Chapter 474 Flying out of it?
"Let's go, there won't be any friends of yours here, and even if there were, he would have died a long time ago."

Zhou Bai didn't expect to find the person who sent the distress signal here. Under the current situation, as long as he can get a little more information, that would be good.

So, taking advantage of the other party's relaxation, he hurriedly asked him for news.

"No way? My friend won't really die, will he?

He is indeed a bit strange.

Always say something like asking for help.

Did you actually see him die? "

Zhou Bai watched the other party's reaction while talking.

He noticed that when he said the word "help", the other party's nails stretched out of the door, and he paused obviously.

Have the opportunity?
Zhou Bai planned to strike while the iron was hot, but the other party didn't seem to give him a chance.

After pausing for a few seconds, he suddenly yelled towards the door with even more excitement.

"Go away! There are no friends of yours here!"

Zhou Bai could only stop quickly.

As he stepped back, he calmed down his emotions.

"All right, all right, we're leaving now."

After speaking, Zhou Bai really left the cinema with Fatty Peng.

There is still time in the future, there is no need to provoke them now, and it will not be too late to find an opportunity to come over next time.

Thinking so, Zhou Bai walked towards the location of the abandoned school on the map.

It's just over an hour until four o'clock in the afternoon.

From the point of view of the distance, it is completely sufficient.

But during this period of time, he had to act separately from Fatty Peng, which became a problem Zhou Bai had to think about now.

The reason for acting alone is not only not to make him think too much, but also to ensure that he can be safe when he is alone.

Before Zhou Bai was about to leave, he had to consider a lot of details.

He looked around all the way.

When he came to a building with tiles on the outer wall, he stopped suddenly.

Fatty Peng followed Zhou Bai's movements suspiciously and stopped.

"Brother Bai, is there a problem?"

Zhou Bai glanced at him solemnly and nodded.

"Yes, very serious problem."

Fatty Peng turned pale with shock: "Huh? What? What serious problem? It's over, I didn't notice it."

Seeing Fatty Peng's deceitful appearance, Zhou Bai genuinely showed a worried expression.

"I thought of a way to complete the task, but I'm afraid I can't complete it by myself."

When Fatty Peng heard this, he immediately patted his chest with his only normal hand.

"Brother Bai, why are you alone?
Look, isn't there still me here? "

Zhou Bai was very pleased: "He is indeed my good brother."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the tiles on the outer wall of the building ahead, and said to Fatty Peng.

"Then count all the tiles on that wall.

Remember, you can't count one piece wrong. "

Fatty Peng really wanted to ask Zhou Bai why he counted the tiles.

But before he could ask, Zhou Bai had already shown him a silent motion.

"I can't tell you much, understand?"

Fatty Peng nodded quickly.

Then he walked to the outer wall covered with tiles and started counting.

Zhou Bai let Fatty Peng count the tiles, while he turned around and observed the street behind him.

Unsurprisingly, there were still some pedestrians whose eyes fell on Fatty Peng first.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Zhou Bai is not by his side, he may soon be in danger.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai took out the pistol he got in the duty team's office from his pocket.

Zhou Bai just took out his pistol, and several passers-by around him stepped back in panic.

The effect is good.

Holding a pistol, Zhou Bai walked up to Fatty Peng.

Said to him, "Pull out the gun."

Fatty Peng followed suit in a daze.

Seeing his harmless appearance, Zhou Bai couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"Don't show that look.

Keep your eyes focused.

Well, that's pretty much it. "

Fatty Peng is tall enough and has a rather rough appearance. It was easy to pretend to be fierce, but he was dragged down by his own personality.

Zhou Bai urgently gave him eye training.

After adjusting his movements, posture, and face orientation when he stood there, he was barely satisfied with how he looked now.

"Count here by yourself, don't wander around.

I have other preparations to do and will be back soon. "

Fatty Peng stood there, holding a gun in his hand, maintaining his fierce eyes and movements, and nodded slightly.

Although Zhou Bai was not at ease, there was only so much he could do.

He left the street where Fatty Peng was, turned around and turned into another alley.

Then it turned out onto another street.

Less than 5 minutes away, I came to the door of an abandoned elementary school.

The gate of the school was closed tightly, and when Zhou Bai walked in, he could still see the rust on the gate.

It seems that this place should have been abandoned for a long time.

Following the requirements in the rules, Zhou Bai found a place to stand, took out his pocket watch, and started counting the time.

Behind him is the gate of the school.

Standing there, Zhou Bai always felt that many eyes were staring at his back.

But every time he turned his head, the feeling of being stared at disappeared immediately.

Zhou Bai simply turned around and stood facing the school.

After doing so, that feeling really did not reappear.

Zhou Bai found it a little interesting, and looked at the school in front of him with great interest.

Through the rusty iron gate, Zhou Bai saw the school buildings inside forming a U-shape.

There is an open space in the middle, with three rows of classrooms on three sides.

Zhou Bai looked towards those classrooms from a distance.

I saw that the doors of those classrooms were ajar, and the gaps left were pitch-black. Those who looked in always felt that there would be monsters coming out of them suddenly.

Zhou Bai shook off the strange thoughts that came to him, picked up his pocket watch, and continued to check the time.

After 15 minutes passed, he put down his pocket watch, turned around and prepared to leave here.

At this moment, a bird of unknown species flew past Zhou Bai's head.

This made Zhou Bai stop suspiciously, turned around and took another look at the school behind him.

Did it fly out of it?

Zhou Bai was not sure.

Because I didn't see where this bird flew out from just now.

Zhou Bai turned around, followed the route just now, and walked back to where Fatty Peng was.

He turned from the street in front of him into an alley, passed through the alley again, and was about to reach the street where Fatty Peng was.

But suddenly he heard a loud cry, coming from where Fatty Peng was.

Zhou Bai was startled, and immediately ran forward.

At this moment, the bird he saw just now flew past Zhou Bai's head again.

A few feathers, following its figure, fluttered to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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