Merry Eunuch Lang

Chapter 119 The Pretty Queen's Feast 7 Heroes

Zhu Linzong opened the way in front of his horse's head, the two yin and yang hammers, one copper and one iron, are very good!If you encounter death, if you suffer injury, if you don't lose a layer of skin, you are lucky.He walked around the execution ground, at least a hundred or ten heads fell to the ground.Just now Fan Wang's soldiers saw that there were only five or six people making trouble, so they ran to suppress it. Who knew there was a large army behind, it turned out that they had premeditated it!

The main reason for this incident was that King Fan was not mentally prepared. He thought that the big deal would be to kill a deposed queen. What's the fuss?Isn't the beheading just a formality, what else is there to take care of when the power is in hand?Who knew there was such a big mess?The Vajra sword in King Fan's own hand was also replaced by a richly decorated pig-killing knife. How decent is this?The execution ground has become a slaughterhouse, the original security force is no match for the sneak attack force at all, the prince's main force is in different places, and now they are urgently ordered to send troops to rescue him immediately, where to find it, is it easier said than done?

Seeing that the general situation was over, King Fan looked around and ran away, only the Han princess was left beside him. He asked with a wry smile:

"Why don't you run?"

The princess was weeping, mourning and mourning: "My family is alone and defected to the prince. I can't be with the prince every day when I am alive. I hope that I can be buried with the prince after death."

King Fan was deeply moved, and said happily: "There are confidante in the world, and I have Princess Zhenlie, this life is enough!" Then he pulled out the dagger that he had mistaken for the Vajra Sword, kissed himself and died.

(Author's Note: This princess is not very human, and her legendary story will be specifically mentioned in later chapters, so let me explain it here)

Wu'er Sultan had already regained her vitality at this time. Fortunately, she had taken the antidote in advance yesterday, and most of the toxicity in her body was removed. She took the real diamond sword from the eunuch from a young age, and was surrounded by a group of brothers and walked up to the central rostrum. Women's Shanyu shouted loudly:

"The anti-king is dead, don't ask about the rest, those who surrender will not die!"

Which one of the generals and leaders who follow the anti-king is not afraid of death?All of a sudden, a large area fell to their knees on the execution ground.A few thieves and generals were just about to sneak out through the back door, but Chifa Tanghou caught him straight, borrowed the little eunuch's sharp gun, and shot several times in succession, stabbing many holes.The rest of the people couldn't see their heads, and hurried back into the room, prostrating on the ground and begging the queen to spare her life.

Uer Sultan quickly cleaned up the mess. The country cannot be left without a master for a day, and the army cannot be without a commander for a day.Open the prison door wide, and amnesty the world, especially the old ministers and generals detained in the prison, all the officials were restored to their positions.One day, when the court was discussing matters, a door official came to report that there was a woman dressed as a Han peasant woman leading the little prince and princess to see him in front of the palace gate.The queen was overjoyed, she stood up and went down the steps to greet her in person, mother and son hugged their heads and cried loudly.After weeping enough, the queen remembered and pointed to Batu and Ulan:

"Pan Junan, Pan Xiaoan, come and kowtow to the king!"

The little eunuch and the little doll have seen each other before, but because they were born in the emperor's family, others often kowtow to them, why did they kowtow to others?One is that the Queen Mother's order has to be obeyed, and the other is that the two of them felt sincerely kind when they saw the person in front of them, so they bowed down to the ground and said in a non-standard way:

"Hello, father!"

The little eunuch was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes. He killed countless people in his life, but he never killed innocent people.In order to usurp the throne, this dog fan king almost killed these two little guys. This is his own flesh and blood!If that really happened, how would he face it?He hurriedly bent down to pick up one in each hand, kissed left and right, and said with a naive smile:

"Don't call me Wang Ye, just call me Daddy."

His teardrops fell on the little cheeks of the two dolls. He didn't want people to see them, but in the end they did.



"I called first!"

"I called first!"

The two children had a verbal battle, refusing to give in to each other, and they were in a fierce fight.Competitive and unyielding, he may be Pan Youan's second or third when he grows up.

The little eunuch called all his brothers to him, put the baby on the ground, and said:

"Jun'an Xiao'an, these are your six uncles, get down and kowtow to your uncles."

The six of them didn't dare, and evaded, saying: "Brother, we are very satisfied with calling Uncle, this doll is still young, so I don't need to knock my head!"

The two little dolls were still hesitating, but the little eunuch said without a doubt:


The queen mother also chimed in: "Knock!"

The little prince and the little princess kowtowed six times in one go, a total of twelve.The two little guys have lived for more than five years, and this is the first time they kowtow so many heads.

The six of them fumbled in their pockets for money to give some souvenirs to their nephews and nieces, but they found nothing after fumbling for a long time.The little eunuch smiled and said:

"Brothers, please forgive me. What kind of kindness is it to save their mother, son, mother and daughter from the brink of death? I want these two little guys to never forget their uncles for the rest of their lives!"

Wu'er Sultan ordered people to take the two dolls to the mansion, and then asked the Han woman, saying:

"Who are you, how do you know the whereabouts of the little prince and princess?"

"My family used to be a princess, and I served King Fan (Fan) for several days. King Fan (Fan) wanted to kill the little prince and princess, so I hid it privately."

Zhang Facun and Huang Renjian said that after a closer look, it was indeed the woman who slept with King Fan that night.Then asked:

"Since you have the heart to protect the little prince, it is also considered that you have done good deeds with great merit. Then let me ask you, why did you burn the antidote that night when you rebelled against the king? Didn't our sister-in-law die after burning the antidote?"

"It's not burned! What I burned was the bag containing the medicine and a lock of my hair. If you don't believe me, look, the medicine is still here!" After finishing speaking, the Han woman took out a paper bag from her sleeve.

Zhang Facun went over to open it and saw that it was the piece of shit he put in, so he threw it on the ground and said with a smile:

"It's commendable for all your hard work, this medicine is fine, this is the shit I secretly changed that night."

"No wonder I smell something wrong?" the Han woman muttered.

The queen said: "Although you have done things for bad people, you are still a good person after all. How about this? I will reward you with 100 taels of gold. Go home and honor your parents!"

"I don't want gold or silver. I just want to stay in Fandi and marry a Fandi for the rest of my life." The woman insisted.

The queen asked again to look carefully, but the woman just bowed her head in silence.Wu'er Sultan lost his mind, the little eunuch thought of someone and said:

"Dan'er, there is one person who contributed a lot to this operation, why don't you reward this woman to him!"

Wu'er Sultan asked who it was, and the little eunuch told the story of the shepherd, and the queen ordered Xuansi Rigulen to enter the palace urgently.The shepherd came in in a panic, not knowing who to kowtow to first, and dared not look up, so he flopped on the ground and said:

"The servant greets the prince and queen!"

Wu'er Sultan left his seat, walked down the steps to help him up himself, and comforted him: "Brother Siriguleng, this time my husband-in-law, General Pan, and the others are all thanks to your care, and they would have nowhere to live if it wasn't for you, and you risked your life." Cover them. Your contribution is the greatest, and I will reward you with 1000 taels of gold!"

The four wheels hurriedly shook their hands and said, "No, no, if Lord Pan hadn't rescued me from the pack of wolves, I wouldn't be where I am today. My life is his. He can do whatever he wants me to do. If you want to reward me, reward Pan." Lord!"

"What a benevolent shepherd!" The little eunuch couldn't help praising, "Four big brothers, since you don't want a reward, this woman will give you a wife!"

The little eunuch pointed to the Han woman standing beside him, Si Rigulen hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice:

"I'm fine, I'm afraid your sister-in-law can't justify..."

Wu'er Sultan took over the conversation and said: "I will do the work of my sister-in-law, and you will work in front of me from now on. Go to the palace first and be the general manager!"

Si Ri Gu Leng was overjoyed, and turned his head to bow down again. The Queen smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, excuse me, we will be a family in the future, and we don't care about etiquette, so please don't be so polite."

On that day, Uer Sultan held a banquet to reward all the heroes.A total of seven or seven 49 tables were set up, but the first table was particularly eye-catching. The little eunuch and Wu'er Sultan sat firmly on the table, and the following two sides were Zhang Facun, He Laowu, Xiao Tianlei on the left, Huang Ren, Chi Fatang, and others on the right. Zhu Linzong, the next head is four wheels.

Uer Sultan said: "I have grown up so much, I have never sat and drank with people below the throne. Today, I was taught by my husband, so I know how to treat people. If I had known this, the rebellion of the king brother would not have happened. Yes. If you want capable people under your command, you have to pay them with your heart. There is an old saying among us Han people, "Don't doubt a man who is suspicious, but don't doubt a man who employs him." Is this the truth?"

Everyone nodded in praise.

The little eunuch explained: "It can be said like this, but we Han people have a saying that 'the four seas are all brothers'. If you regard the people around you and even the whole country as your own brothers in the future, everything will be fine. done."

The queen said little by little: "My husband is right. Where did you learn these principles?"

"It turns out that I didn't understand either. After I walked out of the deep palace, I learned."

Wu'er Sultan wanted to ask questions, but the little eunuch stopped him and said, "Don't talk, don't talk, today is the day for dinner, your sister-in-law treats us, don't eat for nothing!"

Everyone laughed.

Everyone raised their wine glasses to respect sister-in-law, and Uer Sultan smiled and said:

"It's really unreasonable. If it's not your elder brother, I will die. I should respect your elder brother!"

The little eunuch refused, so the husband and wife drank a cup of wine, and they drank each other.

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