Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 106 Pan Youan Burned Yecheng

Zhang Facun and Huang Ren, together with [-] brave men, climbed up Duanbiyan quietly along the first hillside on the left overnight.Although Duanbiyan is not very high, the mountain is dangerous and the terrain is not very familiar.We climbed the mountain shortly after supper and did not reach the summit until midnight.Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see the lights of thousands of houses in the city, densely packed and dotted.It can be seen that during the war, the residents of the city were frightened, and their sleep was not as good as in the past.This cliff is like a knife and an axe, straight up and down, no wonder the city doesn't fortify here.Apart from falcons, what bird dares to fly over such a high cliff?

During the daytime they had done reconnaissance, and the root of the mountain was the back wall of the city wall, which was about three feet wide and could be walked on horseback.During the day, the marshal did not let them act rashly, fearing that once the target was exposed, they would miss a major event.Although it is safe at night, it is much more difficult.When climbing the mountain just now, a brother fell down. Seeing that it was a disaster, let's go look for it again at dawn, maybe we can't find it?

The commander-in-chief made it clear that the brothers who were hanged from the mountain with ropes immediately fired rockets into the city, no matter if it was a private house, a barracks, a public house or a private house, lead one place to one place, don't shoot arrows in one direction, put more fire point, making it inconvenient for the enemy to save.Don't get entangled with the enemy soldiers who come to stop, the main task is to set fire.

Zhang Facun and Huang Ren were both eager to make contributions and wanted to go down.A soldier corporal said: "General, you both go down, I am here! Make sure to transport the brothers to their positions safely one by one."

The two were overjoyed, and patted the corporal commander on the shoulder and said: "Once the fire is successfully set, it will be a miracle. Then we will tell the marshal that you will be promoted to three levels in a row."

The corporal leader was naturally very happy, and urged: "It's not too late, the two generals will come down!"

There are ten people in each team, and after going down, they shake the rope as a sign, and after the upper level pulls up the empty rope, they continue to descend.

Zhang Facun was the first to go down. After going down, several people quickly untied the ropes to prepare for the second group of descendants.Zhang Facun led nine brothers, and the rope just put them directly on the parapet of the city.The enemy soldiers thought that this place was safe and secure, how could there be heavenly soldiers descending from the high cliff hundreds of feet away?Therefore, they were slack and did not send troops to patrol.Zhang Facun was overjoyed, and immediately took off the bow and arrow on his back, tied a flammable object to the arrow, lit it with fire, and ten people shot in ten directions.Suddenly the city was on fire, and there were also earthen houses in this city, most of which were bamboo buildings and wooden houses, and they were very old, how could they survive this artificial arson.All of a sudden, there were crackling sounds, smoke and flames, and the flames shot up into the sky. The panicked crowd shouted for their parents and fled in all directions.When the enemy soldiers patrolling the city heard the news, it happened that Huang Ren's second group of brothers had just arrived.Huang Ren said:

"Brother Zhang, you have made your first contribution, and it's time for you to show your face. You stop the enemy soldiers and continue to shoot arrows. I will take a few brothers to open the city gate."

Zhang Facun and others killed a few pawns who came to patrol the city, and said while firing arrows: "Brother Huang, the commander-in-chief didn't give me the task of opening the city gate!"

Huang Ren said: "You don't understand this. If the city gate is not open, how can the army come in? If the army cannot enter the city, I will shoot arrows in vain."

At this time, the fire was getting more and more fierce, and there were fewer enemy soldiers who came to block it.The third group of brethren is about to come down for reinforcements. Zhang Facun said, "Brother, be careful!"

"It's okay!" Huang Ren and the others hid in the flames.

The young eunuch led the soldiers of the three armies, saw the flames in the city, and rushed to attack the city. Suddenly, the gate of the city opened into the sky. Marshal Pan was overjoyed, and the three armies rushed in.

Daling Wushang was in a dream, and heard the report from the sergeant that someone had set fire to the city, and the city was on fire. While dressing and cursing, he looked at the fire outside the door, gritted his teeth and muttered:

"Catch this arsonist, and he must be smashed into pieces!"

Dalingwu's trousers were not neatly worn yet, another soldier came to report:

"The general is in trouble, the officers and soldiers have already entered the city!"

"No way, did they fly down from the sky?" That's what he said, but Da Lingwu already knew the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly ordered the assembled team to retreat from the south gate.

The little eunuch hurriedly ordered the soldiers to put out the fire. Seeing that Zhang Facun and others were still standing on the top of the wall and firing rockets, he laughed and stopped him:

"General Zhang, it was meritorious for setting fire just now, but it is a crime for setting fire now, come down quickly!"

Only then did Zhang Facun stop.

The officers and soldiers extinguished the fire, and it was dawn.The little eunuch ordered people to make a rough count. The fire burned more than [-] private houses, and the official houses were destroyed. The number of people burned to death is unknown. Most of the dead were old and weak.Dalingwu led a small number of anti-king troops, leaving behind their wives and children, and fled from the south gate. The rest either surrendered or dispersed.

The little eunuch stood on a pile of ruins and sighed: "Since ancient times, the unlucky ones in wars have been the people of the Li people. Not to mention me, the sages did it as a last resort. This time I used soldiers and fire to attack and almost burned Yecheng To be a blank land, to be an empty city, sin, sin!"

All the generals persuaded: "The commander-in-chief raised the king's division to attack the innocent, what is the crime?"

The little eunuch also said: "Back then Zhuge Wuhou was good at attacking with fire. The first time he burned Xinye, it was understandable. The second time he burned Tengjia's army, killing all human beings. The third time he burned Huluyu, and it rained heavily, saving Sima and his son. The second time, a race was almost wiped out, and my husband also shed tears at that time. The Emperor Houtian was so angry that he lost ten years of life and died at only 53 years old. Do you know this?"

All the generals were in admiration, and shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Since then, no one lived in Jieyang Ridge, and the surrounding city walls collapsed year by year, so the name Yecheng no longer existed in history.This is something to say later, I will not mention it.

The little eunuch remembered Zhang Facun and Huang Ren's outstanding achievements.Order the team to make some repairs and set off today.Missed Chenzhou and forced to surrender to Shaocheng, Sanyang City was in sight, and the old nest of the imperial capital of the anti-king was far away.

After Da Lingwu fled to Yangcheng with a small group of defeated soldiers, he did not dare to go directly to see King Fu, but ran to his brother.Dalingwen comforted:

"Brother, it's okay. Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. The main reason for your failure this time is that you fell into the tricks of the little eunuch. It is rare for him to set fire to attack the city. The emperor can't blame you. Besides, Emperor Tianle is employing people. I won’t do anything to you, one day when my elder brother catches that damned little eunuch on the battlefield, I will vent this anger for you.”

Seeing what his brother said, Daling Wu was very happy, and agreed that the two brothers would meet the Holy One in court the next day.He was waiting outside the court, and his brother agreed that he would enter the court again, if he didn't hear from his brother for half a day, he would run away first.

The little eunuch is like a broken bamboo, breaking through several passes in a row, and the army is overwhelming, approaching the capital.After hearing the news, King Fu did not show his dragon face, so he called a group of ministers to discuss, what is the best way to defeat the enemy?

The second younger brother Ning Wang said: "The little eunuch is very powerful, and that kid is treacherous and cunning. If I don't see it, it's better to flee to Yunnan and Guangxi, hide in the [-] mountains and deal with him."

Yao Qizuo, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, said: "What is the second prince saying? The little eunuch just took back a few small cities. Our army has not yet fought against him, and our vitality is not damaged. How can we plan to escape like this? My God Emperor Yue's soldiers are strong and brave, how can a 10,000+ army be afraid of a lottery?"

Whether to stay or go, the King of Fu had no choice for a while, so he looked at the military division with his eyes, and Hua Shixiong came out of the squad and said:

"Yao Shangshu's words are reasonable. According to my humble opinion, it is better to open the gate of the city in the future, set up a formation, and fight the little eunuch to the death."

Hua Shixiong got the news that the little eunuch got several strong generals a few days ago, and all of them are brave enough to be undeserved.And they won several cities in a row, and the momentum was in full swing, thinking that the time for the decisive battle had come.He also thought about it, if King Fu really wants to hide in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the officers and soldiers will do nothing to him for a while, fearing that he will become a chronic disease, and there will be endless troubles in the long run.

Emperor Tianle sighed: "I caught an eunuch the day before yesterday. He said he was Pan You'an, but who knew it was a fake. If I had known that the little eunuch was patrolling South China, I should not have acted rashly. Now I am riding on a donkey. If you can't retreat, how can I ask the widow to decide?"

Da Lingwen, a general of Zhen Guo, who supervised the march and commanded the army, suddenly went out of duty, choked up with sobs and tears, and fell to the ground.

Emperor Tianle asked in surprise, "General, why?"

"Your Majesty, my younger brother Da Lingwu was set on fire by a young eunuch. He is at the end of his rope and dare not face the saint. Now that I am here, the young general dare not hide it. I beg Your Majesty to forgive me."

Emperor Tianle laughed loudly and said: "How can a defeat in the first battle be considered a defeat? I know that your younger brother, General Da, has done his best. If you call him to see the widow, instead of embarrassing him, you will be promoted , seal him a bigger official position."

Da Lingwen was grateful and kowtowed like garlic and said: "The emperor's kindness is so great, Damou vowed to repay His Majesty to the death, even if he went through fire and water, mountains of swords and seas of swords, he would be loyal to the emperor."

Emperor Tianle ordered the deacon eunuch to help him up.He secretly said happily in his heart: "Although General Da is a surrendered general, he is actually a widow's arm. If you win the country in the future, I will give you the title of king."

Da Lingwen kowtowed again and touched the ground with a bang, bang bang, crying: "I just need to follow your Majesty to fight the country, it doesn't matter if you are king or not. Your Majesty, my younger brother is outside the court hall now."

"Quickly announce him in!"

When Dalingwu entered the court, Fu Wang really comforted him a lot.

Everyone discussed for a long while, but they did not reach a consensus.However, King Fu had already made up his mind, and vowed to fight the little eunuch.He interrupted:

"The widow has made a decision, and I want to compete with that little eunuch. But having said that, how to fight is up to everyone. If the little eunuch comes to the city tomorrow, should he go out to fight him, or if he can't hold on, let him come attack?"

Civil servants talk about defense, and generals talk about attack. There are different opinions, and they have been arguing for half a day.Emperor Tianle still consulted Hua Shixiong when the matter came to a head, and Hua Shixiong said:

"Your Majesty has countless brave generals. What would you do if he is a little eunuch? Go out of the city and have a conversation with him, so as to find out his truth."

Emperor Tianle agreed.

The little eunuch came all the way to see that it was not far from the city, so he set up a big village ten miles away from the city.Order the soldiers of the three armies to bury the pot to make food, and drive the troops to attack the city early tomorrow morning.

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