Chapter 320 You are so kind
"This Xiao Wang is really just like Xiao Ju. They are indeed a father and son. They ran so fast when they heard this." Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene and looked at Cheng Hao at her feet: "Let's go, little rascal. Let's continue to the department."

"Okay, I originally planned to go to the department anyway." After hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded his head and prepared to follow Sister Hong'er.

But at this moment, the director on the side spoke:

"What are you two doing in the department? Is there something going on?"

"Of course, grandpa, I'll go to the department to get some evolution potion." Cheng Hao replied after hearing this.

"What are you doing with the evolution potion? Are you planning to drink it for yourself?" The principal asked doubtfully. If this little villain wants to become stronger, he can just drink it by himself. Does this still require an evolution potion?

"Of course not. How could I drink it myself? I plan to give it to the willow trees by the river to make them grow taller, stronger, and bigger. Then won't there be a tree bridge leading to the other side? "Cheng Hao explained, how could he want such a thin power of evolution?Grandpa looked down on him too much.

"So that's what it's like? Then go ahead." Upon hearing this, the director immediately waved his hand and said.

Since it's like this, it's okay, then Xiaoju can go.

Otherwise, they will be asked to build a bridge at the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain when the time comes.That would give him a headache.

"Yeah." Cheng Hao nodded his head and followed Sister Hong'er to the parking lot.

"Mr. Consultant, where is that little bad guy Xiao Fatju?" Xu Lele asked as he came over.

"Tell him, he went to the department to get the evolution potion." The director said with a smile.

"Really?" Xu Lele couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Was it just the evolution potion?He thought the other party went to the department to file a complaint against her.

"Yes, what's wrong? Is there any problem? You seem a little nervous." The principal asked with a smile.

"Nothing? I just thought he wanted to run away." Xu Lele laughed and dragged the crocodile away.

She said that she had already bought a cake for this little rascal, so how could this rascal still file a complaint?

"Xiao Ju, should you explain it to your sister?" At this moment, Sister Hong'er on the other side looked at her dented car and looked at Cheng Hao beside her and said.

The reason why her car became like this must have something to do with the other party.

"Well, actually, I don't think this matter has much to do with me." The person who was asked about the title said with a guilty conscience. How can it be said that it has something to do with him when things are like this?He is just an ordinary little tiger. He has so much energy, so my sister must have made a mistake.

"It has nothing to do with you, but who did the good deed? Who dropped these fish from the sky and let them come here?"

"If these fish didn't fall from the sky, how could they have damaged my sister's car? So you little rascal, you still want to stay out of it?" Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "You little rascal. You know, I have to compensate my sister for a car? Not only that, you also have to find a way to compensate for all the damaged cars in the parking lot."

"What does this have to do with me? I didn't smash the car. Although it's not wrong for me to do this, can I control where the fish goes? I suggest you, sister, file a claim with the department. This is a natural disaster, isn't it? Man-made disaster." Chen Hao, whose round face was pinched, muttered, "My sister is blackmailing, extorting, and bullying the tiger."

This is uncivilized behavior and the other party should reflect on it.

Rather than grabbing him to claim compensation like now, my sister has a big problem and needs to reflect on it.

"This is indeed not a man-made accident, this is a disaster caused by you, a little scoundrel." Sister Hong'er cursed and looked at her car with some distress: "It's better now. My sister's car was smashed. In the future, she will have to Use your feet to travel."

"You little rascal, it's okay if you don't give the car to your sister. From now on, you will be responsible for being the mount."

"It's like sister, you really drove a few times in other places, and you didn't bully the cute little tiger." Cheng Hao muttered after hearing this, looking at the dented sheet metal.After touching it with his paws, the sunken area quickly rose up.

Isn't it just that the car was smashed? What's the big deal? Can't it just be repaired?

Anyway, it didn't hurt the inside. Even if it did hurt the inside, there was nothing he could do. He was just a tiger and not an auto mechanic.

However, this can break away from the relationship.

"You little rascal, what's the use of repairing this? After repairing it, it still can't be opened."

After Sister Hong'er saw it, she pointed at the fallen engine below and said.

On the surface it looks like it has been repaired, but there is nothing missing inside that should be removed.

"Then there's no other way. I've tried my best, but it still doesn't work. What can I do?" Cheng Hao said helplessly, looking at the fallen engine.The tail tried to push it up, but to no avail.

"How about you change a car, sister?" Cheng Hao tried to discuss.

Since this car is already stuck, there is no other choice but to change the car. After all, no matter how hard it is, you can't hurt yourself, right?

"It's no problem. Then remember to help sister exchange it for a better one. Sister is waiting for your good news here." Sister Hong'er nodded and said, it's okay to exchange the car, but she definitely won't pay for it. , who damaged her beloved car and who paid?

"Okay." Cheng Hao said helplessly, rubbing his thigh with his tail, and took out a bank card from the inner thigh: "Here! Sister. There are 300 million on it. Buy whatever car you want. Remember. Give me the invoice after you spend the money."

"Huh? Where did you get the money, you little rascal?" Sister Hong'er was stunned when she heard this, and then said.

She didn't even know that this little villain actually had so much money in a bank card. What was going on?
"Of course I earned it through my own skills. It couldn't have been stolen." Cheng Hao touched his little nose and said:
"This is given to me by the principal's grandfather. He said that I performed well this year. This is my pocket money."

"Really? It doesn't sound very realistic. Will the principal be so stubborn and give you money?" Sister Hong'er was a little doubtful. How could the principal give this little villain so much money?It doesn't sound very realistic.

"Then I don't know. Sister, if you don't believe it, you can ask the director. Isn't everything clear?" Cheng Hao said. "Forget it, I'm too busy to ask. Are you a fool for thinking that my sister is a fool?" Sister Hong'er put the bank card in her pocket and said, "From today on, my sister will keep this bank card for you. , otherwise you little scoundrel might have gotten it somewhere."

"Well, he couldn't get anywhere. I've been keeping him close to me." Cheng Hao said weakly. Is my sister planning to rob him?Not even pretending.

"Then it has to be put away. Don't you feel reassured that my sister will keep it for you?" Sister Hong'er said, looking at Cheng Hao.

"Don't worry, don't worry. My sister is the only one in the world who is good. She will do whatever she says. How could I be worried?" Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

"That's right, it's good for you to know." Sister Hong'er nodded and sat on Cheng Hao's back: "Since my sister's car is broken down, then you little bad guy will have to suffer a lot. It’s hard, I have to take on the task of driving the car temporarily.”

"When will my sister get a new car? You won't have to carry it anymore."

"Oh." Cheng Hao nodded and walked outside.

If he had known that he would get himself into trouble if he did this, there would be no way he would do it.

"Xiaoju, where are you going to play now? Miss Lele has brought you a cake. Aren't you going to eat it first?" The security guard in the security room said hello after seeing it.

"Later, I have something to do now and don't have time to eat cake. I'll come back later." Cheng Hao licked his mouth after hearing this, but still didn't stop. After all, he had something to do and couldn't Stopped because of the cake.

Hear the security guards here say:
"Then remember to come back early, otherwise the cake will melt by then and we will be irresponsible."

"Yes, after all, storing animal cream cakes is quite troublesome."

"Like this? You'd better bring it to me first, and I'll eat it on the way." Upon hearing this, Cheng Hao immediately stopped walking.

"Okay." The security guards smiled and took out the cake.

After Cheng Hao caught it with his tail, he unpacked it and started eating as he walked.

"You little rascal, don't just eat. Pay attention to the road. Be careful that you end up in the ditch." Sitting there, Sister Hong'er warned as she watched the route become more and more eccentric.

"Don't worry, sister. I'm here to watch, and even if you fall into the ditch, I'm the one who will go in. Sister, don't be afraid." Cheng Hao, who was eating the cake, replied, holding the cake with his tail and asked: "Sister, Would you like some? It tastes really good, really good."

"Forget it, you should just eat it yourself. You didn't ask your sister when you ate it just now. But now that the cake is eaten like this, you will." Sister Hong'er rolled her eyes and said, take a look at what the cake has become.The little rascal now asked her if she wanted to eat.

"Okay, then let's go to the department to find the commander." Cheng Hao nodded. There are cake makers in the department. They can go to the department to ask for cakes.

"Then you are really a clever little kid. If the commander hears this, he will definitely reward you with your favorite piece of pussy." Sister Hong'er said angrily.

"No, no, commander doesn't dare to hit me." Cheng Hao said and jumped up.

Running slowly like this is really tiring, so he still likes to transform into a Tiger plane and fly to his destination.

"Uh, Xiaoju, where are you eating without cleaning your mouth?" the commander said, looking at the big white sedan in front of him. If he saw it right, this little villain's face was so blurred that he could hardly see. Is it clear?

"We'll talk about the mouth later. I didn't eat it secretly. It was a cake given by someone else." Cheng Hao rolled up the dinner paper and said, "I came here this time to ask for something from you, Commander. I also hope that Commander You can give it to me."

"If I can take it out, I will definitely give it to you. Please tell me what you want first. If you don't ask, how do I know if I can give it to you?" The commander heard this and said, this little guy Want something from her?It's quite rare.

"Commander, if you want to give it, you can definitely give it. What I want is not expensive, it's just some evolution potions." Cheng Hao looked at the commander and said: "After all, you also know that there is a river behind me, and there is a river on the other side of the river. Many of my younger brothers. Now that the river has become like this, it would be impossible without a bridge, so I specially asked the willow trees by the river to help build the bridge, but in doing so, I have to give them some benefits."

He made it so clear. We are all smart people, so the other party should understand what he meant.

"So, you little scoundrel, are you ready to let me out? Your wishful thinking is really loud." After hearing this, the commander said, holding his chin with his hands.

"Yes, Commander, you are really like ice and snow. I guessed it right at once. Since you are the only one willing to help, let's not talk nonsense. I will thank you now." Cheng Hao nodded and said without any doubts. Treating himself as a foreign tiger, he sat down and said, "Commander, you can ask someone to get it, I won't bother you to entertain it."

"Do you think I want to entertain you?" the commander asked with black lines on his head. This little villain actually thinks that he wants to entertain him. He is really thick-skinned.

"Of course. After all, Commander, you are famous for your hospitality." Cheng Hao nodded.

"..." The commander couldn't help but feel speechless after hearing this, and said to Sister Hong'er on the side: "Xiaohong, Xiaoju, has he always been so shameless?"

"Yes, Commander." Sister Hong'er, who was sitting on the sofa peeling an orange, nodded.

Did the commander just find out now?That's really a little late, because this little villain has always been like this.

"Okay." The commander who heard this sighed and said, "Then just wait here for a while, and I'll call someone to get it for you, right?"

"Okay, okay. Commander, please walk slowly. Be careful on the road and don't fall." Cheng Hao nodded.

"You think I'm a three-year-old kid who can still fall when walking?" the commander said speechlessly. He really wanted to pry open this little guy's brain and see what he was thinking inside?You can even say this.

"It's impossible to tell. As the saying goes, people can make mistakes and horses can make mistakes. It's always good to be careful. Commander, please go quickly." Cheng Hao waved his paw and hooked his tail towards Sister Hong'er. hook.

The orange in Sister Hong'er's hand had already flown to him.

"You little rascal, have your skin been itchy again recently?" Sister Hong'er asked with a dangerous look.

(End of this chapter)

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