Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 367 I said it casually 1

Chapter 367 I just said it casually
"Are they going to stay here?" Sister Hong'er asked with a smile after hearing this.

"Of course, I asked them to come here this time to let them experience the human world." Cheng Hao said proudly: "They have lived in the mountains and forests for too long, and some of them cannot keep up with the times. So I asked them to come and stay for a few days. Understand the current society so that they don’t have so many misunderstandings.”

"So that's how it is, then you have to talk to the director and arrange some comfortable places for them." Sister Hong'er reminded that their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park is currently in a tight situation.

Now that another animal has arrived, we must inform the director.Otherwise they would have to sleep outside.

"No problem, I'll go talk to the director of the garden right away. By the way, let him buy some fish." Cheng Hao nodded.

"Huh? Why did you ask the director to buy fish?" Sister Hong'er was stunned when she heard this.

"It's very simple. Don't foxes like to eat fish? And white dragons also like to eat fish. You have to buy some fish to entertain them." Cheng Hao said matter-of-factly.

"Uh, wait a minute, when did I say that I like to eat fish?" The nine-tailed fox heard this and asked, what did the other party think of her?Said she likes to eat fish.

"Isn't it? I saw stories on TV and books, and it was said that you deceive the wolf to eat the fish." Cheng Hao said with such an expression on his face. Did the other party embarrass him?Then don't blame him.

"I told you, it's just a random fabrication by humans. We foxes have a wide range of diets, usually eating rabbits, mice and other animals."

"How can we catch fish every day? Do you think we like to go to the river?" The nine-tailed fox said speechlessly to the little guy in front of him.Why do you like listening to stories made up by humans so much?If their family really only ate fish, they would have starved to death long ago, right?
"Yeah, and I don't like eating fish very much. I prefer eating eels." The white dragon on the side also said, although he can fly in the clouds and mist.It doesn't mean that he likes to eat fish. All the stories created by humans are false. He prefers to eat eels.

"Then you definitely don't have to eat it, because we don't have many eels here. Otherwise, how about eating some earthworms if you suffer a little?" Cheng Hao heard this and looked at Bai Jiao and said, the other party wanted to eat eels, and he also wanted to eat them. .He has never eaten eels at all. How can eels come from a place like theirs? There are not even paddy fields nearby.

The other party should just eat earthworms honestly. Anyway, eels and earthworms look very similar, so it’s okay to eat them reluctantly.

"Don't be too outrageous. Why didn't you tell me to just eat dirt?" Bai Jiao said speechlessly. This guy really dares to say that. Let him eat earthworms. What's the difference between that and eating dirt?
"Then what kind of soil do you like to eat? I can ask the director of the garden to help you put it..." Before Cheng Hao could finish his words, Sister Hong'er blocked her mouth: "You little bad guy. Just shut your mouth and stop nagging here. Take them over quickly, okay?"

This little guy talks nonsense, just like his older grandma. I don’t know where he learned this bad habit?So eloquent.

"Oh, sister, are you going back?" Cheng Hao said while pressing his tongue against Sister Hong'er's hand that was holding her mouth.

"Of course, you really think that sister has a lot of free time. Are you running around with these little guys?" Sister Hong'er said and knocked the little lion hugging its leg: "That little troublemaker, please let go quickly. Otherwise, sister will beat you into a fool later."

"Ouch~ (Oh oh.)" Upon hearing this, the little lion immediately released his paws.He hid behind Sister Hong'er again.

At the same time, they peeked at the nine-tailed fox and the white deer on the side. The guy in front of them was extremely attractive to them.

"Okay, I'll take these dishonest little guys away. You can play slowly here." Sister Hong'er said, holding the little guys with both hands, she turned and left.

"By the way, brother, are you familiar with this human being?" Bai Jiao, who was looking around his head, approached Cheng Hao and asked.

"Nonsense, this is my nanny, do you think I'm familiar with her?" Cheng Hao said angrily, shouting to the dumbfounded white gorilla: "Let's go, I'll take you to see the director of the park. His old man is responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the animals in this area. If you want to live here, you must get his old man's consent. Otherwise? You can only live here with the sky and the earth as your bed and the northwest wind."

"So powerful? Then he must be very extraordinary, right?" Bai Lu said loudly, he could subdue this tiger king.

I'm afraid he is not a simple human being.

"Yes, we will follow my instructions later when we get there. If you find him mumbling something inside? Don't look back and run away, okay?" Cheng Hao looked at them solemnly and said.

"Um? Why is this? Does he attack strangely?" the nine-tailed fox asked curiously.

The other animals also pricked up their ears, wondering what is so scary about this terrifying human being?

"No, it's just that what he said is too long-winded, too repetitive, and too annoying." Cheng Hao sighed and said: "Brother Hedgehog listened to it last time. I feel that he has some sequelae for the whole hedgehog now. You should pay more attention. a little."

"So scary?" After hearing this, several animals couldn't help but look solemn.

"Yes." Cheng Hao nodded. Anyway, he said what he should say. It has nothing to do with him whether these guys listen or not. Don't wait until his head is about to explode. He resents him for not reminding him.

"That's the old turtle?" As they were walking, the gorilla said looking at the figure on the grass in the distance.

"It's a turtle as big as him, but it's rare to see him. But what is he talking about over there?" Bai Lu said curiously.

"He must be taking care of the children, look at the little guys around him." Bai Jiao said.

"Really? Then he is quite fast. He has offspring so quickly." The nine-tailed fox muttered, looking around to see if there was no sign of the big hedgehog.I couldn’t help but wonder: “Where did the hedgehog go?”

"You're talking about Brother Hedgehog. If nothing else happens, Brother Hedgehog should be busy dating now." Cheng Hao replied, he hadn't seen each other for several days.It can be seen from this that how busy the other party is now?

It is estimated that before long, the other party will also be running around with a litter of little hedgehogs.

"Really? It looks like he has a difficult task." The beasts couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

"Who is talking about me?" The big hedgehog leaning on the sand couldn't help but raise his head.He seemed to have heard someone talking about him just now, but when he turned his head, he saw nothing. It was really strange.

Forget it, he was too lazy to think about it anymore, it was better to just accompany the two beautiful hedgehogs honestly.

Thinking of this, the big hedgehog buried his body deeper, just touching the two female hedgehogs. "You guys want to stay here? That's great. We especially welcome all kinds of rare animals to live here." In the office of the director of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park, the director was happy after hearing their words. road.

Their faces were full of joy. It’s good news that they are willing to live here. The security of their Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Park has been strengthened, and no one should have seen such a beautiful deer. It can also increase the number of people in their tiger park. feature.

"Then thank you very much, Your Excellency."

"Yes, I may be a little disturbed during this period. I hope you can understand." The nine-tailed fox and other beasts said.

"It's okay, it's okay. Since you are friends with the little glutton, then we are a family. If one family does not speak the same language, everyone can treat this place as their own home." said the director who clicked on the accommodation map of the Hongta Mountain Siberian Tiger Forest Park. , glanced at the vacant stall and said: "There is a seat. I will have someone take you there in a moment. Now let them clean the inside."

"Xiao Ju, why don't you hurry up and pour tea for your friend? Why are you sitting there and eating by yourself?"

"This is called treating this place as your own home." After hearing this, Cheng Hao raised his head and said: "How can anyone be so polite in their own home and need others to pour water? Don't they all want to drink it themselves?"

"Yeah, no need to bother. I'm not very thirsty." The nine-tailed fox said with a smile: "We still want to hang out here for a while."

"Yes, it would be even better if we could visit places where humans are busy." The gorilla nodded and said. They came here just to see how far humans have developed?By the way, let's calculate how likely they are to compete for the city.

"Is this like this? Xiaoju, please take them out to play." After hearing this, the principal said.

Since these animals want to visit the city again, let this little guy take each other out.

"It's okay for me to take them out, but I don't have any money. Grandpa, have you ever seen someone take a friend out without a dime on him?" Cheng Hao heard this and looked at the principal and said.

"Okay, take this bank card. Do you know how you can save a little money? The limit in it is [-]. You don't have to pay it all for grandpa." After hearing this, the principal took it with great pain. He took out the bank card and handed it to Cheng Hao.

"It's pretty much the same, it's like what an elder should do." Cheng Hao, who took the bank card, smiled and walked to the door: "Let's go, let's go, we have money, I will take you there Have fun in the city."

"In this world, as long as you have money, you can go anywhere, but if you don't have money, you can't go anywhere. Money is everything here."

"Really? Money has so much power?" the white-haired gorilla asked curiously.

"Of course, when I take you out to play. Do you know how good it is to have money?" Cheng Hao said, and the animals behind him followed Cheng Hao, preparing to watch the other party's performance.

"Commander, I think you should take a look at this. Little Fatty came out of the tiger park with a bunch of strange animals." The team members patrolling near the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain saw Cheng Hao with A group of animals reported to the department.

"Really? It's interesting." In the Evolver Department, the commander who heard this turned on the camera near the Siberian Tiger Forest Park in Hongta Mountain.

Suddenly I saw those few animals that were all white and did not look like animals that existed in the world.

"A fox with nine tails, a flying dragon, a Lu and a gorilla?" The commander held his chin, a thoughtful look on his face: "Don't alarm me yet. They informed the team members along the way not to let ordinary people approach."

"The animals next to Xiaoju should come from the mountains and forests."

"Yes, Commander." After hearing this, the team members immediately went to do it, and soon the sound of horns rang throughout Hongtashan City.Remind them not to get close to the white animals.

On the side of the road in the city, two cats saw Cheng Hao.He jumped out immediately:

"Meow meow~ (The coal ball of the seventh team of Dongcheng, Hongtashan City has met the King. King, are you here to inspect? All members of the Cat Team are ready to capture the human city at any time, and are just waiting for the King's order.)"

"Meow meow~ (Yes, Your Majesty. We have successfully invaded the human home. We are just waiting for the King's order. Let the humans drive out of the city.)"

"Ouch~ (Who formed you?)" Cheng Hao was speechless when he heard this. He just found an excuse. Why is Team [-] even coming out now? Can anyone explain to him?

"Meow meow~ (King Qi, we are under the command of Captain Orange Cat.)" the black cat replied with its chest raised and its head raised.

"Ouch~ (How many cats do you have in your team?)" Cheng Hao said aloud after hearing this.

Captain Orange Cat?How many cats are there?Still a captain.

"Meow Meow~ (Reporting to the king, our seventh team has 210 cats. They are currently gathered in places where humans live, and there are also [-] dogs to deliver information.)"

"Meow meow~ (In addition, we also have thousands of rats and cockroach spies. I ensure that every move in the local area is under my control.)" Coal Ball said, walking on the streets on both sides.Many heads popped out.

The eyes of Bai Jiao and other animals couldn't help but change as they watched. They always thought that the big cat in front of them was facing humans, but they didn't expect that the other party actually had such a plan.

He has actually inserted his power into the homes of ordinary humans. What if this is a single move?Can humans still run?

"Ouch~ (Very good, you did a good job. The task now is to continue to lurk, don't alert the snake.)" Looking at the dense little head, Cheng Hao casually said: "Ouch~ (Our enemies are not just humans now. , and those annoying trees, if we start fighting with humans first? Those annoying trees will bloom.)"

"Meow Meow~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)" Hearing this, Black Ball nodded his little head and continued: "Meow Meow~ (Your Majesty, the brothers lurking in the Evolver Department said that they have recently developed the Evolver Department There are many more evolved plants.)”

"Meow~ (They seem to be spying on information in the Evolutionary Department. Do you want to talk to humans?)"

(End of this chapter)

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