Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 341 You are a real dog

Chapter 341 You are a real dog
"Here, you can eat the two steamed buns slowly. You can eat again when we patrol the canteen." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er took out two steamed buns from her pocket and threw them to Cheng Hao.

"Ah? Isn't that too little?" Cheng Hao couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

"It's quite a lot, just eat some. What else do you want to choose from? Come and follow sister quickly." Sister Hong'er said and got on the sightseeing car.

When Cheng Hao saw this, he could only run and sing sadly: "I am holding a wowotou in my hand, and there is not a drop of oil in the dish. Life in the zoo is so painful~"

"Okay, okay, stop singing. I don't know why I'm mistreating you. I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat later, okay? Stop singing." Sister Hong'er, who was driving a sightseeing bus, was not angry. Said, I got goosebumps listening to this song, didn’t I mean I didn’t bring him any meat buns?As for singing so miserable?

"Oh, then I won't sing anymore, I won't sing anymore." Cheng Hao quickly stopped singing after hearing this. Sure enough, singing is one of the most effective ways of communication. As long as he moved his mouth, his sister's attitude would immediately change.

"Sing less pitiful songs next time, you know? Sing more cheerful songs. Listening to your songs, I thought I was in jail." Sister Hong'er warned when she saw Cheng Hao following him.

"I know, I know, I will sing something more festive next time." Cheng Hao replied, nodding his big head.

"Forget it next time, let's sing something festive for my sister now. My sister feels very unlucky recently." Sister Hong'er said. She was the acting principal again. She always felt that she was quite unlucky. This little villain hurriedly Let's sing a happy song and help her avoid bad luck.

"No problem, good luck to you, good luck to you, good luck to you..." After hearing this, Cheng Hao started singing at the top of his voice.

"Not bad, not bad. This song is quite nice." Sister Hong'er said with satisfaction after listening to it. Is this right? How about singing her some festive songs?This way he felt completely at ease.

"Of course, sister, don't you look at who is singing? Can the song I sing not sound good?" Cheng Hao replied, singing and walking.

After the surrounding animals heard this, they couldn't help but poke their big heads out to watch the excitement.

"Xiao Ju is quite happy this morning. She sings quite cheerfully."

"You're talking like he's not happy one day. If I can live as carefree as him, I'll be happy too, okay?"

The keepers who were feeding the animals muttered that Xiaoju didn’t need to buy a car or a house, and he didn’t have a wife or children to support.Everything is taken care of by the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. It’s a damn thing if you’re not happy.

"That's true. I wonder when we can live like this?" The companion sighed after hearing this.

"It's impossible in this life, but there may be some opportunities in the next life."

They want to live this kind of life, unless they become important people, but as things stand, the chance of this is even smaller than winning the lottery.

So just work honestly. Happiness is created with your hands, not just standing there and waiting.

"Oh, that's indeed the case." The breeder nodded and touched the big camel beside him: "It's better for you to have a good life. The little camel really wants to be as carefree as you."

"Hmph hum~ (Don't tell me, it seems like we have an easy life. We lie in the den all day, surrounded by tigers, lions and bears, okay?)"

"Hmph~ (That's right, we are under a lot of pressure, don't just talk nonsense with two mouths.)"

The camel chewing the nest muttered, these guys only saw that they were very comfortable, but they didn't see how much pressure they were under every day, right?The ones who are truly comfortable and happy are obviously those tigers and lions, okay?
"Pang Daju, why are you out and about today?" the trainee breeder wearing a red hat asked with a smile, his eyes lingering on Cheng Hao's round face.

It's such a big pie face. It looks very nice to touch, but I don't know if I can touch it.

"Because today I have to inspect the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park." Cheng Hao looked at the other party and said, "What are you doing? You are doing an internship. You have to work hard, you know? Otherwise, I will give you the internship certificate when the time comes. Write something bad and you won’t be able to graduate successfully.”

"You have to walk around all day, and you have to work hard. Besides, you are wearing a red hat, so don't run to the buffalo area."

"Fat Daju, you bad guy, dare to scare me about the internship? I tell you, you can't scare me." The intern breeder said proudly: "Grandpa, the director of the internship certificate, has stamped it for me and sent it back. It’s school, I’m just working during the winter vacation at most.”

"Ah? How come it's so fast? Grandpa, the principal, is really in a hurry. No wonder you say you are not serious about your work. I'm going to tell grandpa about deducting your salary." Cheng Hao couldn't help but froze after hearing this, and then spoke said.

It’s true that the principal, Grandpa, issues internship certificates to people before they have finished their work. Doesn’t this make people lazy?
"Go ahead and tell me, you big bad guy. I don't care about the salary anyway, and internships are protected by labor laws. It's useless just to talk." The intern breeder smiled and took the The phone was pointed at Cheng Hao's round face: "Pang Daju, you are such a bad guy, you dare to threaten me. I will record your words and post them online so that everyone can criticize you, this bad guy."

"If you are sensible, sit down obediently and let me touch your big round face, and this matter will be over. Otherwise, you will just wait for countless people to denounce you."

"I've never been afraid of this thing. In addition, I have a professional team to deal with it. Is your threat useless?" Cheng Hao said disdainfully.

Do you know what a professional team is?Do you still want to discredit the other party with this little trick?The other party is still a little too naive.

If the other party dares to send it?Let’s think about how much compensation is appropriate.

"So you, the big bad guy, are a tiger like this. I have finally seen through you." The trainee breeder said with an expression that said, "You are actually a tiger like this."

"Do you know now? I'll tell you later." Cheng Hao curled his lips and said, looking at Sister Hong'er coming out of the snow leopard enclosure and quickly coming up to her: "How is sister doing? These little guys are well cleaned. Hygienic, right?"

"Well, the inside of their den is much cleaner than yours. You need to reflect on yourself, you little rascal, you know? You are also bigger than the snow leopard, but what you do is much worse than the snow leopard." Sister Hong'er came out and clicked. He nodded, then poked Cheng Hao's nose and said.

"That's right, Fat Orange is the laziest. Sister, you have to take good care of him. He was threatening me just now." After hearing this, the trainee breeder on the side said immediately.

"Oh, what is this little villain threatening you for?" Sister Hong'er couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Xiaoju, this little villain, started threatening the staff, which was really outrageous.

"Sister, don't listen to her nonsense, she is threatening me." Cheng Hao heard this and said quickly.The other party actually added insult to injury, and the villain complained first. It was really outrageous.

"Who said I threatened you? I was just saying hello to you, and you threatened me that the director would not stamp my internship report and deduct my salary." The intern breeder said, He also took out his mobile phone and played Cheng Hao's voice.

"Xiao Ju now has all the witnesses and physical evidence, what else do you have to say?" After hearing this, Sister Hong'er looked at Cheng Hao and said.

"Yes, yes, this voice is not mine. It must be synthesized with technology. Sister, please don't let her fool you. I am a good tiger. If you don't believe it, go to ten miles and eight villages to find out. Who doesn't know that I only do good things?" Cheng Hao said, his main character is a shameless person who refuses to admit and will never repent.

"Come on, are you being wronged by others after they're full? You little scoundrel is still quibbling." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's round face and said, "Fortunately, the principal dismissed you early, otherwise you would have been You are abusing your private power and seeking revenge, and the whole Tiger Garden will be disturbed by you."

"That's right, Fat Orange has done such a thing and still hasn't repented. I think he should be handed over to me." The trainee breeder on the side agreed, looking at Sister Hong'er expectantly.

She was ready to knead this big bad guy, just waiting for her sister's command.

"Come on, you're just a trainee breeder, where do you have the right to deal with me? And I protect animals, do you have this right?" Cheng Hao said nonchalantly, rubbing Sister Hong'er's hand and said: "Besides, My sister loves me so much, why is she willing to beat me? She must just educate me."

"Yes, sister will not beat you, sister will only educate you about virtue." Sister Hong'er nodded and took out a pamphlet from her pocket: "Come with me, you This bad guy actually threatened the staff of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. I want to give you a profound education and make you realize your mistake."

"Ah? Otherwise, sister, you'd better give me a good beating. This thing makes my head big." Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao's eyelids jumped. As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. He would rather get a beating. , I don’t want to hear this either.

"You're so beautiful, I'll give you a beating. You're thick-skinned and you'll forget all of a sudden. I have to let you get a little deeper." Sister Hong'er said angrily: "As a tiger in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, you should We must abide by the laws and regulations and actively cooperate with the tiger zoo keepers.”

"And you must cooperate with three things, don't allow six things, and abide by seven things."

"My old swan, sister, why don't you just give me a beating? I can't stand it anymore." Cheng Hao heard this and felt as if his whole head was under a curse.

This thing is verbose and long, and it sounds like your head is "buzzing". It is simply a mental attack.

"Don't think about it, just keep listening obediently. Sister is just reading the beginning. There are still many things that I haven't read yet. Just enjoy it." Sister Hong'er said and continued to read.

"Sister Hong'er, please read slowly with Fat Orange. I suddenly remembered that I still have work to do. I'm going to work first." The intern breeder on the side held his forehead and said, Grandpa Director The Hu De education code is so terrifying.

Not to mention Fat Orange, after listening to it for a while, her head became confused.

No, he had to run away quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between north, south and south later.

"Okay, then you should pay attention to yourself, I will continue to teach this bad guy a lesson." Sister Hong'er paused and said.

The trainee keeper ran away quickly and disappeared without a trace in less than 2 minutes.

"We finally left. You little guy, stop holding your head and pretending. Sister didn't continue reading." After seeing it, Sister Hong'er kicked Cheng Hao who was rolling on the ground.

This lazy guy was pretty good at pretending. If she hadn't thought about it, she would have almost believed it.

"Hey, sister is so smart and unparalleled in wisdom. I didn't expect that my sister found out when I pretended to be so good." Cheng Hao, who was exposed, got up and said with a smile, not showing any embarrassment at all.

Seeing this, Sister Hong'er was very speechless. She knocked on Cheng Hao's big head and said, "You lazy guy is a ghost, you can pretend. Don't say such things next time, you know?"

"You actually threatened a newcomer. If the principal finds out? Grandpa the principal will definitely beat you up."

"I was just joking with him. Who knew she actually used her mobile phone to record it? It's really bad. I suspect she was tricking me." Cheng Hao muttered. Whoever has nothing to do can just record a chat. This is not the case. Did he make it clear that he was bullying this innocent tiger?
"Whether she's trying to trick you or not? As long as you're a little scoundrel, you'll be fine if you walk upright and sit upright." Sister Hong'er said with a smile. Although the other party did record the audio, but from the chat between one person and one tiger, nothing happened. It can be seen that the banter between the two people is genuine.

There is no need to worry about what impact it will have on Xiaoju if word spreads out.After all, Xiaoju is just a tiger. Where can it affect him?This is the advantage of being an animal, otherwise if it were a human being, it would have been scolded to death.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll ignore her next time. She's too ill-intentioned." Cheng Hao nodded.

"That's right. Let's go with sister. Sister will take you to the next place for inspection. It will satisfy your dream of becoming the acting principal." Sister Hong'er said, knocking Cheng Hao's big head.

"Oh." Cheng Hao heard this and quickly followed.

A few days later, the whole Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park was covered with snowflakes.

Cheng Hao, who was taking small steps with his tail wrapped around the sled, murmured: "Sister, when did the director of the park say he would be back? Why did he only go out to enjoy himself? We are busy here. How can an old man like him live in a leisurely life?"

Logically speaking, the principal's grandpa should have come back the next day after going out, but they had been waiting for a week or two and still hadn't seen each other come back. The other party must have gone crazy outside.

"The director said he would be back in the next two days, but whether it is today or tomorrow, sister doesn't know?" Sister Hong'er was sitting on the sled, shouting to the zebra group: "Is everyone in the pen? Is anyone absent?"

"Ah oh ah~ (Everyone is here.)" The zebras lying in the nest heard it and raised their heads one by one.

It's really cold to them. The winter here is really difficult. Fortunately, there is a lot of grass where they live.

"That's good, Xiaoju. Let's go to the next place." After receiving the reply, Sister Hong'er said, and Cheng Hao continued to pull the sled and ran to the next place.

(End of this chapter)

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