Chapter 374 Jane's Gift

Zhou Bai saw that Ah Zhen was holding a courier bag in her hand.

The size of the bag seems to be just enough to fit a piece of clothing.

When Zhou Bai saw it, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"I's better not to guess..."

Seeing Zhou Bai's reaction, Ah Zhen covered her mouth and laughed again.

"I hate it, I feel like I'm bullying you when you look like this.

Ouch, really, don't guess if you don't guess.

Here you go, take it apart and see for yourself. "

Ah Zhen looked at Zhou Bai with a smile all the time, stretched out her hand, and put the courier bag in Zhou Bai's hand.

Holding the courier bag, Zhou Bai was sweating coldly on his forehead.

He only opened one corner, and saw a green cloth-like object appearing in front of his eyes.

If Zhou Bai guessed correctly, what was inside was a green T-shirt with a little bear printed on it.

Zhou Bai reluctantly showed a smile, looked up at Ah Zhen and said, "Couple shirt?"

Ah Zhen immediately covered her face in embarrassment.

"You speak so directly."

Zhou Bai took out the whole dress, saw that there was a little bear printed on it, and couldn't help covering his face with his hand.

Who can blame this?
Zhou Bai himself praised Ah Zhen's clothes for their beauty.

He also asked her if she had a couple shirt with Aaron.

Isn't it reasonable for someone to give him one?

"Aren't you too impressed?
In fact, it doesn't need to be like this, it's just a very simple thing for me. "

Seeing Zhou Bai covering his face, Ah Zhen misunderstood him again.

Zhou Bai didn't expect that the one he wanted to save in this dungeon was actually himself.

If he had known that Ah Zhen would give him the same dress, then Zhou Bai would not have been so desperate just now and asked to repair the door for others.

He should lock himself at home, nail his door tightly with nails, and block all kinds of heavy objects behind the door, so that those outside who want to kill him can't get in.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai couldn't help sighing silently in his heart.

Now that the matter has developed to this point, we still have to find a way to solve it.

He looked up at Jane.

And Ah Zhen immediately turned her face away in embarrassment.

Looking at her appearance, Zhou Bai carefully considered his words in his heart.

"I wonder if you have heard of a legend?"

Ah Zhen turned to look at Zhou Bai curiously: "What legend?"

"When a couple burns their shirts together, they will be able to live happily together in the future."

Of course, this legend was just a nonsense that Zhou Bai improvised.

After listening to Ah Zhen, she smiled even more happily.

"I didn't expect you to have such an idea."

Obviously, Ah Zhen didn't understand the point of Zhou Bai's words.

Zhou Bai could only pick up the green T-shirt in his hand, and said again: "Then let's burn these two clothes together."

This time, A-Zhen put away her smile.

"But, Aaron is not dead, it is impossible for me to live happily with you."

After she finished speaking, she stood up from the sofa.

"When we kill Aaron, we will be together forever."

The chat between these two people is not on the same channel at all.

"I've thought about it, until the day we kill Aaron, we'll wear this dress together.

Let Aaron be able to take a good look at us before he dies. "

When Zhou Bai heard what Ah Zhen said, he was really amazed.

Wow, what you guys are playing is really crazy.

"I'm telling you, you must take good care of this dress.

Don't lose it, I will check it every day. "

Ah Zhen put her hands on her hips, pretended to be serious and finished speaking to Zhou Bai, but couldn't help laughing.

If she said that, wouldn't Zhou Bai's idea of ​​secretly destroying the clothes be eliminated?
Zhou Bai still wanted to redeem something, but saw that A-Zhen had already walked towards the door after she finished speaking.

"Aaron will rest tomorrow, and may come back earlier today.

I have to go back first. "

Stepping on her high heels, she swayed to Zhou Bai's door.

When he was about to open the door, he still turned his head and said to Zhou Bai again.

"You have to be careful, I will really check."

After she finished speaking, she smiled even more happily, opened the door and walked out.

Zhou Bai looked at her back, held the green bear clothes in his hand, wanted to reach out, and shouted to her, "Don't go".

But in the end, this idea was not put into action.

Zhou Bai took out the dress, spread it flat on the sofa, and sat beside the dress, intending to reorganize his thoughts.

Now that I have this green dress, it also means that the possibility that the deceased in the death notice is me has also risen linearly.

However, this does not mean that other people cannot die wearing this dress.

And according to the size of this dress, in fact, it has become again now, and everyone may become the deceased.

Zhou Bai lightly tapped his head with some headaches, and leaned his whole body on the sofa.

If this is the case, then he may need to rethink about going to repair the door tomorrow.

Maybe not going, would it be better?
But this matter was brought up by Zhou Bai himself, and suddenly he couldn't talk about it. Will the hatred value be raised again?

Zhou Bai sat at home alone, thinking about these things in his mind.

In this way, the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Just as Ah Zhen said, Aaron returned home early today.

Without the live broadcast, there was no quarrel between the two of them.

Judging from the conversation that Zhou Bai heard from this perspective, the two of them seemed to be no different from ordinary young couples.

Zhou Bai got up and stretched, opened the refrigerator and took out something to eat.

Then he sat back on the sofa, took out two pieces of paper with the rules written on it, and started studying again.

The time was like this, and it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

When the sun started to set, Papa Lin dragged the floor, and the sound of very tired footsteps sounded from the end of the corridor again.

Zhou Bai got up and walked to the wall, and turned on the light in the living room.

At this time, he heard Papa Lin's footsteps and stopped in front of his door.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

There was a knock on the door.

Zhou Bai turned his head to glance at the sunset outside the house, and then opened the door in front of him.

Under the dim light, Father Lin's face with sunken eye sockets looked even more haggard.

"Four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

He looked at Zhou Bai expressionlessly.

After Zhou Bai reacted for a while, he realized that what he said was to let him go to the time of door cultivation tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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