Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 405 The Enemy Hiding in the Dark

Chapter 405 The Enemy Hiding in the Dark

The sound of footsteps outside the house came to the door of the utility room, and they stopped.

Hearing this, Zhou Bai quickly shrank his body inward again.

Then, I heard someone standing outside the door talking to himself.

"Huh? So I closed the door.

I just said, how could I forget to close the door? "

After the person outside the door finished speaking, he didn't intend to come in and check it again.

After a while, Zhou Bai heard footsteps and slowly left the door.

Crisis lifted.

Zhou Bai stood up from his hiding place, took the white coat he had just obtained, and planned to sneak out again when he found a chance.

But suddenly, he heard a "click" from the door.

Is this...the sound of locking the door?

isn't it?
Just now Zhou Baiming heard footsteps and left here, could it be that that person has not left?

This is obviously not right.

Zhou Bai paused for a while, quickly hid the white coat he found, and then rushed to the door.

If the doctors find out that they have gone to the wrong room, at most they will be deducted points.

However, if you passively violate some rules because you can't go out, you will die.

The lesser of the two powers.

Zhou Bai turned the handle lightly, and after confirming that he was locked inside the room, he knocked loudly on the door immediately.

"Is anyone out there?
I have entered the wrong room, please open the door for me. "

Zhou Bai didn't hear the sound of footsteps leaving, so he was sure that the person who locked him inside just now was still standing outside the door.

If a normal doctor accidentally locked Zhou Bai inside, then as long as he heard a knock on the door, there would be no reason why he would not open the door.

But the person standing outside now had no intention of opening the door for Zhou Bai at all.

So, the person standing outside is not a normal doctor?

In other words, the person standing outside was trying to lock Zhou Bai inside on purpose?

who can that be?

When Zhou Bai just came in, he clearly confirmed that no one in the corridor saw him coming in.

Thinking of this, he immediately knocked on the door harder.

"you do this delibrately?"

Zhou Bai sternly asked outside the door.

But the people outside the door still ignored it.

And took two steps back, then walked in the direction of the elevator.

Zhou Bai felt that keeping one potential enemy around was more terrifying than facing ten enemies directly.

If you can't figure out who this deliberately messing up person is now, you may have even bigger troubles in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai punched directly above the wooden door in front of him.

"Bang" sound.

There was a big hole in the wooden door in front of him.

And Dr. Zhao, who just came out when he heard the noise outside the office, saw a pair of hands rushing out of the door, flying out a large piece of sawdust.

There was another "bang".

The hands retracted and slammed on the door again.

Then Zhou Bai's head was able to get out of the doorway, and then looked in the direction of the elevator.

But at this moment, he could only see a figure in a dark green hospital gown, quickly walking into the elevator.


The person who deliberately locked Zhou Bai inside was actually a patient?

Zhou Bai couldn't figure out how the person who wanted to harm him could be a patient.

However, what he should think about now is not this question.

Because at this time, Dr. Zhao, Lao Mo, and the little brother wearing glasses were all standing in front of his office door, and looked at Zhou Bai in shock.

Only then did Zhou Bai feel the gazes they were looking at him.

Hastily smiled awkwardly, then slowly retracted his head.

"Aww, this is incredible."

Old Mo walked over first, and looked up and down at the broken hole in the door.

And the little brother wearing glasses also walked to the door.

Seeing the broken hole in the door, he couldn't help pushing his glasses, frowning and looking in.

"You... What's going on with you?" Dr. Zhao's face at this time was two points of anger, three points of shock, and five points of disbelief.

But Zhou Bai saw Dr. Zhao showing up with the notebook with points deducted, so he quickly defended himself before he said the word "points deducted".

"Report to Doctor Zhao!

I want to report!

Someone just locked me in here on purpose. "

Doctor Zhao's face was full of puzzlement.

On the other hand, Lao Mo put his hand on the doorknob and tried to press it down.

Then I discovered that the doorknob really couldn't be turned.

"He didn't lie, the door was indeed locked from the outside."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Bai nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, that's how things are."

Dr. Zhao frowned and walked to the door, tried to turn the doorknob with his hand, and then stood outside the door thoughtfully.

"The door was indeed locked from the outside.

But there is a problem.

You...why did you appear inside? "

The problem that should come, finally came.

Even if Dr. Zhao has lived to this extent, he can't be a fool.

"I'm hungry, I'm out looking for something to eat."

Zhou Bai said it with confidence.

Dr. Zhao: "Then you can't go into the utility room to find food, can you?"

Zhou Bai: "The cafeteria is not open."

Dr. Zhao: "Is that why you entered the utility room?"

Zhou Bai: "But I'm hungry."

Doctor Zhao scratched his head frantically: "Please tell me, what is the connection between the two?!"

Zhou Bai had an innocent face.

Old Mo couldn't help laughing: "What logic are you arguing with a lunatic?"

Zhou Bai nodded in agreement.

When Dr. Zhao saw it, he was almost mad again.

"Points deducted! In this situation, he must be deducted points."

When Zhou Bai heard that points would be deducted, he immediately became a little uneasy.

It is known that Zhou Bai is now minus 52 points.

If it reaches minus [-], it will be sent to the severe patient ward.

Excuse me, how many points can Zhou Bai deduct now?
Zhou Bai thought about his precarious score, and felt that this time, he might really not be able to escape the fate of being sent to the critically ill ward.

Dr. Zhao lowered his head angrily and opened the book on hand, found the page belonging to Zhou Bai, then picked up a pen, and was about to fill in the numbers on it.

"Patient 0139, right?"

Zhou Bai bowed his head, and touched his fingertips with his index fingers: "If I said that I am patient 0138, would you believe me?"

Dr. Zhao immediately rolled his eyes after hearing this.

"Patient 0138 is already in the morgue, how about I let him come up and you go down instead?"

Zhou Bai quickly shook his head: "Then I'll be patient No. 0139."

Dr. Zhao was so angry that he sighed heavily: "According to your situation, you will have to deduct ten directly..."

As he spoke, he stroked into the form with his pen.

But Lao Mo, who was standing next to him, smiling and looking at the broken door in front of him, suddenly grabbed the pen in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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