Rules Strange Story: My Family Is Not Normal

Chapter 473 I Have No Place To Steal You

Chapter 473 I Have No Place To Steal You
Fatty Peng walked to Zhou Bai's side, took out half a bag of bread from his backpack and handed it to him.

Zhou Bai took the bread, patted the seat next to him with his hand, and signaled him to sit down.

"Sit down, I've checked, there's no one on this street."

Fatty Peng also sat down, staring at the supermarket in front of him, and took a piece of bread from Zhou Bai with his other hand that was not swollen.

Taking a bite carefully, his eyes still did not leave the position in front of him.

Zhou Bai took off the mask on his face, brought the bread to his mouth, and took a bite.

He smiled and asked Fatty Peng, "What is their reaction now?"

Fatty Peng showed an expression uglier than death.

"They seem excited..."

Zhou Bai nodded, and asked him for a piece of beef jerky.

He opened the package of beef jerky, put it under his nose and smelled it, showed a satisfied expression, and took another bite.

"Now? How did they react?"

Fatty Peng was so frightened that he almost cried.

"They were more excited.

Others were banging on the glass door. "

Zhou Bai sandwiched the beef jerky in the bread nonchalantly, and took another bite.

"And then? Did you smash the glass door?"

Fatty Peng shook his head nervously: "Shouldn't it? If it came out, wouldn't we be in trouble?"

Zhou Bai smiled and swallowed the last bite of bread.

If they could really shatter the glass door, they wouldn't be able to wait until now.

Zhou Bai patted the bread crumbs on his hands, and put on the gloves again.

"Eat slowly, don't rush."

Zhou Bai said so, but Fatty Peng was even more afraid.

I'm afraid that those people in the opposite supermarket will rush towards them.

Immediately, he realized that he quickly swallowed the bread in two bites.

Regardless of the share of beef jerky he still had, he pulled up his backpack and wanted to leave this place.

Zhou Bai picked up his pocket watch and looked at the time on it.

It was just after 12:30 noon.

It was still a long time before four o'clock in the afternoon.

So Zhou Bai pressed Fatty Peng who was about to stand up, while he stretched himself.

"Don't worry, sit down for a while."

Fatty Peng almost cried.

The people inside the glass door were all staring at them.

Some of them bared their fangs and gnawed at the doorknob, while others stretched out their long nails and scratched at the glass door.

Zhou Bai couldn't see these horrific scenes, only Fatty Peng had to suffer from these mental tortures.

He sat back on the ground feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles, sometimes scratching his red and swollen hands with his hands, and sometimes fiddling with the rewrapped scarf.

It felt as if he had been sitting in torment for a long time before he finally saw Zhou Bai stand up.

He hurriedly stood up, patted the dust off his body with his hands, and followed Zhou Bai out of this terrifying street.

The time now is 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Bai looked at Fatty Peng's still red and swollen hands, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"It's still a little itchy, a little painful..."

After Fatty Peng finished speaking, he quickly made amends: "But the swelling didn't spread, I... I shouldn't die, right? I'm still so young."

Zhou Bai patted his red and swollen hand with his gloved hand.

The pain made him hiss, and he took his hand back.

"It still hurts, so I shouldn't die."

After speaking, he smiled and walked towards an intersection ahead.

Fatty Peng didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, so he could only touch his hand that hurt from the slap, and hurriedly followed.

There is still some time before four o'clock, Zhou Bai plans to go to the nearest cinema first.

The place where the person who sent the distress signal went before coming to the supermarket was this movie theater.

Zhou Bai and the others had never been to the road leading to the cinema.

In the past, you can stop by to see if there is anything that can help Fatty Peng heal his hand injury.

Along the way, Zhou Bai saw a pharmacy again.

This pharmacy is similar to the one I saw before, and almost all the items inside have been robbed. Even if I can see the few bottles of medicine left, it has nothing to do with healing the skin.

The earliest manifestation of this mutation is the appearance of small bumps on the skin.

Before they understand what these mutations are, most people should want to snatch skin-related ointments.

So it is very difficult to find such medicines.

Zhou Bai sighed softly, turned his head to look at Fatty Peng's chubby red hand, and shook his head helplessly.

Could it be that this hand is really going to be lost.

Looking at Zhou Bai's eyes, Fatty Peng felt as if he was saying goodbye to his hand.

He was so frightened that he quickly protected his hand, fearing that Zhou Bai would cut it off in the next second.

Zhou Bai patted his shoulder lightly, sighed and continued walking.

At about 02:30, the two of them came to the front of the movie theater on the map.

This movie theater does not have a cloud of black smoke hanging over it.

But when Zhou Bai walked over and pushed the locked door with his hand, several people with long fangs came through the crack of the door and roared at Zhou Bai who was standing outside the door.

Zhou Bai quickly put down the hand that was pushing the door, and looked inside through the crack of the door.

The eyes inside were also looking at Zhou Bai through the crack of the door.

And they gather more and more.

With a "bang", four long hands stretched out through the crack of the door.

Fatty Peng, who came closer and wanted to find out, was so frightened that he took several steps back.

"Go away! Go away!"

In the movie theater, the man with long nails yelled at them.

Then behind him, there were also roars one after another.

"There's no place for you to live here.

Get out!

If you don't go away, we'll kill you. "

It seems that those people in the movie theater seem to have misunderstood Zhou Bai's reason for coming.

Zhou Bai stood outside the door, but he could still smell the stench coming from inside.

With so many people occupying the movie theater as their place of residence, it is obvious that their living environment should not be much better.

Even in such a living environment, there should still be many people who want to fight for it.

That's why when they saw Zhou Bai and Fatty Peng coming, their first reaction was that they were here to grab the territory.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai stepped back a few steps.

Show them that you mean no harm by putting your hands up and spreading them out.

"I have no place to steal from you.

I just lost a friend, I remember he said before that he was coming here.

I wonder if you have seen him? "

Hearing what Zhou Bai said, the attitude of the man with long nails in the movie theater softened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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