Chapter 346
"So I suggest that it is best to wait and see at this time. The world is currently facing internal and external troubles. In the past, there were these mutated animals and plants causing trouble everywhere, and later there are trees watching eagerly."

"If we really get rid of humans, we will be the best at that time. Are you going to block these two groups?" Cheng Hao asked, pointing to the hedgehog on the side.

"Don't talk nonsense. I didn't. I never said I would deal with humans at all." The hedgehog who was pointed at said, why did these people's words fall on his head?

"Then are you going to deal with those guys?" Cheng Hao asked the old turtle on the side again.

"What does this have to do with me? I'm not involved at all. I'm just here to bask in the sun, okay?" the old turtle said. Why does this have to do with him again?Did he attract someone by basking in the sun?
"Oh, really? Then you two should be responsible." Cheng Hao raised his paw and pointed at the white fox, yellow leather and other beasts and said: "If we have time then, maybe we can help you collect the corpses."

"Little Tiger deserves to be the one who has been with the human race for the longest time, and his words are really to the point." After hearing this, the white fox said with a smile.

"That's right, it's just that I think your words are a bit biased towards humans." Huang Pizi said.

"Nonsense, I didn't grow up in the wild. What's wrong with humans? Is there a problem? It's better than watching you idiots lead us to a dead end, okay?" Cheng Hao sat down after hearing this and pointed. They scolded each other: "Today's human beings can fly into the sky and escape into space, and the thermal weapons they have developed can even blow up an idiot like you. You don't still think it's an era when people drank blood like hair, right?"

"If you think you are powerful, you can also try it alone, but remember not to take us with you."

"As an animal, you should be respectful and don't take risks. Have you forgotten that you are flesh and blood after you have lived so long?"

"If you were really capable, you wouldn't be cowering here like a thousand-year-old bastard. We used to be afraid of the human race and avoid them, let alone now."

"I admit that what you said, little tiger, makes some sense, but you can't stop talking about that bastard. I didn't offend you, did I?" The old turtle on the side said, who did he offend whom?Why do you always bring him up when you scold me?

"Sorry, sorry, it's just for the moment. Don't mind, old turtle. I didn't say anything about you. After all, you are quite honest." Cheng Hao smiled and said, looking at Huangpizi and other animals: "I've finished my words. Who is in favor and who is against?”

"No objection, I think what Little Tiger said makes sense."

"Yes, it would be a thankless task to be enemies of humans now."

"Yes, I think so too."

After listening, most of the animals nodded.The biggest advantage they can live for such a long time is that they listen to advice.

"Very good, everyone is obedient. I'm very happy, but you can call me Tiger King. Don't call me Little Tiger. I can still afford this title." Cheng Hao said, and his ability was activated instantly.

All of a sudden the mountain peaks trembled and began to fly towards the sky.

These old guys call him little tiger all day long, but he is also a king, okay?It was very shameful for him to look down on him so much. If he didn't show his skills to them, they still didn't know who the eldest brother was.


Looking at the stars getting bigger and bigger in the sky, the faces of many animals changed slightly. Even Huang Pizi, who was a little boring just now, couldn't help but become wary.

"What an amazing skill. You can actually lift such a large mountain range into the sky." Bai Jiao looked at Cheng Hao and said, "Tiger King, you can really afford it."

"Yes, we admire capable friends the most, and you, King Tiger, are obviously among them." The white fox said with a smile after seeing him, labeling the other party as extremely dangerous in his heart.

"Very good, everyone said so. I'm very happy, let's go down and talk." After hearing this, Cheng Hao nodded with satisfaction. After flexing his muscles, these guys wouldn't dare to look down on him, right?When he spoke next, no one dared not worry about him.

"Hurry up then, it's too high here, I'm freezing to death." The old turtle on the side said, this is just a conversation, don't fly so high, his old bones can't carry it, the weather is so bad cold.

"Okay." Cheng Hao nodded his big head, and the entire mountain range slowly descended.

The surrounding animals, who were frightened by the movement here, were so frightened that they ran out quickly when they saw that the Tianshan Mountains began to descend again.

What are these big shots doing?Why do you treat a mountain range like a toy, rising and falling? This is to scare them, right?

In fact, the other party doesn’t need to think about it, they are already scared, okay?This is completely unnecessary.


As the mountains returned to their original positions, the anxious hearts of the beasts finally fell.

Many of them can't fly at all, what if they fall from above?If he wasn't smashed to pieces, he would be beaten to death.

"Okay, do you still want to have any meetings now? Let's have a quick meeting. After the meeting, have an early meal, and then introduce me to the local customs. After all, I am from outside, and I don't know much about our affairs. I don’t know much about it." Looking at the beasts, Cheng Hao said.

Everyone, please don’t stand here stupidly and continue the meeting. Isn’t that the reason for coming here this time?Why are all of them acting like mutes?
Could it be that he was asked to take the lead in the meeting?In fact, it doesn't have to be like this. If you ask him to tell you, just go to bed and don't meddle in this kind of business.

"Well, this meeting just ended." The fat mouse on the side said.

"Yeah, there's nothing to open." The hedgehog nodded.

The other party has already concluded everything they have argued about, so what else is there to say?They don't seem to have any skills.

"If that's the case, let's skip the meeting. Which brother's house will we have dinner at next?" Cheng Hao continued, he's already here, these guys don't want to eat, right?Then does he have to bring his own dry food when he comes here?
But the problem is that he didn't bring dry food. If you want to insist on what counts as dry food, it seems that there is only?Thinking of this, he looked around and saw the big bird standing not far away.

"Gu Gu~ (King Wu, please don't look at me. I'm not food, no.)" The big bird was trembling in fright. He was just a mount at most, not food. The other party could be thousands of people. Don't look at him.

"Don't be afraid. How could I treat you as food? I just want to ask you if there is any way to get me some food. After all, these guys don't look like they are going to find food for me." Cheng Hao sat on the big rock and said, "By the way, all of you guys have stopped eating? Why don't you all say anything when asked?"

"Because you have to find food by yourself. Where can it be delivered to your door?" "Yes, when you just said it, we didn't even react." The hedgehog and other animals replied, they all found it by themselves. Food, unlike the other party, living among humans and being served by humans.

That's why after the other party asked, there was no response.

"Then you are really doing it. After so many years, you still have to find food by yourself. You don't look like you are the boss at all." Cheng Hao heard this and said with some disdain: "It's better that I stay in the tiger garden, there are people to eat. I’ll deliver it, someone will feed you something to drink, and someone will come over to check if you’re comfortable in bed at night.”

"Look at what kind of hard life you are living like this? Have you ever thought about changing over the years? Have you ever thought about uniting as one?"

"You guys really feel like I'm devaluing myself when you talk. Guys like you who have never experienced a good life may never understand what I'm saying in this life."

He thought that these guys were coming here with a strong personality and their feelings were like those of bumpkins who had never seen the big world.


Upon hearing this, many animals lowered their heads in embarrassment. It seems that they have never been cared for after living for so long.

"You see, you were right, didn't you? Don't think about getting rid of humans all day long. What's the use? What can you do after you do it?"

"The most important thing is to let yourself live well first. If I have time another day, I will take you to walk among humans and enjoy the feeling of being treated favorably. You will also gain experience and feel comfortable." Cheng Hao saw status, continued.

"Don't wait for another day, just take me to enjoy it this time. I have never been taken care of by anyone in my life." After hearing this, the old turtle on the side said, is there another day when you are free?He is free now, and the other party is going back anyway, so he might as well take him with him.

"Old turtle, do you really dare to go with me? Aren't you afraid that you will be stewed into turtle soup? Don't forget that humans like to eat long-lived guys like you." Hearing this, the weasel said, The old guy has forgotten about human beings, what has he done to them over the past thousands of years, right?He actually dares to go to humans. Isn't this just a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?
The size of this old turtle is enough to stew several pots of turtle paste.

"Well, that's not the case. I heard from your descendants that humans seem to have some kind of protection policy now." When the old turtle heard this, he shrank into his shell in fear.

"No matter what the protection policy is, it's all to trick you into going down the mountain. If you really go down the mountain, I'll find you in the pot." Huang Pizi said with his paws on his waist.

"Come on, you yellow-skinned boy, stop being alarmist here, like a bumpkin from the countryside who comes to the city." Cheng Hao stretched his waist and said, "Do I understand the human side or do you? You have never done this before. Guys who have been to the mountains several times dare to talk nonsense here."

"Don't worry, old turtle. I'll take you to have fun among humans later. There are also a few big turtles where I live, and they're all female."

"Really...really?" Upon hearing this, the old turtle's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course, I have nothing to lie to you about. Not only are there crawling ones, there are also ones swimming in the water. The most important thing is that there are a few foreign turtles to make sure you are happy."

Cheng Hao continued to confuse, and the old turtle who heard it immediately came over: "From now on, old turtle, I will follow you, brother tiger. You must take more care of me."

"No problem, we two brothers have the same benefits as the other, can I forget you?" Cheng Hao said with a smile, and we got to know each other like a tiger and a turtle.

I'm not afraid that these guys will speak loudly, but I'm afraid that they have no desires and desires at the moment.

But fortunately, it seems that this old turtle is very easy to deal with, but it is right to think about it. It is not easy for such a big turtle to find a wife. How long does it take for the other party to move to find a wife?

In addition, humans have done a lot of damage before. Old Turtle, I don’t know how many years he has been a turtle, how can he not be happy now that he has a wife?

"Haha, Brother Tiger is so righteous." The old turtle said happily after hearing this. He looked at the other animals and said, "Don't laugh at me, old turtle. I'm not like you. I can either run fast or fly." Come on, old turtle, I haven’t found a wife yet, especially one with the right body shape.”

"Now you know where to find the mother-in-law, old turtle me? I must go out for a while. If we work hard for the reproduction of the race, we can't cut off such a good bloodline like me, old turtle."

"Okay, okay, don't be nagging. I know what you think. Just go. We didn't stop you."

"Yeah, just don't leave your turtle shell there when the time comes."

"Yes, you can go if you like." said the animals who heard this.

"That's good. Thank you for your understanding. Brother Tiger, when are we leaving?" After explaining, the old turtle asked with a smile.

"It depends on what you mean." Cheng Hao said, tapping his tail on the big stone nearby.The big stone flew up directly: "If you want to leave now, let's go back on the stone."

Not to mention that this stone looks big and comfortable, it’s just right for you to take back and lie down on. He’s here anyway, so you have to take some back with you.

"Without further ado, let's go." Cheng Hao said while sitting on the big rock.

"Okay! Brother Tiger." The old turtle jumped onto the big rock with all his strength. He couldn't wait to find his mother-in-law. I really don't know what those foreign turtles look like?

"The big stone bus has left. Is anyone else planning to go with us? If not, we will leave." Looking at the animals next to him, Cheng Hao said.

"Um, can you take me with you?" At this time, the big hedgehog said: "We have been on the road recently, and there is less food in the forest. I also want to sit with humans."

"No problem, you can come if you want. It won't be a problem if I'm here." Cheng Hao said, and the big hedgehog jumped up.

"Is there anyone else who wants to come with you? If not, we'll leave."

"Let's go, let's go." Huang Pizi said, "It would be fine if you were killed by humans when you were little."

"Okay, let's not talk about you guys who have never been among humans." Cheng Hao waved his paws, controlled the stone like a spaceship and flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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