Chapter 319 Terrible

"Well, since sister, you are helping that fool speak, then I will reluctantly let it go. I originally wanted to play with it as a top." Cheng Hao said after hearing this, and continued to look at the sky, staring at the possible The escaped fish slipped through the net.

"Get away from me! Eat my rocket headbutt." The mutated fish that fell down opened its mouth and came towards Xu Lele. Xu Lele did not retreat but raised his big head and hit it hard.

Immediately, the fish flew out and hit the ground, his head twitching like stars.

"Captain, your rocket head hammer is really powerful."

"Yeah, these fish are no match for you at all." The team members on the side couldn't help but say after seeing it. The captain's rocket head hammer was so powerful that it knocked the fish into a fool in one go. .

"Of course, don't you want to know whose head this is?" Xu Lele touched the helmet he was wearing and said with satisfaction. It is indeed a newly upgraded super helmet and it is hard.

"Everyone, please be careful not to get wet. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences. Don't blame me for not warning you." Chen Min, who was shining with lightning, warned, and there was a "sizzling" sound under his feet.

After the surrounding team members saw it, they ran away quickly for fear of being hit.

But the fish that fell to the ground did not notice the hidden danger and kept running here.

Then, all the fish danced happily, exuding white smoke.There was a burst of burnt aroma.

"Um, what does this smell like? It smells so good."

"Yeah, Uncle Chen won't throw these fish into the pot and burn them, right?"

The breeders hiding in every corner couldn't help but murmured after smelling it.

Thinking about that strange fish, my stomach suddenly turned.A feeling of nausea came over me.These fish don't look very appetizing, and they won't eat them even if they are burned.

"Mr. Consultant, there are more and more fish carcasses. If this continues? The Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park will no longer be able to contain them. Should we stop?" asked the team member who was stepping on the slippery fish.

"It's useless to talk to me. You can go talk to that little villain. I also want to stop but can't." The director said with his hands inserted into the mutated fish's body. He also wanted to stop, but it was obvious that just by relying on It's impossible for him, we have to solve it from the source.


After the director's words fell, the river in the sky suddenly disappeared. The team members who saw this scene couldn't help but be stunned.Are emotions controlled by voice?
"You little rascal, why did you stop suddenly? You don't want to eat, do you?" Sister Hong'er by the river said after she found that the water flow had stopped.

If she remembered correctly, this little villain had just finished eating. Why did he want to eat again?
"Of course not. Sister, don't think that I only know how to eat, okay? I stopped when I heard the principal said it was okay to stop." Cheng Hao heard the words and said, curling up his tail and giving a middle finger.

"Really? Why didn't sister hear it?" Sister Hong'er looked around and heard no other sounds except the sound of water flowing in her ears.

"Because Sister Hong'er, your ears can't hear what's going on in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, so it's normal that you don't know." Cheng Hao said, looking at the willow trees aside and said: "You little willow trees are your own Are you going to join hands with the willow tree opposite to form a bridge, or do you want me to make a bridge for you myself?"

"Shasha~ (Huh?)" Liushu, who was watching the show, couldn't help but panic. He never thought that this melon-eater could actually eat his own head. They were just watching the show here. How could it involve them?

"Huh? Are these willows evolved plants?" It was only then that Sister Hong'er discovered that the willows by the river were actually evolved plants. She had always thought that these willows were ordinary plants.

"Yes, they have always been." Cheng Hao nodded his head and said: "It turns out that I was going to clean them all up. After thinking about it, they didn't seem to have done anything bad, so I didn't deal with them."

"But now, there are so many mutant creatures in the river, and it is not safe for my brothers to cross the river. So now is the time for them to exert their efforts. I believe building a bridge is nothing to them, right? "

"Well, although it's really nothing, don't you think that just because of their size, they can't support the weight of those animals?" Sister Hong'er reminded.These trees are so big. Even if they were built as a bridge, they wouldn't be able to support the weight of the animals crossing the bridge. It would be more practical to build a steel cable bridge here.

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes, we are too weak to support it. Otherwise, you should have someone come over and build the bridge.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, we promise to help when the time comes and not cause any trouble.)" The willows who heard this quickly agreed, not wanting to become a bridge here.

"It's not up to you to decide." Cheng Hao looked at them and said, "Although you are small, if I add some things to you, you will definitely grow up and become a giant by then. A tree bridge is not impossible.”

"Um, you don't want to give them the mutation potion, do you?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er thought of those mutated trees, which were really weird, as if they came from a devil's place.

"Shasha~ (No, no, we don't want to become such a ghost.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes. At worst, we agree to help.)" The willow trees trembled when they heard this, not wanting to become such monster-like trees in the river.

"What are you thinking in your mind? Don't you know that purifying organisms are immune to mutation drugs?" Cheng Hao heard this and said speechlessly: "I mean to get you some evolution drugs to make you stronger. , grow stronger, so that it can be connected to the willow tree on the other side."

He wanted to give them the mutation potion, but as evolutionary plants, they conflicted with the mutation potion, and it was impossible for them to turn into mutant plants.He wouldn't waste this effort.

It's better to drink evolution potion for these guys.

"So you have this plan." Sister Hong'er suddenly realized after hearing this.

"Yes, so you guys are willing to cooperate?" Cheng Hao said back to Willow.

The willows who heard this quickly nodded their heads and replied:

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes, if there is such a good thing, of course we are willing.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes, how expensive is the evolution potion?)"

Although they have never been to the city, they have seen humans giving evolution potions to the big octopus.

After the big octopus drank it, it screamed fiercely. They will never forget it to this day.

"That's okay, you guys just wait here, I'll get you some evolution potions. Help me with things from now on, and I won't treat you badly." Cheng Hao said, it's fine for these guys to know the evolution potions. , that would save him having to say it again. "Shasha~ (Okay, okay.)" the willows said happily, watching Cheng Hao and Sister Hong'er leave.

"What excuse are you going to use to ask the commander for the evolution potion? Potion is a precious substance in the department. If you want it, it may not be that easy." Sister Hong'er said on the way back to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. .

"What's so difficult about this? Just say you need it. Why are there so many troubles?" Cheng Hao, who heard this, said, "Can it be that if I ask the commander for help, the commander can't give it to me?" ?”

He is a national first-level protected animal and a superstar in protecting animals. The other party should give it to him because of his emotions and reasons.

After all, he hasn't asked for anything in such a long time. It's rare for him to ask for something now. It might be bad if the other party doesn't give it to him.

"I can't say for sure. It depends on how much respect you have." Sister Hong'er shrugged her shoulders. He had not applied to the commander, so he didn't know exactly how much he could have. Now it depends on this little The bad guys don't have much weight anymore.

"That should be quite big. I think the commander will definitely agree." Cheng Hao said, thinking about how much he should want.
"Pack all these fish, don't miss any one. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if these fish escape."

Xu Lele looked at the trucks and reminded them after the fish they loaded left.

If these fish fell on the ground and were picked up and eaten, there would be big trouble.

"Don't worry, captain. We'll work properly and we'll make sure nothing happens."

"Yes, Captain."

The team members who heard this said that it was not their first day on the job and they understood the dangers of these fish leaks.

"That's fine, let's work quickly." Xu Lele said, looking at the crocodile still pressed in front of him and said: "Xiao Wang, can you give me the crocodile under your butt? We are going to get rid of it."

"Ouch~ (Of course that's not possible. It's very comfortable to sit on them. If you take them away, why should I sit on them?)" Upon hearing this, King Tiger immediately shook his head and refused.

This is his trophy, why should he give it to the other party?This makes no sense either emotionally or rationally.He wants to catch these big fish and play.

"Why are you the same as Little Fat Orange? Listen to my sister and give these fat crocodiles to her, and she will get you some delicious food, okay? Don't be too stubborn." Seeing the Tiger King shaking his head, Xu Lele began to coax. road.

Why do both father and son have the same temper?I told them to get them something else.Just don't change with her.

"Ouch~ (No, no, you go find another tiger. I won't agree.)" The Tiger King shook his head and said.

"You are such a deadbeat." Seeing this, Xu Lele felt helpless and had no choice but to go to the principal. She couldn't explain this little guy, but the principal could definitely explain to him.

"There are so many fish." Sister Hong'er, who returned to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, couldn't help but say while looking at the carloads of fish being transported out.

"It's indeed a lot of fish. It looks like it's enough to eat." Cheng Hao nodded after hearing this.How long will it take to finish all the fish being transported out by the car?

"No one dares to eat these fish if they are sent out. They must be treated without pollution." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er cursed angrily.

"Really? That's such a pity. Such a big fish was wasted like this." Cheng Hao said with great regret after hearing this.It's a pity that it takes several years for a fish to grow to such a big size.

"If you feel it's a pity, you can eat it yourself, so it won't be wasted." Sister Hong'er said, knocking Cheng Hao's big head.

"Forget it, although I will eat anything, I won't eat this stuff." Cheng Hao curled his lips and looked away.

What if you eat this garbage?If you don't want to get upset, let them go to the garbage dump.

"If you don't even eat others, let alone others." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, and walked towards the Tiger King: "Xiao Wang, you have gained weight again. If you keep like this? The warehouse can't even store it. You did it, and it turns out that Xiao Ju’s greedy nature has been inherited from you.”

"Ouch~ (Don't talk nonsense, this little guy is so good at eating, he may not have inherited my genes.)" said the Tiger King who was stepping on the crocodile. He looked at Cheng Hao who was shaking his head and said: "Ouch~ (little bastard) Why don't you scream when you see me? Are you too young?)"

This little cub has been in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park all day, but he didn't see the other person coming to him. Does this look like his cub?

"Ah? What's my name? Can't everyone just know it in their hearts?" Cheng Hao muttered. Why is he still chasing after each other and calling him father all day long?Sister Hong had brought him up since he was born, and he had no feelings for him.

Moreover, even in a tiger park.Even if I asked him to shout a few times, he really couldn't do it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (The heartless little guy follows the breeder and doesn't even want his father.)" After hearing this, the tiger king curled his lips and said.He looked very unhappy.

But Cheng Hao said that if the other party is not happy, then he is not happy, and he is too lazy to pay attention to the other party.

"Okay, you two gluttons are still sulking over here." Sister Hong'er poked the Tiger King's beard and said, "You guys have been eating all day long, and you just hang out with other tigers. It's not like that at all. Ignore Xiaoju, and now you want Xiaoju to call you? You have to act like a father first."

"And you little rascal, no matter how hard you deny it, Xiao Wang is still your father. Why are you two guys just like the strange tigers?"

"Okay, let's hit fifty big boards each together." Cheng Hao curled his lips and said, my sister is not very good at being a peacemaker.

"What did you say?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er's eyes immediately became dangerous.

Cheng Hao and Tiger King couldn't help but tremble and quickly took two steps back.The tigress is so scary.

"Xiao Wang, what are you doing? Get up from the crocodile quickly and don't disturb Lele and the others. Work normally, otherwise grandpa will take you to the warehouse later to have a good chat. What qualities should a tiger have? "At this moment, the director came over.King Tiger said while looking at the big crocodile as a seat cushion.

"Ouch~ (That's no need, Director. I'm leaving.)" Upon hearing this, the Tiger King ran away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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