Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 352 Are you planning to bankrupt us?

Chapter 352 Are you planning to bankrupt us?
"Build a few more toilets here, and set up a few more water-selling stores here. All the goods must be obtained within three days, you know? Inform the suppliers to deliver as many goods as they have."

At the gate of the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the director is asking the construction team to build toilets quickly.

In the open space in front of the toilet, a large tent has been set up, with piles of drinks, melon seeds, peanuts and other food piled inside.

"Director, let's just ask the manufacturer to send a big trailer directly. I think it's not enough for these tens of thousands of people to come to us and just send some snacks." The uncle on the side said, he I have never received so many tourists in my life.

But one thing he can be very sure of is that the goods prepared are definitely not enough, and adding a trailer is still not enough.

"I know, I know, I will let someone do it, don't worry." The director said with a smile, and another security guard ran over: "Mr. Director, a large group of vendors are coming over. They want to talk to the director Sir, please discuss whether we can set up a stall here on the day of the concert."

"Oh? Have all the small vendors in the city gone to the suburbs?" The director was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, Mr. Director. They brought a lot of gifts." The security guard nodded. When the vendors knew the news, they all ran over and brought gifts, so that they could have a great time here that day. It's on sale.

"Is this like this? Then let me go over and have a look. It doesn't matter if it's a gift or not. The main thing is that they came so far and I can't refuse their kindness." The director smiled and came to the entrance of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. .

Immediately, a large group of people came running over: "Hello, Mr. Director, we run a small car stall. I heard that there will be a grand concert at the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Garden on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, so I would like to apply to set up a stall here. ."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Director, we will never cause you any trouble. Whether it is sanitation or water and electricity bills, we will pay them."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Principal, just be okay. The New Year is coming soon, and we also want to make more money to celebrate the New Year."

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't get excited. There are conditions for setting up stalls in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. Please listen to my conditions first." After seeing this scene, the director of the park said, and the crowd gradually became quiet. .

After seeing them, the director looked at them and said:
"First, if you want to set up a stall in the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park? The hygiene conditions must be good. This not only refers to the hygiene after you close the stall, but also the hygiene of your food."

"Second, you are not allowed to raise prices casually. If I find out, I will have you kicked out immediately."

"Third, set up a stall in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. You must obey the security guards' arrangements throughout the process, and no fights or other situations may occur because of the stall."

"Fourth, everyone must register at the police station. In case someone has a problem with eating and cannot be found, if you can all do it, then starting from tomorrow, you can open the food stalls one after another After you change it, we will arrange a suitable place for you to set up a stall."

"Okay." After hearing this, the vendors looked at each other and replied.

"Okay, you register here in Bao'an now. People from the police station will come to register later. You just need to cooperate." The principal said with a smile, and said to the security guard on the side: "You go and clear the square. Come out and set up stalls for them, and electricity and water are also ready."

"Yes, Director." The security guards who heard this replied and went to do it.

After seeing this, the director said to the vendors:
"In my place, you can only sell food made by yourself. As for drinks, melon seeds and other packaged goods are not allowed to be sold. We have already purchased good goods here, and Huyuan will not compete with you for purely handmade products, but you also You can’t sell packaged goods here.”

He is willing to give these vendors the opportunity to make money, but the premise is that they will not come to steal Huyuan's business. He has ordered so many melon seeds for drinks, and soaked them to death. If these people come over and sell this, then theirs may not be the same. Able to sell out.

"Okay, we all set up food stalls. We won't compete with Huyuan for business."

"Yes, Mr. Director."

The vendors smiled and replied, "If you don't sell water, you won't sell water. Anyway, they don't make money from drinking water. What they really make money from is their snack business."

"That's fine, you go and register. I still have things to do here. If you have anything, just tell the security guard." The director waved his hand and said.

"Okay, okay, thank you, director." The vendors said happily after hearing this, and then went to the security room with the security guard to register information.

"Director, our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park seems to have insufficient manpower. Do we need to transfer people to the department?" Sister Hong'er asked after looking at the number of people after the company counted them.

"Of course it is needed. I plan to mobilize mutants from the department to help this time." The director smiled, seeing so many tourists coming.How can they handle the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park alone?You must be borrowing people from the department when you come here.

After all, most of the team members in the department are performing tasks, and now the only ones who are relatively free are the mutants?It just so happens that the mutants fit in well with their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

"Is this like this? Those who don't know would think we are doing cosplay here." Sister Hong'er said with a smile.

"Isn't this great? Give these mutants a stage to integrate into society. I think they also hope that they and others can walk around openly." The director said, and picked up the phone to borrow someone from the department. .

"Mr. Consultant, will the reporters go to Tiger Park to help me? No problem, it's a joke." The commander of the Evolver Department smiled and replied after hearing this. He immediately looked at how many mutants were free now?

Although he didn't know it, he was shocked after seeing it. There were thousands of mutants in the department now.

He said why he hasn't been busy recently and spent so much money on emotions. All the money was spent here. How could there be so many mutants eating for free here? How could the money be kept without making a fuss?

"That's great. When can they come here? We have to conduct training for them here. Let them get familiar with the venue, as well as the ticket inspection and security work." Hearing this, the director asked with a smile road.

"They can go there at any time, as long as you want them to go, Mr. Advisor, but there are a lot of them. Mr. Advisor, can you accommodate so many people there?" The commander heard this and immediately had an idea in his mind.

Mr. Consultant didn't mean that he was often short of manpower and just sent them there to work. This would relieve a lot of pressure on the department and create jobs for them.

"It's no problem. We have several dormitories here that are not full. They should have a place to live when they come." The dean thought for a while and then said.

"Okay, then I'll let the seven thousand mutants pass." After hearing this, the commander said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, how many people did you say?" The director heard this and asked quickly. Did he hear it correctly just now?The other party said that he would give him [-] mutants?That's a hammer to live in.

Why does he need so many people here?The dormitory building is not big enough to live in, okay? "7000 people. Mr. Gu Wen, didn't you say there is a shortage of people over there? So I am going to ask them to come over and help. It just so happens that they are quite free during this time." The commander explained with a smile.

"Then we don't need so many people. Then three thousand people will be enough for me. There is no room for 7000 people." The director said weakly. Do 7000 people want to bankrupt his Huyuan? ?
"Can three thousand? That's fine, I'll let them pass first." Hearing this.The commander said casually that if it came to three thousand, just three thousand. It would reduce the pressure by half.

"Okay, then do they have quilts and bedding? If not, I'm afraid I have to prepare them for them." The principal continued.

"It's okay, it's a small problem. We have it here. I'll ask them to bring their own quilts and pillows." The commander said with a smile, almost telling these guys to pack up and get out.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, Commander. I have to build toilets in Huyuan."

The director said, there are hundreds of thousands of people here.What if we don’t build more toilets?The queues can reach to the sky.

"Okay, Mr. Consultant, please take your time and be busy. I'll ask them to go over and help you now." The commander said, where is the toilet in the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park?Then let these guys help.

"Okay, okay." The principal replied, and then the phone on the other end hung up.

"Hey! The captain in charge of the mutant branch heard clearly. Now he will immediately dispatch [-] people with clothes and quilts to go to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

"Responsible for the security of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park's sixth-grade concert. In addition, I have to help the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park." The commander hung up the phone and immediately dialed the phone.

"Yes." The lizard man who received the call replied, and happily went to inform everyone of the good news.

After we became mutants, we no longer dared to wander around the streets casually. Now that we can be assigned to go to the Tiger Garden in a fair and aboveboard manner, he is so happy. And I heard that this time it will be Little Fat Orange who holds a concert.

It will definitely be crowded by then.

The lizard man was extremely excited when he thought of this. He immediately came to the broadcast room and shouted at the advertisement: "Now let's listen to all the suggestions from the department. Some of you want to go to the concert and the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park." Come to the playground to assemble immediately."

"A mission has come from above. Three thousand mutants are needed to go to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park to take charge of security work and do some chores."

"Really?" In the department, the mutants who were playing cards, chatting about basketball, reading books and playing with their mobile phones immediately ran towards the playground in a swarm.

Although you don't have to work here, train all day long, and don't go out to do things, it's really boring.

Now that they are finally needed for something, they have to go out and have fun, especially when there are concerts to attend.

So on the playground, almost all the mutants who could be found arrived.

Seeing this scene, the lizard man couldn't help but raise his forehead.He took out his cell phone and reported to the commander again: "Mr. Guan, everyone really wants to go this time. What should I do? I'm a little unsure about it."

"I know everyone wants to go, but the problem is that there are not enough dormitories in the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain." The commander was a little surprised when he heard this, but he did not expect the mutants to be so active. It seems that they can be given appropriate treatment. I went to take over some unimportant positions.

"It's okay, Commander. We'll have no problem if we're thick-skinned, and we can bring our own tents to sleep outside." Looking at his excited companions, the lizard man thought for a while and then said.

Problems that can be solved are not problems. The worst they can do is bring their own tents and sleeping bags.

The main reason is that everyone is finally so excited, so everyone’s excitement cannot be lost.

"Okay, I'll take care of it at the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain. You guys can bring your blankets with you." The commander thought for a while and then said, scanning the situation of the mutant branch on the big screen.

Seeing how happy they were, he really couldn't refuse. Otherwise, what if they gave him something to do?That would be the end of it.

It's better to focus on comforting them as much as possible. After all, they can't go anywhere in the branch. After holding it in for so long, if they don't find a place to vent, something will definitely happen.

"Okay, then I'll tell everyone to get on the bus immediately," the lizard man said.

"Well, you go to inform."

"I will arrange for the team members to prepare the materials for the tents you need to live in first. When you arrive, you can get your own accommodation first. The consultant will arrange the rest for you." The commander nodded.

"Yes." The lizard man replied and shouted towards the playground: "All mutants go back to the dormitory and get your clothes, bedding, and pillows. In half an hour, get on the bus at the door of the department. Let's go to the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest. Go to the garden."

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go to work and go to the concert, yeah, yeah, yeah!" The mutants said happily after hearing this, finally being able to go out for some fresh air.It's simply great.

If they stay here any longer, they will almost die of suffocation.

"What? Didn't they agree that they only need 3000 people? Commander, why did you still ask more than 7000 people to come?" The director on the other end was stunned when he heard this.

"This is also a helpless move, Mr. Consultant. They are very motivated, and you also know that these mutants have been in the branch for a long time. If you don't let them come out to play and vent, what will happen then?" It’s not good.”

"As for the shelter, you don't have to worry. I will ask the team members to send the materials for building tents. They can live in temporary tents." The commander explained.

"Okay, okay, that's all. Now I hope they can be more honest when they come here." The principal sighed. These children are quite pitiful. They say they are training in the branch and waiting for tasks, but in fact they are not the same. It's almost like going to jail.

Now that you have the opportunity to let them come out and play, let them play.

"Mr. Consultant, you can rest assured. They all cherish this opportunity very much. Each of them will definitely perform very well. If after this concert is over, Mr. Gu Wen, you can take in most of the mutants." Well, I think what they desire most now is to reintegrate into society," the commander said.

(End of this chapter)

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