Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 353: Just because I look good, you plan to bully me?

Chapter 353 You plan to bully me because I look good and easy to talk to?

"This is the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park? Speaking of which, this is the first time I've lived here for so long."

"Yes, yes, it looks so big here, but I don't know what it's like inside?"

"Since this is the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, it must be full of tigers. Do I need to say that?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I just checked in the car. There are many animals besides tigers in Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

The mutants who got off the bus were chattering like thousands of ducks.

"Okay, okay, don't argue. I'm telling you, everyone should be careful." The lizard man in charge of leading the team said: "The Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park is not as safe as you think. Be especially careful inside. Tigers. Don’t provoke them.”

These little guys who have never experienced social beatings are so happy here.Have they never been beaten by Little Fatty? After they have been beaten, they will definitely know how dangerous society is?

"Don't worry, captain. Let's be honest."

"Yes, yes, we will do whatever you say?" The mutant said with a smile and walked into the door.

"The boys and girls who came in came to carry cement bricks and help build toilets, while the other group went to set up tents."

Looking at the mutants coming in, the director who had been waiting here gave an order directly.

"Yes." After hearing this, the mutants who were sent rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

It seems that I usually just hang out, but now I am alive again, and everyone is scrambling to do it.

"These guys are quite diligent. If we form a mutant organization construction team, it will definitely be very promising." After seeing it, the security guard on the side couldn't help but said.

"Don't think about it. They just find it novel and fun to do it with so much enthusiasm. What if the novelty has worn off? It would be different." The principal said angrily, looking at the quilt they put down and said: "Don't worry about it. Just stay here and go get some plastic sheets to spread on the floor so that their bedding doesn't get dirty."

"Oh oh oh." When the security guard heard this, he immediately did what the director said.

The construction team on the other side looked at the crowd coming over.He said that he was going to feel numb. If so many people come to help with the construction, are you just trying to steal their jobs?


"What is going on in our Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park? It has turned into a monster base. I just took a nap. What kind of woolen things are you doing?" Cheng took a nap and got up from his nest. Hao.Looking at the tents set up on the sidewalk outside and the mutants walking around happily, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Only then was he sure that he had seen correctly that these were animals, otherwise there would be so many guys with animal limbs on their bodies.

They looked like they had captured the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, as if they were outsiders.

"Shasha~ (Report to your Majesty, according to the information we got, they are here to help.)" said the ant that emerged from the crack in the wall. They had already inquired about this matter clearly. There is no such thing on this land. There are many things they don't know.

"So that's how it is. I asked why so many people came suddenly." After hearing this, Cheng Haohuan suddenly realized, shook his body and came to the entrance of the fence.

"This little Fat Orange, come and take a look. It turns out that Little Fat Orange lives in this shed."

"No, no, he can't be called Little Fat Orange now. His current size should be called Fat Big Orange."

"Yes, yes, how old is he? The face plate is bigger than the basin I use to wash my face." As soon as Cheng Hao came out, he immediately attracted the attention of the mutants.

They didn't expect that the tent they built would actually arrive at Cheng Hao's door.

"Don't be lazy and work hard, you know? Work quickly and don't play around here." Cheng Hao yawned when he heard their discussion.

What are these little guys doing here if they are not working?They came here to work, not to discuss him.

"We're not here to work, we're here to help. You can't command us, Fat Orange."

"Yes, yes, Fat Orange. And we are here to help you this time. Don't you have any expression?" The mutants who heard this became even more excited and looked at Cheng Hao and said.

I had heard that Fat Orange was cute, but I never thought that she would be so cute offline. No wonder everyone said that Fat Orange is not photogenic.

"Little guys, I advise you to be kind and don't do such tricks. Otherwise, you will be the ones who suffer."

Seeing these guys jumping around more and more, Cheng Hao said angrily.

These little guys are very good at talking nonsense with him here. They don't think that their strength is on a parallel line, right?

"Ah? Fat Big Orange, you don't want to bite us, do you? That's not okay."

"Yes, yes, it is against the law to hurt others. As a little tiger, Fat Orange, you can't do this." The mutants who heard this said with playful smiles.

It was too boring to be locked up in the branch. Now that they had finally found some fun, they were unwilling to stop there.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. You can go to the sky and spin around in circles first." Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao raised his paws, and all the mutants flew up in an instant.

He finally understood that telling them was a waste of time.Let them go to heaven to enjoy the feeling of a washing machine first, so that when they come down, they will definitely have a good talk with him.

"Ah? What did you do to us, Fat Orange? You can't hurt us."

"Yes, yes, Fat Orange, let us down quickly." The mutants who were smiling playfully a second ago finally panicked after flying up.

But Cheng Hao didn't intend to listen to them at all. After turning his paws in a circle, the mutants began to circle in the air.

Suddenly, everyone screamed again and again.

This sound directly spread throughout the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, causing everyone who was working to raise their heads.

"What's going on with these little guys? Aren't they setting up tents one by one? Why are they making noises like killing pigs?" the director said with some confusion.

"Maybe it's because I'm so happy setting up the tent." The security guard on the side said, but met the director's gaze.He immediately shut up and stopped talking.

"Are you talking nonsense? Let me go to the monitoring room to see what's going on?" the principal said angrily. It's okay to forget that all these little guys are clueless.

The guy in front of me is still crazy at such an old age, right?I'm so happy, so happy to make such a killing pig cry?

"Oh." When the security guard heard this, he quickly shut his mouth and did what he should do next to him.The principal also entered the security room to check the situation.

I don’t know if I look at it, but I look confused at first glance.

"What are these little guys doing spinning around in the sky? Do they think this is a playground?" The principal was stunned when he saw this scene.

"No, Mr. Director, they seem to have been made to fly in circles by Xiao Ju." said the security guard who had been watching the surveillance.

"Nonsense, I know this without you having to tell me, so what's going on?" the principal asked, he just said it casually.The other party really believed it. Can these guys fly in the sky with their abilities?All of them have either pig heads or tiger claws. Can't you tell any of them have wings?
"Well, I don't know for sure, but looking at the surveillance, it seems that they provoked Xiaoju, and then Xiaoju sent them to play in the sky." The security guard replied.

"Okay, I get it. I knew these little guys would be uneasy when they came here." Hearing this, the director couldn't help but sigh.

"Mr. Director, are you ready to let Xiaoju put them down now?" the security guard asked cautiously.

"Of course not. Let them spin around in the sky for a while longer. Anyway, they won't die if they spin around for a while longer. It just gives them a long memory and prevents them from harassing other animals again." The director said nonchalantly, these guys Even if they have not been severely beaten by society, they must suffer a little to be honest. For the sake of the stability of Huyuan in the future, they should stay in the sky for a while longer.

Anyway, Xiaoju just wanted to teach them a lesson, but he didn't really want to kill them.

"Okay, I understand." The security guard nodded after hearing this.

"Well, let this be the case. Don't worry about it. If there are any other situations, report it to me." The principal said and left.

"You idiots, I told you not to mess with the other animals in the park. You just picked the strongest one to mess with, didn't you?" Looking at the mutants spinning in the sky, the lizard man felt very tired. .

Why don't any of these little bears listen?Is the Mr. Tiger in front of me someone easy to mess with?The ground shook when he stomped his feet.

Although the other person is famous for being cute, don't think that he is really cute.

"It should be almost done. I hope their heads can be clearer now." Seeing that the time was almost up, Cheng Hao dispelled his power.

The mutants screaming in the sky fell to the ground like dumplings.


Feeling the descending speed getting faster and faster, the mutants were about to cry, just when they thought they were going to fall to death.

When they were only two or three meters above the ground, their bodies suddenly stopped again.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, they fell down one by one.

Suddenly, everyone hugged their buttocks and screamed.

"How are you? Are you awake now? If not, I will send you to a higher place to sober up." Cheng Hao stood in front of them and said with a smile, which scared them so much that they ran to the side: "No, no, if we do it again, we will really vomit."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm too timid to play anymore."

"Then do your job honestly and don't bullshit me here. Be careful and I'll send you up to play again." Cheng Hao threatened.

"Yes, yes." The mutants replied, no longer daring to hide, for fear that they would have to go up and spin 360 degrees again.

After Cheng Hao saw it, he walked towards the gate of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park with satisfaction.

They didn't bring me food today. I wonder what happened?But it doesn't matter, if they don't come to deliver it, he can go to the door to get it by himself. After all, he is not the kind of tiger who can reach out for food and open his mouth.

"It's little Fatty Orange. He seems to have grown really big."

"Yes, when I saw him before, I felt that I could hold him with one hand, but now it seems that he has to be transported by car." Cheng Hao was quickly noticed by many mutants while walking on the road. .

However, they were not so bold as to come and join in the fun.

"There are so many mutants. Are all the mutant branches emptied? What on earth is going to be built in Huyuan that requires so many people?" Cheng Hao muttered as he looked around, then came to the security room. .

"Why are you here?" The security guard who was watching the surveillance asked Cheng Hao as he jumped in.

"Isn't it that you didn't bring me food? So I had to come here by myself." Cheng Hao said, walking towards the refrigerator very familiarly. If they didn't bring it to him, then he had to come here by himself. Got it.

"You said this, we have indeed forgotten something. You have also seen that it is very busy outside." The security guard couldn't help but patted his forehead after hearing this. He said that he always felt that he had forgotten something?
It turns out that I forgot to give Xiaoju something to eat.

"So I came here by myself. Are you planning to give me the big pig's head inside?" Cheng Hao took out the food and asked, looking at the big pig's head inside.

This thing, if he read it correctly, seems to be raw, right?

"Of course not, I brought this home to prepare face and grilled meat at night." The security guard said with a smile, how could this be for Xiaoju?Xiao Ju doesn't want to eat anything. This is the braised pig head he plans to make when he gets home.

See if the taste can be the same as outside, if so?From now on, you can give them to Xiaoju and earn money from Xiaoju.

"Okay, then work harder and remember to bring it to me when the time comes." Cheng Hao said, sitting on the sofa and eating some side dishes.

"Absolutely. If it happens by then, I will definitely give you something to eat." The security guard smiled and continued to stare at the surveillance camera.

If he stays for a while, he will almost go home.

"It's easy for you little rascal. You're popular here and drink spicy food." The principal who entered the security room said angrily when he saw Cheng Hao eating and drinking.

"What am I doing with my own money? Besides, I don't understand what you want me to do." Cheng Hao, who was drinking Coke and chewing on a big pig's knuckle, said, "And I'm holding a concert. Grandpa, you don't The one who gets the most benefit?”

"Who said that? Didn't you see that I'm almost exhausted? What's the benefit?" The director said with a straight face when he heard this.

"But I heard from my sister that the company plans to give you a red envelope of 20 yuan." Cheng Hao muttered.

"What do you mean by giving me a red envelope? This is for the material fee, you know? Otherwise, how do you think these toilets were built?" The principal knocked Cheng Hao's big head angrily and said, "I'll be the director of the live broadcast company. Let me ask you, what song are you planning to sing at the concert?"

"Of course I can sing whatever I want, and I don't charge them any money, so they can just listen to it." Cheng Hao, who was chewing on the pork knuckle, said, some of them are good, but what do these people want?

(End of this chapter)

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