Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 118 Seven Warriors Fancheng Robbery Field

The little eunuch praised Zhang and Huang especially, saying that this is a private matter that can only be reported privately, and has nothing to do with getting promoted and getting rich, and the two also said some polite words.Things were done beautifully, everyone was happy, and everything was ready, and it was time to rob the Falun Gong the next day.Suddenly, the little eunuch remembered something again. Tomorrow, he needed an interpreter to go out on stage. He asked the four to discuss it, and explained that this was a very dangerous thing, and his life was in danger at all times. Unexpectedly, the shepherd said happily:

"Brother, what are you talking about? You saved my life among wolves, and this life is yours. You can take it whenever you want! When you killed wolves, you didn't think that you were in danger too?"

"Okay," the little eunuch said with a smile, "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. As long as I don't die then, I will never forget my elder brother in this life."

"Brother, don't say those unlucky things. We have no conscience to do bad things. Why did God want our lives? I can see that you and your brothers are good people, capable people, and how many people like this can be handed over in a lifetime. It's worth it, my friend!"

"Good friends can be met but not sought." The little eunuch said, "One kind of good friend is bought with heart, and the other is bought with life. Only these two kinds of friends are the most reliable. Four big brothers, Am i right?"

"That's right, you are so right! There is a proverb on our grassland that says that those who make friends with wolves are definitely not sheep. Tell me what you want, my friend."

"Will you be our translator then?" the little eunuch said seriously.

"What is translation? I'm afraid I can't say it well." Si Rigu said in a daze.

"When the time comes, you can say what I say, say my Chinese in Fan language, just say, 'I am Xin Shanyu, here is the sword', is that okay?"

"How can I be Xin Shanyu? Isn't that a matter of beheading?" The shepherd shook his head and said.

"It's not you, you said it for me." The little eunuch explained.

"You are our new Shanyu?" Si Rigu asked in surprise.

"Neither am I. After we rescue Ur Sultan, we will return the throne to her."

"I understand, okay, I'll do it with you!" the shepherd gritted his teeth and said.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the next day, the little eunuch is still a little worried, the only question now is whether he is afraid that Zhu Linzong and Xiao Tianlei will arrive on time with the rescuers?Turning around and thinking again, the master is very predictable, he must have been prepared, and they will set off as soon as Zhu Linzong arrives, presumably there will be no delay?

On that day, everyone woke up very early, everything was tidied up, and the shepherd's sister-in-law specially brought them enough drinks and food.The little eunuch patted Sizhi Gulen on the shoulder and said:

"Four big brothers, this time it's up to you. At that time, the voice must be louder, not shouting, but roaring. The more people who hear it, the better, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, brother, I promise you won't miss a big deal! I made it clear to your sister-in-law. If I don't come back in the afternoon, I will let her take the child and run to my hometown overnight. I will stop doing business and don't want anything. ’” Siri Gulen said with conviction.

The little eunuch couldn't help but hugged the shepherd and said, "Good brother, let's take a chance on this if we risk our lives!"

The so-called practice field is actually the martial arts field. The little eunuch is very familiar with this place. It was here that he killed ten generals in a row to keep Uer Sultan's throne.Unexpectedly, the internal troubles were not eliminated, and some people still made trouble in the end.There were too many spectators, and the horses were not allowed to enter, and they were all tied to a fixed position.If he didn't ride a horse, the little eunuch's long spear would be useless, so Chi Fatang was simply asked to look after the horse and manage the weapons. If there was any situation, he would immediately enter the arena on horseback and give away the long spear.

The little eunuch, Zhang Facun, Huang Ren, and He Laowu crowded into the crowd of spectators. This place was still a certain distance from the main stage, but it was closer to the execution place.In case Zhu Linzong and the others fail to arrive on time, they will act alone.Although this plan is extremely risky, it can't be taken care of much.It is more important to save people first, otherwise what is the use of taking the throne?

Seeing that [-]:[-] was approaching, the new Shanyu who had usurped the throne brought his concubines and ministers to sit on the main stage proudly. Zhang Facun and Huang Ren recognized the prince and his son at a glance. The Han princess, they pointed them out to the little eunuch.The little eunuch took a quick visual inspection and found that the distance was about ten feet away. If he set out from where they were standing to attack King Fan, he might encounter countless arrows and swords before he got there. This move would definitely not work.The only thing that can be done is to show the life-saving sword immediately after killing the executioner. By then, I don't know if the voice of the four big brothers will work or not?

At this time, the little lady overheard someone shouting on the main stage: "Everyone, please be quiet, the prince has a decree, execute the sentence immediately!"

Fortunately, there was an interpreter nearby. When the shepherd heard the cry, he didn't translate the original words, so he hurriedly pushed the little eunuch and shouted:

"Hurry up and save people, brother, they are going to do something!"

The little eunuch had practiced a good kung fu, and he rushed over when he heard the word "whoosh".As soon as the executioner raised the beheaded head with a single stroke, the little eunuch's vajra sword just arrived, and there was a sound of "puchi", and two holes were poked in the stomachs of the two executioners.When the knife fell, it no longer had artificial strength, but with the effect of inertia, the tip of the knife brushed against the tip of U'er Sultan's nose and fell to the ground.

Without delay, the little eunuch cut off the ropes that bound Ur Sultan with one hand, and with the other hand drew the stolen sword from his back, raised the sword and shouted:

"Here is the Vajra Sword, I am Shan Yu!"

Although the shepherd was nimble, he was not as skilled as the little eunuch, so he kept a little distance from him, and when the little eunuch yelled, he shouted as before, and both of them called himself Shan Yu.Si Ri Gu Leng was quick-witted, pointing at the little eunuch and yelling in Mandarin:

"The one who holds the sword is the real Shanyu!"

The audience was in an uproar immediately.

On the main stage, Shan Yuwang also hurriedly pulled out the Vajra Sword he was carrying from his waist. When he saw it, it was a sharp knife, which caused the audience to roar with laughter.

King Shanyu shouted angrily, "Those people are thieves who stole my sword. They are Han people. They must be spies. Don't trust these Han people. If you kill them, I will make him Marquis of Wanhu!"

Immediately, countless fan soldiers rushed towards the little eunuch and the others, the first few were hacked to death by Zhang Facun, Huang Ren and others, but they gathered more and more.Just at this time, people suddenly shouted outside the scene: Zhu Linzong and Xiao Tianlei have brought reinforcements.

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