Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 421 The situation is getting worse

Chapter 421 The situation is getting worse
In order not to arouse suspicion, Zhou Bai only glanced at No. 1 boss, then looked away.

In Room No. [-] on the second floor, there was only faint light.

Zhou Bai walked into the room.

Immediately, he felt a strong smell of blood, and immediately rushed into his nasal cavity.

He resisted the urge to gag.

He raised his eyes and looked around.

He felt that in the dim light, there seemed to be dozens of pairs of eyes looking at him.

He stiffened his body, maintaining a standing posture.

Then, a "bang" was heard.

Several objects were violently thrown towards the middle of the hall.

A low growl like a beast suddenly sounded from all directions around Zhou Bai.

Immediately afterwards, those eyes in the darkness scrambled towards the objects that had been thrown in the middle of the hall.

Zhou Bai felt that when they ran over, there were still a few pairs of eyes that did not forget to turn to look at him.

This made him clenched his hands and ran over.

Those bodies all lay on the ground, snatching and biting objects on the ground.

The blood was centered on the crowd and flowed to the surroundings.

Zhou Bai's hands and knees, which were also lying on the ground, were stained with blood.

He touched the blood on the ground with his hands.

Just like last time, he wiped the blood around his mouth.

It looks like you've had a full meal...

Although Zhou Bai had tried his best to confuse the real with the fake, it still seemed to arouse suspicion.

One of the doctors who had been following Zhou Bai just now was lying beside Zhou Bai.

I saw that he didn't know why, holding a piece of meat in his hand, he suddenly turned his head.

And, he also handed the piece of meat in his hand to Zhou Bai.

Zhou Bai looked at the piece of meat handed to him, and his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

Beside him, whether they were wearing white coats or hospital gowns, they were all scrambling for these pieces of meat.

And now, someone has already handed the piece of meat to him.

If you don't pick it up yourself, it's too suspicious.

However, if you don't eat it after receiving it, isn't that even more suspicious?
Zhou Bai hesitated, and looked up at the doctor who handed the piece of meat to him.

I feel like I really have no reason to say no.

He stretched out his hand, intending to take the piece of meat first before talking.

However, just as his hand was reaching for the piece of meat, suddenly a pair of hands reached out quickly, and quickly snatched the piece of meat in front of Zhou Bai's eyes.

Zhou Bai looked in the direction where the meat was snatched in surprise.

Then, seeing the No. 1 boss holding the piece of meat, he opened his mouth and bit down.

The moment Zhou Bai saw this scene, he felt his head buzzing and stopped thinking.

In the next second, the doctor whose meat was robbed gave a low growl, rushed over frantically, and snatched his own meat back.

Then, as if afraid of being snatched away again, he turned his back, lowered his head, and started to gobble it up.

Zhou Bai was in no mood to pay attention to the sound of chewing beside him.

Instead, he fixedly looked in the direction of No. 1 boss.

Looking at the blood between his teeth, it was extremely dazzling.

Seeing him turn his eyes away and lower his head, he continued to snatch the "food" in the middle.

Zhou Bai's whole heart sank.

What he didn't see was that just behind him, the patient wearing a red bow tie was standing there.

And looking at the picture of them here, he was very satisfied and smiled.

After "lunch".

Zhou Bai silently followed No. 1 boss, and walked into the elevator with him.

When the elevator reached the fifth floor, boss No. 1 came out and immediately walked towards the toilet.

Zhou Bai still followed behind him silently.

After seeing him wash away the blood in his mouth with clean water, he couldn't help but want to open his mouth and ask him some questions.

However, before Zhou Bai's words could be uttered, No. 1 boss straightened up from the faucet and waved to him.

"Don't ask. I won't tell you if you ask. So, don't waste your tongue."

Zhou Bai closed his mouth.

After washing their hands and the blood on their faces, the two returned to the ward together.

After changing the clothes on their bodies, they took the elevator together to the third floor.

In the cafeteria on the third floor today, there seemed to be very few doctors who came to eat.

Zhou Bai took the food and sat on the table. After finishing the food, he still didn't see Dr. Zhao and the others.

The situation in the intensive care unit seems to have become more serious.

When Zhou Bai came out of the cafeteria, he heard some doctors discussing that everyone was too busy to have time to eat.

Zhou Bai walked to the elevator in silence.

While waiting for the elevator, I saw the elevator door in front of me open.

A hospital bed covered with a white cloth appeared in the elevator.

And the edge of the white cloth was stained with blood.

If you look carefully, you will also find that the doctor pushing the hospital bed seems to have scratch marks on his arm.

Zhou Bai stood directly opposite them, and when he saw this scene, he felt his heart beating violently a few beats faster.

As the elevator door in front of him closed again.

The elevator went down.

A bad premonition also surfaced in Zhou Bai's mind.

The numbers on the elevator display stopped on the second floor, then went up to the sixth floor, and then stopped in front of Zhou Bai again.

Zhou Bai looked at the numbers on the elevator and sighed silently.

I took the elevator to the fifth floor, followed No. 1 boss, and went back to the ward together.

Although looking at the busy situation of the doctors now, the ward check at four o'clock is likely to be cancelled.

But just in case, Zhou Bai and No. 1 boss each picked up the clothes they had just changed, and walked into the toilet.

Zhou Bai hid in the toilet and cleaned his blood-stained clothes.

Then took the clothes and walked back to the balcony of the ward.

While drying the clothes, he looked out of the balcony.

Below the balcony, there was a figure in a white coat, walking slowly along the inner circle of the barbed wire.

This should be the first time Zhou Bai saw someone on the first floor of the madhouse.

So, Zhou Bai couldn't help but put down the clothes that hadn't been dried in his hand, and approached the iron railing of the balcony, wanting to see the figure below more clearly.

Outside the barbed wire, pedestrians passed by the doctor.

And the doctor, seeing the pedestrian, suddenly became a little excited.

He rushed in front of the pedestrian and kept waving his hands.

Seeing that the pedestrian ignored him, he put his hand to his mouth, and then bit down.

The pedestrian ignored the doctor's behavior and continued on his way without even looking at him.

It's only pity that Zhou Bai's young heart, which he had finally recovered, was hit again.

He stood on the balcony, watching the doctor who was getting closer and closer to the outside world, and felt that the situation seemed to be getting worse.

(End of this chapter)

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