Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 318 Sure enough, some cells are hereditary

Chapter 318 Sure enough, some cells are hereditary

"I'm afraid it will take a while. Since it has grown so big, there must be a lot of water in its head." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said.

Why did the little turtle mess with this little villain?It's okay now. I'm scared to get off if I'm hanging on it. He's here to play.


The big turtle, who was already excited when he heard this, became even more excited.

"Okay, sister, let's leave him alone. It's time to get down to business." Cheng Hao said, looking away from the big turtle.

"Well, let's get down to business." Sister Hong'er nodded, and they continued to look at the river in the sky.

"Huhuhu~" The big turtle couldn't help but cursed when he realized that he was being ignored.But no one paid him any attention.

"Awww~ (Boss, these look scary, and they seem to be inedible.)"

"Ouch~ (Yeah, yeah, and there's a scary liquid coming out of my body. I feel like something will happen if I eat it.)" In the wolf hut of the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain, the wolves solved one wave after another of mutated fish. .Looking at these scary-looking fish, there was a look of embarrassment in their eyes. Did these guys spend a lot of effort on them?But it doesn’t look like something edible.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ (is this guy really edible? what a waste of our time.)" After hearing this, the wolf king looked at it, stuck out his tongue in disgust and said: "(Find a way to kill this guy) Just bury it, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.)"

"Awww~ (Boss, wouldn't it be better to bury them here? I feel that burying them will pollute the environment. Otherwise, we should wait for the breeders in the tiger park to deal with it.)" Fei Lang suggested.

This thing is so disgusting, what if something happens if it is buried where they live?

It is better to wait for the breeders of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park to deal with it. Firstly, it is not easy to cause trouble, and secondly, there is no need to work.

"Ouch~ (Yes, boss. I don't think there is any need for us to take action.)" Hearing this, the other wolves also nodded.

"Ouch~ (Okay, let's do this, everyone, be careful.)" the wolf king said, biting the fish and throwing it towards the fence.

After seeing the other wolves, they also sat in the same way.

Soon, the outside fence was filled with mutated fish carcasses.

"Are these fish gone? I don't seem to see any more fish falling,"

"Yeah, does this mean it's time to call it a day?"

The team members looked up at the sky, and after realizing that the fish were no longer falling from the sky, they spoke.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. The rivers in the sky have not disappeared, which means that the matter is far from over." The captain in charge of leading the team said after looking at the sky.

What if all these mutated fish were dealt with?The sky and water should have been emptied out long ago, but it hasn't yet, which means that the matter is far from over.

"Really? That's really a headache." The tired team members said, and they found a few black shadows in the sky appearing in the river. A look of horror suddenly appeared in their eyes: "What is that thing?"

"Yes, he looks quite big. Isn't this little bad guy Xiaopangju the one who got all the dragons here?"

"It's not impossible. There are all kinds of monsters now. Maybe a dragon will mutate out of it."

Everyone who saw this scene felt their scalp numb and hurriedly ran to wait a little bit, lest it really fell and gave them a big surprise.

"Can't this little scoundrel put Xiaozi in? Why did he throw such a big guy in?" Looking at the giant python falling from the sky, everyone in the audience was numb. The head was already overtaken by the giant python. Bar.

What if it hits the surrounding area?Why don't you smash the surrounding area?

"Well, if you bring such a big snake over, will the principal really not scold you to death?" Sister Hong'er looked into the distance and said.

If he saw it correctly, the snake's body was not that big, right?If this thing falls, it will be like a bomb exploding.

"Don't worry, it's okay. There are so many animals in the Tiger Park. We can definitely handle them." Cheng Hao waved his paws carelessly. With so many animals there, how could a little snake turn the world upside down?Sister, don't worry so much.

"That's true, but you seem to have let a few big crocodiles down." Sister Hong'er said. Those crocodiles just now were as big as dinosaurs.

Is it really okay for this little villain to do this?

"Let him go. If the problem is not serious, sister, don't worry. The animals in our zoo are very powerful." Cheng Hao comforted him with a smile.

"I hope this is the case, otherwise the director of the garden will scold us to death later." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er sighed. She didn't know what was going on in the Tiger Garden here, so she could only hope that she would really follow her. This little rascal said the same thing.

"This brat sends everything here. I'm really pissed off. He doesn't think we're free now, right?" The director kicked the crocodile on the head and couldn't help but cursed. He was really pissed off. All.

I didn't know how to deal with it on the spot, so I just put this thing in for him.

"Mr. Consultant, please help me!" At this moment, the team members' calls for help came.The director turned his head and saw that the team members wearing armor were entangled by a huge python.

"You little guys usually don't work hard, so you ask for help when it's critical. If you usually sweat more, how could you be like this?" said the director who kicked the crocodile away and ran towards the big python.He broke open the opponent's rolled body with his bare hands and rescued the team members.

"Thank you, Mr. Consultant. If you hadn't taken action, I would have been strangled by it." The team member who escaped from death said thankfully. This snake was so terrifying that it almost killed him.

"Go and have a rest first. If you feel any discomfort, ask someone from the department to pick you up immediately." The principal, who held the snake's head and beat it, said: "Although it seems nothing is wrong on the surface, there is no guarantee that you will not suffer internal injuries. , being strangled by a snake is no small matter."

"Okay, consultant Mr. Xie." The team member nodded after hearing this. Just as he was about to take a rest, he heard a familiar voice coming from the side.

"Mr. Consultant, please help!" The team member standing in the crocodile's mouth and using a hydraulic rod to hold the crocodile's mouth called for help.

"You little guys, you are all really good at playing. Why are you performing acrobatics in the mouth of a crocodile?" Seeing this scene, the principal took a deep breath and ran over immediately.Are these little guys thinking his blood pressure is too low and are they going to raise it?

Why are two of them so unreliable? Can a crocodile succeed even if they are wearing a suit of armor?



The huge claws slapped the crocodile back and forth on the face, making the crocodile a little confused. It looked at the huge tiger in front of it, and just opened its mouth and slapped it again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" You stupid fish still dares to resist. Do you know who I am and who you are? Don't think that you can be rampant with four claws. If you are a fish, I will control them all.)" Xiao Wang looked in front of him The big crocodile said and sat down immediately.The crocodile was so pressed that it could not move.

"Why are you a scoundrel like that little guy Xiaoju? If you want to deal with him, you should deal with him quickly. Why are you just playing around with me when you have nothing to do?" The principal, who beat the crocodile to death, said angrily when he saw it.

How long has it been and this little guy is still playing here?
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (I couldn't play with those little fishes if I didn't hold it down. The cubs were playing, so I could only hold it down to pass the time.)" He slapped the crocodile on the head. The crocodile's big head was dizzy after being photographed, so Xiao Wang spoke.

This time so many fish flew down that the little guys went crazy. There is no way a big tiger like him would snatch the toys from the little guys, right?

"Okay. Then keep an eye on him and don't let him run away." The principal reminded.

"Ouch~ (Don't worry, you can't run away. Do you still want the crocodile under your feet?)" Xiao Wang said after hearing this, staring at the fainted crocodile and asked.

"Here! If you want to play with it, take it." After hearing this, the director threw the crocodile over.

Seeing this, Xiao Wang was very happy and bit the tail of the big crocodile. Finally, he patted the fish on the left with his two claws, and then patted the crocodile on the right, which looked very happy.

"It seems that the little guy's music cells came from you." Seeing this scene, the director smiled and continued to clean up the crocodile.

"What's going on at the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park? Why are fish starting to fall from the sky?" Chen Min arrived at the entrance of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. A blue electric light emitted from his body, and he stunned a fish with a sharp antler. After catching the big catfish with teeth, he couldn't help but be stunned.

If she remembers correctly, this should be the Tiger Garden and not the Seafood Garden. Why are fish falling from the sky?Moreover, the tigers jumping around behind the gate were slapped one by one, and they were quite happy to take pictures of the fish.

"It may be caused by the imbalance of gravity caused by the magnetic force. From a scientific point of view, it is related to the third space..." Xu Lele on the side heard this and pretended to analyze it.

By the way, he raised the cake in his hand a little, and kicked the winged fish away.

"If you don't know? In fact, you don't have to say it. It's very tiring to pretend to be cultured and have nothing to do." Chen Min said speechlessly. Doesn't he still know how much the other person weighs?Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf with him?
"Who said that? In fact, I am very educated, but I don't usually show love. I just show it." Hearing this, Xu Lele puffed out his chest and said, "I can conclude that the river water in the sky must be related to the little fat orange. I suggest that He caught me and took me back to my room for interrogation."

"No problem. Then I can see you floating in the sky like water, like a big top." Chen Min said angrily, and addressed the team members who were taking pictures with their mobile phones. : "Don't take pictures and post them on WeChat Moments. Go over and help."

"Yes, captain." Upon hearing this, the team members who were taking pictures immediately started working with stun guns.

They didn't want to post it on their WeChat Moments, but the scene was so spectacular. If they didn't take a photo or video to keep it as a souvenir, they would be making a big mouth out of themselves when they get old.

"These guys." Chen Min couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this, and then followed in.

"Guys, please help me look at the cake. This is for Little Fatty Orange. I have to go in and work." Xu Lele knocked on the security room and said.

"Okay, okay, we will keep it safe for you, Miss Lele. You can go without worry." The security guard who heard the sound opened the door and took the cake in and said.

It was really scary outside. The fish in the sky were like cannonballs hitting the ground hard.

They didn't dare to go out at all, otherwise if it happened to them, they would be killed on the spot.

"Yes." Xu Lele nodded and followed up with the team.

"Sister, how many fish do we need to clean up? I feel like the river is full of mutants. If we keep cleaning up, it may not be completed until next year." Cheng Hao looked at the endless mutant fish and felt a little uncomfortable. Yawning impatiently.

There are as many mutated fish as there is in the water. Isn't this just like washing sand in sea water?If you ask him to tell you not to deal with it at all, it would be the same as not dealing with it.

As long as the essential problem is not solved, mutant animals will continue to be generated.

"That's true, but it's safer to clean up the big mutant fish." Sister Hong'er said while looking at the endless stream of fish. Although the mutant fish can't be cleaned up, there are always You can't just sit back and ignore it, right?Otherwise, mutated animals will attack people everywhere.

"Actually, I don't think it's necessary, sister. Animals are mutating, and people are mutating. We also have heavy firepower to help, and those who are missing will lose to them."

"And to be honest, it's not a problem to always treat ordinary people as flowers in a greenhouse? If they really meet one day, they will still be killed without any experience."

"I think this kind of thing should be accessible to ordinary people."

Today's era is becoming more and more chaotic. It is definitely impossible for ordinary people to stay out of it, so it is better to let them take the initiative to contact.

This will increase experience, and secondly, the probability of being generated will be greater if encountered in the future.

The most important thing is that after doing this, it will be a good thing for him.Don't bother him to take action.

"Yes, yes, our little villain is thinking about things. What you said makes sense, but now? We still have to work on our own." Sister Hong'er said, looking at the tree beside her.

I found the big turtle stuck on it. I wonder when it ran away?
"Hey! Why did this stupid turtle run away? Didn't he come down and bite me? He ran away without even saying goodbye." Cheng Hao, who followed Sister Hong'er's gaze, muttered, "This guy also So rude.

"Come on, even though it is a turtle egg, it is not brainless. After suffering a loss at your hands, will it be stupid enough to come back a second time?" Sister Hong'er said with a smile: "Don't worry about him, anyway, as long as it doesn't It'll be fine once it comes out, there's no need to hold on to it."

(End of this chapter)

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