Chapter 354 The heat?
"Okay, then I'll talk to the company." The principal nodded and suddenly picked up the chopsticks on the table with boneless chicken feet and said, "You little rascal, eat less of this, do you know? This tiger It’s not okay for it to have such a heavy taste.”

"I know, I know, grandpa, please don't be so nagging. Go and do your thing quickly." Cheng Hao pushed the principal with his big tail and said.

Grandpa would take a bite out of him every time he said a word, and let him continue like this?He will soon have nothing to eat.

"You're such a selfish little glutton." The principal who was being pushed scolded angrily. Didn't he just eat two more chicken legs?The little villain just pushed him away.

"Where are they? Grandpa, you are too old to eat these." Cheng Hao said earnestly, and pushed the principal out.

In order to prevent the other party from coming in, the door was specially closed.

"You brat." The principal who was pushed out said angrily. This little villain is really outrageous.For food, he actually pushed an old man out.

"Goodbye, grandpa, you can't eat secretly at your age. It's not good for your health." Facing the principal, Cheng Hao smiled and waved his paws.Then he returned to his seat and continued eating.

"It has to be Xiaoju..." The security guard who saw this scene muttered to himself.

That is, Xiao Ju is so outrageous that she dares to lock the director out. What if it were them?His head was about to be knocked off his head.

"Work hard and don't be lazy. If anyone is lazy, let him eat less food at night." The director left the door of the security room and looked at the laughing mutants and said.

"Oh." The playful mutants replied while still playing.


"After eating and drinking, it's time to go back to sleep." He stretched his body and jumped up from the sofa.

"Um, Xiaoju, are you still sleeping? Haven't you been asleep for a long time?" The security guard on the side said after hearing this, if he remembered correctly?The other person must have just woken up, why did he go back to sleep again?

"I slept for a long time, but I didn't get enough sleep. If it weren't for you not bringing me food, would I have woken up from my dream?" Cheng Hao, who heard this, said with some reproach: "You guys I should reflect on myself, instead of worrying about why I fell asleep again."

"Uh..." Upon hearing this, the security guard immediately shut his mouth obediently. If he continued to say this, he seemed to be unable to speak to the other party.

"Okay, seeing that you are speechless, I don't want to argue with you anymore. Remember to bring me something to eat early tomorrow." Cheng Hao looked at the other party and said, then walked out with small steps. Gone.

Seeing the security guard here, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and continued his work.

"Everyone, come this way. This is the famous Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park. The world-famous cosmic superstar Xiaopangju lives here."

Not long after Cheng Hao left, a tourist bus arrived at the entrance of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.

The tour guide who got off the car introduced everyone and walked into the gate.

Then he froze, and saw tents pitched in the square of Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park in front of him.

There are weird mutants everywhere, and they also have animals lying around.

He didn't even know what happened. Who could tell him what was going on?

"What kind of activities are going on at the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park?"

"Yeah, there are so many animal people who look like cosplayers."

"Yes, yes."

Unlike the tour guide who kept the tour secret, the tourists who came in were very excited after seeing it.

After all, the mutants in front of me all have strange faces with bull heads and horse faces.It fits the theme of a zoo very well.

"Do you want to enter the garden? Our garden is currently preparing for the concert on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. We are not accepting tourists from outside for the time being." The security guard opened the door and came to the tour guide and tourists?

Now the entire park road is full of tents, and toilets are being built here. If these tourists are hit, they will not be able to afford compensation.

"Oh? Is there still a concert held at the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park? Isn't it a coincidence that we are here?"

"Yes, yes, you can come here to listen to the concert." Upon hearing this, the tourists became even happier. Originally, they had thought that there was nothing to do here.

It turns out there's a concert going on here, and it's going to be very lively.

"Well, you may not understand the conditions for entering our concert. Our concert is prepared for Xiaoju's fans."

"And they don't charge any tickets and include transportation." The security guard who heard this knew that these people must have misunderstood and immediately explained.

"We are also fans of Xiaopangju. We like to listen to his blue and white porcelain the most."

"Yes, yes, and his Moonlight is also very nice. What time does the concert start? Can we come directly?"

Tourists smiled and asked if they didn’t need tickets but also included transportation?This is really a great thing, no wonder it is prepared for fans.

"Um, maybe I didn't make it clear enough. The fans I'm referring to are users who have Level [-] Little Orange Pink and brands above Level [-] on the live streaming platform."

"And this concert is held to give back to them. If you don't have a fan sign? The concert is not allowed to come in."

"Because there are fans with level [-] fan cards, they must have been supporting Xiaoju from the beginning until now." The security guard said, these tourists would not think that they are fans because they have listened to the song, but that is not the case.

If there were no thresholds like these, then they tigers and apes would have to be squeezed and exploded?

"Ah? Isn't the threshold for this concert too high?"

"Yes, yes, we are really fans of Xiaopangju." The tourists couldn't help but were dumbfounded when they heard this. Do they need a fan brand when entering the factory?So how do they get in? "The threshold is not high at all. You may not know how much Xiaoju's concert tickets cost? According to the current market price, it starts at least [-]."

"And we use fan brands as tickets. Firstly, it can prevent scalpers from bargaining. Secondly, it can also allow all fans who really like Xiaoju to come to the venue."

A voice sounded from behind the tourists, it was the supervisor who came from the company.

He brought a large group of anchors over to gain popularity, and also brought company staff over to help.

"Are you?" the tour guide looked at the supervisor and asked, the senior staff of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park.He has basically seen them before, but the other person seems a bit unfamiliar.

"I'm the director of Xiancha Live Broadcasting Company, and I'm responsible for connecting with Xiaoju. I came here mainly to help with the pilgrimage and the concert on the sixth day of the lunar month."

"The anchors behind me are good at singing and dancing. They are responsible for dancing at the concert. And these staff, all of them are technical talents and have experience in concert preparation and implementation." The supervisor replied with a smile. He said, popping a cigarette out of his pocket and handing it to the security guard on the side: "Brother, do we still have a place to stay in Huyuan? The concert will be held in a few days. I will bring everyone here first. I want to find a place to stay." "

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. All the dormitories here are occupied by mutants. And the thousands of extra people are building tents in the Tiger Garden." After the security guard took the cigarette, he and the supervisor said arm in arm: "But I remember that there is a utility room that seems to be suitable for some people, but it needs to be tidied up a little. It is full of gifts given to Xiaoju on her birthday."

"You're not talking about that big warehouse, are you?" When the supervisor heard this, his eyelids jumped.

If it was talking about the birthday gifts Xiaoju received, then he would have an impression. The warehouse was full of gifts.

"Yes, that's the place. There aren't many gifts left now. They have all been taken out and distributed to all the animals. Otherwise, I don't dare to say that we can still live there, right?" the security guard said with a smile. , looked at the colorful anchors and said, "But can they live in a place like that? There are only big bunks there, and it's no problem to just make a few beds. If you want to live in a sophisticated way, I'm afraid it's impossible."

"It's no problem. It's just for them to experience the hard life, isn't it? The main reason for bringing them here this time is to let them show off their faces." The supervisor smiled and put his hand on the security guard's shoulder and said: "If we even If you can't bear this kind of hardship? Isn't it just a dream to become a great anchor?"

"That's true. Xiaoju is so popular that she lives in a small wooden house and sleeps in a small shop." The security guard nodded after hearing this.

These guys are just little-known anchors. Why don’t they, Xiaoju, who are worth hundreds of billions, still live in a log cabin?

There is no talk of building a big villa for Xiao Ju alone.

"So, you have to endure hardships to become a master." The supervisor smiled, looked at the security room and said: "Brother, you guys seem to be able to sleep in the security room. Do you mind if I accompany you at night?" Are you guys here on duty? It just so happens that I have two glasses of wine."

"Sure, as long as you don't mind the small space." The security guard said with a smile.

"Little brother, that's what you said. Am I this kind of person? I just need a place to sleep and bathe. I'm not a young man who married into a wealthy family." The supervisor smiled.

"That's fine. I'll ask the brothers to get a wire bed later. You can sleep in our security room." The security guard smiled.

"Well, then I'll take a few of them in first," the supervisor said.

"Okay." The security guard nodded, and the supervisor led the people in.

"Um, brother. I finally brought people here. You can't let them run away in vain, right? You have to let us go in and walk around for a few times, right?" After seeing the supervisor leading the people away, the tour guide came up said.

"I can't make the decision on this. I have to ask the director for instructions. You also know that construction is going on everywhere in the Tiger Garden. If something happens, you can't be responsible and I can't be responsible." After hearing this The security guard who spoke spoke.He didn't dare to agree directly. If something happened then, he might not be able to compensate even if he sold the house.

"Okay, sorry for the trouble." The tour guide said after thinking for a while.

"Yes." The security guard replied and went to ask the director.

"Do you know that you started the live broadcast? Not many people on the platform know the preparations for the Hongtashan Siberian Tiger Forest Park concert. You guys went to shoot from various places, plus the push from the homepage to you, We will soon attract a wave of fans." After the supervisor led the anchors into the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, he immediately pointed around and said.

If the people above didn't see some potential in them, he wouldn't have brought these guys here this time.

You must know that several anchors who were close to him had greeted him in advance, but he pushed them away.

"Okay, supervisor. Let's go right away." The anchors who heard this immediately did what the supervisor said.

"Well, remember not to climb over the fence, let alone disturb the mutants who are working." The supervisor warned, but the anchors had no idea if they had already run out.

"Boss, what shall we do next?" asked the staff who stayed behind.

"Of course we are going to eat. We have traveled so far and haven't eaten yet. Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first. Then I will find a comfortable place for you to stay." The supervisor said, these anchors are outsiders.They are our own people, can they be the same as these anchors?

"Thank you, boss." Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but say happily.

"Don't thank me, who of us is following whom? Come out with me, can I make you suffer? After dinner, let's understand the situation first. If the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forestry needs help? You can help me. If you’re busy, just play around if you don’t want to help.”

"The task given by the superiors this time is very loose. We just come here to go through the motions and show our faces." The supervisor smiled. With such a good thing, of course he brought his own people here.

"Yeah." The staff nodded and followed the supervisor to dinner.

At the same time, tourists at the entrance of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park also entered the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park under the leadership of mutants.

"You little rascal, why are you sleeping on my bed?" In the dormitory, Sister Hong'er was coming back to get the charger.

Suddenly I found that my bed was occupied by doves and magpie's nests.

"Good afternoon, sister. Are you happy with your day?" Cheng Hao greeted as the bed creaked.

"I'm happy, but why did you come to my bed?" Sister Hong'er, who knocked on Cheng Hao's big head, said, "You little rascal, don't change the subject, tell me quickly, why don't you want to tear down my sister again?" Are you home?"

"Nonsense, am I such a tiger? It's mainly because there are too many people outside and I'm a little afraid of society." Cheng Hao said, shaking his paws and twisting his body.He took the tail that was hammered on the ground back to the bed.

"Are you afraid of society? Your skin is thicker than pigskin." Sister Hong'er said angrily. She lowered her head and looked under the bed and said, "You came here for my sister's food, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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