Fat Tiger wants to live a leisurely life

Chapter 368 It’s okay, it won’t be our turn if the sky falls

Chapter 368 It’s okay, it won’t be our turn if the sky falls
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, let's wait for humans to develop on their own. Otherwise, if you take the initiative to talk to them, it will be bitten back." Cheng Hao said, waving his paw lightly.In the green belt on the side, a huge tree fell down: "Ouch~ (You are so brave, you dare to eavesdrop on our conversation here. Do you think I can't recognize that you are an evolved plant?)"

"Meow meow~ (The king is mighty, the king is mighty.)" Seeing this scene, the black cat couldn't help but admire him, the king is really powerful.A big tree can be destroyed with just one paw.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaum, you guys go back, pay attention to these trees, they are quite aggressive." Cheng Hao waved his paws nonchalantly and said, the fallen trees were withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. got up.

"Meow~ (Yes, Your Majesty.)" The black cat nodded after hearing this, then turned and left.

It turned out that there were so many hidden dangers around them, and he had to tell everyone quickly.

"Everything you heard just now was an accident. In fact, I love peace very much. Don't believe what these little guys say." Watching the little black cat leave, Cheng Hao turned to face the Nine Tails behind him. The fox and other animals said, lest they think too much, he actually liked peace very much.

"We understand, we understand." After hearing this, the nine-tailed fox and other animals nodded their heads, showing an expression that we all understand.

Cheng Hao was speechless when he saw it, knowing that they had misunderstood again.

But he didn't bother to explain. The more he explained, the more troublesome he became.

Pedestrians on the road were in twos and threes, looking this way from time to time.

This makes the walking animals a little uncomfortable, but it is a place to experience human life.They also suppressed this feeling and whispered to Cheng Hao:

"King Tiger, the tree tribe has been looking for us a lot recently. They want to cooperate with us and occupy the world together."

"Yes, they also promised that as long as they get rid of humans, they will divide the world equally with us."

"Do you believe what those guys say? I think it's better to believe in the people selling sausages on the roadside." After hearing this, Cheng Hao muttered, looked at the vendor in front of him and asked: "Boss, you are such a volcano How do you sell stone-roasted sausages?"

"Five yuan a pop, 20 yuan for five sticks. But what if it's you, the little fat orange? No money, just take a photo." The boss who was asked was a little excited and said, this is a living little fat orange, I didn’t expect to meet each other while setting up a stall today.

"Really? Then let's take a photo together." Cheng Hao heard this and took a photo with the vendor very cooperatively.

Then, the beast continued walking with a sausage in his hand.

"Of course we don't trust them so easily, so we came down this time to take a look at the situation."

"Yes, I just heard the conversation between you and your men. It seems that those trees are not honest."

The animals, munching on the sausages, said the trees were trying to persuade them to intervene.I'm afraid they just want to take advantage of it, so they are even less likely to give the other party this opportunity.

"If they were honest, then humans would not destroy the environment."

"Don't listen to what these guys say. What they say has no credibility at all. It's better to believe them than to believe pigs." Cheng Hao walked to the roasted sweet potato stall and asked: "Boss, do you support using credit cards?"

"We support it. We also support loans here. As long as you can pay, we support it no matter what it is." The boss who was asked smiled and replied, and took out the credit card machine.

Soon the group of beasts were gnawing on roasted sweet potatoes and continued on their way.

"How is it? Doesn't it taste good? I tell you there are many benefits to living in the city. The food alone is enough for us, and we won't be able to leave for several months."

"I really don't understand what those trees are doing when they're full and they're always thinking about driving humans out. What's the point of living while I fight to the death?" Cheng Hao, chewing a sweet potato, said: " Obviously the environment is so well protected now, but we didn't even say we would drive humans out. But these guys jumped out, and I think they are more greedy than humans."

"That's true, no matter what? The living space of their plants is much larger than mine." Bai Lu nodded, feeling that it made sense.

"So, I still support sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight. Don't think about occupying human cities all day long. We have so many animals that like the city? And humans have been doing a good job in protecting the ecology recently."

"Wild boars are overrun in the mountains. If these plants hadn't caused us trouble, I think we animals would have been much better off."

Nowadays, many of the animals hunted by humans are not killed by plants, right?It's time to check the credibility. After the plants' nonsense and the humans are eliminated, they will be the next to be eliminated. He doesn't know what these guys think. Anyway, he feels that the current three-legged situation is good.

Now because of the mutated animals and plants, everything is not peaceful every time. There are humans standing in front to help him deal with this. These guys should be snickering. They still want to drive away the humans and become their own masters?I'm afraid that I feel that my life is worth less than the mecha.

"That's true." The animals heard this thought, after there have been fewer and fewer animals in the forest over the years.He couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

It turns out that before the light of evolution appeared, animals could still be seen everywhere.But since the light of evolution allowed plants to evolve, the mountains and forests have become dangerous.

It is simply more serious than when humans hunted animals on a large scale.

"So, don't listen to those ghosts of plants." Cheng Hao said, stopping in front of a roasted chicken leg stall: "Do you want chicken wings or drumsticks? Or do you want something else?"

"Anything is fine, we're not picky." The animals in question said as they looked at the barbecue stall.

"Okay, let's get some chicken wings." Cheng Hao said to the vendor, looking at the group of fighter jets flying past in the sky, he couldn't help but raise his head: "With so many planes, what are they going to do? Where did it happen? Something big happened?"

With so many fighter jets dispatched, what big event happened?I really can’t understand it.Fortunately, they don't have to deal with this kind of thing, there are humans to deal with it.



Next to the coastline, there were roars of anger.

The cluster missiles launched small missiles that were like a shower of flowers and rushed toward the weird creatures on the beach that were more than three meters tall and were loaded with large shells.

Then, amid the huge explosion and the sky full of fire, a huge shell appeared on the beach.

Seeing this scene, the combat commander couldn't help but change his face slightly.The intercom shouted again: "Continue to attack, don't stop, don't stop. The shells of these mutant sea creatures are very hard and can withstand the attack of small missiles. Immediately notify the missile silo to prepare to launch missiles."

"Yes." After receiving the order, he entered the nearby military base.Missiles with a height of more than ten meters were pushed into the launch silo.And above this time and space, a fighter plane also arrived, and they dropped cannonballs one after another on the rough sea.

Suddenly the entire sea surface was blown up into huge waves, and the mutated creatures hiding under the sea roared and emitted terrifying sound waves.

In an instant, the speed of the fighter group in the sky suddenly stopped.Like a bird with broken wings.Suddenly rushed down towards the sea.

"What's going on with the fighter group? Take off quickly, take off quickly, what's happening over there?" Seeing this scene, anxious voices immediately came from the combat headquarters.

But there was only the harsh sound of electricity in the intercom, and everyone here heard it.My mood suddenly worsened.

On the sea, a group of fighter jets also plunged into the sea, and explosions were heard.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but close their eyes in pain.But at this moment, heavy footsteps were heard in the distance.

Everyone who turned around after hearing the sound saw the steel giant more than 50 meters tall.It's coming this way.

And behind the giant, there are hundreds of little giants.And all kinds of strange large machinery.

"This is the evolution department combat force. Please leave the battlefield to us and let us deal with these mutated animals."

The Iron Giant said, and jet-black tail flames spurted out from his back.He landed among the mutated sea creatures on the beach and crushed them to pieces with his punches and kicks.


At this time, there was movement in the sea, and a huge starfish rushed out of the sea.He was struck by the attack on the Iron Giant. He sprayed green juice and bit the Iron Giant with teeth all over his body.

But it was blasted away by the Iron Giant's punch.

"It's amazing. Is this the super giant developed by the department? It's really scary." The soldiers who saw this scene couldn't help but said.

Conventional weapons cannot harm these monsters, but this giant giant can.This shows how powerful their weapons are now?It’s really enviable. I don’t know when they will be able to drive such a big steel giant.

"boom boom"

"boom boom"

Just as they were thinking this, other smaller steel giants also began to attack.They released dazzling light, and after thirty passes over these monsters, they immediately let out miserable screams.

The hard shells of these monsters were cut open, and the wriggling bodies inside shrank into dried meat immediately after being exposed to light.

There are still a steady stream of monsters coming ashore in the sea.

And this scene is also happening on other coastlines. The only ones that can be more stable are countries that do not border the sea.

But after they saw these scenes, they couldn't be happy either.Do they understand that once these countries fall?Then these monsters coming out of the sea will drive straight into the inland.

They only hope that the countries along these coastlines can stop the offensive of these monsters.

"These are starfish monsters and shell monsters. Although I don't know whether they are evolved animals or mutated animals? But judging from the current situation, they should be heading inland in an organized way."

"I don't know if they plan to invade the inland, or if something else happened in the deep sea?" Within the Evolver Department, photos of the battlefield were quickly transmitted.The combatants immediately analyzed the battle situation.

Their primary goal is to analyze the weaknesses of the two monsters in front of them and the intelligence in the sea.

"There is a high probability of a powerful monster appearing in the deep sea. So many mutant animals coming ashore should be influenced by his trend. If there is no powerful animal commanding them behind? I can't think of anything like this mussel. A monster. What courage does it have to run from the sea to land?"

"Yes, even trees and animals have people who can live for a long time. Not to mention the deep sea that we haven't fully explored yet."

"Notify the troops in each city to enter a state of emergency. All rivers are blocked at a rapid pace and no marine life is allowed to come in from the outside."

"At the same time, all units have canceled their holidays. All personnel must be on duty until this matter is dealt with."

The minister who heard this said, the ocean accounts for 70.00% of the entire planet's area, and there are some places that even humans have never been to. No one knows what kind of creatures exist in the deep sea?
The occurrence of this situation now proves that there are powerful marine creatures in the ocean.It is driving the weak sea creatures towards the land, and if such a situation occurs, it proves that the powerful creatures living in the deep sea have officially declared war on them.

In this case, they have nothing to worry about.Of course, we must fight the opponent to the end and never give up land to them.

"How do you like it? This one is delicious. It's called octopus balls. Although there isn't much meat in it, it's very good to try it." Cheng Hao, who was shopping with the beasts, said, looking around and noticing the team members nearby. , seems to have received some news?Zuo Lu left one after another.

"Well, the taste is indeed very good. It is indeed a taste that the beast did not expect." The gorilla nodded while tasting it, pinching the chopsticks like a toothpick.

"Is there something wrong with this? I seem to find that the human atmosphere is not quite right." Bai Lu raised his head and looked around and said, sensing that the atmosphere was a little abnormal, as if something was happening?
"This has nothing to do with us. Why are you so greedy? If the sky falls, there will still be humans holding it up. Let's not worry about it." Cheng Hao said while chewing octopus balls. This is why he likes to lie down. .

If he had to do everything, wouldn't it be annoying to death?

He wouldn't fight for this kind of territory with humans when he was full.

"puff puff"

"puff puff"

While they were discussing, the sound of flapping wings suddenly came from the sky.The animals who heard this sound raised their heads in unison.

Then a big bird with its body burning with flames flew down: "Oh no, something big has happened. Many monsters have appeared on the beach. The sea water has risen and is invading the land."

(End of this chapter)

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