this time." Sister Hong'er stopped using her chopsticks and said, "Something appeared in the river behind recently. Many mutated river fish have seriously disturbed the animals that go to the river to drink water."

"So the director wants you to deal with it, do you understand? It's not that he wants to save water bills and ask you to bathe in the river instead of in the tiger garden."

"Since we are catching fish, can't we just hire a professional fisherman? Why do you need me to take action? I think if you ask a fisherman for this kind of thing, the fisherman will be very happy." Cheng heard this. Hao said, there are so many fish to tell the fisherman, the fisherman is still not happy to death?I'll definitely come here to fish after paying.

"Old fisherman, don't you know that you can catch anything except fish? If you expect them to catch? That's just a nesting fairy." Chef Chen sitting next to him couldn't help but said.

Do you expect those fishermen to catch these fish?That's a long time to wait.

"Defying Immortal?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help being stunned when she heard this and said, "What does this mean?"

"It means that these fishermen are like immortals. From time to time, they will drop food for the fish. Over time, they become nest-making immortals."

"There is such a joke on the Internet, Yutouer: Brothers, the relief food has arrived today, please tie up the sacrifices and send them over.

Fish Clan Leader: "You are stupid. You are reluctant to part with your family fish, but we are willing to part with it? Your family was chosen today. If you don't sacrifice, you will offend the Dawo Immortal. He will no longer give us God-given food in the future. You bear this responsibility." Are you up? Come here, tie those fish for me and send them to the sacrificial hook." Cheng Hao said slowly and leisurely.

He was familiar with this allusion. Anglers who couldn't catch fish were often teased like this.

"Since you, a little scoundrel, know this is the case, then why did you ask the fisherman to go fishing?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this.

"Then this is different. Sister, the fisherman can't catch fish because the fish don't bite the hook. These fish have mutated and become aggressive, so they will definitely be very happy to bite the hook. This has brought great achievements to the fisherman. The feeling is different, I am here to help them turn over." Cheng Hao explained, why can't fish be caught when fishing? Is it because there are no fish in the water?No!The main reason is that those fish don't bite the hook, but these mutated fish are different. They will definitely bite whatever they see.

If a fisherman swings a hundred poles, there will be fish on one hundred poles.

"Are you helping them stand up? I think you are hosting a banquet at their home." Sister Hong'er said angrily: "Those mutated fish are very aggressive. If they really catch them, You still don’t know who is eating who?”

Just a fish weighing more than ten kilograms can make people run around in circles, not to mention the mutated fish. By the time the fish is caught, the fish will suffocate your hands.

I'm afraid these fishermen are destined to fish but not to show off.

"Then there's nothing we can do. They couldn't seize such a good opportunity, so who can be blamed?" Cheng Hao spread his paws and spoke. He finally got a chance to clear his name, but in the end, these fishing guys failed to live up to their expectations.

"Okay, it's better if you have time to deal with it. Your brothers all live in that forest. If you don't do it? You really hope to go to the Diaoyu Islands." Sister Hong'er knocked on Cheng Hao The big head said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll take care of it after I finish eating." Cheng Hao nodded. Who let this be his territory? He had no choice but to take care of it.

"That's pretty much it. Eat it quickly." Sister Hong'er said, holding the chicken wings between her legs and said, "Uncle Chen, please put less sugar in this little villain's food next time. He's a little chubby now. It’s not good to be fat.”

"Okay, no problem. I'll try to make him less Coke chicken wings next time." Chef Chen replied after hearing this.

"No, no, no, I'm still growing. Sugar intake is indispensable. Don't do this." Cheng Hao raised his paw and said. He is not yet two years old. How can he stop sugar intake?This is important to his happiness.

"Are you still growing? You have almost grown into a ball. I can give you more bones, but forget about eating more sugar." Sister Hong'er patted Cheng Hao's paw and said, "Uncle Chen, don't pay attention. He can just listen to me in everything, I am the breeder and I have the final say."

"Okay!" Chef Chen nodded after hearing this.

"Ah! I can't live anymore, I can't live anymore. No sugar is given to me, and no sugar is given to the meat. There's no way I can survive." Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately screamed at the top of his voice, almost rolling around and hanging himself crying.

"Stop shouting, you little bastard. What's the use of shouting without even a drop of tears? Your noisy sister can't eat normally." Sister Hong'er heard what she said and covered her ears. The little bastard's voice was also loud. A little too big.

The shouting was so harsh that it made her head buzz.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What's going on? Why is it so noisy?" the principal came in and asked, covering his ears and feeling like his scalp was beating up and down.

"Grandpa, forget it if my sister doesn't give me sweets. She can't even give me sweets for cooking." Cheng Hao said immediately when he saw the director coming in.

I've never seen anything so extreme. He doesn't usually eat sweets.We can't eat sweet vegetables now.

"Don't be so strict, he is still a child." The principal touched Cheng Hao's big head and said, "Just don't give him any sugar. You can't put sugar in the dishes you don't want."

"That's right, sugar is added to the vegetables to make them fresh, okay?" Cheng Hao agreed, looking at the fishing rod held by the director and said: "Grandpa, it turns out you are also a fisherman, can't you tell."

"Hammer fishing guy, are you a grandfather willing to feed the mosquitoes? Aren't you going to deal with the fish in the river?" After hearing this, the director of the park knocked his big head angrily and said.

What kind of fish are you fishing for?Does he seem like someone who has a lot of free time?
If it weren't for dealing with the mutated fish, he wouldn't have gone to the river to feed the mosquitoes. "Grandpa, if you work hard, I won't accompany you anymore. Remember to clean up the mutated fish in the river." Cheng Hao reminded after hearing this.

Since grandpa is going, then he doesn’t have to go.

How great is this?He can stay at home and lie down to sleep.

"Aren't you going? You are overthinking. Grandpa came here just to go with you." Hearing this, the principal pinched Cheng Hao's little ears and said, "Have you finished eating? If you finish eating, you should go and do it with grandpa. Alive.”

"No, I don't think you need mine." Cheng Hao, whose ears were pinched, muttered, how annoying is fishing?Grandpa can just go by himself, don't take him with you.

"Grandpa doesn't want you to think it. Grandpa wants grandpa to feel it, so you have to go with grandpa." The principal said, and said to Chef Chen on the side: "Xiao Chen, are there any leftovers from others leaking in the kitchen? Give me some. Come, I want to use it as bait to catch fish in the river."

"Yes, yes. There is not much else in the kitchen, and the most leftovers are leftovers. Director, please wait a moment." Chef Chen replied and went to get it.

"Grandpa, I think it's definitely not enough to rely on us alone. We need more help from more people, don't you think so?" Cheng Hao said as his ears were pinched.If he can't live in peace, then no one should want to live in peace.Let's go to the river to drink the northwest wind.

"That makes sense, so what are you going to do?" the principal asked after hearing this.

"It's very simple. Let's call the people from the department and see if there is anyone in Huyuan who likes fishing? Let them join us too." Cheng Hao came up with an idea.

"No problem, just do what you, little scoundrel, say. We can also charge the citizens to fish." After hearing this, the director's eyes gleamed.

"Uh, grandpa, are you serious? This river doesn't belong to us, why are you still charging?" Cheng Hao said weakly.

Grandpa is really a clever little guy who goes crazy thinking about money.

"Of course they don't have to charge for fishing, but if they want our help? They will definitely have to charge. We can't save them in vain, right?" The director looked at Cheng Hao and said, he would not charge these people for fishing. , but they cannot pull the fish out after catching it, so they must need help.

"I found that you are really smart, grandpa." Cheng Hao couldn't help but say after hearing this. Grandpa is really a little genius in business, he can even think of such an idea.

"Of course, otherwise how can we support you little rascals?" the principal said, and turned to Sister Honger beside him: "Xiaohong, can you post this news on our local forum? Just say There are a lot of fish behind our Tiger Park, and they can come and fish as much as they like."

"Okay, okay, but principal, are you sure you want to do this? I'm afraid I'll be scolded to death when I feel it." Sister Hong'er said, it doesn't seem very honorable to make money in this way.

"How is that possible? Don't worry too much. There will be no problem if you follow what I say." The principal smiled.

"Well, I hope so." Sister Hong'er sighed and posted it online.

"Grandpa, since we still have to wait for someone, why don't you let me go first?" Cheng Hao, who was holding his big head, said: "After all, I haven't even finished my meal, so I have to wait no matter what. Let me finish the meal before we talk."

"That's okay. Then eat quickly and don't waste time." The director said.

"Oh," Cheng Hao replied, and immediately ran to eat.

The whole Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park will be lively and there will be a good show soon. He has to finish eating quickly and go to the show.

"Sister, let's eat. Don't be hungry. You don't have to blame your body." Cheng Hao gulped down the meal and said to Sister Hong'er beside him.

"Sister knows, you don't need to teach her, you little rascal? You should just eat your own food." Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes and said, this little rascal even taught her a lesson and even didn't eat properly, yet she still had the nerve to say so.

"Oh." After hearing this, Cheng Hao started to eat with confidence.



At this moment, the sound of a propeller turning was heard outside, and Cheng Hao, who was eating, looked outside.

Dandelion helicopters flew over one after another, and judging from the guys in black armor on the plane, they seemed to be planning to catch fish with their bare hands and fight the mutant fish.

"It came very quickly. It seems that they have already started cleaning up the mutant fish around the city." After seeing it, the director said.

It should be impossible for a fisherman to come over in this situation. The department will block the news and clean up the scene before taking action.

"Hmm, then let's not cause trouble for them, grandpa." Cheng Hao on the side heard the words and said, leave professional things to professionals. They are obviously not professionals, so don't go there. Just join in the fun, just eat and sleep and lie down all day long.

"Do you think it's possible? As a consultant, I should go over and have a look no matter what." After hearing this, the principal rolled his eyes and said.

"Grandpa, you can just go. I won't go. I am the department's key protection target. I am protected in the first place, so I won't go and cause trouble for you." Cheng Hao said.

"That's why you should go over there. There are more people over there so we can better protect you." The principal walked to Cheng Hao, played with the fat on his neck and said, "Go over with grandpa obediently later. Don't even think about it." If you try to run away, grandpa has already grabbed your fate by the throat."

"Oh, grandpa, please don't pinch me. In fact, I was joking with you just now. I am very happy to go and help." Cheng Hao said, feeling that his scalp was a little tight.

As for grabbing the back of his neck?It's not like he just ran away, he hasn't finished his meal yet.

(End of this chapter)

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