Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 373 Alleviating Conflicts

Chapter 373 Alleviating Conflicts
After Zhou Bai finished his breakfast, he sat on the sofa, feeling that he still couldn't do it so easily, so he locked the dead in the foretelling death on Ah Zhen and Xiong Xiong.

Whether there is another green T-shirt on this floor, Zhou Bai is still not sure yet.

Jane said that Aaron did not have a green T-shirt.

According to the rules, it can be inferred that Jane can be trusted.

Then Zhou Bai didn't need to check Aaron's wardrobe.

But now the only thing that needs to be confirmed is whether there is a green T-shirt in the room of only the Lin family.

Although the possibility of this is not high, Zhou Bai still feels that it is necessary to confirm this matter for safety reasons.

However, how to confirm this kind of thing?
Ask directly?

Not to mention that Zhou Bai's relationship with their family is not very good now, even if it's just an ordinary neighbor relationship, it's a bit strange to ask this matter specifically.

So is there any other way to confirm this?

Zhou Bai leaned on the sofa, thinking about these questions in his mind.

At this moment, he heard the sound of Lin's mother wearing slippers and carrying a trash can outside the door.

Zhou Bai sat on the sofa and listened to her voice, when he had an idea, he stood up from the sofa suddenly.

The door opened, and Zhou Bai saw Mama Lin, with her messy hair, walking to his door with a trash can in her hand.

"Good morning, are you going down to take out the trash?"

Zhou Bai pretended to greet her casually.

When she was talking, she glanced at the trash can she was holding in her hand.

But with just one glance, Zhou Bai's heart was lifted up.

There was nothing unusual about that trash can.

But combined with the living conditions of the Lin family and the rules Zhou Bai had acquired, it became a bit unusual.

Zhou Bai saw that Mama Lin was holding a whole roast chicken in the trash can in her hand.

A roast chicken that was dumped into the trash can without even eating a bite.

A family that only relies on a disabled person to make money, how would their daily life be so wasted?
Is it because of Papa Lin's current state that they have no appetite to eat, or is it because of other reasons?

Rules of Survival at Night in Xingfu Building, Article [-].

[You can accept the invitation of your neighbors and visit their homes.But remember, when you go to someone else's house, don't eat anything. 】

Thinking of this rule, Zhou Bai couldn't help frowning.

"Good morning."

Mother Lin didn't notice the abnormal expression on Zhou Bai's face, and greeted him as well.

Zhou Bai's act of cleaning the corridor with Mama Lin two days ago still managed to ease the relationship between Mama Lin and him a lot.

However, Papa Lin was still standing at Zhou Bai's door with a knife in his hand. Hearing the conversation between Zhou Bai and Mama Lin, the expression on his face became even uglier.

Zhou Bai's gaze moved away from the trash can in Mama Lin's hand.

I don't intend to ask any questions about the strange phenomenon I saw right now.

"What do you want to do?" Papa Lin looked at Zhou Bai warily.

And Xiong Xiong also came out of the house at this time, and stood quietly by the side, looking at Zhou Bai expressionlessly.

Unexpectedly, the whole family was present.

The corner of Zhou Bai's mouth twitched slightly, he looked at Papa Lin, and said to him, "It was indeed my fault for breaking the door of your house. Maybe give me a chance to make up for the mistakes I made."

Xiong Xiong originally thought that Zhou Bai would expose the fact that he lied to him yesterday in front of his parents.

And for this reason, he has long thought of a counterargument,

It's just that Zhou Bai didn't intend to continue to entangle this matter with him from the beginning to the end.

Xiong Xiong looked at Zhou Bai coldly, and began to be a little confused about what he wanted to do.

And also feeling very puzzled, and Papa Lin.

"Don't try to play tricks, there is no way I will believe you."

Facing Papa Lin's questioning, Zhou Bai showed a slightly hurt expression.

"I didn't expect that I wouldn't even have a chance to make up for my mistakes now."

Seeing Zhou Bai's expression, Papa Lin was stunned.

Mother Lin, who was still holding the trash can, glared at him immediately.

"Don't pay attention to him. Just say what you want to make up for."

After Zhou Bai showed a grateful expression to Mama Lin, he continued to speak his own words.

"That's what I thought, since I broke the door.

That should be fixed by me too. "

After Zhou Bai finished speaking, he looked at the expressions of the three of them, and then added.

"I'm pretty good at repairing doors. The closet door at my house broke last time, and I repaired it myself."

Papa Lin was still wary of Zhou Bai, after listening to his proposal, he remained silent.

But Xiong Xiong stood and looked at Zhou Bai, the expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

In the whole family, only Mama Lin nodded to Zhou Bai after listening.

"I think it's very rare for you to have this kind of heart."

When Zhou Bai heard this, he secretly rejoiced. It seems that there is something going on?

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and it was Zhou Bai's fourth day in this dungeon.

If Zhou Bai had to enter someone else's home again, the present time would undoubtedly be more suitable.

"Then I'll prepare, and I'll go over and repair the door for you."

He planned to strike while the iron was hot. After speaking, he turned around and wanted to go back to his room to get the tools.

At this time, Lin's mother stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Zhou Bai turned around in doubt, "Are you unwilling to accept my apology?"

When Papa Lin heard this, his eyes almost rolled to the sky.

"Come back tomorrow afternoon."

After Lin's mother finished speaking to Zhou Bai, she turned to face Lin's father.

"Tomorrow is a rest day, you can watch him at home.

But now, you can't stand here anymore, you have to go to work. "

Zhou Bai felt that delaying the time until tomorrow would not have too much impact, so he agreed.

Without saying anything more, he turned around and walked into his own room.

Outside the door, Lin's mother didn't continue to persuade, after Zhou Bai walked into the house, she carried the trash and went downstairs.

Zhou Bai sat back on the sofa in the living room.

About 10 minutes later, I finally heard Papa Lin stepping forward and slowly leaving his door.

Hearing the sound of him leaving, Zhou Bai was greatly relieved.

But not long after, he heard his door knocking again.

Zhou Bai opened the door of his room, and saw Ah Zhen leaning against the door frame with a smile.

"Do you know how long I waited for him to leave?"

Zhou Bai turned sideways to give her a place to come in.

Ah Zhen walked into the house with a smile, sat on the sofa, and then said to Zhou Bai mysteriously.

"I bought you a present, do you want to guess what I bought you?"

(End of this chapter)

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