Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 332 A white wolf with nothing?piss off

Chapter 332 A white wolf with nothing?piss off

"That's weird. Where did Little Fatty Orange throw the Frisbee? We looked around and couldn't find it."

"Yeah, it's just outrageous."

Inside the wildebeest enclosure, the security guards who looked around said they were dumbfounded.

They searched and searched but could not find any traces of flying discs, but they found two Amur leopards here again.

This made them confused that they and others had made a mistake?Or are these two Amur leopards in the wrong place?

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sure that flying disk landed here? You can't find it no matter how you look for it. Did you see it wrong?)" Amur leopard, who also searched around, asked the brother next to him.

He searched for a long time but didn't see the shadow of the flying disc. Did the other party really see the flying disc landing here?
"Ouch~ (Maybe? I'm not sure.)" The Amur leopard in question said, shaking the hay on his body.

He obviously saw the Frisbee flying over, why couldn't he find anything?It's really strange.

"Ouch~ (I knew you were an unreliable guy.)" After hearing this, the Amur leopard rolled his eyes, got up and walked towards the door.

Since you're not sure the Frisbee is here, what else are you looking for?
"Ouch~ (Don't say that, I didn't ask you to come with me. You are the one who is willing to follow me.)" Seeing this scene, the remaining Amur leopards quickly followed up and said.

"The two little guys left, what should we do now? We didn't even find the shadow of the flying disk."

"Yes, the time has come. If this continues, it will be over." The security guards who noticed the two Amur leopards leaving suddenly became anxious.

"What can we do? Let's go back first and then talk about it. Just say that the Frisbee can't be found. Otherwise it will take longer." After hearing this, the captain thought for a while and then spoke.

"Then... then follow your wishes, brother." The other security guards replied after thinking for a while.

The group of people left the wildebeest pen and ran towards the square.

"Huh? Did you come back so quickly? I shouldn't have thrown my Frisbee so close, right?" Cheng Hao, who was lying down leaning on the stage, noticed the security guards and others who had returned.Xiaosheng couldn't help but murmured, it hasn't been long now, how come they are back?
"We can't find the Frisbee you lost, Xiaoju."

"Yes, how about we do other training." The security guards who came back asked tentatively, their faces full of nervousness.

"You haven't found it yet?" Cheng Hao was stunned when he heard this.

It turned out that they didn't find it. He thought they had found it.

"Yes." The security guards nodded.

"Okay, since you didn't find it and it exceeded the time? I won't make it difficult for each of you to ride a bicycle around the tiger garden ten times." Cheng Hao waved his paws after hearing this.

Since you haven't found it, there's no need to keep looking.Go straight into punishment mode.

"Um, just ride a bicycle?" After hearing this, the security guards couldn't help but said to one after another, stunned.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Cheng Hao nodded and said, "If you think it's too little, how about I give you ten more laps?"

"No, no, let's go riding now." Hearing the people here panicking, they immediately ran to ride.

Are you kidding me? The entire Tiger Park is so big, even riding ten laps is quite tiring, okay?Not to mention riding twenty laps, then they won't be able to get off the ground tomorrow.

"Then hurry up. We have dinner in a few hours. Try to finish it before dinner." Cheng Hao reminded.

"Oh." The security guards who couldn't get into the car replied, and they rode away one by one.

"Okay, continue to rest." Looking at the people staggering away, Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction.Then I closed my eyes and leaned on the steps to sleep.

At their speed, it would be impossible to complete ten laps in a short time.Then he can just wait here slowly.

"I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. I thought it would be easy to ride a bicycle, but I found that it's also very tiring." Lao Meng panted after riding for only a few kilometers.

I originally thought that riding a bicycle would be easier than running, but after riding it, I realized that was not the case at all. The bicycle was still strenuous.

It's just a little faster than walking.

"Isn't this nonsense? Do you think riding a bicycle is easy? There are still nine laps left, so take your time." The leader said angrily. Do they think the bicycle is an electric vehicle?It doesn’t take much effort to ride.

It's just easier than running with legs.

"Nine more rounds to go? Oh my god, is there any brother willing to give me a hand?" After hearing this, Lao Meng immediately looked at the others.

Everyone who was on the same parallel line with him just now immediately started riding hard.The chain he stepped on rattled, and the distance was suddenly widened.

"No, what about the promised brotherhood? Are you so ruthless?" Lao Meng was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"It's not that we are heartless, training is our own business, and we can't cheat on you."

"Yeah, if you can't ride, just take your time. Don't even think about pulling the back seat of our car."

The security guards who distanced themselves said, "The other party is tired, so they won't be relaxed either, okay?"
And there are still nine circles waiting for them. After pulling the opponent, they still have to exhaust themselves to death?

So, for everyone's good.They should all ride their own horses.

"Ah, the world is unfair and people's hearts are old." Lao Meng said sadly and angrily, kicking on his anklets hard.Only then was he not left too far behind by everyone.


"You little guy wanted to go to sleep in your room. Why did you fall asleep here? You're not afraid of catching a cold, are you?"

As the sun slowly set, the director who came out for inspection discovered a pool of queen cats on the steps.He walked to Cheng Hao, stretched out his hand, knocked it and asked.

He said why he didn't see this little guy jumping around. It turned out that he came here to sleep in. But did he forget to check what the temperature was today?

I actually lay down here with my big belly exposed, and I wasn’t afraid of catching a cold.

"Ah ah~, isn't this grandpa? Are you coming to sleep too?" Cheng Hao, who was woken up, yawned and asked, twisting his butt to make way for a place: "Come on, grandpa, I will give you a place." I came out of a good position and the ground is already hot from my sleep. If you want to sleep? Lie down quickly to avoid the ground getting cold."

"I told you to get up, not to sleep here." When the principal heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and curse.

This little guy is quite conscientious, and even gave him a warm place to lie on, but he didn't come here to sleep.

"Ah ah, really? Does that mean it's time to eat now?" Cheng Hao couldn't help but wake up a lot after hearing this, shook his big head and got up: "Grandpa, you saw the security guard Brother, don’t you? I asked them to ride ten laps on their bicycles, did they complete it?”

"I don't know if they have finished, but when grandpa came over, he saw them still riding their bikes," the principal said. "Really? It looks like it's not finished yet. Let's go eat first, Grandpa."

"Ignore them for now and let them get some exercise." Cheng Hao said after hearing this. If these guys could be so self-conscious, it would save him a lot of trouble.

"Well, let's go, little glutton." The principal said, and Cheng Hao immediately followed.

"I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I can't do it anymore. How many more laps do we have? Is there any kind brother who can give me a hand?" Lao Meng, who stuck out his tongue and blushed like a monkey's butt, wiped the wetness. hair, he asked.

From now on, he no longer thinks it is better to ride a bicycle instead of running. It is really exhausting for him.

Riding to the end of this bike ride is much more tiring than running.He felt like his legs were no longer his.

"This is the last lap, just hold on a little longer."

"Yes, I can't tell you, Lao Meng, that you are so tall and strong. You are so weak."

The security guard riding slowly in front said, although he was indeed quite tired, he wouldn't be like this, right?The other party is a bit too vain.

"Nonsense! Sitting every day, and suddenly doing such a heavy training, it's weird if I don't feel tired." Lao Meng argued, resting his head on the handlebar and sucking in air.

"Who told you to sit tight?"

"Yeah, now you know the dangers of sitting tight, right?" the security guards said, and their feet moved faster.He quickly distanced himself from the other party.

"Don't run so fast, wait for me." Seeing this scene, Lao Meng shouted, panting and speeding up.

These guys are really not human. They run so fast one by one. How on earth do they still have the strength?
"Tiger King, Tiger King. Are you here?" A strange voice came from next to the pen in the dark night.

This made Cheng Hao wake up from his sleep, yawned and came to the door: "Where did you get these saplings from? Why did you come here to visit me without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

"And why are you always wearing human skin? It looks weird to me."

"There's nothing we can do about it, King Tiger. Aren't there too many humans? It's hard to get out and about without pretending to be like them." The green-haired Willow Tree said with a smile.

"Okay, so you came to me in the middle of the night. What's the matter?" Cheng Hao asked with his paws on his pillow, what are these saplings doing here?Didn't he say that he had no interest in their plan to occupy the world?
"Of course, if there is nothing, how can we bother you all? It's like this, we want to talk to humans about peaceful coexistence."

"I wonder if King Tiger would be willing to help with the matchmaking?" Willow asked with a smile, since he knew the plan of the King Tiger in front of him.

They felt that the other party's plan was really ahead of its time, so after unanimous discussions within the clan, they felt that they could imitate the other party's methods and infiltrate into humans to make them careless.

Finally, master all the technological power of mankind and wipe out all mankind.

And all of this requires gaining the trust of humans first. Only after doing so can they complete the next plan.

However, if they want to contact and cooperate with humans, they must first find a recommendation from a creature that is deeply trusted by humans.

And no one is more suitable than the Tiger King in front of him.

They are not human, and their goals coincide with each other.What if we can unite?It will definitely be able to achieve the great goal of overthrowing mankind and occupying the planet as soon as possible.

"There is no problem with matchmaking, but what benefits can I get?" Cheng Hao asked with a smile after hearing this, would these trees change their attitude and want to cooperate with humans?It always felt impossible, but these were not things he had to consider. He just wanted to know what the benefits were of helping to make the matchmaking?We can't let him work in vain.

After all, he is the king of the land, plus he is a super star and the subject of human protection, so the appearance fee is not excessive.

"Of course, King Tiger, you can gain the friendship of all our plants." Willow said with a smile.

"Really? It sounds really good. The reward for the friendship of all you animals is really great." Cheng Hao couldn't help but said with a strange expression after hearing this.

"Yes, yes." Liu Shu, who didn't recognize Cheng Hao's words, nodded and said.

"Since your reward is so big? I'm too embarrassed to accept it, so you should go find humans on your own." Cheng Hao said, turned around and left.

A group of guys who are full and holding up, maybe their heads are sick, right?What does he want the friendship of these foods for?These guys tried to trick the wolf with nothing, but they also tricked him.

"Ah? King Tiger, please don't leave. Didn't we have a good talk?" Willow couldn't help but said after seeing this, wasn't what they said good?Why did the other party leave just as he was talking?

"Nonsense, this Tiger King is not lucky enough to accept such a huge reward from you. Who should you go to? See who likes to accept such a huge reward from you?" Cheng Hao said angrily, these trees have no brains, right?I still haven't heard what he meant clearly.

"But the only person we know who has strength, status, and deep connections with humans is you, King Tiger." Hearing this, Willow said again.

As long as they could replace each other, they wouldn't take such a big risk to find each other. Isn't there really no other way?

"Then you still use this kind of reward to fool me, do you think I don't dare to kill you?" Cheng Hao said coldly, scanning the other party.

In an instant, a biting chill enveloped the willow trees.Willow Shu felt that her whole body was frozen, and she was so frightened that she quickly explained:

"No...no, King Tiger. We are sincere and we have absolutely no intention of fooling you."

"Then you still dare to come empty-handed?" Cheng Hao said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The big willow tree's body immediately floated up.

"Tiger King, Tiger King. If you have something to say, say it carefully. Say it carefully. If you have any conditions, we can negotiate. Don't do this. Don't do this." Willow said with a voice trembling from fear.

"There's nothing to talk about. If you want my help, show your sincerity. Otherwise? Don't bother me anymore."

"Otherwise I won't be so easy to talk to next time, get out of here." Cheng Hao cursed, and Willow flew away.

Flying towards the river outside the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.


As soon as Willow fell in, countless mutated fish emerged from the bottom of the water and began to bite his body crazily.

"Get out of here, get out of here. You brainless things." The willow tree, which was bitten at the roots of the branches, said angrily, and swung its branches wildly to hit these mutated fish.

They were beaten until their flesh and blood were blurred and dripping with blood.

But these fish that bit the willow tree continued to charge without fear of death.No matter how fierce the opponent's attack is, it's useless.

(End of this chapter)

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