Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 404 The utility room on the third floor

Chapter 404 The utility room on the third floor
The fourth floor, the fifth floor, and the sixth floor, the three floors where patients live, have similar overall structures.

All windows on the entire floor are surrounded by iron railings.

There is only one elevator to go up and down.

Other than that, Zhou Bai couldn't find any other exit to the outside world.

So, he now set his sights on the third floor.

The third floor is the office area for the doctors, and also the canteen for dining in the blue rules.

All the floors that Zhou Bai could go to, except the second floor, was the only floor that Zhou Bai had no chance to check carefully.

Moreover, if it turns out that the only way to get to the outside world is by taking the elevator, then the key to the elevator should most likely be on the third floor.

So after Zhou Bai washed up and put his things back in the ward, he took the elevator by himself to the third floor.

The time at this time was seven forty in the morning.

There are still about five or ten minutes before the meal time in the blue rule.

Zhou Bai appeared in the area on the third floor during this period of time. It was strange and strange, but it was unreasonable, but it was still somewhat reasonable.

No, now the third doctor came to ask him if he was really hungry, and why he came down so early to wait for food.

Fortunately, patients who can come down to eat by themselves are already very good patients in the eyes of these doctors.

So every time Zhou Bai smiled and casually said a few words, then easily perfunctory.

The cafeteria on the third floor, room seven at the end of the corridor.

Before walking to this room, Zhou Bai would first pass by the doctors' office area.

Dr. Zhao's office is the second room next to the elevator.

Zhou Bai passed by his office door, and through the glass window in the corridor, he saw him writing furiously, so he stopped in his tracks.

And in his office, the grumpy old Mo, the recorder brother wearing glasses, also appeared beside him.

"Dead again! Dead again!

Look at yesterday, how many people died again?
I seriously doubt that this lunatic asylum should not have been established in the first place! "

Old Mo restlessly paced back and forth behind Dr. Zhao.

When talking about the place of anger, he kicked away a trash can next to him.

"Shut up your temper.

Don't forget, your current identity is a doctor. "

After the little recorder who was wearing glasses finished speaking, he bent down and picked up the trash can that he kicked down on the ground.

Then he looked Lao Mo up and down, and said helplessly.

"As a doctor, I can't even wear a white coat.

The collar is half turned, and the shirt buttons are not buttoned properly.

I don't know, I thought you were here to collect protection fees. "

When Lao Mo heard the glasses brother's complaints, his temper suddenly came up again.

Rolling up his sleeves, he took two steps and stood in front of the glasses boy, staring at him fiercely.

"Stinky boy, I've seen that you've been displeased for a long time.

If it weren't for the rule that you can't be beaten in this madhouse, I would have taken you to the toilet to chat with me by now. "

The glasses boy didn't care about Lao Mo's threat.

Sitting on the chair, she looked up at him, said "rude", and turned the chair to face him.

This behavior of his directly made Lao Mo very angry.

It's a pity that Lao Mo's fist was raised high, but he paused for a long time and didn't let it go.

In the end, it was Dr. Zhao who turned around and smoothed things over, and Lao Mo finally got a step up.

He put down his fist angrily, pulled up a chair, turned his back to the glasses boy, and sat down with a "hum".

Zhou Bai stood outside their window listening to the corner.

I just feel that the relationship between the three of them seems a little delicate.

However, he didn't stay outside the window for long before he saw another doctor open the door and come out.

So Zhou Bai could only look away, smiled at the doctor, and continued walking forward.

"Did you come down for dinner so early?"

The doctor was the same, asking Zhou Bai enthusiastically.

Zhou Bai smiled: "That's right, I'm so hungry, I plan to be the first one to cook."

The doctor also laughed out loud: "Then you just stand at the door of the cafeteria and wait slowly."

The door of the cafeteria will not open until 08:30 on time.

If Zhou Bai went early, he would really have to stand at the door and wait.

"It's okay, I can wait."

Seeing that the doctor had finished talking to him, Zhou Bai smiled and walked forward into the elevator.

After seeing him leave, Zhou Bai looked left and right at the corridor, then turned around and walked into a room with the door ajar.

Zhou Bai was going to the cafeteria before, and when he passed by, he saw a doctor taking things out of this room.

So he can probably deduce that it should be a utility room.

Zhou Bai heard no sound from inside, pushed the door open and walked in.

Anyway, his current identity is a lunatic.

It should be understandable that the lunatic would sometimes do some incomprehensible things, right?

However, Zhou Bai still hoped that if he was unlucky enough to be discovered by Dr. Zhao, he would be able to deduct less points.

Zhou Bai thought about the way out for his behavior, then pushed the door open and walked in.

What came into view was indeed a utility room that hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

Zhou Bai walked in and gently closed the door.

Then he began to look at the room in front of him.

However, because the things in this room were piled up in such a mess, he couldn't see what was going on just by looking at it.

Simply do it directly and rummage through it.

Half of this utility room is used to store some discarded old machinery, and the other half is used to store some sundries in the lives of doctors.

It is of course impossible to find the key to the elevator in such a room.

However, in this utility room, it is still possible to find a mirror, a knife, or some kind of weapon for self-defense or resistance.

As for how to put these things together after finding it, that is a problem that needs to be considered after finding it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai quickly immersed himself in searching.

He opened the bags of sundries, and then kept searching.

But I have searched through three or four bags, but I still haven't found what I want in these sundries.

Just when he had no longer hoped to open the fifth bag of sundries, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because the bag contained some worn-out white coats.

Zhou Bai took a look, and quickly pulled out one from inside.

Although this white coat is worn out, it is still a white coat.

Give it a good wash, it might come in handy.

Zhou Bai took the white coat in his hand, happily placed it in front of him and began to gesture.

At this time, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door, walking towards this side.

Hearing this, he quickly put away the white coat in his hand.

Then he looked left and right, managed to find an object that could cover him, and hid behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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