Chapter 340
Xiao Ju was obviously so good when she was a child. Even though she was a bit greedy, she still sat wherever she should. This would never happen.

"So are these little villains so bad? Do you need me to help you clean them up? Sister." Cheng Hao asked after hearing this, and quietly wrapped the biscuit with his tail.Then, after turning his head inadvertently, he started chewing.

"Come on, you will only scare them if you come here. You should just do your own thing honestly. Also, don't think that your sister didn't see what you were doing because you were stealing snacks again." After hearing this, Sister Hong'er said, Looking at Cheng Hao, he said.

Does this little rascal think turning his head away will help?She's not blind, but she can still see, okay?And this little villain has nothing else to do except sweep away the snacks in her room.

"What is stealing food? Can I eat it in front of you, sister? How can this be called stealing food?" Cheng Hao, who was discovered, simply stopped pretending, looked at Sister Hong'er and said, "Besides, I What's wrong with being a younger brother coming to my sister's house for some food? Isn't this normal?"

After saying that, he walked to Sister Hong'er's bed, lowered his head and looked inside: "Sister, there are some delicious food hidden under your bed. I remember that you used to hide some small squid and lard fried ones under it. , why are they all missing?”

"Of course I've finished eating. Sister is losing weight recently. Don't look for something to eat without me." Sister Hong'er said angrily. This greedy guy remembers this kind of thing quite clearly.

"Ah? Sister, why did you start losing weight? Has anyone said that you are fat recently? It's so disgusting."

"Sister, please don't take it to heart. Among our tiger clan, the fatter you are, the more beautiful you are. Look at me, sister, you are so skinny. You look like a monkey and have no sense of beauty at all." Listen. Cheng Hao said when he arrived here, he saw Sister Hong'er coming over with a dark face: "Sister, what are you doing? I'm telling the truth. You should deal with the person who said something about you and don't take your anger out on him. I'm a little tiger with hair."

"Who am I to blame if I don't blame you? Because you are the only one who keeps getting fat from the beginning to the end." Sister Hong'er pinched Cheng Hao's face and shook it.

"Impossible." Cheng Hao opened his eyes and said after hearing this.The hind legs slowly retreated towards the door.

"Are you trying to escape?" Sister Hong'er said after seeing this scene.

"Of course not, it's just that I watched the sky last night and realized that I have to go to bed early today." Cheng Hao said with a row of teeth.

"Don't you think your excuse is a bit embarrassing? When did you, a greedy man, learn to make excuses like this?" Sister Hong'er asked with her hands on her hips and leaned back to block Cheng Hao's retreat. On the way.

"I'm not making excuses." Cheng Hao shrugged and said, and then quickly changed the subject: "By the way, sister. Did the principal of the park tell you that I will assist you in your work starting from tomorrow?" "

"I told you, so tomorrow you will be responsible for inspecting the various pens." Sister Hong'er said, pinching Cheng Hao's big round face: "Remember to get up early tomorrow, don't let sister come to visit in person and call you " Get up, you lazy guy, or else my sister will have something to eat tomorrow."

As she said that, Sister Hong'er didn't forget to clenched her fists.

"Oh, I know, then I'll go back to sleep now. Try to get up earlier than the chickens tomorrow." Cheng Hao said, turned around and ran out of the door around Sister Hong'er.

"This lazy guy can run pretty fast." Sister Hong'er shrugged her shoulders after seeing him.Then I put on my coat and went to take care of the little ones.

"A man is a man, a man is a man, don't be impatient every day, be careful with the candle, don't play with fire."

"Also pay attention to your appearance when you eat in the morning. Although we are animals, we are also moral and well-educated animals. Don't imitate those guys outside who don't eat or sit properly."

In the early morning, the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park was still foggy. Just when the animals were sleeping, loud sounds came from the road.

Taking small steps, Cheng Hao patted the fence on the roadside and stuck out his big round head: "One, two, three, four, five, six, nine, eight, seventy. The number is correct, just right."

After looking at the numbers in the record book, Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction.Then go to the next pen.

"Ah oh ah~ (You are making a noise here so early in the morning. You are full and have nothing to do, right?)"

"Oh oh oh~ (How could someone come here so early in the morning to disturb the people? What are you doing?)"

"Wow wow~ (That's right, we have to complain to my sister.)" The animals who were woken up cursed and shouted. The other party knew how scary it was when they saw a big round head after they were woken up. ?

"Get up, grandpa, don't sleep anymore, the sun is going to bask in your butt." Cheng Hao ignored the animals' complaints and continued to check the rooms while holding the record book. It didn't take long for him to find the dormitory building. .

And his first choice target is the principal's dormitory located in dormitory No. [-] on the first floor.

"You little scoundrel, are you itching to wake up to grandpa so early? How can you start calling the door at four o'clock in the morning?" The principal who was woken up said with a black line on his face, and began to doubt in his heart. Did you find the wrong guy?
Otherwise, why would the ward inspection lead to him, the principal?

"Grandpa, the director, is in the dormitory. There should be one person, but in fact, there is one person. Remember to get up early and clean, and clean the sanitation in front of the door." In response to the director's words, Cheng Hao moved his ears in and out, holding up his pen. Just put a tick in the floating record book.

"Hey! Did your little scoundrel hear what I said?" The principal who saw this scene asked aloud. Did the little scoundrel talk to himself without seeing him?

"Of course I heard it. Grandpa Director, remember to clean up. I'm not discussing with you, I'm informing you." Cheng Hao put down his pen and said.

"Are you telling me to clean up? My old man hasn't left the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Garden yet." The director said angrily, why did this greedy guy talk to him?

"Regardless of whether you have left the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park or not, today I am responsible for inspecting the dormitory and managing the hygiene, so grandpa, you are right to follow what I said." Cheng Hao looked around and said, "Remember to clean up. I'll come over to check in three hours. If it's not cleaned properly? I'll have to cut down on two eggs for breakfast."

"You little rascal, you are really a fox pretending to be a tiger." Hearing this, the director cursed, what do you mean by a fox pretending to be a tiger?Today he saw this little villain, using his identity as the acting director of the garden to use chicken feathers as arrows. "Dong dong"

"dong dong"

"Hey! Stop sleeping in. You should get up and go for a run, you know? Don't sleep all day long. I remember you went back to the dormitory before nine o'clock last night. Why are you still sleeping now? Get up and go for a run. ." Cheng Hao walked to Dormitory No. [-], raised his paw and started tapping.

"Xiaoju, you little rascal, are you going to let me live? I didn't go to bed until early last night. Can you see what time it is now?" The security guard who woke up was completely numb. .

"It's 06:30 now. It's a good time to exercise. It'll be [-] o'clock if you exercise for an hour. Have breakfast at [-]:[-], then wash up and dress up. It'll be [-] o'clock. I'll be doing some cleaning then. Hygiene, laundry can start at eight o'clock." Cheng Hao said, curling up his pen and said: "The staff in dormitory No. [-] are here, there was one person and now there is one."

"Mr. Director, don't you care about him?" The security guard was unmoved at all and quickly looked at the director aside.

"I've been called to clean the house by him, do you think I can control him?" the principal in question said.

"Then we can't dismiss his acting director?" The security guard heard this and asked without giving up. If he continued, would they still have to go to work? They would suffer a neurasthenia.

"It seems okay." Hearing this, the principal looked at Cheng Hao who was checking the third dormitory and said: "Xiaoju, after careful consideration by me, I feel that it is really inappropriate for you to do this job, so you are dismissed now. , no longer the acting principal."

"Why why? I have done my job very responsibly? Grandpa, director, you always see me getting up so early to check the stalls, and every one of them has a record. For a director as serious as me, where can you find it, grandpa?" Are you going?" After hearing this, Cheng Hao turned his head and asked.

"Because you really have no sense of time when doing things, and it will affect the animals and people in the supply, grandpa decided to revoke you as acting director." The director said.

"Okay, grandpa, this is what you said. Then don't ask me to be the director next time. It's outrageous that you don't like such a serious principal like me." Cheng Hao muttered.

"No, no, you go to bed quickly." The director waved his hand and said. He only let this little guy be the acting director for a few hours, and he has become like this. If he is allowed to stay any longer, If it takes a little longer, is it still okay?
"Okay, if you don't give me credit, I won't give you credit." Cheng Hao dropped the record sheet and pen and turned around and walked away: "I'm not surprised yet. Grandpa, do you think everyone is so serious about me? It's true."

"The director is wise." Seeing this scene, the keepers who opened the door couldn't help but shout out. They were prepared to be annoyed when they heard the sound.

Unexpectedly, the director of the garden dismissed Xiao Ju from his position, which was great.

"Well, let's all go back to sleep. The farce is over." The principal said, and went back to the room to continue sleeping.

"Yeah." Everyone replied and returned to the dormitory.

"Hahaha, I am so witty and unparalleled in my wisdom. Now I can go back and have a good rest. No one will bother me anymore, right?"

"You asked me to be the acting director and let me be taken advantage of. Do I think I am such a stupid tiger?" Cheng Hao, who returned to the house on the other side, also laughed heartily. How can I not be taken advantage of?
Of course, the more complicated things are, the better, so that they won’t fall on you.

He is so smart.Well, now that things were done it was time to catch up on some sleep. He had never gotten up so early in his life.

"You lazy guy, didn't you agree to get up early in the morning to work with your sister? Why do you want your sister to come here to find you again? You little rascal, you little rascal." Cheng Hao was the target of Sister Hong'er in the morning. He was woken up by the sound of the sound. He looked at Sister Hong'er's angry look, felt the deformed face again and said weakly: "Sister, can you be gentler? It's really hard to do this to a tiger that needs protection. Is it good?"

"Jiejie doesn't care whether you are protected or not. My sister only knows that there is a deceitful tiger. I promised to accompany my sister to get up early in the morning to work, but I am so lazy that I haven't gotten up yet." Sister Hong'er cursed and continued to squeeze. Looking at Cheng Hao's round face.

"Sister, you have really wronged me. I got up at four o'clock this morning and spent an hour checking all the pens. When I finally checked the dormitory, I was immediately removed by the principal in revenge. I have taken the position of acting director." Cheng Hao said lightly, blinking his big eyes with a sad expression: "Grandpa the director is really bad, sister, how about you help me put fleas in the room of the director? "

"Let's talk about releasing fleas later, and fleas can't bite the director. If you want to release fleas, can you release red ants as well?" Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this: "Why are you so crazy today? In the morning You got up at about four o'clock, could you be doing this on purpose to make the principal remove you from your post?"

Has this little rascal ever been so diligent in his work?Don't be kidding, he was still sleeping when the sun was halfway up the hill, and he didn't get up until the sun was in the sky. She wouldn't believe it if he got up so early today and said there was no conspiracy.

This little villain has more holes than a hornet's nest.

"Well, sister, you are so smart. You guessed it right away. Yes, I did it all on purpose. If I didn't do this, wouldn't Grandpa Director still have to grab me and use all his strength?" Cheng Hao said proudly.

"Yes, I knew you, the little scoundrel, did it on purpose. It was exactly what my sister thought." Sister Hong'er said angrily after hearing this: "Because of what you did, my sister is under a lot of pressure now, so you said What should we do now?”

This little villain is relaxed, but now she is going to suffer again, so this little villain should take the initiative to do something next, and she shouldn't need to remind her, right?
"What should I do? Sister, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Cheng Hao asked, blinking his big innocent eyes, saying that he didn't know anything at all, and sister, please don't talk nonsense.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, sister will teach you." Sister Hong'er said with a smile, pinched Cheng Hao's ears and walked out.

"Wait a minute, sister, please be gentle. If you continue like this, there will be one less handsome tiger and one more tiger-skinned donkey with long ears in the world." Cheng Hao, who had his ears pulled, shouted, He left the house on his hands and knees.

"That's better. A tiger-skinned long-eared donkey is much more precious than a tiger, and it's the only guarantee in the world. Our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park will definitely be squeezed through the gate." Sister Hong'er said, taking a picture He patted Cheng Hao's big head and said, "Go and work with your sister now, okay? You feel relaxed, but my sister doesn't."

"But the problem is that I haven't eaten yet?" Cheng Hao, who was lying on his stomach, said weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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