Chapter 375
Zhou Bai looked at Papa Lin standing in front of him, and thought in his heart: How about changing the time?

The main reason is that he doesn't really want to walk out of his room these days.

"I hope you keep your word.

Don't make me hate you again. "

It's a pity that Father Lin's two words blocked Zhou Bai's retreat.

Zhou Bai could only take back what he was about to say.

Forget it, four o'clock in the afternoon is not too dangerous a time.

As long as he quickly repairs the door and comes back, it should be fine.

In the end, Zhou Bai still didn't say any words of rejection.

After Lin's father finished the last two sentences, he dragged his heavy steps and walked slowly towards his home.

Zhou Bai watched his back leave, closed the door again, returned home, and turned on the light.

Dim lights shone in the living room.

Zhou Bai looked at the sunset outside the window, walked to the balcony, and looked outside.

The scenery outside the house was still hazy.

In the distance, buildings with the same shape stood tall, and under the reflection of the setting sun, they projected a whole area without ups and downs of light and shadow.

Zhou Bai frowned, quickly closed the glass door of the balcony, turned around and walked back to the living room.

He sat on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

Thinking in his mind, what is the relationship between the voice on the ceiling and the world he sees now.

The next morning, since it was a rest day, Zhou Bai didn't hear Aaron's footsteps going to work early in the morning.

He woke up naturally when he fell asleep, got up and took out his mobile phone, and saw the current time, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

He got up from the bed, went to the toilet to wash up briefly, took out food from the refrigerator, and had a simple breakfast.

While he was having breakfast, A-Long and A-Zhen next door seemed to have just woken up as well.

So while eating breakfast, Zhou Bai heard Aaron's voice, which kept coming from the next door.

"Honey, help me get the clothes on the balcony."

"Tsk, do you have to talk like that?"

"What are you talking about me? Look at yourself."

"I'll just say a few words to you, why are you crying again?"

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, okay?"

Zhou Bai didn't know why they hadn't said a word, but suddenly started arguing again.

Ah Zhen's voice was too low, so Zhou Bai could only speculate that they might have quarreled about something.

Aaron next door was so angry that he even made various "thunderbolt clang" sounds when he was holding things.

Zhou Bai finished his breakfast and shook his head helplessly.

Silently holding the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, he turned on the faucet and began to wash them.

As for the quarrel between A-Zhen and A-Long next door, it didn't end like this.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, they broke out again in a more violent quarrel.

In the end, they ended the quarrel with Aaron opening the door and saying, "I'm so annoying, you should calm down yourself."

Sitting on the sofa, Zhou Bai heard Aaron slam the door heavily, followed by restless footsteps, echoing in the corridor.

After the quarrel, Ah Zhen hid in her room and did not come out.

Zhou Bai was still sitting in the living room, only occasionally hearing her footsteps, which sounded unhurriedly from the next door.

Today is the fifth day that Zhou Bai entered this dungeon.

And the time was also very fast, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon that I had agreed with Father Lin.

Zhou Bai removed the wooden door of his room ahead of time, and now, holding the door of his own room in one hand and a pile of tools in the other, he appeared in front of the Lin family's door.

Papa Lin heard the knock on the door, and opened the door with a gloomy face.

However, when he saw Zhou Bai appearing with a wooden door in his hands, he still couldn't hold back and showed a surprised expression.

"You think that door of yours may be broken completely.

But it doesn't matter, I took out the door of my room and gave it to you. "

After Zhou Bai finished speaking, he knocked on the wooden door he was holding with his other hand.

"How is it, is it very strong?"

Papa Lin's eyes widened and he froze in place.

But Zhou Bai poked his head around and waved to Mama Lin who was cleaning the room.

"Good afternoon, I'm here to repair the door."

Xiong Xiong was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone with his head down. When he saw Zhou Bai coming in, he let out a "hum", then changed his posture, turned his back to him, and continued to play the game in his hand.

Mother Lin also looked at the wooden door that Zhou Bai was holding in his hand in surprise.

At this moment, the face that was always full of anger finally loosened a little.

"That... this broken door, I will put it here for you.

If you feel that you don't need it at that time, you can take it away and throw it away. "

What Zhou Bai actually wanted to say was that there is no way for me to go downstairs. You can take this broken door and throw it away yourself.

Papa Lin didn't hear anything wrong with what he said.

It's just that he was still in shock, and he didn't react until Zhou Bai squatted down and began to disassemble the parts on the door.

Mother Lin took a few glances at Zhou Bai, and cleaned up on her own.

When the sanitation was finished, he put down the broom in his hand, walked into the kitchen, and started preparing dinner.

Xiong Xiong continued to sit on the sofa and play games.

And Papa Lin acted as the supervisor, standing behind Zhou Bai, watching his every move.

The door that Zhou Bai removed from the house was the same size as the one he broke.

So the whole installation process went smoothly.

Around 05:30 in the afternoon, Zhou Bai reinstalled the door.

He stood up, turned the doorknob, and swung the door back and forth, showing Papa Lin the wooden door that had been installed.

At this time, Mother Lin walked over holding a plate of ready-made chicken legs.

"I just finished cooking, why don't you stay and have dinner together."

Zhou Bai looked at the plate of chicken legs in Mama Lin's hand, and quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, I'll check again and I can leave right away."

Mother Lin didn't force her, she turned around and said to Father Lin.

"Then you and Xiong Xiong come here quickly."

Seeing that Papa Lin finally left, Zhou Bai quickly cast his eyes on the wardrobe beside him.

"Do you have any doors that need to be repaired.

Wardrobe door, refrigerator door, toilet door, I am very good at it. "

While talking, Zhou Bai opened the closet door casually, pretending to check if there was anything that needed to be repaired.

But his gaze quickly swept across the closet.

"No, you can leave after you fix the door you broke."

Papa Lin yelled at Zhou Bai while sitting in the dining room.

And Zhou Bai had already got the answer he wanted to know, so he didn't stop any longer, took the tools he brought, and walked out of the room.

In the restaurant, the family of three sat around the dining table.

On the dining table, there is a wealth of food.

Zhou Bai came out of the room with tools, and when he was about to say goodbye to them, he looked at the dining room, but suddenly he froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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