Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 333: Why does he care?Let’s talk first

Chapter 333: Why does he care?Let’s talk first
"I told you a long time ago that this tiger king is very close to humans, so be careful."

"You still went there with confidence. Now you're fine, you were thrown into the river to feed the fish, right?" Just as the man turned into his true form and beat the mutated fish desperately, a red figure stood on the shore and said.

Is this idiot going to hit the wall with nothing?She knew it would be like this, and it was outrageous to rush there without even finding out what other people's preferences were.

"Feng, please don't make sarcastic remarks here, okay? Pull me up if you have time." Hearing the other party's sarcastic and beautiful voice, he really hated these mutated fish, each one of them was not afraid of death. It was such a headache, but it was useless for him to absorb these guys.

Otherwise, what if so much flesh and blood could be turned into fertilizer?It will definitely make it more powerful.

"Am I helping you? Are you okay? What are you worried about?" said the woman who suddenly stretched out her hand and helped the other person get up from the river.

The other party is also a bit embarrassed, but he is the tree king at least.He actually made himself look like this.

"Of course I want to complete the work of my ancestors. Do you think that I like to stay on the mountain and enjoy the cool breeze as much as you do?" The man said angrily, shaking the wet splash on his body, shaking it off and biting himself. Mutated fish that won’t be released.

"It depends on what you do. Is it useful? Aren't you being thrown out like garbage?" the woman said angrily. She had already warned the other party not to be so anxious, but the other party just couldn't do it. Is it okay now?I offended this Tiger King for no reason.

"Don't be ridiculous. This is not my problem. This is the Tiger King's problem, okay? And at least I took action. What have you done so far? Are you watching a show?" the man said angrily, and dumped him. After shaking off the clothes, I put them on again.

"Of course not. I'm just thinking about what gift to give?" the woman said, and walked away.

They were all kicked out, and it was too close to someone else's house. It would be bad if the Tiger King ate them both later.

"Thinking, thinking is nothing." Hearing this, he cursed and followed with wet steps.

"Two boring guys." Cheng Hao, who was staying in the pen, looked away from the shore.He was going to continue sleeping, but he said: How dare this guy come from a tree?Sure enough, they were still following behind.

It's just that there were a little too few, otherwise he would have wanted to punish them and tell them not to leave.

But let’s just leave. It’s time to put out a long line for fishing and see if we can catch a big tree?

"Little rascal, who were those two guys just now? What did they tell you? Why did you just throw them out?" While Cheng Hao was muttering to each other in his heart, the principal came over.

After he heard what was reported in the security room, he immediately rushed here with his clothes on, but it seemed that he was still a step too late.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about those two saplings? They came here and wanted to ask me to be a middleman to help humans connect with them."

"But he was rejected by me. That idiot still wanted to annoy me, so I sent him to take a bath in the river to calm down." Cheng Hao said, yawning. He stayed at the door and did not go in to sleep immediately because he knew that his grandfather would I'm here, so I'm here to wait for the other party to come before going back to sleep.

"Uh? The plants want to discuss with us. Isn't that a good thing? It's a good thing for them and for us."

"You little greedy kid, why did you throw him out?" The director complained a little when he heard this.

Now that the whole world is in turmoil, it would be great to be able to get along well with the evolved plants. Why did this little greedy guy beat them out?
"Grandpa, you are too good at fooling me. Think about it, if you asked for help, would you not bring anything with you?" Cheng Hao asked after hearing this.

"Well, of course not. How can you ask for help without bringing something with you? Isn't this just a pretense or a lack of heart?" The principal said after hearing this.He is just old and not mentally ill, so of course he has to bring something with him when asking for help.

"So, they are empty-handed and have no sincerity at all. Who knows if they came with the sincerity of the plants? If so? Why didn't they bring any gifts? Isn't it possible that this is their conspiracy? "Cheng Hao said, these two guys are so desperate, who knows what bad ideas they have in mind?And it’s actually simpler than the principal’s grandpa.

"It makes sense. I can't tell you, you're a greedy little kid, but you have a pretty good brain. But if this thing is true, that would be great." The director sighed after hearing this.

The whole world is facing too many tests now. It would be great if there were fewer enemies on one side.

"I'm not sure whether it's true or not, but what I want to say is that these plants have always regarded themselves as the masters of the entire world. If you really join forces with them, you have to be careful about being bitten." Cheng Hao reminded that these trees I don’t know what disease each of them has, but I always feel that I am the master of the planet and the master of the earth.

It seems that the earth should be ruled by them, every one of them looks like they have a disease in their head.

He didn't even know what to say to each other. He said they were stupid cats and they had no brains. They had no brains, but they seemed to have some brains.

"There's no need to worry. Our weapons and equipment are being updated. As long as they don't exceed the range that we can't fight against, there's no need to worry about them biting back." The director said, no matter how powerful these trees are, they can't be more powerful. Thermal weapons.Instead, they are hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to strike, which is the most terrifying thing.

After all, they can't really destroy all the woods looking for them, right?In that case, humans wouldn't be able to survive.

And once the opponent jumps out on their own, even if the opponent wants to make a small move, they have many ways to counter it.

After all, one is in the dark and the other is in the light, the meanings are different.

"It's a good thing to be confident, but don't be arrogant." Cheng Hao muttered. He felt that the garden director still took things too simply. These tree kings are not that simple, especially what they say. The ancestors couldn't be simpler.

After all, it’s an old tree that has lived for so long.Who knows what weird means there may be?

"Don't worry, it won't happen." The principal said with a smile: "If they come to see you next time, don't rush them away. How about waiting for grandpa to figure it out?"

"As a reward, grandpa will arrange a big cream cake for you."

"Grandpa, if you say this, then I will reluctantly do as you say." Cheng Hao said. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is a big cream cake or not. Who makes him respect the old and love the young? Where is the good tiger?
"That's right, just go to sleep obediently. Grandpa has gone back first." The principal smiled.

"Okay, grandpa." Cheng Hao nodded his head upon hearing this, and the principal turned and left.The night fades and the next day comes.

Cheng Hao was lying down in the cabin when a carp suddenly jumped up.

"It smells so good, it smells so good. I smell the smell of the big carp from the Yellow River. Who brought delicious food to see me so early?"

He lives five kilometers away from the canteen. He can smell the fragrance even if he is lying here. It is conceivable that someone must have brought food. Otherwise, he would not be able to smell it in his dream despite being so far away. arrive.

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

"Have you gotten up, little lazy boy? You're not still sleeping in, are you? If you are still sleeping, my sister will give the fish to other tigers to eat." Just as Cheng Hao was muttering in his heart, there was a sound coming from outside. There was a knock on the door.

It was Sister Hong'er who came here with food.


"Good morning, sister, you didn't take care of the little ones today. You came to me so early in the morning. Do you think I'm better behaved?" Cheng Hao, who heard the voice, opened the door and asked with a smile.

Logically speaking, sister should take care of those little guys at this time, right?Why did you come over to see him?It doesn't look like a normal thing.

"You little scoundrel, do you like being jealous so much? Why do you talk so weirdly?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er put down the big carp in the Yellow River and said angrily: "Don't look at how old you are, then look at how big those little guys are. , do you need to be jealous of them? I’m not afraid of being sour to you.”

"Who says I'm jealous? I'm just asking kindly. After all, those little guys will cry if they can't see you, sister." After hearing this, Cheng Hao gnawed on the carp and said, "Sister, you You haven’t said anything about why you came to see me so early in the morning? I’m afraid it’s not just to bring me food, right?”

If I were to give him food, I wouldn't give him a tiger specifically.He must have driven the sightseeing car from beginning to end. Now I brought him the big carp from the Yellow River. I'm afraid it was for other reasons.

"You little clever guy, you are quite smart. I really can't hide it from you." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said: "The principal told me what happened yesterday, and then the commander also called me. You gave me the phone, let me tell you, when you meet those trees that want to talk, don’t rush to kick them out, let them talk first.”

"I know, I know. Grandpa said it, sister, you don't have to repeat it again, I will do it when the time comes." Cheng Hao, who was spitting out fish bones, said, suddenly looked at the fish and said: "Sister, let's The new cook here has arrived, right?"

"Yes, the new cook is here? You little rascal has a very tricky tongue. You can eat all this." Sister Hong'er scolded angrily after hearing this. She was talking to this little rascal about business, but the other party was talking to him. Let's talk about food.

"Of course, my tongue is not in vain. The taste of the food is far different, okay?"

Cheng Hao said, licking the fish soup on the plate.

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er was dumbfounded: "Since the taste is so different, why do you, a little rascal, still eat it like this? It doesn't seem like the taste is so different."

"Who told me that I am a tiger who cherishes food? Of course I have to eat everything here." Cheng Hao, who was washing the dishes with his tail wrapped in snow, said: "Isn't this fish a bit small? Sister, you brought this Small fish are given to me, but they are not enough to fill my teeth.”

It's not that he said it, but that the fish was really too small and he couldn't get enough to eat.

"There is no other way. Time is so tight in the morning. It would be nice if I could make you a big carp dish. Don't be too picky." Sister Hong'er put away the plate and said, "You little rascal, go to sleep slowly. Sister still has work to do." Come on. I won’t chat with you here anymore.”

"Do you remember when you have time to go to the cafeteria to eat by yourself? Are you ashamed of being such a big tiger and having to be fed every day?"

"What's there to be ashamed of when you reach for your clothes and open your mouth for food? This is a life that others envy." Cheng Hao curled up his fish bones and shaved his teeth and said: "Sister, please walk more slowly, I won't send you away."

"I got it, you lazy idiot." Sister Hong'er muttered after seeing this scene, then she got on the sightseeing car with the basket and left.

"Ah ah ah, continue to sleep. Get up later. It's the best time to sleep in this winter. Why are you always getting up when you have nothing to do?" Cheng Hao yawned, twisted his body and patted the door with his tail before continuing. Go to sleep.

"Why are you two guys in such a mess? Did something happen?" He looked at the broken willow tree in front of him and the approaching pine tree, and asked doubtfully.

"Don't mention it. I went to see the Tiger King yesterday. It turned out that the Tiger King was fine at first, but he went crazy at the back and suddenly threw me into the river."

After hearing this, Liushu said with a look of complaint, and took Fengshu with him: "And Fengshu, too, is watching the show nearby and doesn't know how to come up and help me."

"You can't say that. When did I not help you? When you fell into the water and were bitten by the fish, wasn't it me who pulled you up? Why is this guy so ungrateful?" The maple tree immediately stopped after hearing this. I was happy, why didn't she help?When the other party was bitten by a fish and turned into a fishing rod, she helped, okay?

"Are you trying to help me? You're obviously just watching my joke." Liu Shu said with resentment after hearing this, he was in bad luck.The other party also saw the joke.Does the other party call this help?

"Okay, you two, stop arguing and tell me what happened. The ancestors are still waiting for news from us." After hearing this, the pine tree had no patience to listen to the two of them continuing to talk nonsense. .When he came, he came with the affairs of his ancestors.

"This is what happened..." Liu Shu looked serious after hearing this and told him what happened last night.

"I told you to bring some gifts a long time ago. At least you can't go empty-handed. Now I understand, you idiot just opened your mouth and messed up the matter." After listening, Feng Shu spread her hands and said, What if the conversation goes well?How could he be thrown out? It turns out that this idiot is arrogant.

"Who said that? What I told was the truth, okay? If he got our friendship, it would be the best reward." Willow argued after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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