Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 420 The Undercurrents in the Madhouse Are Raising

Chapter 420 The Undercurrents in the Madhouse Are Raising

Zhou Bai recalled the usual behaviors of patient No. 0201, and only felt that this incident sounded outrageous, and seemed like something he would really do.

It's just that the electric shock room is broken, which is not a small matter for this madhouse.

After hearing the other party's description, Dr. Zhao's face turned livid.

"Where's the maintenance staff? Has the notice come?"

The doctor sighed and shook his head.

"Called and they said it usually takes two or three days to fix this situation, let's take it easy."

After hearing this, Doctor Zhao frowned.

"That would be a little troublesome.

In this case, all patients have to use the shock room on the sixth floor. "

The doctor on the opposite side became even more embarrassed.

"Doctor Zhao, you may not know yet.

The shock room on the sixth floor was also broken in the morning.

And the maintenance personnel said that the electric shock room on the sixth floor should not be repaired. "

When Dr. Zhao heard this, his eyes widened instantly.

"What did you say?"

The doctor opposite hurriedly comforted him.

"It's okay, Doctor Zhao, it will be fixed soon.

I won't tell you now.

The electric shock room is in disarray right now, I need to bring a few people over there to help. "

After the doctor finished speaking, he trotted away from their eyes.

The expression on Dr. Zhao's face became more serious.

"I'm afraid this lunatic asylum will soon start to become chaotic."

Doctor Zhao whispered to himself.

His brows were wrinkled into a ball.

"Severe patients can no longer be allowed to walk around freely.

The sixth floor must be sealed off.

All their future food should be delivered to them. "

Lao Mo and Xiao Pu walked to Dr. Zhao's side.

After discussing the next countermeasures, you are ready to take action.

However, before they left, they remembered that there was another patient in the diagnosis room who hadn't finished the test.

With Xiao Pu's reminder, Doctor Zhao turned around and said to Zhou Bai.

"That's it for today's test.

You are zero.

Just go back to the ward of moderate patients.

We don't have time to talk to you, you go back to the ward by yourself. "

After he finished speaking, he quickly walked towards the elevator entrance with Xiao Pu and Lao Mo.

So Zhou Bai seemed to be the only one left in the diagnosis room.

However, when Zhou Bai stood behind the door, he watched their backs gradually disappear.

Turning around, he saw seven doctors besides himself in the diagnosis room, looking at him expressionlessly.

Zhou Bai couldn't help shivering.

Quickly pretending that he didn't notice any abnormality, he turned around, walked out of the diagnosis room, and walked towards his own ward.

The seven doctors still followed Zhou Bai leisurely.

Follow him along the road and into the ward.

There were no other patients in the ward at this time.

The No. 1 boss hasn't come back yet.

As for patient No. 0201, it is estimated that he will not come back in the future.

Zhou Bai walked into the ward, and opened the door without intending to close it.

And the seven doctors who followed Zhou Bai all the way walked in after Zhou Bai entered the ward.

And standing right in front of his hospital bed, staring at him coldly as if he was studying a certain experimental product.

Zhou Bai felt that this feeling was really bad.

But the other party didn't make any further moves, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

He could only sit on the hospital bed like this, and let seven strange doctors stand in front of him and stare at him like this.

Listening to all kinds of noisy and chaotic sounds outside the house.

Feel the icy cold atmosphere in the ward.

The nerves were tense, and the body sat stiffly on the hospital bed.

In this way, nearly an hour passed with difficulty.

He didn't stand up from the hospital bed until the hands of the clock on the wall pointed to 55:[-] noon.

It's time to eat again in the world of red rules.

The female doctor with braids in the morning said that she would wait for her at the elevator entrance.

This forced Zhou Bai to go to the second floor.

Besides, there are still seven doctors staring at him now.

If I don't go this time, I'm afraid the days to come will not be easy.

It seemed that Zhou Bai's "lunch" was inevitable.

Under the gaze of seven pairs of eyes, he walked towards the elevator entrance.

Those seven weird doctors still followed behind him unhurriedly.

Standing in front of the elevator, Zhou Bai pressed the down button.

The elevator came in front of him and opened the door.

There were no other passengers inside.

Zhou Bai took a deep breath and walked in.

And those seven doctors also followed him into the elevator and stood behind him.

As a result, the elevator, which was already relatively cold, suddenly became even colder.

A patient walked to the front of the elevator and wanted to take the elevator downstairs.

When he saw the dark people in the elevator, he tilted his head in doubt.

Zhou Bai did not rush to press the button on the second floor.

Move one step, trying to make room for the patient.

But just as Zhou Bai was moving his steps, he heard a chewing sound coming from behind him.

His body stopped suddenly.

And the expression on the face of the patient in front of him also changed from doubt to panic in an instant.

Then there was a scream, and he ran away yelling.

With the back of the patient running away, it disappeared before Zhou Bai's eyes.

The elevator door in front of him also slowly closed.

The chewing sound behind him has not stopped yet.

Hearing this creepy voice, Zhou Bai reached out and pressed the button on the second floor.

Only then did he hear the chewing sound suddenly stop.

Then, there seemed to be seven neck twisting sounds at the same time.

Zhou Bai suddenly felt that his back was even more chilly.

We're about to reach that dangerous second floor.

Zhou Bai looked at the beating numbers on the elevator and silently clenched his hands.

When the number on the display screen jumps to "2", the elevator door opens.

Immediately afterwards, a strong smell of blood rushed over.

Zhou Bai stepped out of the elevator door and saw the female doctor with braids standing at the elevator entrance.

Seeing that Zhou Bai really came to the second floor, the expression on his face softened a little.

Zhou Bai walked along the corridor towards the innermost "canteen".

Along the road, many doctors in white coats were leaning against the wall.

Seeing someone coming down the elevator, all eyes fell on Zhou Bai.

Just like that, Zhou Bai walked forward under their gaze.

However, just as he was about to reach the door of the "canteen", he suddenly saw a familiar face among them.

It was an old man in a dark green hospital gown and a fisherman's hat on his head.

However, his current clothes were stained with blood.

Standing next to those doctors with weird expressions.

It looks like it has merged with them...

(End of this chapter)

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