Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 317 Everyone 1 gets started

Chapter 317 Let’s move together


On the wide river, the water boiled and crackled like a pot exploding.

Big, weird fish were jumping up and down.

"I'll go, these fish are so happy, they are still dancing so happily after all this time." Cheng Hao couldn't help but said after seeing this scene.

"I'm so happy. These fish are jumping up and down looking for food. They will fly up in a moment and bite your butt directly." The director on the side said angrily.

This little rascal is still happy here. How will he be happy when these fish bite him?
"How can it be so powerful? And we won't know who will bite me when the time comes." Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao waved his big tail disdainfully and said: "Come on, come on, come on, you guys, come on and bite me, come on if you have the ability. Yeah, don't jump up and down, I'll be waiting for you here, if you have the ability, come up."

"Xiaoju, you look so mean, be careful they really come up to bite you." Seeing Cheng Hao being so arrogant, Sister Hong'er said with black lines on her head.

This little rascal knows what it means to be extremely happy and sad?You're still so happy, and he'll cry when you bite him on the butt.

"Come if they can. I'll give it to them, but I'm afraid they won't be able to bite me." Cheng Hao said nonchalantly. Do these little guys still want to bite him?It's just a daydream, an idiot's dream.

"Really?" When the director heard this, he threw a fishing rod and the big fish with eight mouths suddenly rushed up and bit it.

Then, the director pulled the fish up.Throw it towards Cheng Hao.

The other mouth of the fish was focused on Cheng Hao, and it opened its bloody mouth towards him.

"Grandpa, what are you doing? Are you a devil?" Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao slapped the eight-mouthed fish away.Couldn't help but say.

"Didn't I ask him to cooperate with you? You little scoundrel said you wanted to be bitten." After hearing this, the director spread his hands and spoke.

"I mean he has the ability to jump up and bite me. I don't mean to ask you, grandpa, to catch him and bite me. Grandpa, you are just trying to trick me. You are too sinister." Cheng Hao cursed after hearing this.

He finally saw that the principal's grandfather was very old, but his heart was dark.How can you trick a tiger like this? This is called catching a fish and biting him.

"Where is it? I'm just an old man who wants to fulfill his children's wishes." The principal said with a smile, and threw the fishing rod again.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao immediately became vigilant. His tail rolled up the sand under his feet, and he aimed at the lively school of fish and threw it out.


The flying sand made a sound like a bullet.It directly penetrated their bodies. The fish that were still jumping alive one second fell into the water one by one like dumplings, dyeing the river water bright red.

"Grandpa, fish slowly and see if the dead fish will bite." After finishing all this, Cheng Hao said with satisfaction and let grandpa fish to bite him. Grandpa can just slowly catch the dead fish here for fun.

"You can't tell for sure. Didn't you think another fish took the bait?" The director laughed when he heard this. He looked at the fish that had bitten the bait and pulled hard.

"This fish is so greedy. He wants to bite the hook even after he dies. Does he want to become a dead ghost before he dies?" Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw this scene. These greedy fish died on the greedy fish. Damn it, even if you die, you still bite the hook.

"No matter how greedy it is, it won't be as greedy as a little slippery little one like you." Sister Hong'er said angrily, and knocked Cheng Hao's big head: "Keep working, don't be lazy, I didn't ask you to come here to let you be lazy. "

"I'm not lazy, sister, can you please stop telling lies?" Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, then started cleaning up with his tail wrapped in the sand.

"Wait a minute, little Fatty Orange, don't do it again. Just killing them all won't do the trick, you have to fish them out of the river."

"Killing them directly will cause them to accumulate in the river and float down the river, where they will be eaten by other animals. They will become stronger by then, and that will cause trouble."

The team members who were handling fish with new energy fishing rods said quickly after seeing it.

These animals eat one by one, but they will accumulate a lot of strength in their bodies.

Don't raise a big monster when the time comes.

"It's really troublesome. Can't we just kill them? Do we have to fish them out?" Cheng Hao was helpless after hearing this.

"Of course, otherwise how could I send you out? Hurry and get all these fish out." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"I know, I know, it's really troublesome." Cheng Hao muttered, then raised his paw and pressed it down gently.

Suddenly the whole river began to boil, and the water level rose rapidly.

"Uh, you little rascal, what are you planning to do?" Seeing this scene, the director asked as he looked at his flying fishing line.

Isn't this little guy just seeking revenge?Otherwise, why would you do this if you have nothing to do?
"Of course we want everyone to have a sense of participation. We can't be working while other guys are playing." Cheng Hao said, holding up his paw, and waved it hard.

The water in the entire river flew up and headed back towards the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Let's all play in the water together and play with these little guys." Cheng Hao said happily, and continued to wave with his paws. The river water flowing down from the top no longer went toward the river, but went along the river. We flew down the river and continued to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"How could you, a hateful little villain, do such a bad thing?" The director cursed after hearing this and quickly ran towards the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

This little villain is really here to cause trouble. How could he do this?Wouldn’t this flood the Tiger Garden?

"Everyone, hurry up and go to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Don't stay here. Return to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park for support. Hurry up, hurry up."

The team members immediately said it after seeing it, and the group hurriedly ran towards the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Ouch~ (What is going on?)"

"Ouch~ (I'm not sure, let alone what's going on? I just feel like these things are not good things.)"

The tigers who were in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, turning their bellies leisurely and enjoying the night time, suddenly noticed a long water column flying across the sky, and then huge black spots fell from the sky like raindrops. .

"Gu Gu Gu~ (No, no, no, no, no, no, big fish are falling from the sky, brothers, be careful.)" The pheasant flapped its wings.After seeing the things falling from the sky, he immediately shouted in panic.

What exactly is going on?Why are there such big rivers in the sky and so many scary-looking fish falling down?

"Awww~ (Did the fish come from the sky? That's great, food will actually fall from the sky.)" The wolves immediately became excited after hearing this, each carrying a body weighing several hundred kilograms and looking greedily. To the sky.

We’ve all heard of pie-in-the-sky fishing, but this is the first time we’ve seen fishing in the sky.

"Ouch~ (Be careful, a fish is about to fall from the sky, but this fish doesn't seem to be easy to deal with.)" Xiong Da looked at the scary-looking fish with sharp teeth and sharp mouth in his sight, and looked at the fish beside him. Xiong Er, Xiong San said. "Whoosh~ (Brother, please take a look, it won't scare us if we don't have any fear.)"

"Hoooo~ (Yeah, yeah, let's see how we deal with them?)" Xiong Er and Xiong San said after hearing this, and climbed up to the bear house to prepare to deal with these fallen fish.

Don't even think about smashing up these nasty fish's houses.

"Ho ho~ (Come on, charge on. Kill these fish, let them know whose territory this is, and don't let them be so arrogant.)" shouted the animals who rushed to the roof of the building, and jumped. Up in the sky.It was just a big mouth shot directly on the fish.

"Damn it! My tiger garden." Seeing the dense rain falling below, the director's heart was dripping with tears.

If these guys fall down, the entire Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park will be smashed to pieces.

"Everyone, hurry up and help. Don't let these fish destroy the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park." The captain who followed saw it and ordered quickly.

"Yes." After hearing this, the team members rose into the sky, holding weapons in their hands to hit the falling fish.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

For a time, the entire Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park was inhabited.It was like being bombed by missiles, there was a deafening sound everywhere.

"What's going on? Is someone attacking our Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park? But why did he choose us to attack?" Listening to the huge noise outside, the huddled breeders trembling under the table said, This is too scary, what happened?

"Who knows, maybe our Tiger Park is too ostentatious." Someone said, and saw a thing that looked like the monster fish in the movie flying away from the window outside.

Suddenly, the whole person started to tremble:
"Did you...did you see it? Something scary just flew by."

"Look... I saw it, it seems to be a fish monster." The other breeders nodded and said.

It's really terrible. Will Yudu go to heaven now?Simply unheard of.

"You damn stinky fish, get out of here!" the director roared angrily and punched out.

Suddenly, all the fish that fell within 100 meters flew back.It turned into shredded flesh and blood.

"That's amazing. As expected of Mr. Consultant, this day has been absolutely terrifying."

"Yes, it's a good thing we didn't fly over, otherwise we would have been killed." Seeing this scene, the team members couldn't help but tremble in fear.

"By the way, you brought so much river water to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, are you really not going to flood the tiger park?" Sister Hong'er, who was standing next to Cheng Hao, asked.

"Of course not. After the river water makes a big circle in the sky, it will fly downstream again, but the fish will just fall down. Doesn't this solve the tedious steps of fishing them out? "Cheng Hao explained, how could he not have thought of what his sister could think of, so he had already made arrangements.

After hearing this, Sister Hong'er nodded and then spoke.

"If you let these fish fall, won't you destroy the buildings in the Tiger Garden?"

Now there is no need to worry that the Tiger Garden may be flooded, but if these fish fall, the members may not be able to carry them, and the Tiger Garden will not be smashed to pieces, right?
"No, I didn't put these fish on the building, I just threw them into everyone's fence. I believe everyone is very happy now." Cheng Hao heard this and said, he is not stupid, how could it be possible? Will you throw these fish on the house?

What if the house was smashed?Shouldn't he be beaten severely by the director?

"Why do you think they will be very happy?" Sister Hong'er asked curiously.

This little rascal has never passed, so how do you know other animals will be happy?

"It's very simple. Sister, think about how bored they are there. Now that there are guys playing with them, can they not be happy?" Cheng Hao said, the prisoners in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park are all tigers and some The ferocious animals have not been active for a long time. Now that they see so many mutations, they will definitely start fighting with each other.And doesn’t this gesture make you happy?
"I don't think they will necessarily be happy. After all, they are lying so leisurely and you give them a hard time." Sister Hong'er said angrily, looking at a big flying turtle and said: "I think you Should we handle this turtle alone and not let it fly down?"

"No problem." After hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded and peeled the big turtle out of the river.


After the big turtle emerged from the river, it immediately opened its bloody mouth.He rushed towards Cheng Hao.

It looked like he had met sworn enemies.

"I asked you, do you have any serious illness? You are full and want to bite me. Can you bite me?" Cheng Hao said angrily when he saw that the big turtle that was put down actually wanted to bite him.

One paw pinned his big head to the ground.

"puff puff"

Suddenly, the big turtle started flopping wildly.Several holes were dug out of the ground.

"Come on, bite and bite. You stupid turtle keeps biting. Why are you trying to fight against me when you're full?" Cheng Hao said angrily. He turned around and put his tail on the turtle shell, using the big turtle as a spinning top. It was whipped, and it hit the branch of the tree in a roundabout way, letting the opponent clamp on it and silently bite the air.

It didn't matter that the other fish were stupid and chirping without any brains. This turtle had obviously successfully mutated and kept biting him.

Do you really think he has no anger?Although he doesn't dare to eat this guy now, it doesn't affect him from smoking this guy.



The big turtle was caught in the branches of a big tree and made an angry sound, but it had no way to get out.I could only keep stretching my neck.

"How long are you going to keep him like this?" Sister Hong'er asked after seeing him.

This big turtle looks like a big wheel, but it looks very ferocious because of its mutation.But it can still be seen that this big turtle is intelligent.

She felt that she could have a good communication with the other party, but before that, she had to see how long Xiao Ju, the bad guy, was going to keep him on top.

"Of course, let him bask in the sun for a while, let him calm down, and dry out the water in his brain." Cheng Hao said while sticking out his tongue at the struggling turtle.

What a stupid big turtle, you want to bite him? It's really beyond your capabilities.

(End of this chapter)

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