Chapter 345
"Why haven't you caught him yet? It's been more than a month." Cheng Hao muttered as the early morning sun shone at the door, looking at the security guard who put down his food.

The efficiency of this group of people must be too low. He chose the relatively weak cheetah, but they couldn't catch up this month.

"It's not that we don't want to catch him, the problem is that he ran too fast." The security guard, who had lost twenty pounds, sighed when he thought of their pursuit of the cheetah this month: "We have tried our best. But he hasn’t exerted his strength yet. If this continues, our entire team will be as thin as a bamboo pole and we may not even be able to touch him.”

"Okay, okay, I understand. Fortunately, you guys have lost weight, so it's not in vain." Cheng Hao looked at the other party and said, "How is it? Your strength has improved recently, right? "

"Of course, the promotion boss is here." The security guard was a little proud when he heard this. He picked up the gravel on the ground, threw it towards the tree 700 meters away, and hit it directly with a slight throw. He picked up the leaves and said, "Xiao Juqian, do you think I'm so capable of doing this? It's like picking flowers and flying leaves and you can hurt people."

"Not bad, not bad. If you have the ability, you can definitely make money by hunting rats and marbles in the city." Cheng Hao nodded and said, "But, if we really fight, you will definitely get beaten badly."

"Ah? Why is this?" The smug security guard asked in confusion after hearing this.

"Isn't this nonsense? Who is throwing stones at you now? Now they are just a few kilometers away with cannons and sniper rifles to deal with you." Cheng Hao said angrily: "When will you be able to throw stones so far away? No matter how proud you are, this little progress will make you happy."

"This..." When the security guard heard this, his face turned as red as a monkey's butt.

"Ah, hurry up and continue chasing the cheetah. Don't stand here stupidly. Remember to buy more pig ears tomorrow. I've been craving pig ears recently." Cheng Hao reminded him, and then he woke up the daze. security guard.

"You haven't made much progress day by day. You are still complacent, and you don't even look at what other people are like now?" Cheng Hao muttered and continued to lie down.

Nowadays, the evolvers on the Internet are all making a big living, and even the mutants are making a living. The other party's small tricks are really not enough.

The other party cannot be complacent and needs to work harder.When he throws a grenade that day and can throw it several kilometers away from the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, that will be his true skill.

"Gu Gu~ (Tiger King, Tiger King. I am here to take you into the mountain under the orders of the great men.)" At this moment, a loud bird call came from the sky outside.

"Really? It looks like I can go out for a walk. My bones are getting old after staying in the room for so long without going out for a walk." Cheng Hao shook his body and walked out with small steps.

"Shasha~ (My lord, do you want to go out?)" asked the ants crawling out of the sand.

"Yes, I am going to see the old guys, so I will leave for a while, and I will leave it to you to take care of me." Cheng Hao nodded and slowly flew towards the sky.

"Shasha~ (Yes. Your Majesty. We will definitely not betray your trust.)" The ants who heard this said back, watching Cheng Hao's figure getting smaller and smaller.

"Gu Gu~ (Tiger King, please sit down on my back. The place we are going to is far away this time and I am very fast.)" Big Bird said after seeing Cheng Hao coming.

"Then you have to carry it well. I have gained a lot of weight recently. If you can't bear it? Remember to tell me earlier and don't show off." Cheng Hao said after hearing this.

The other party is indeed big enough, but he weighs more. The other party should not make a big face here, otherwise he will sit down on his butt later, so don't crush yourself to death.

"Gu Gu~ (Don't worry, King Tiger, I can carry a thousand kilograms of weight, and I won't fall down so easily.)" Big Bird said proudly.

"That's it, then it's done." Cheng Hao nodded and sat on the other person's back. Don't tell me that this big bird's back is quite comfortable and spacious.

"Gu Gu~ (Tiger King, please sit down, we are leaving now.)" After feeling the weight on his back, the big bird said, flapping its wings to catch the huge gust of wind, and then soared towards the sky.

"What a big bird. This little bad guy, Xiao Ju, ran very fast, and he didn't even come over to tell me." Seeing this scene, Sister Hong'er muttered, reaching out and tapping the little tiger on her shoulder: "Little troublemaker, if you don't go down, my sister will shoot your brains out."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (No, no, I'm going down right now.)" Upon hearing this, the little tiger jumped down quickly, and the sister's one-finger attack on the tiger was painful.

"That's pretty much it. Little guys, sit down and sit down. Sister will show you cartoons. Don't make trouble for her all the time, okay? Otherwise, sister will give you a big slap on the head." Sister Hong'er said, looking at The little guys all over the place were very helpless.

I don’t know why the tigers are so fertile this year, each giving birth to either three or four.

If this continues, the tiger population may overflow in seven or eight years.

"Has this little guy gone to meet the advanced evolved animals among the animals?" The director on the other side muttered after seeing it.

"Report report, this is Hongyan [-]. We found Little Fat Orange sitting on a big bird leaving Hongtashan City." The fat and disc-like sky station is responsible for monitoring the ground and The sky situation team members reported it to the department immediately after seeing it.

"Really? Little Fatty Orange should have his own things to do. You don't need to worry about it. Just continue to monitor." The commander within the headquarters said calmly after hearing this.

The consultant had told him that Little Fat Orange was going to meet the old animals, so he wasn't too surprised.

"Yes, Commander." The team members who heard this replied and ignored it.

In the sky, the big bird is very fast.It disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye. When they wanted to look for it, they found that there was nothing left.

"Because I long for ideals. The clouds of life, in the vast universe, have always been the beat of fairy tales..."

Cheng Hao lying on the back of the big bird on the clouds?While stretching out his paws to pat the floating clouds, he sang at the top of his lungs.

"Gu Gu~ (I have long heard that the Tiger King has a brilliant literary talent and a loud singing voice, and is very popular among humans. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved.)" After hearing this, the big flying bird stopped humming along. I have to say that for a tiger to be so talented, it is indeed rare in the world.

No wonder the adults wanted to see each other.

"Where are we? I just know how to sing a little bit. Isn't it enough that I have a mouth? Speaking of little bird, where are we going this time?" Cheng Hao asked with a smile.

"Gu Gu~ (The place we are going to this time is Baiyun Stream, King Tiger.)" The big bird heard this and replied. "Oh? It sounds like a very high place. Who is there there?" Cheng Hao asked with a smile. The name sounded like a dangerous and high place. I don't know where it is?What kind of guy is living there?

"Gu Gu~ (Master Crane, Master Bai Jiao and several other adults are here. King Tiger, you hope to be more polite when you see them. You may not know their strength.)" Big Bird While replying, he reminded that although the other party was very famous and had certain strength, he was definitely not as good as several adults.

It seems that you adults have lived a very long time and have seen many things.

"So are they as strong as me?" Cheng Hao said with a smile, and the entire cloud layer surged up and hit the ground.

The huge gravity was like a mountain, and the big bird that was pressed down from the sky fell rapidly.

At this moment, Big Bird felt like his bones were breaking.He was so frightened that he begged for mercy:

"Gugu~ (Spare me, spare me, Tiger King. I just kindly remind you, and I don't mean to offend you. If you really want to know how strong the adults are, you can go and meet them. Yes, don’t take action against me.)”

It's too scary, it's really scary. What kind of ability is this?It was simply too scary. He had seen Master Bai Jiao swallowing clouds, spitting out mist, moving clouds and spreading rain.

I have also seen Master Huang spit out people's opinions about life and death, as well as other adults' various abilities.

But this was the first time he had seen such a terrifying ability as the Tiger King.

It was as if the whole sky was about to collapse.

"Is this like this? Then I'll take a look. Just because some guys live a long time doesn't mean they are strong. It's just that they are lucky and can hide far away." Cheng Hao put away his ability and said, "Don't look at me. The king is not as good as them, but my ability is very powerful. Little bird, there is no future for you to follow them. Have you ever thought about following me? I have friends with humans, and I have a large amount of power. Follow me It’s not a problem for me to drink spicy food.”

"Gu Gu~ (Let's talk about this kind of thing later, Your Majesty, I'm still working for a few adults now.)" Big Bird replied after hearing this.

"Okay, let's talk after I finish meeting your adults." Cheng Hao nodded and lay down on Big Bird's back: "Speaking of which, Little Bird, do you know that those old guys called me over this time? What are we discussing? You should know something about it when you work under them, right?"

"Gu Gu~ (Tiger King, you think too highly of me. I am just an errand runner. How do I know so many things? If the adults call me for something, I will just do it.)" After hearing this, the big bird replied With.

Don't dare to offend the other party, and don't dare to tell the truth, otherwise he will be the first to be unlucky.

"Okay, okay, look at how timid you are. You must have lived for many years, why are you so timid?" Cheng Hao said, this bird is so big.He didn't believe it would be a few decades.But the other party is too timid, right?

"Gu Gu~ (If I wasn't cowardly, I would have died a long time ago. I don't have as powerful abilities as the adults, so I can only live slowly by being cowardly.)" Big Bird muttered. .

The grass on the graves of Not Afraid of Death and the First Bird has grown very tall now. If he hadn't been careful, how could he have grown so big? He would have been captured by humans long ago for study.

"Okay, okay, I can see that you are just a canard." Cheng Hao said, too lazy to continue talking to the other party. Anyway, the group of old guys should be able to talk to him when they get there.

"puff puff"

After hearing this, the big bird lowered its head, flapped its wings vigorously, and continued to rush towards its destination.

"Now that the world has completely changed, our family of beasts has grown up. It's time to show off our ambitions."

On the cliff bordering the white clouds, the snow-white fox spoke.The tails behind him are particularly conspicuous.

"That's true, but the human race is more powerful than we thought. It may not be that easy to deal with them." The white dragon, which was covered in scales and had four claws, spoke.

"Yes, the human race's technology is too advanced for us to fight against. Moreover, they have a large number of people and have many strange people and strange things. It is not easy to deal with them." The big hedgehog with thorns on its back nodded.

"So we should unite and find a way to get rid of them." The weasel, which stood like a human, spoke, its eyes shining like two big green light bulbs even in the hot sunlight.

"What's not so easy is that the tree tribe is watching eagerly. They are afraid that the snipe and the clam will fight and the fisherman will benefit." The gray mouse sat squatting and spoke.

"Yes, the truth is to sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight." Qilin, who had a pair of antlers and was covered in scales, said.

"I seem to hear that some beast wants me to fight. I am a peace-loving tiger, how could I do such a vicious thing? You are so mean." Cheng Hao, who fell from the air, said.Good guys, there are black-skinned mice and hedgehogs.This is the time when the five immortals have gathered together, and they are all looking at another group of weird guys here.

Sure enough, these old guys live a long time.It seems that each of them is the protagonist in various strange stories.

"Little Tiger is here. We are discussing this matter. You came just in time."

"Yeah, what's your opinion?"

The animals who saw Cheng Hao's arrival asked.

"My suggestion is that everyone is blabbering and you don't know who to listen to? It's really too troublesome. Why don't we all have a fight and listen to whoever wins." Cheng Hao, who was asked, said, His eyes were filled with anticipation.

These old guys have lived for so long, and I don’t know what their abilities are, but they can all talk, which proves that their life for such a long time has not been in vain.

"Fight?" The animals' eyelids twitched when they heard this: "Let's forget it. We have lived for so long. There is no need to beat our own people first without beating the enemy first."

"Yeah, that's too much of a loss."

(End of this chapter)

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