Chapter 334 Gifts and Gifts
"Okay, okay, stop arguing, just know where the problem is. Now let's find a way to prepare a gift for the Tiger King." Hearing this, Yang Shu said, it turns out that the Tiger King wants a gift. .

That would be much easier to handle. The biggest fear is that the other party will not be able to get enough of it.

"Um, are we really preparing a gift for him?" Willow couldn't help but asked in a daze after hearing this.

"Nonsense, if you don't prepare a gift for him? Can you complete what the ancestors told you?" Yang Shu said angrily, looking at the maple tree beside him and said: "How about it? What do you think? Do you think it should be given to this tiger king?" What gift should I give?”

"I don't know much about this. We have to start with his preferences." Feng Shu said after hearing this. She was not familiar with the other party either.How do you know what the other person likes?You still have to understand it.

"Well, the direction is good. Then let's take action and ask about the trees near the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain. What does this tiger king like?" Yang Shu nodded and went to do it.

After Maple Tree saw it, he quickly followed.

"You should wait for me." Liu Shu, who was left on the spot, shouted and quickly followed.

"Hurry up and don't think about being lazy. I know you still have strength, but this is far from your limit." Cheng Hao sat on the sled in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain and looked at the running people. The security guards spoke.

These guys run for a while and then stop, not working hard at all.

"What if we really reached our limit? We're going to die from exhaustion now."

"Yeah, we're just taking a break. It's not like we can't stop talking." The panting security guards replied. They were just taking a break, and they didn't say they couldn't leave. Is the other party like this?
"Then hurry up and don't delay. It's almost time to rest." Cheng Hao said, looking at the dark sky.

This day is really strange. He has obviously blown away the snow clouds, but it started to snow again today. It seems that the blowing was not thorough enough.

But fortunately, the snow is not very heavy, so it won't affect anything.He didn't bother to care anymore.

"Got it." The security guards nodded after hearing this, then stood up and continued running.

"Shasha~ (What does the Tiger King like? From what I know after living near the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain for so long. Of course the Tiger King likes food.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, King Tiger is most interested in food especially for humans.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes, if you want King Tiger to be happy? There is nothing wrong with preparing these for King Tiger.)"

The trees growing around the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain were questioned by tree kings such as willow.One by one they opened their mouths and told everything they knew.

"Really? This tiger king actually likes human food? It's really surprising." Willow said with some surprise after hearing this.

A tiger doesn't like eating meat, but actually likes human food.Is this why the other party sided with humans?
"What's so surprising about this? It's very normal for him to like human food when living with humans." Yang Shu on the side said: "Now that we know that the Tiger King likes human food, we should start making preparations."

"Preparation is not a problem, the problem is what to prepare? There are so many foods that humans can cook, we can't just serve them all, right?" Willow said, human beings can cook a lot of food.Is it possible that they are all ready to go?How much do you need to prepare?

"Of course not, we just need to find out what kind of food this tiger king likes to be cooked by humans." Yang Shu said.

"Yes, and if we are really ready? We still have to pay. You don't think we can get away with nothing, right?" Feng Shu said. Now that they want to talk about cooperation with humans, they can't do it in vain. So you still have to pay for gifts.Although they have some money, what if they really buy all the food?They don't have enough money either.

"It's so troublesome, there are so many messy rules." Liushu scratched his head when he heard this. Doesn't it make communicating with humans even more headache?
"There's nothing we can do about it. This is what the ancestors have told us. If you have any questions? You can go talk to the ancestors." Maple Tree said, asking the surrounding trees: "You little guys Having been in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park for so long, you should know what the tiger king likes to eat the most, right?"

"Shasha~ (You know, King Tiger likes to eat cream the most. We often hear King Tiger say he wants to eat a big cream cake.)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, yes, all the tigers in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park like milk.)"

The trees in question answered without thinking.

"So this tiger king likes to eat this? Then we understand."

"Yeah, let's get ready now."

Hearing this, the three tree kings suddenly realized the truth and immediately did it.

"Shasha~ (Compared to these guys, King Tiger is more powerful.)"

"Shasha~ (That's of course, who doesn't know the reputation of King Tiger? Aren't these guys allowed to act based on King Tiger's face?)"

"Shasha~ (Yes, that's right. It is most correct for us to take refuge with the Tiger King.)" The trees watched the three tree kings leave and whispered, then passed the news to the ants in the corner, who then delivered the news. To Cheng Hao.

"Are these guys rich?" Cheng Hao looked puzzled after hearing what Ant said.

Those stupid little saplings really plan to buy him a big cake, but the question is, do they have the money?You're not going to grab money to buy it for him, are you?

If this is the case, then he will be scolded.

"Shasha~ (I'm not sure about this, Your Majesty.)" After hearing this, the ant shook his little head and said. He was only responsible for delivering the news. Who knows the specific situation?

"Okay, this king will handle this matter. You did a very good job." Cheng Hao said with a smile. In any case, the little ants who came to deliver the information were all good.

"Shasha~ (Thank you, Your Majesty, for the compliment, I'll leave first.)" The praised ant said happily, but he didn't expect that the Majesty would actually praise him.

"Yeah, let's go." Cheng Hao nodded and put the ant down.

The ant quickly entered the grass and went back along the gap in the corner of the wall.In a short time, he completely disappeared from Cheng Hao's sight.

"Okay, you go ride a bike. I have something to deal with." Cheng Hao said, looking at the people with curious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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